Hi there, I just wanted to let you know why I removed much of your new writing from the Sodastream article. While it was very well written and sourced, I felt it went too far (WP:UNDUE) into the details of the land disputes for an article about a goods manufacturer. Articles on the Israeli settlement or Occupied Palestinian Territories would be more appropriate for the level of detail you wish to write about. If you have any questions about anything, just reply below and I'll respond, Sepsis II (talk) 15:24, 3 February 2014 (UTC)Reply

In that case the second paragraph of Palestinian controversyshould be deleted as it implies that all the land covered by Ma'ale Adumim was appropriated with the inhabitants evicted. However Wikipedia's own page, Ma'ale Adumim (Land ownership and the Peace Now revisions) gives different information. They cannot both be the case. And, as you say, is the original political statement suitable for an article about a goods manufacturer? --Drothenberg (talk) 16:00, 3 February 2014 (UTC)Reply
Right, the second paragraph could be misread if some of the land the settlement is on was not taken from a town. I'm at work, no time to check about that if. I'm not sure I understand your last sentence, but in general, sources must put A (sodastream) and B (land ownership) together for us - see WP:COATRACK, also we need to keep some balance in articles, I thought the Palestine section was getting very large, absolutely and relative to the article's other sections. Sepsis II (talk) 17:06, 3 February 2014 (UTC)Reply

February 2014



You may be interested in leaving a comment on a related topic in Talk:List of countries where Arabic is an official language. Best, --Precision123 (talk) 20:09, 3 February 2014 (UTC)Reply