User talk:Hectorian/Songs about Smyrni

Latest comment: 17 years ago by Hectorian

Hi Hectorian,

Yesterday you wrote that Turks of Morea had been repatriated by the treaty of Lausanne. You are really history-ignorant. There is a century gap between Morea Genocide and Lausanne. (1821-1924) I'm sending you GREEK websites, where this genocide is PROUDLY explained. Maybe you shame on you or continue to ridicule those innocent souls. Your decision.

And I'm sure those people also had musics, songs and stories. Can you share them with me please?—The preceding unsigned comment was added by Mmorgil (talkcontribs) 09:21, 31 October 2006 (UTC)

Hi. Firstly, were did i wrote that Turks of Morea had been repatriated by the treaty of Lausanne? U are mistaken, cause i did not say it. The sites u showed me, apart from not been academic, do not even support your claims! The first is an article of Wikipedia, in which u added your pov... do not present your edits as "proof" of historic facts. btw, wikipedia articles cannot be used as sources for other wikipedia articles. the second one is from Bouboulina's museum. There is no referenses about which historian said this (if anyone has)-presenting to me a greek site, won't make me believe that u are right... As in every nation, also among the greeks there are also nationalists, willing to exagerrated on everything. The third site is an article written by a member of 'fortunecity', for crying out loud! u call it 'a source'? so, lets see: the armed garisson of 9 thousands (id est Turks) and further down Among the Turks was Hursit's harems, but also there were eminent Greeks who were kept as hostages, although few of them survived (the harems survived, as the sources u support claim. but the Greek hostages did not-u know who saved the harems (Bouboulina) and who killed the hostages (Hursit)...). then it goes on saying About 15000 turks were slaughtered (note 1: 9,000 Tripolis' garison, note 2: how many were the Ottoman militants who gathered there from other places of the Peloponnese, since Tripolis was the last to fall on greek hands? note 3: 9,000+unknown number of soldiers=? where there any civilians dead? we know for sure that the harems and their children were saved... additional note: the harems were made up of greek slave girls, as this was the practice-why do u count them among the Turks?). Later on about Kolokotronis: Later somebody showed him the plane tree were the turks were hanging the rayas. 'Who knows how many of my clan have benn hanged om this tree?' . A revolution against the persecutor, against the conquer, that is what it was.

When u had vandalized that subpage of mine [1], u wondered why "half" (huh?) of Greece has turkish surnames. the answer is simple: the surnames in greece are mainly former nicknames. the surnames were listed after the greek war of independance, since before that time, the only thing that the ottoman rulers cared about was to greedily collect taxes. that's why they called the greeks by nicknames they invented. no archives existed regarding how the greeks called themselves. and those that had existed for centuries had been burnt down. other greeks changed their surenames out of fear to be murdered (e.g. former Greek president Costis Stephanopoulos and former Clinton's advisor George Stephanopoulos have their paternal roots to the only surviving child of the last Comnenian Emperor of Trapezount (his name was Stephanos)... Trying to hide their roots from their authorities to escape death, my friend... If u don't believe me and u think that this reflects turkish origins (lol), then, i guess u believe that José Sócrates, the Portuguese PM is Greek (he has a greek surname, right?). also, Angela Merkel is Greek too (cause she has a greek first name)... BTW, is Ahmet Necdet Sezer non-Turk? his last name is Latin (Caesar)... LOL

As for the songs, i do not know turkish, so i have no idea of what your songs say and of what they are about. maybe u can search for it... it is none of my interests. Regards Hectorian 13:09, 31 October 2006 (UTC)Reply

Names and Izmir


Ahmet Nezcet Sezer's name comes from turkish verb "sez-mek" meaning to feel, thus sezer means "the one who feels". Stealing our foods like kavourma, pastourma, or dolma (look they all end with -ma suffix, making name from verb) is not enough to make comments about turkish names.

In your answer in my discussion page accept that greek nationalists like you can corrupt historical data's. Good. :-) A progress for you. A typical greek behaviour. When something is against greece, it cannot be true under any circumstance.

And some words about greeks of Izmir. They used to live in the region under turkish reign for 500 years. They would continue to live too. Unless greek attackted Turkey in 1919. your imperialism is guilty for the loss of Anatolia. And those Izmir greeks attacked their own turkish neighbours and cooperated with invaders. When you betray a country you must leave it. Like french people say for France: AIMEZ LA OU QUITTEZ LA. Capish????

Hectorian, you are poisoned with greek nationalism. I dont say that in an agressive, hostile matter. It's opposite of hate what I feel. I, unlike you, even believe in the friendship of our countries. But when we see people like you, who are intellectual, educated but HOSTILLY obsessed with us, there is no hope.

Allthough you are a standart type of your race, you can contact me from in MSN. I'll wait and am ready to share any kind of information in a friendly mood.

Regards and Bye.—The preceding unsigned comment was added by Mmorgil (talkcontribs) 13:55, 31 October 2006 (UTC)

U may ask your fellow turkish wikipedians if i am hostile to the Turks... I have talked with many of them and in a very possitive and calm way. i think i have made them understand me true feelings: i have nothing against the people of Turkey. said it a thousand times and i will continue to do so. Politics and generals and Greay Wolves are things seperated in mind mind by the vast majority of the Turks. apparently, u disagree on that... so, it is pointless to reply on your comments... Hmmm, maybe just on one of them (the one that made u everyone with basic knowledge of linguistics can invent a folk etymology, look: Karamanlis: ancient greek word 'kara' (κάρα=head, attested in Homer, Sophocles, Aeschylus, etc)+english word 'man'+li (chinese surname)+s (the last letter in every greek male name). enjoy some pseudo-science!(i did enjoy yours, btw...) Bye Hectorian 16:02, 31 October 2006 (UTC)Reply

Gray Wolfes


Your knowledge about turkish nationalism is a bit sterotypical. Yes, MHP was very agressive in the past but its not the only source. Especialy after EU attacks and imperialist interventions in last 10 years caused a very serious nationalist enlightining in Turkey. Today all people, escpecially young ones, from leftists to rights wings focusing in national affairs and questioning globalism, EU-USA imperialism.

Greece, as a tool and puppet of this imperialist block, is being used in the matter you wrote "we like you but not the state". So turks can exist in the world if they are always being controlled by others, or if they are minorities in severeal countries. That reminded me Malcolm X's famous quote "Whites love blacks only in olympic games" or the famous greek proverb "the good turk is a dead turk"

The EU invented political agression is based on seperating the turkish people and their state from each other, provoking etnic and religous paradoxes and condemning Turkey to a chaos and loss of power. Creatures like you may dream that our nation will give up its patriotism and love to its land due to some mother f..king eu bureaucrats and politicians. We will never and never, under any circumstance give up for our naitonal interests. For today this belief was under the monopol of MHP, but today people from all fractions are gathering at this common point; defending the country again foreign political and social interventions.

Turkish foregin policy is very soft agaist greece. Turkey doesnt apply visa to Greece, allows people from South Cyprus (tell me Republic of Cyprus and make me smile, please) to enter Turkey. Collobrators like AKP may try to sell the country to EU and Greece, they will get an answer from people soon.

And if you "like" turkish people, as you say in one of your answers to me; I wonder how the turk haters in greece are?—The preceding unsigned comment was added by Mmorgil (talkcontribs) 19:56, 31 October 2006 (UTC)

U have no idea of what u are talking about... Can't see any reason for the discussion to continue... Hectorian 20:37, 31 October 2006 (UTC)Reply