

Hello, ManinderSingh08, and welcome to Wikipedia! While efforts to improve Wikipedia are always welcome, unfortunately your contributions are not written in an English that is good enough to be useful. You appear to be more familiar with Punjabi; did you know there is a Wikipedia in Punjabi? You may prefer to contribute there instead. In any case, welcome to the project, and thank you for your efforts! If you need help, please feel free to notify me on my talk page. — rsjaffe 🗣️ 08:07, 11 October 2022 (UTC)Reply

Sorry, but your user page does not conform to Wikipedia's user page guidelines. It is intended for basic information about yourself, your interests and goals as they relate to editing Wikipedia; as well as disclosures of conflicts of interest and paid editing. Although a lot of freedom is allowed in personalizing your user page, it is not:
The user page guidelines have additional information on what is and what is not considered acceptable content. Thank you. — rsjaffe 🗣️ 15:43, 11 October 2022 (UTC)Reply