Wikipedia:Knowledge gaps in women's health/Missing articles
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This page contains existing and missing articles on Wikipedia, relevant for women's health. This list has been collated by gathering keywords from the glossaries of various textbooks related to gynecology, obstetrics and women's rights using OpenRefine. Articles that do not yet exist on Wikipedia are seen as redlinks. Please note that not all redlinks are missing articles, some of them already have an article in a slightly different or another name. Please search for existing articles before attempting to create an article from one of the redlinks given below.
edit- A wave
- A/B ratio
- A/E ratio
- abdominal circumference
- Abdominal pain
- abdominal wall
- abdomino-thoracic pressure gradient
- abnormal uterine bleeding
- Abortion
- Abruptio placenta
- absence uterus
- absence vagina
- abuse
- acanthosis nigricans
- Access to health care
- Accessory nipples
- Acculturation
- ACE inhibitor
- acidemia
- acne inversa
- Acne
- acoustic artifact
- acoustic impedance
- acoustic power
- acoustic shadow
- Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
- acrochordia
- Actinomyces israeli
- actinomycin
- activated factor VIIa
- active ventricular filling phase
- Activities of daily living
- Acupuncture
- acute abdomen
- Acute fatty liver of pregnancy
- Acute myocardial infarction
- acute transfusion
- Addiction ethics
- Addiction
- Addison’s disease
- adenofibroma
- Adenomyosis
- adnexal mass
- Adolescence
- Adolescent
- Adoption
- adrenal disease
- adrenal gland
- adrenal insufficiency
- Adrenal rest tumor
- adrenal tumour
- Adrenarche
- Adultery
- Advance directives
- advanced life support
- advanced maternal age
- adverse perinatal outcome
- Advocate
- Affirmative action
- African American
- aftercare
- age at pregnancy
- Age spots
- Ageism
- agonist cycles
- Agoraphobia
- airway problems
- Alcohol use
- alcohol
- Alcoholism
- alfuzosin
- aliasing
- allergic contact urticaria vulva
- allograft function
- alloimmunization
- Alopecia
- alpha agonists
- alpha thalassaemia
- Alpha-fetoprotein screening
- Alternative medicine
- Alternative treatment
- Alveolar carcinoma
- Alzheimer’s disease
- Ambiguous genitalia
- ambulation
- ambulatory urodynamics
- Amenorrhea
- amino caproic acid
- amitriptyline
- Amniocentesis
- Amnioinfusion
- amnion
- amnioreduction
- amniotic fluid assessment
- amniotic fluid densimetry
- Amniotic fluid embolism
- Amniotic fluid index
- Amniotic fluid volume
- amniotic fluid
- amniotomy
- Amphetamine
- anaemia
- anaesthesia
- anaesthetic management
- analgesia
- Analgesic rebound headache
- Anaphylactoid syndrome of pregnancy
- anaphylaxis
- anatomy
- anchoring
- ancillary instruments
- ancillary port placement
- Androgen insensitivity syndrome
- androgen insensitivity
- androgen secreting tumours
- Androgenic effluvium
- androgen
- anemic fetus
- Anencephaly
- aneuploidy
- angiogenesis
- angiokeratomata
- Angioneurotic edema
- angiotensin converting enzyme
- angiotensin II
- annular array
- anococcygeal body
- Anorectal fistula
- Anorexia nervosa
- anorexia
- Anorgasmia
- Anovulation
- Anovulatory uterine bleeding
- antagonist protocol
- antenatal care
- antenatal diagnosis and monitoring
- antenatal management
- antenatal screening
- antenatal strategy
- antenatal test
- antenatal visit
- Antepartum fetal testing
- anterior colporrhaphy
- anterior vaginal wall prolapse
- antibiotics
- antibody titer
- Anticoagulant therapy
- anticonvulsant management
- Antidepressants
- antiepileptic drugs
- antifibrinolytics
- antiphospholipid syndrome
- antisperm antibodies
- antral follicle count
- Anxiety disorders
- Anxiety
- aorta
- aortic blood flow
- aortic compression
- aortic stenosis
- aortic stroke volume
- APGAR score
- aphthae vulva
- Appendicitis
- arcuate artery
- aromatase inhibitors
- Arrhenoblastoma
- arrhythmias
- arterial Doppler
- arterioluminal vessel
- arteriovenous shunting
- artery waveform
- Arthritis
- Artificial insemination
- artificial urethral sphincter
- ascending uterine artery
- Asherman’s syndrome
- asphyxia index
- aspirin
- asplenia syndrome
- asplenia
- Assisted living
- Assisted reproduction
- Asthma
- asymmetric IUGR
- atherosis
- atopic illness
- atrial septal defect
- atrial systole
- atrio-ventricular block
- Atrophic vaginitis
- atrophy
- atropine
- Atypical glandular cell
- Atypical squamous cell
- Augmentation mammoplasty
- augmentation of labour
- augmentation
- Autoimmune disorders
- autonomy
- autoregression
- autosomal trisomy
- AVSD variations
edit- Back pain
- baclofen
- bacteraemic shock
- Bacterial endocarditis
- Bacterial vaginosis
- bacteriuria
- Ball pessary
- balloon artial septostomy
- Barrett’s syndrome
- Barrier contraceptive
- Bartholin’s gland
- Basal body temperature
- basal plate
- Bayes theorem and likelihood ratio
- Bayes theorem
- Beckwith Wiedemann syndrome
- Behavior therapy
- Behçet’s syndrome
- benign disease
- benign familial pemphigus
- benign lesion
- benign tumour
- Bereavement
- beta thalassaemia
- Beta-hCG
- betablockers in menopause
- bias
- biased assessment
- Bicornuate uterus
- bicycle ergometry
- Binge eating disorder
- biochemical measurements
- Bioethics
- Biofeedback
- biological change
- biophysical profile scoring
- Biophysical profile
- biopsy
- biotherapeutic targets
- biparietal diameter
- Bipolar disorder
- Birth control
- birth rate
- birth weight
- Bisexual
- Bishop score
- bisphosphonate
- Blackfan-Diamond syndrome
- bladder neck suspension procedure
- bladder neck suspension
- bladder
- Bleeding
- blighted ovum
- blood group
- Blood pressure
- blood sampling
- blood supply
- Body image
- Body mass index
- Body movement
- Bone density assessment
- Bonney test
- bony pelvis
- botulinum toxin
- bowel symptom
- brace suture
- brachial plexus injury
- bradykinin
- brain damage
- Breast augmentation
- Breast cancer
- breast engorgement
- Breast enlargement
- Breast examination
- Breast implant
- Breast milk
- Breast reconstruction
- Breast reduction
- Breast self-examination
- Breast-feeding
- Breast lump
- breast
- breastfeeding
- Breech birth
- breech presentation
- Brenner's tumor
- bronchopulmonary dysplasia
- bronchopulmonay sequestration
- brow presentation
- Bulimia nervosa
- bullous pemphigoid
- Burch colposuspension
- Bypass incontinence
- Byrne
edit- C/U ratio
- CA-125
- Caesarean scar of ectopic pregnancy
- Caesarean section
- calcitonin
- calcium channel antagonists
- calcium channel blockers
- Calcium supplement
- Calcium
- Call-Exner bodies
- camera and monitor system
- cAMP
- Canal of Nuck cyst
- canal of Nuck
- Cancer screening
- Cancer
- Candidiasis
- Cannabis
- Capacity
- capsaicin
- Caput succedaneum
- carboplatin
- carcinoma in situ
- carcinoma
- carcinosarcoma
- cardiac arrest
- cardiac arrythmia
- cardiac disorder
- cardiac investigations
- Cardiac syndrome X
- cardiac twin
- cardiogenic hydrops
- cardiogenic shock
- cardiology
- cardiomyopathy
- cardiorespiratory distress
- cardiothoracic ratio
- cardiotocography
- Cardiovascular disease
- cardiovascular system
- Care workforce
- care
- Career advancement
- Career satisfaction
- career
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Cataract
- caudal epidural block
- cavernous haemangioma vulva
- cefotetan
- cefoxitin
- ceftriaxone
- cell salvage
- cell therapy
- Cephalohematoma
- cephalopelvic disproportion
- cerclage
- cerebral circulation
- cerebral edema
- Cerebral palsy
- cerebral vein thrombosis
- cerebral-placental ratio
- cerebrovascular disease
- Cervical cancer
- cervical caps
- Cervical cerclage
- Cervical cryocautery
- cervical ectopic pregnancy
- cervical effacement
- cervical erosion
- cervical eversion
- cervical function
- Cervical incompetence
- Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia
- cervical length
- cervical metaplasia
- Cervical polyp
- Cervical polypectomy
- cervical pregnancy
- cervical ripeness
- cervical ripening
- cervical scar
- Cervical stenosis
- Cervicitis
- cervix
- Cesarean section
- chain reaction
- Chancres
- Chancroid
- Charismatic healer
- Chemical dependency
- chemoprophylaxis
- chemotherapy
- Chest pain
- Child abuse
- Child care center
- Child care
- Child custody
- Child
- childbirth injury
- Childbirth
- Chiropractic care
- Chiropractor
- Chlamydia screening
- Chlamydia trachomatis
- Chlamydia
- Chocolate cyst
- choice instrument
- choice method
- Cholecystitis
- Cholelithiasis
- Cholesterol
- chorioadenoma destruens
- Chorioamnionitis
- Chorioangioma
- Choriocarcinoma
- chorion frondosum
- chorion laeve
- chorion
- chorionic plate
- chorionic villous sampling
- Chorionic villus sampling
- chorionicity
- Chromosomal abnormality
- chromosomal anomaly
- chronic cervicitis
- Chronic fatigue syndrome
- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
- Chronic pain
- chronic pelvic pain
- chronic renal disease
- chronotropic response
- cicatricial pemphigoid
- circle of Willys
- circulation in neonates
- circulatory problems
- circus electric activity
- Civil rights
- clam cystoplasty
- classification of Cervicak Intraepithelial Neoplasia
- classification
- clear cell adenocarcinoma
- clear cell carcinoma
- clenbuterol
- Climacteric
- clindamycin
- clinical assessment
- clinical course
- clinical feature
- clinical finding
- clinical management guidelines
- clinical presentation
- clinical risk factor
- clinical risk scoring
- clinical symptom
- Clinical trials
- Clitoral index
- Clitoridectomy
- Clitoris
- clomifene citrate
- Club drug
- Clue cell
- Cluster headache
- coagulation
- coarctation aorta
- Cocaine
- coccyx
- Cockcroft Gault formula
- Codfish vertebra
- cognitive behavioural therapy
- cognitive change
- Cohabitation
- coital dysfunction
- coital symptoms
- colchicine
- Cold sore
- collapse
- Colon cancer
- Colonoscopy
- color artefact
- Colorectal cancer
- colour power Doppler
- Colposcopy
- combined oral contraceptive pill
- combined spinal epidural analgesia
- Comfort women
- common AV orifice
- common symptoms in pregnancy
- Complementary and alternative health
- complementary therapy
- Complete abortion
- complete heart block
- complete mole
- computed tomography
- condom
- conduct delivery
- Condyloma acuminata
- Condylomata lata
- confidence limit
- Confidentiality
- congenital abnormality
- Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
- congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation
- congenital diaphragmatic hernia
- congenital disorder
- congenital heart disease
- congenital infection
- Congenital syphilis
- Congestive heart failure
- Conn’s syndrome
- connexin
- conotruncal development
- Conservatorship
- Constipation
- constitutional delay
- constitutionally small fetus
- contact allergic eczema vulva
- Contact vulvitis
- continous wave Doppler
- continuation pregnancy
- Contraception
- contractility
- Contraction stress test
- contraindications to pregnancy
- cordocentesis
- Cornelia de Lange syndrome
- Coronary artery disease
- Coronary risk factors
- coronary fistula
- corticosteroid therapy
- corticotrophin releasing hormone
- Cosmetic surgery
- cost treatment
- counselling
- counting
- Couples therapy
- Courts
- coverage
- Coxsackie virus
- Crab lice
- Criminal justice
- crista dividens
- critical aortic stenosis
- critical cardiac malformations
- Crohn’s disease
- cryptorchidism
- Crystal methamphetamine
- cystic hydronephrotic kidney
- Cube pessary
- Cultural context
- Curanderos
- Cushing’s syndrome
- cutaneous manifestation
- cyanosis
- cycle suppression
- Cystadenocarcinoma
- Cystadenofibroma
- cystic fibrosis
- cystic lung malformation
- Cystic teratoma
- Cystitis
- Cystocele
- Cystometry
- Cystoscopy
- Cystourethrocele
- Cystourethroscopy
- cytogenetics
- cytology
- cytotrophoblast
edit- danazol
- darifenacin
- dating ultrasound scan
- Day care
- deciduomyometrial junction
- decision aids
- declining oocyte pool
- deeply infiltrating disease
- dehydroepiandrosterone
- dehydrogenase
- delivery
- Dementia
- demographics
- Dentistry
- Depression
- Dermatitis
- dermatoses
- Dermoid cyst
- desmopressin
- Determination of chorionicity
- Detrusor hyperreflexia
- Detrusor instability
- detrusor myectomy
- detrusor overactivity
- Developmental disabilities
- dextro-transposition
- diabetes insipidus
- Diabetes mellitus
- Diabetes
- diabetic complications
- diabetic nephropathy
- diabetic neuropathy
- Diabetic vulvitis
- diagnosis of miscarriage
- diagnostic tests
- diamniotic dichorionic gestation
- diamnotic gestation
- Diaphragm fitting
- Diaphragm
- diaphragmatic hernia
- diclofenac
- dicyclomine
- Diet
- Diethylstilbestrol
- diethylstilboestrol
- diffuse reflection
- dilatation
- Dilation and curettage
- Disability
- discordant growth
- discrimination
- disorders
- Disparities
- Dissociative identity disorder
- Disulfiram-like reaction
- diversity moral theory
- Diverticular disease
- Diverticulitis
- Diverticulosis
- Diverticulum
- Divorce mediation
- Divorce
- Domestic partnership
- Domestic violence
- dong quai
- donor insemination
- donor sperm
- donor twin
- Donovan body
- Donovanosis
- Dopple sampling
- Doppler flow study
- Doppler interrogation
- Doppler ultrasound
- Doppler velocimetry
- double aortic arch
- Douching
- Down’s syndrome
- Dowry
- doxazosin
- doxycycline
- drug ingestion
- drug therapy
- Duct ectasia
- Ductal carcinoma
- ductus venous blood flow
- duloxetine
- duration therapy
- dydrogesterone
- Dysfunctional uterine bleeding
- dysgerminoma
- Dysmenorrhea
- Dyspareunia
- Dysthymia
- Dysthymic disorder
- Dysuria
edit- early pregnancy
- early villous stage
- Eating disorder
- Ebstein's anomaly
- echovirus
- Eclampsia
- Ecstasy
- ectopic anal opening
- Ectopic pregnancy
- ectopic ureter
- eczema vulva
- Eczema
- Edema
- effacement
- egg donation
- egg freezing
- Ehlers Danlos syndrome
- Eisenmenger’s syndrome
- ejaculatory failure
- elastic modulus
- Elderly
- electrocardiogram
- electrolyte balance
- electrolytes
- electromyography
- electronic monitoring
- electrosurgery
- electrosurgical generator
- Elephantiasis
- Embolism
- embryo transfer
- Embryogenesis
- embryology
- Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma
- emergency contraception
- emergency procedure
- emergency rescue cerclage
- emergency training
- empty sella syndrome
- encephalopathy
- end-diastolic flow
- end-diastolic velocity
- end-organ insensitivity
- ending procedure
- endocardial cushion effect
- endocarditis prophylaxis
- Endocarditis
- endocervical polyp
- Endocrine abnormality
- endocrine disease
- endocrine regulation
- endocrine system
- endocrine test
- endocrinology
- endodermal sinus tumour
- endometrial ablation
- Endometrial biopsy
- Endometrial cancer
- endometrial development
- Endometrial hyperplasia
- Endometrial implant
- Endometrial polyp
- Endometrial polyps
- endometrial sampling
- endometrial stromal sarcoma
- endometrial thickness
- endometrioid tumour
- endometrioma
- Endometriosis
- endometriotic cysts
- Endometritis
- Endometrium
- Endomyometritis
- endovascular trophoblast
- Energy healing
- enlarged uterus
- ensemble length
- Enterocele
- Enterovaginal fistula
- Environment
- Environmental health
- epidural analgesia
- epidural anesthesia
- epilepsy
- Episiotomy
- Epithelial stromal ovarian tumor
- epithelium
- Equal Rights Amendment
- erosive lichen planus
- erythema multiforme
- erythropoietin
- Escherichia coli
- establishing gestational age
- Estrogen replacement therapy
- Estrogen stimulation
- Estrogen
- ethamsylate
- Ethics
- Ethnicity
- etoposide
- eustachian valve
- Evans index
- evening primrose oil
- excessive exercise
- excision
- Exercise-induced asthma
- Exercise
- exomphalos
- experimental asphyxia
- external cephalic version
- extraamniotic saline infusion
- extragenital lesion
- extrathoracic cardiac displacement
- extravillous trophoblast
- Eye infection in neonates
edit- face presentation
- factor VIIa
- faecal incontinence
- fallopian tube
- fallopian tubes
- Fallot's tetralogy
- family
- fascia
- Fat necrosis
- favourable cervix
- Fecal occult blood test
- Fecundity
- Female circumcision
- Female genital mutilation
- female infertility
- female sexual arousal disorder
- Female sexuality
- female sterilization
- Female trouble
- Feminine ethics
- Femininity
- Feminism
- Feminist ethics
- femur length
- fentanyl
- Ferriman Gallwey Hirsutism Scoring
- fertility awareness methods
- fertility awareness
- fertility sparing surgery
- fertility
- Fertilization
- Fetal alcohol syndrome
- fetal alloimmune thrombocytopaenia
- fetal anomaly
- fetal asphyxia
- fetal assessment
- fetal blood sampling
- fetal blood viscosity
- Fetal breathing movement
- fetal cardiac antigen
- fetal cardiac output
- fetal complication
- Fetal development
- fetal fibronectin testing
- fetal glucagon
- fetal growth
- fetal heart rate monitoring
- Fetal heart rate
- fetal hyperdynamic circulation
- fetal hypoxia
- fetal in-utero surgery
- fetal insulin
- fetal membrane
- fetal monitoring
- fetal movement counting
- Fetal position
- fetal presentation
- fetal situs ambiguous
- fetal situs inversus
- fetal stress
- fetal surveillance
- Fetal testing
- fetal therapy in-utero
- Fetal tone
- fetal venous acidemia
- fetal venous flow
- fetal viability
- fetal wellbeing
- Fetish
- fetomaternal hemorrhage
- fetoplacental unit
- Fetus
- fibrin
- fibroadenoma
- Fibrocystic breast change
- Fibrocystic breast disease
- fibroid
- fibroma
- Fibromyalgia
- Fick principle
- FIGO scoring system
- first trimester
- Fistula
- Fitz Hugh Curtis syndrome
- fixed drug eruption
- flavoxate
- flow estimation
- flowmetry
- fluorescent in-situ hybridization
- flurbiprofen
- focal glomerular sclerosis
- folate deficiency
- Foley catheter
- Folic acid supplementation
- folic acid
- folinic acid
- follicle stimulating hormone
- follicular phase
- follicular rupture
- Folliculitis
- folliculogenesis
- Food and Drug Administration
- Foot care
- foramen ovale
- forceps delivery
- Forceps-aided delivery
- fourchette
- Fourier spectrial analysis
- frozen embryo replacement
- functional incontinence
- fundal perforation
- Furunculosis
- fusion anomaly
edit- gabapentin
- Galactocele
- Galactorrhea
- galactosaemia
- Gallbladder disease
- Gallstones
- gamete donation
- Gamete intra-fallopian transfer
- gamete intrafallopian tube transfer
- Gardnerella vaginalis
- Gartner’s duct cyst
- Gartner’s duct
- Gastritis
- gastrointestinal disorders
- Gastrointestinal fistula
- gastrointestinal system
- gastrointestinal tract
- Gastrointestinal tumor
- gastroschisis
- Gehrung pessary
- Gellhorn pessary
- gemeprost
- gender detection
- Gender differences
- Gender role
- Gender
- Generalized anxiety disorder
- Genetic counseling
- genetics
- genital cancers
- genital candidiasis
- Genital development
- Genital mutilation
- genital tract infection
- genital tract obstruction
- genital tract
- genomic imprinting
- gentamycin
- Germ cell tumor
- germ cell
- gestational age
- Gestational diabetes
- Gestational trophoblastic disease
- gestrinone
- Giant cell arteritis
- giant venous ectasia
- Gingivitis
- ginkgo biloba
- Girl
- glomerular filtration rate
- glomerulonephritis
- Glucose testing
- glucose tolerance
- glycaemia
- glycosylated hemoglobin
- GnRH agonists
- GnRH analogues
- GnRH deficiency
- GnRH
- Goiter
- gonadal agenesis
- gonadal development
- gonadal dysgenesis
- gonadotrophin releasing hormone
- gonadotrophin
- Gonococcal conjunctivitis
- gonococcal vaginitis
- Gonorrhea
- Goodsall-Salmon law
- Granuloma inguinale
- Granulosa cell tumors
- granulosa cell
- Graves’ disease
- groin node imaging
- Groove sign
- group B streptococcus
- growth hormone
- Guardianship
- Gumma
- gynaecological oncology
- gynaecological problem
edit- haematocolpos
- haematology
- haemoglobin
- haemolytic disease of the newborn
- haemolytic uraemic syndrome
- Haemophilus ducreyi
- Haemophilus influenzae
- haemorrhage
- haemorrhoids
- Hailey disease
- Hair care
- Hair loss
- Hair removal
- Harm reduction
- hCG injection
- head circumference
- Headache
- Healer
- health and spirituality
- Health beliefs
- Health care reform
- health care
- Health insurance
- Health maintenance organizations
- Health rights
- Heart attack
- heart block
- heart disease
- heart murmurs
- heart rate
- heart
- Heartburn
- heat-shock protein
- heavy menstruation
- Helicobacter pylori infection
- Helicobacter pylori
- HELLP syndrome
- Hematocolpos
- hematocrit
- Hematoma
- Hematometra
- Hematosalpinx
- Hematuria
- Hemolysis
- Hemorrhoids
- heparin treatment
- hepatic vein
- Hepatitis
- hermaphrodite
- Hermaphroditism
- Heroin
- Herpes genitalis
- Herpes simplex virus
- herpes simplex
- heterogeneity
- heterotopic pregnancy
- Hidradenitis suppurativa
- High blood pressure
- high risk disease management
- Hip fracture
- Hirsutism
- Hispanic
- histology
- Historical context
- History
- Homans’ sign
- home birth
- Home providers
- Homelessness
- Homeopathy
- Homicide
- Homophobia
- Homosexuality
- hormonal changes
- hormonal contraception
- hormonal treatment
- Hormone replacement therapy
- Horney
- Hospice
- Hospital
- hour glass uterus
- Huhner-Sims test
- human chorionic gonadotropin
- Human Fertilisation and Embryology
- Human immunodeficiency virus
- Human papillomavirus
- Human rights
- Hutchinson’s teeth
- Hydatidiform mole
- hydrodissection
- hydronephrosis
- hydrosalpinges
- Hydrosalpinx
- hydrothorax
- hydroxyprostaglandin
- hygiene
- hymen
- hymenal stenosis
- hyperandrogenism
- Hyperbilirubinemia
- hypercapnia
- Hypercholesterolemia
- Hyperemesis gravidarum
- hyperemia
- hyperglycaemia
- hyperglycosylated hCG
- hypergonadotrophic hypogonadism
- hyperlactemia
- Hyperlordosis
- Hypernephroma
- hyperosmolar glucose
- hyperparathyroidism
- hyperplasia
- hyperplastic vulvar dystrophy
- hyperprolactinaemia
- hypertension and preeclampsia
- Hypertension
- hypertensive disease
- Hyperthyroidism
- Hypertrichosis
- hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
- Hypertrophic vulvar dystrophy
- Hypnosis
- hypoadrenalism
- Hypochondriasis
- hypoglycaemia
- hypogonadism
- hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism
- hypoprotenemia
- hypothalamic causes of infertility
- hypothalamus
- Hypothyroidism
- hypovolemia
- hypoxia
- hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy
- Hysterectomy
- Hysteria
- hysterocontrast sonography
- hysterosalpingo-contrast sonography
- Hysterosalpingogram
- hysterosalpingography
- hysteroscope
- Hysteroscopy
edit- iatrogenic
- ibuprofen
- idiopathic arterial calcification
- Idiopathic environmental intolerances
- IgA nephropathy
- illnesses
- imipramine
- immigrant health
- Immigrant
- immune dysfunction
- immune thrombocytopaenic purpura
- Immunization
- Immunizations
- immunosuppressive therapy
- Imperforate hymen
- in-vitro fertilization
- Incest
- Incomplete abortion
- Incontinence
- individual patient risk
- indomethacin
- induced abortion
- induction of labour
- Inevitable abortion
- infection
- inferior vena cava
- Infertility Prevention Act
- Infertility
- Infibulation
- inflammatory disease
- Informed consent
- infundibulopelvic ligament
- Inhalant abuse
- Inheritance
- inhibin A
- inhibitor
- injectable
- Injection drug use
- injuries
- innervation
- insertion of ancillary ports
- Insertional dyspareunia
- Insomnia
- instrumental vaginal delivery
- insufflator
- insulin resistance in pregnancy
- insulin sensitizing agents
- insulin-like growth factors
- insurance
- integrated multidisciplinary care
- integration control pathways
- intellectual development
- Intermenstrual bleeding
- intersex disorders
- Intersexuality
- interstitial cystitis
- interstitial ectopic pregnancy
- interstitial trophoblast
- interval debulking
- intervention radiology
- intervillous blood flow
- intervillous space
- intestinal obstruction
- intracerebral bleeding
- Intracytoplasmic sperm injection
- Intraductal papilloma
- intramural trophoblast
- intraovarian blood flow
- intrapartum care
- intrapartum management
- intrauterine contraceptive device
- intrauterine contraceptive
- Intrauterine device
- Intrauterine growth restriction
- Intrauterine insemination
- intrauterine management
- intrauterine system
- intravenous oxytocin
- intraventricular hemorrhage
- invasive fetal tests
- invasive mole
- invasive procedures
- iron deficiency
- Iron supplementation
- irregular antigen
- Irregular menstrual period
- Irritable bowel syndrome
- irritant dermatitis vulva
- ischial spine
- Isoimmunization
- isometrism
- isthmus flow
- Itch mite
- IUCD insertion
edit- Kallman syndrome
- kappa index
- Kartegener’s syndrome
- karyotype
- Kegel exercises
- Keilland’s forceps
- Keloids
- keratinous cyst
- Ketamine
- Klebsiella granulomatis
- Kleptomania
- Kraurosis vulvae
- Krukenberg tumor
- Kyphosis
edit- L-arginine analog
- labia majora
- labia minora
- labial adhesions
- Labor and delivery
- labour and delivery
- labour
- Lacerations
- Lactation
- lactational amenorrhoea
- lacunar stage
- laminin
- laparoscope
- laparoscopic colposuspension
- laparoscopic ovarian drilling
- laparoscopic suturing
- laparoscopy and hysteroscopy
- Laparoscopy
- large for gestational age
- laser hysteroscope
- Laser surgery
- laser
- Laxative
- leflunemide
- left atrial isomerism
- Leg vein thrombosis
- Legislation
- Leiomyoma
- leiomyosarcoma
- leptin
- Lesbian
- Leukemia
- Leukoplakia
- levator ani
- levo-orientation
- levonorgestrel
- LH surge
- Libidinal dysfunction
- Libido and desire
- Lichen planus
- Lichen sclerosus
- lichen simplex chronicus
- Lichenification
- Life expectancy
- Light therapy
- Lightner
- likelihood ratio
- Liley curve
- linea alba
- Liposuction
- Literacy
- Liver spots
- Living wills
- lochia serosa
- lochia
- Long term care
- longitudinal septum
- Lovset manoeuvre
- Low back pain
- lower uterine segment incision
- Lubricants
- Lumbar strain
- Lumpectomy
- Lung cancer
- Lung disease
- Lung transplantation
- lung
- lungs
- luteal low-impedance blood
- Luteal phase
- luteinizing hormone
- Lyme disease
- lymph node disease
- lymph nodes in vulval cancer
- lymphadenectomy
- lymphocytic hypophysitis
- lymphogranuloma venereum
- Lymphoma
edit- M-mode sonography
- MacKinnon
- macrosomia
- magnesium sulphate
- magnetic resonance imaging
- magnetic resonance lymphography
- malaria
- male accessory gland infection
- male genital tract imaging
- male infertility
- male intersex
- Malignancy
- malposition
- malpresentation
- Mammary duct ectasia
- Mammary glands
- Mammography
- Management of miscarriage
- Manic-depressive disorder
- Marfan syndrome
- Marijuana
- Marital status
- Marriage counseling
- Marshall-Marchetti test
- marsupialization
- Masculinity
- Massage
- Mastalgia
- Mastectomy
- Mastitis
- Mastodynia
- Masturbation
- maternal anemia
- maternal deaths
- maternal follow-up
- maternal hyperoxygenation
- Maternal mortality
- Maternal separation
- Mauriceau Smellie Veit manoeuvre
- maximal electrical stimulation
- mean arterial pressure
- mean blood glucose level
- mechanical heart valve
- Meckel syndrome
- Meckel’s diverticulum
- meclofenamic acid
- meconium aspiration
- meconium stained liquor
- mediastinal mass
- Medical malpractice
- medical therapy
- Medicine
- Meditation
- medroxyprogesterone acetate
- Medullary carcinoma
- mefenanic acid
- Meigs’ syndrome
- Melanoma
- membrane sweeping
- Menarche
- Mendelson’s syndrome
- meningitis
- Menopause
- Menorrhagia
- Menstrual cycle disorders
- menstrual cycle
- menstrual disturbance
- menstrual irregularity
- menstrual problem
- Menstruation
- mental health
- Mental illness
- meta-analysis
- metabolic syndrome
- metabolism
- Metastatic melanoma
- metformin
- methotrexate
- metronidazole
- Metroplasty
- microalbuminuria
- microbiological tests
- microbiology
- microcirculation
- microprolactinoma
- mid-trimester ultrasound markers
- midline vertical incision
- midstream urine sample
- midtrimester
- Midwifery
- mifepristone
- Migraine
- Military service
- milk ejection reflex
- milk production
- minimal access surgery
- Miscarriage
- misoprostol induced labour
- misoprostol
- Missed abortion
- mitral stenosis
- Mitral valve prolapse
- mitral waveform
- mixed acidemia
- mixed incontinence
- Molar pregnancy
- molecular genetics
- Mole
- Molluscum contagiosum
- Mondor’s disease
- Monilial vaginitis
- Moniliasis
- monoamniotic twins
- monochorionic twin
- monogenic disorders
- Mononucleosis
- mons pubis
- Mood disorders
- Morbidity
- Morning sickness
- morphine
- Mortality
- mother-infant bonding
- moxifloxacin
- mucinous cystadenoma
- Mucinous ovarian cyst
- Mulberry molar
- Müllerian inhibitor
- Müllerian tubercle
- multidisciplinary management
- multifetal pregnancy reduction
- multinucleated trophoblast giant
- Multiple chemical sensitivity
- Multiple gestation
- Multiple personality disorder
- multiple pregnancy
- Multiple sclerosis
- Music therapists
- Myasthenia gravis
- Mycobacterium tuberculosis
- Mycoplasma genitalium
- Mycoplasma hominis
- Myeloproliferative disorder
- myocardial contractility
- myocarditis
- Myofascial syndrome
- myometrial activation
- Myxedema coma
edit- Nabothian cyst
- Nail care
- naproxen
- Natural childbirth
- natural contraception
- Natural family planning
- Nausea
- near-infrared spectroscopy
- necrolytic migratory erythema
- necrotizing enterocolitis
- Needle aspiration
- Needle biopsy
- Neisseria gonorrhoeae
- Neonatal care ethics
- neonatal encephalopathy
- neonatal outcome
- neonatal unit
- neonate
- neovascularisation
- nerve supply
- neural tube defect
- neuraxial anaesthesia
- neurological condition
- neurological disorder
- neuromodulation
- Neuropathy
- neurotransmitter
- newborn infant
- Nicotine
- Nipple discharge
- Nipple
- niradozole
- nitrofurantoin
- non-functioning uterus
- non-invasive tests
- non-medical therapies
- non-RhD antibodies
- nonplacental uterine artery
- nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
- Nonstress test
- norethisterone
- normal pregnancy
- normal puberty
- normogonadotrophic hypogonadism
- Norwood procedure
- nuchal translucency
- nucleated red blood
- Nurse practitioner
- Nursing home
- Nutrition
- nutritional value
edit- Obesity
- oblique transverse section
- Obsessive compulsive disorder
- obstetric emergency
- obstetric intervention
- obturator internus
- odds ratio
- oesophageal atresia
- oestradiol
- oestrogen
- ofloxacin
- olfactogenital syndrome
- Oligohydramnios
- Oligomenorrhea
- oocyte retrieval
- Oophorectomy
- ophthalmia neonatorum
- Oral contraception
- Oral contraceptives
- Oral health
- Oral lesion
- orchitis
- Orgasmic dysfunction
- orthostatic stress
- Osteoarthritis
- Osteopenia
- Osteoporosis
- ostium
- outflow tract obstruction
- ovarian cancer screening
- Ovarian cancer
- Ovarian cyst
- Ovarian disorders
- ovarian ectopic pregnancy
- ovarian endometrioma
- ovarian enlargement
- ovarian failure
- Ovarian fibroma
- ovarian function
- ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome
- ovarian hyperstimulation
- ovarian pregnancy
- ovarian reserve
- Ovarian torsion
- ovary
- Overflow incontinence
- Ovulation
- ovulatory disorders
- Ovulatory dysfunction
- Oxford perinatal database
- oxidative damage
- oxybutynin
- oxygen carrying capacity
- oxygen partial pressure
- oxytocin antagonist
- Oxytocin challenge test
- oxytocin
edit- Pacemaker therapy
- paclitaxel
- pad test
- paediatrics
- Paget’s disease
- Pain control
- Pain management
- Pain
- Palmer’s point
- pancreas
- Panic attack
- Panic disorder
- Pap test
- papillary hidradenomata
- papillary serous carcinoma
- Parametritis
- parathyroid disease
- parathyroid gland
- parathyroid hormone
- Parenting
- Parkinson’s disease
- partial mole
- partography
- passive atrial filling
- patent arterial duct
- patent ductus arteriosus
- patent ductus venosus
- pathobiology
- pathogenesis
- pathology
- pathophysiology
- Pay satisfaction
- pediatric cardiac surgery
- pediatrics
- Pedophilia
- Peer relationships
- Pelvic examination
- pelvic floor muscle training
- pelvic floor
- pelvic infection
- Pelvic inflammatory disease
- pelvic kidney
- pelvic mass
- Pelvic organ prolapse
- pelvic organ
- Pelvic pain
- pelvic ultrasound
- pelvis
- pemphigoid gestationis
- pemphigus vulgaris
- Peptic ulcer disease
- perfusion state
- periarteritisi nodosa
- Perimenopause
- perinatal death
- perinatal infant death
- perinatal morbidity
- perinatal mortality
- perinatal outcome
- perinatal wastage
- Perineal laceration
- Perineal trauma
- perineometry
- Periodontics
- Peripartum cardiomyopathy
- peritoneal dialysis
- peritoneal endometriosis
- peritoneum
- Peritonitis
- peritrophoblastic blood
- Permanent makeup
- Personality disorders
- Pessary
- Pesticides
- pethidine
- phaeochromocytoma
- Pharmacists
- pharmacological alternative
- phenylketonutria
- Phobia
- Phototherapy
- physical abuse
- Physical examination
- physical health
- Physical therapy
- physiological adaptation
- physiological basis
- physiological change
- physiology
- phytoestrogens
- Piercing
- pigmentary change
- Pioneers
- pituitary disease
- pituitary gland
- Pituitary hyperplasia
- placenta accreta
- placenta increta
- placenta percreta
- placenta previa
- placental abruption
- placental bed biopsy
- placental bed lesion
- placental failure
- placental implantation
- placental inflammation
- placental regulation
- placental site trophoblast disease
- placental site trophoblast tumour
- placental vascular resistance
- placentation
- Plastic surgery
- platelet
- pleural effusion
- PLISSIT model
- plugging spiral artery
- pneumonia
- Pobo's method
- Polyamory
- polycystic disease
- polycystic kidney disease
- polycystic ovary syndrome
- polycystic ovary
- Polyhydramnios
- polymerase chain reaction
- Polymyalgia rheumatica
- polyp
- portal hypertension
- positron emission tomography
- Post-traumatic stress disorder
- Postcoital analysis
- Postcoital bleeding
- Postcoital test
- postdelivery management
- posterior vaginal wall prolapse
- posterior wall prolapse
- Postmenopausal vaginal bleeding
- postmenopausal period
- postnatal depression
- postnatal management
- postnatal psychosis
- postoperative congenital heart
- postoperative hormonal treatment
- Postpartum breast engorgement
- Postpartum depression
- Postpartum disorders
- postpartum haemorrhage
- postpartum infection
- Postpartum period
- postpartum respiratory failure
- Postpartum thyroiditis
- postpelvic surgery
- Posttraumatic stress disorder
- potassium channel opener
- potassium chloride
- pouch of Douglas
- Pourcelot index
- power-spectrum analysis
- prazosin
- Pre-eclampsia
- pre-implantation genetic diagnosis
- pre-implantation genetic screening
- pre-labour
- pre-lacunar stage
- pre-mature atrial contraction
- preanaesthesia assessment
- precipitate delivery
- Precocious pseudopuberty
- Precocious puberty
- precocious
- preconception counselling
- Preconceptional care
- predictive algorithm
- preecclampsia
- preeclampsia
- pregestational diabetes
- pregnancy reduction
- pregnancy related changes
- pregnancy termination
- pregnancy test
- Pregnancy-induced hypertension
- pregnancy
- preload index
- premature ovarian failure
- prematurity
- premenstrual disorder
- Premenstrual magnification
- Premenstrual syndrome
- premorbid fetal state
- prenatal diagnosis
- prepregnancy care
- prepuce
- pressure-volume relation
- pressure
- preterm birth
- preterm infants
- preterm labour syndrome
- preterm labour
- preterm prelabour rupture
- Primary dysmenorrhea
- Primary menorrhagia
- principle doubt effect
- Prison health
- Procidentia
- proctography
- progesterone receptor modulators
- progesterone
- progestogen
- prolactin
- prolactinoma
- prolapse
- prolonged pregnancy
- propantheline
- propiverine
- propranolol
- prostacyclin
- prostaglandin synthetase
- prostaglandin
- protective effect of breastfeeding
- Prozone phenomenon
- prune-belly syndrome
- Pruritus ani
- pseudodextrocardia
- Pseudomyxoma peritonei
- Pseudoprecocious puberty
- psoriasis vulva
- Psoriasis
- psychiatric disease
- psychiatric disorder
- psychological technique
- Puberty
- Pubic lice
- puborectalis muscle
- Puerperal infection
- puerperium
- pulmonary embolism
- Pulmonary hypertension
- pulmonary stenosis
- pulsatility
- pulse oximetry
- pyelectasis
- Pyelonephritis
- pyoderma gangrenosum
- pyosalpinx
edit- radial artery
- radiotherapy
- raloxifene
- Rape trauma syndrome
- Rape
- RCOG classification of perineal tear
- RCOG guidelines
- receiver operating characteristic
- receptor modulators
- Rectocele
- Rectovaginal fistula
- rectovaginal
- rectum
- Recurrent abortion
- recurrent miscarriage
- red cell alloimmunization
- red clover
- reflexology
- regional analgesia
- regulation fetal growth
- regurgitant valve disease
- releasing hormone
- remifentanil
- renal agenesis
- renal artery blood flow
- renal biopsy
- renal blood flow
- renal disease
- renal function
- renal hormones
- renal system
- renal tract abnormality
- renin-angiotensin system
- Reproduction
- reproductive ethics
- reproductive hazards
- Reproductive tract abnormality
- resectoscope
- resiniferatoxin
- resistant ovary syndrome
- respiratory acidosis
- Respiratory disease
- respiratory system
- respiratory tract
- resuscitation
- retinoic acid
- retinoid
- Rh disease
- Rh incompatibility
- Rhabdomyosarcoma
- rheumatic heart disease
- rheumatoid arthritis
- rheumatological condition
- Rhythm method
- right to procreate
- Ring pessary
- risk behavior
- risk factor
- Rokitansky syndrome
- Round-cell sarcoma
- rubella
- ruptured membranes
edit- sacrococcygeal teratoma
- sacroiliac joint
- sacrospinous ligament
- sacrotuberous ligament
- salbutamol
- Saline infusion sonohysterography
- saline infusion
- salpingectomy
- Salpingitis
- Sapheno-femoral valve failure
- sarcoma botryoides
- Sarcoma
- Scabies
- scleroderma
- Scoliosis
- sealed foramen ovale
- Sebaceous cyst
- seborrheic dermatitis vulva
- second trimester
- Secondary dysmenorrhea
- Secondary menorrhagia
- secondary postpartum
- Seizure
- selective noradrenaline reuptake
- selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor
- Semen analysis
- semen microbiology
- semilunar valve output
- semilunar valve
- sentinel node lymphoscintigraphy
- Septate uterus
- Septic abortion
- Septic thrombophlebitis
- septicaemia
- septum secundum
- serous cystadenoma
- Serous ovarian cyst
- Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor
- Sertoli-Leydig cell
- Sex cord tumor of ovary
- Sex
- Sexual abuse
- Sexual ambiguity
- Sexual assault
- sexual aversion
- sexual differentiation
- Sexual dysfunction
- sexual response
- Sexual therapy
- Sexual trauma
- Shake test
- Sheehan’s syndrome
- shock syndrome
- Shoulder dystocia
- shoulder presentation
- shunting surgery
- sickle cell disease
- side effect
- Sigmoidoscopy
- Silver Russell syndrome
- Simmonds disease
- sinus blood flow
- sinus bradycardia
- sinus dilatation
- sinus tachycardia
- sister chromatid exchange
- sling procedures
- small arterial vessel count
- small for gestational age
- small muscular artery
- smoking
- solifenacin
- Sonohysterography
- space-occupying intrathoracic lesion
- Spastic colitis
- spectral Doppler
- sperm donation
- sperm function test
- Sperm penetration assay
- spina bifida
- spinal epidural haematoma
- spiral artery
- spironolactone
- Spondylolisthesis
- spontaneous miscarriage
- spurious color flow signal
- squamocolumnar junction
- Squamous cell cancer
- Squamous cell hyperplasia
- Squamous intraepithelial lesion
- St John’s Wort
- Staphylococcus aureus infection
- static magnetic therapy
- statin
- Statutory rape
- stem cell therapy
- stenosis semilunar valve
- sterilization
- stillbirth
- Straddle injury
- Streptococcus pneumoniae
- Streptococcus pyogenes
- Stress incontinence
- stroke volume in pregnancy
- stromal blood flow
- Stromal ovarian tumor
- strontium ranelate
- structural uterine abnormalities
- subarotic stenosis
- subfertility
- Subgaleal hemorrhage
- subsequent fertility
- subtracted cystometry
- suction pump
- sudden infant death syndrome
- sulphasalazine
- superovulation
- supplementary assessment
- supraventricular extrasystole
- surfactant deficiency
- surgical sperm retrieval
- surgical treatment
- surrogacy
- sympathomimetics
- symphysis pubis
- symptom
- syncytial knot
- syncytiotrophoblast
- syndrome
- Synechia
- Syphilis
- syringomata
- systemic lupus erythematosus
edit- Tachycardia
- tamoxifen
- Tampon
- tamsulosin
- temperature control
- tension free vaginal tape
- Tension headache
- teratogen
- teratogenicity
- Teratomas
- terazosin
- terbutaline
- Testicular feminization syndrome
- testosterone
- tetralogy of Fallot
- thalassaemia
- Thebesian vein
- Theca cell tumor
- Thelarche
- third trimester
- Threatened abortion
- thrombocytopaenia
- thrombocytopenia
- thrombophilia
- thrombophilic defect
- Thrombophlebitis
- thromboprophylaxis
- thrombosis
- thromboxane A
- thyroid disease
- thyroid function
- thyroid gland
- Thyroiditis
- Thyroid stimulating hormone
- Thyrotoxic crisis
- Thyrotoxicosis
- thyrotropin releasing hormone
- Tietze’s syndrome
- Tinea capitis
- Tinea cruris
- tissue dissection
- tissue interdigitations
- tissue vascularity
- tocolysis
- tolterodine
- total peripheral resistance
- Toxemia of pregnancy
- toxic epidermal necrolysis
- Toxic shock syndrome
- toxoplasmosis
- tracheooesophageal fistula
- tranexamic acid
- transabdominal ultrasonography
- transabdominal ultrasound
- transaortic peak velocity
- transdermal cream
- transdermal glyceryl nitrate
- Transitional cell tumor
- transobturator sling procedure
- transplant rejection
- transpulmonic peak velocity
- Transvaginal ultrasonography
- transvaginal ultrasound
- transverse septum
- Transverse vaginal septum
- Trendelenburg-Brodie test
- Treponema pallidum
- triage
- Trichomonas vaginalis
- Trichomoniasis
- tricuspid regurgitation
- tricuspid waveform
- Trigger points
- Trigger-point injections
- Trigonitis
- triple test
- trisomy
- Trisomy 21 syndrome
- trophoblast disease
- trophoblast lineage
- trophoblastic cell columns
- trophoblastic flow
- trophoblastic migration
- trophoblasts
- tubal factor infertility
- tubal patency testing
- tuberculosis
- Tubo-ovarian abscess
- Tubo-ovarian cyst
- Turner syndrome
- Turner’s syndrome
- Twin gestation
- twin reversed arterial perfusion
- twin-twin transfusion syndrome
edit- ulcerating disorder
- Ulcerative colitis
- ultrasonic determination
- ultrasound assessment
- ultrasound biometry
- ultrasound measurement
- ultrasound screening
- ultrasound
- umbilical artery
- umbilical cord prolapse
- umbilical vein
- umbilical venous pulsation
- umbilicus
- unexplained infertility
- unfavourable cervix
- Unicornuate uterus
- uniform insonation method
- urachus
- Ureaplasma urealyticum
- ureter
- Ureterovaginal fistula
- urethra
- urethral bulking agent
- urethral caruncle
- urethral diverticulum
- urethral lesion
- urethral mucosal prolapse
- urethral pain syndrome
- urethral pressure profilometry
- urethral sling
- Urethrocele
- Urge incontinence
- urinary diversion
- urinary incontinence
- urinary retention
- Urinary tract fistula
- Urinary tract infection
- Urinary tract infections
- urinary tract
- urinary urgency
- urodynamic stress incontinence
- Urodynamic testing
- urodynamics
- Uroflowmetry
- urolithiasis
- Uterine agenesis
- uterine anomaly
- Uterine artery embolization
- Uterine atony
- uterine distension
- uterine fibroid
- uterine hyperstimulation
- Uterine inversion
- Uterine leiomyomata
- uterine packing
- uterine prolapse
- uterine rupture
- utero surgery
- uteroplacental insufficiency
- uterovaginal prolapse
- uterus
edit- vaccine
- vacuum delivery
- Vacuum-assisted delivery
- vagina
- Vaginal agenesis
- vaginal anomalies
- vaginal cancer
- vaginal cone
- Vaginal cyst
- vaginal delivery
- vaginal dilator
- vaginal gel
- vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia
- Vaginal laceration
- Vaginal prolapse
- Vaginal septum
- Vaginal trauma
- vaginal ultrasound screening
- vaginal vault prolapse
- vaginismus
- vaginoplasty
- Vaginosis
- valproate
- vanishing twin
- Variability
- varicocele
- Varicose vein
- vascular arrangement
- vascular resistance
- vascular reverse
- vasectomy
- vault prolapse
- velocimetry acidemia
- velocimetry hyperarbia
- velocimetry
- Venereal disease
- Venereal wart
- venous thromboembolism
- ventouse delivery
- ventricle filling
- ventricular compliance
- ventricular septal defect
- ventricular septum
- Veress needle
- Versapoint
- Vertebral compression fracture
- Vesicocervicovaginal fistula
- Vesicorectovaginal fistula
- vesicoureteric shunting
- Vesicouterine fistula
- Vesicovaginal fistula
- vestibular mucinous cysts
- vestibular papillomatosis
- Vestibulitis
- vestibulodynia
- vibroacoustic stimulation
- videocystourethrography
- villi
- villous stroma
- villous tree
- villous trophoblast
- vincristine
- viral lesion
- Virchow triad
- Virilization
- vitelline duct
- vitiligo vulva
- voiding cystometry
- vulva cancer
- vulva
- vulval anomaly
- vulval cancer
- Vulvar atrophy
- Vulvar cyst
- vulvar hematoma
- vulvar lesion
- Vulvar trauma
- vulvar vestibulitis
- vulvodynia
- vulvovaginitis
edit- warfarin
- Warts
- washout period
- weight gain
- weight loss
- weighted vaginal cone
- Whiff test
- Wickham’s straie
- Wolffian duct anomaly