Wikipedia:UK articles with co-ordinates but no image/Shetland Islands
- 1st meridian west in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- 2nd meridian west in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- 60th parallel north in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- Ancient Monuments Protection Act 1882 in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- Benie Hoose in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- Bluemull Sound in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- Brei Holm in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- Breiwick Burn in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- Bressay transmitting station in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- Burra Voe in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- Burwick in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- Burwick Holm in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- Busta Voe in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- Cheynies in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- El Gran Grifón in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- Forsan, Shetland in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- Garrison Theatre in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- Green Holm in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- Gunnister in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- Hermaness in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- Keen of Hamar in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- Lerwick Power Station in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- Lerwick and Bressay Parish Church in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- Linga, Muckle Roe in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- Linga, Vementry in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of Special Protection Areas in Scotland in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Aa-Ak in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: As-Az in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Bab-Bal in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Bar in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Bas-Baz in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Bea-Bem in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Ben-Bez in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Bi in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Boa-Bot in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Bou-Boz in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Bra in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Bre-Bri in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Broo-Brt in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Bru-Bun in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Bur-Bz in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Ca-Cap in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Car-Cd in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Ce-Chap in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Cl-Cn in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Co-Col in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Com-Cor in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Cov-Coy in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Cra in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Cre-Croc in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Cru-Cu in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Da-Dam in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Ds-Dz in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: East A-East D in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: East E-East L in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: East M-East Y in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Ef-El in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Em-Ez in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Fa-Fe in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Ff-Fn in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Fo-Foz in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Fr-Fz in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Gao-Gar in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Ge-Gl in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Gm-Gq in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Gree-Gz in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Ha-Ham in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Han-Har in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Has-Hd in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: He-Hem in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Hen-Hh in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Highs-Hn in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Ho-Hoo in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Hop-Ht in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Hu-Hz in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: In-Ir in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Is-Ix in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Ka-Key in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Kip-Kz in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: La-Laz in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Lea-Lei in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Lel-Lez in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Lf-Litm in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Litn-Liz in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Lol-Lov in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Lu-Ly in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Ma-Maq in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Mar-Md in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Me-Mic in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Mid-Mig in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Mo-Mor in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Mos-Mz in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Na-Nev in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Ni-North G in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: North H-Nz in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Old H-Om in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: On-Oz in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Pab-Pap in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Po-Poz in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Q in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Ra-Ray in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Re-Rh in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Ri-Ror in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Ros-Rz in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Saa-Sanc in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Sand-Say in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Sb-Sf in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Si-Sm in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Sn-Souts in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: South in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Sow-Stao in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Stap-St N in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Sto-St Q in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Str-Stt in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Stu-Sz in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Ta-Tha in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: The-Thh in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Ti in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: To-Tq in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Tr-Tre in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Tri-Tz in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: U-Uppen in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Upper A-Upper H in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Upper I-Upper W in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Uppi-Uz in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: V in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Wa-Wal in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Wam-Way in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Wd-West End in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: West M-Wey in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Weste-West L in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Wha-Whitc in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: White in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: Wi-Win in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of United Kingdom locations: X-Z in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of extreme points of the United Kingdom in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of listed buildings in Bressay in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of listed buildings in Nesting, Shetland Islands in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of listed buildings in Northmavine, Shetland Islands in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of listed buildings in Sandsting in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of listed buildings in Walls And Sandness, Shetland Islands in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of onshore wind farms in the United Kingdom in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of shipwrecks in March 1940 in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of shipwrecks in September 1916 in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of shipwrecks in September 1917 in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of solar eclipses in the 15th century BC in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of solar eclipses in the 22nd century in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of solar eclipses in the 28th century in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- List of solar eclipses in the 9th century in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- Little Havra in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- Little Linga in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- MT Gustaf E. Reuter in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- Maiden Stack in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- Mailand, Shetland in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- Mareel in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- North Haven (harbour) in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- North Havra in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- Papa Little in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- Park Hall (laird's house) in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- Pettigarths Field Cairns in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- Pier House Museum in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- Quarff Primary School in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- RAF Sullom Voe in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- RAF Sumburgh in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- SM UC-55 in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- Shetland Gas Plant in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- Shetland Islands Council in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- Sodom, Shetland in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- Stroms Hellier in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- Time Team (series 10) in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- Tingwall Airport in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- Viking Wind Farm in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- Voe of Cullingsburgh in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- West Head of Papa in or near Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph
- Whalsay Airstrip in Shetland Islands, Scotland. Geograph