Wikipedia in Health Professions Education:
A Patient-Centered Outcomes Research (PCOR) Approach




Welcome to this site for learning about Teaching Health Professions Education with Wikipedia. This site was borne from a two-year engagement project, “Integrating Patient-Centered Outcomes Research into Wikipedia,” led by John Willinsky, Stanford University and Lauren Maggio, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences. Funded by the Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI), the project aims to build a community able to engage with patient centered outcomes research (PCOR) through Wikipedia.

Health professionals and trainees are increasingly seeking to practice evidence-based medicine (EBM) and as such provide a key resource for translating PCOR into meaningful content for the public by increasing the extent to which Wikipedia entries on health matters are supported and informed by PCOR research, and thus ensuring that patients and their loved ones have access to patient-centered health information in making healthcare decisions.

For health professions educators interested in using Wikipedia in their course, this site offers as a resource for designing their own course. For those interested in following the growing knowledge about the field of patient-centered outcomes research (PCOR) and the training of health professionals through direct work in editing and disseminating content through Wikipedia, this site offers information and links to a curated selection of published articles, brochures, Wikipedia resources, and videos related to teaching medical health professionals with Wikipedia.

Because this site is for you and by you your contributions are important and welcome! Please sign-up to be a member above.

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