List of battles involving the Kingdom of France

The battle of Patay (1429), during the Hundred Years' War.

This is a chronological list of battles involving the Kingdom of France (987–1792).

These lists do not include the battles of the French civil wars (as the Wars of Religion, the Fronde, the War in the Vendée) unless a foreign country is involved.

The list gives the name, the date, the present-day location of the battles, the French allies and enemies, and the result of these conflicts following this legend:

  French military victory
  French military defeat
  Indecisive or unclear outcome

House of Capet (987–1328)

Battle Date Current location Contemporary location Allies Enemies Issue
Norman conquest of England (1066)
Battle of Hastings 14 October 1066[1]  England Anglo-Saxon England Normans
English Victory
Battle of Bremule 20 August 1119  France Duchy of Normandy Rebellious Norman barons Duchy of Normandy
Kingdom of England
First Crusade (1095-1099)
Siege of Nicaea 14 May - 19 June 1097  Turkey Sultanate of Rum Crusaders
Byzantine Empire
Sultanate of Rum Victory
Battle of Dorylaeum 1 July 1097  Turkey Sultanate of Rum Crusaders Sultanate of Rum Victory
Siege of Antioch 21 October 1097 - 2 June 1098  Turkey Sultanate of Rum Crusaders Sultanate of Rum Victory
Siege of Jerusalem 7 June - 15 July 1099  Israel Fatimid Caliphate Crusaders Fatimid Caliphate Victory
Battle of Ascalon 12 August 1099  Israel Fatimid Caliphate Crusaders Fatimid Caliphate Victory
Second Crusade (1145–1149)
Battle of Ephesus 24 December 1147  Turkey Sultanate of Rum None Sultanate of Rum Victory
Battle of the Meander December 1147  Turkey Sultanate of Rum None Sultanate of Rum Victory
Battle of Mount Cadmus 6 January 1148  Turkey Sultanate of Rum None Sultanate of Rum Defeat
Siege of Damascus 23–28 July 1148  Syria Fatimid Caliphate Crusaders Fatimid Caliphate Defeat
Third Crusade (1189–1192)
Siege of Acre August 1189 – July 1191  Israel Ayyubid Sultanate Crusaders Ayyubid Sultanate Victory
Battle of Arsuf 7 September 1191  Israel Ayyubid Sultanate Crusaders Ayyubid Sultanate Victory
Fourth Crusade (1202-1204)
Siege of Zara 10–23 November 1202  Croatia Kingdom of Croatia Crusaders
Republic of Venice
Kingdom of Hungary
Kingdom of Croatia
First Siege of Constantinople 1203  Turkey Byzantine Empire Crusaders
Republic of Venice
Byzantine Empire Victory
Second Siege of Constantinople 1204  Turkey Byzantine Empire Crusaders
Republic of Venice
Byzantine Empire Victory
Anglo-French War (1202–1214)
Siege of Château Gaillard August 1203 – 8 March 1204  France Angevin Empire None Duchy of Normandy
Kingdom of England
Battle of Damme 30–31 May 1213  Belgium Kingdom of France None Kingdom of England Defeat
Siege of Roche-au-Moine 2 July 1214  France Angevin Empire None Kingdom of England Victory
Battle of Bouvines 27 July 1214  France Kingdom of France None Welfs
Kingdom of England
Albigensian Crusade (1209-1229)
Sack of Béziers 22 July 1209  France County of Toulouse Crusaders Cathars Victory
Siege of Minerve Early June – 22 July 1210  France County of Toulouse Crusaders Cathars Victory
Battle of Muret 12 September 1213  France County of Toulouse Crusaders Crown of Aragon
County of Toulouse
County of Comminges
County of Foix
Viscounty of Carcassonne
Siege of Toulouse 22 September 1217 - 25 July 1218  France County of Toulouse Crusaders County of Toulouse
County of Comminges
County of Foix
Viscounty of Carcassonne
Siege of Montségur May 1243 – March 1244  France County of Toulouse None Cathars Victory
First Barons' War (1215–1217)
Battle of Lincoln 20 May 1217  England Kingdom of England None Kingdom of England Defeat
Battle of Sandwich 24 August 1217  England Kingdom of England None Kingdom of England Defeat
Saintonge War (1242)
Battle of Taillebourg 21 July 1242  France Duchy of Aquitaine Pro-Capetian Poitou Kingdom of England
Pro-Plantagenet Poitou
Seventh Crusade (1248–1254)
Siege of Damietta 6 June 1249  Egypt Ayyubid Sultanate None Ayyubid Sultanate Victory
Battle of Al Mansurah 8–11 February 1250  Egypt Ayyubid Sultanate None Ayyubid Sultanate Defeat
Battle of Fariskur 6 April 1250  Egypt Ayyubid Sultanate None Ayyubid Sultanate Defeat
Eighth Crusade (1270)
Siege of Tunis 18 July 1270 - 10 November  Tunisia Hafsid Kingdom None Hafsid Kingdom Indecisive
Aragonese Crusade (1284–1285)
Battle of Les Formigues 4 September 1285  Spain Crown of Aragon Genoa Crown of Aragon Defeat
Battle of the Col de Panissars 1 October 1285 France/Spain Pyrenees Crown of Aragon None Crown of Aragon Defeat
Franco-Flemish War (1297–1305)
Battle of Furnes 20 August 1297  Belgium Kingdom of France None County of Flanders Victory
Siege of Lille 29 August  France Kingdom of France None County of Flanders Victory
Bruges Matins 18 May 1302  Belgium Kingdom of France None County of Flanders Defeat
Battle of the Golden Spurs 11 July 1302  Belgium Kingdom of France None County of Flanders Defeat
Battle of Arques 4 April 1303  France Kingdom of France None County of Flanders Defeat
Battle of Zierikzee 10–11 August 1304  Netherlands County of Holland County of Holland County of Flanders Victory
Battle of Mons-en-Pévèle 18 August 1304  France Kingdom of France None County of Flanders Victory
War of Saint-Sardos (1324)
War of Saint-Sardos 1324  France Duchy of Aquitaine None Kingdom of England Victory
Peasant revolt in Flanders (1323–1328)
Battle of Cassel 23 August 1328  France Kingdom of France None Flemings Victory

House of Valois (1328–1589)


Hundred Years' War and aftermath

Battle Date Current location Contemporary location Allies Enemies Issue
Hundred Years' War (1337–1453)
English Channel naval campaign March 1338 – October 1339 English Channel Idem Genoese mercenaries
Castilian mercenaries
Kingdom of England
County of Flanders
Invasions of the Channel Islands March 1338 – 1468 Channel Islands Idem Genoese mercenaries Kingdom of England Indecisive
Battle of Arnemuiden 23 September 1338  Netherlands Kingdom of France None Kingdom of England Victory
Siege of Cambrai (1339) September – 8 October 1339  France Holy Roman Empire None Kingdom of England Victory
Battle of Sluys 24 June 1340  Netherlands Kingdom of France Genoese mercenaries Kingdom of England Defeat
Battle of Saint-Omer 26 July 1340  France Kingdom of France None Kingdom of England
County of Flanders
Siege of Tournai 21 July – 25 September 1340  Belgium Kingdom of France None Kingdom of England
County of Flanders
Duchy of Brabant
Duchy of Guelders
County of Looz
Battle of Champtoceaux 14–15 October 1341  France Kingdom of France House of Blois House of Montfort Victory
Battle of Morlaix 30 September 1342  France Kingdom of France None Kingdom of England Victory
Battle of Bergerac August 1345  France Kingdom of France None Kingdom of England
Battle of Auberoche 21 October 1345  France Kingdom of France None Kingdom of England Defeat
Battle of Caen 26 July 1346  France Kingdom of France None Kingdom of England Defeat
Siege of Aiguillon 1 April – 20 August 1346  France Kingdom of France None Kingdom of England Defeat
Battle of Blanchetaque 22 August 1346  France Kingdom of France None Kingdom of England Defeat
Battle of Crécy 26 August 1346  France Kingdom of France Genoese Mercenaries
Kingdom of Navarre
Kingdom of Bohemia
Kingdom of Majorca
Kingdom of England
German knights
Siege of Calais 4 September 1346 – 3 August 1347  France Kingdom of France None Kingdom of England
County of Flanders
Battle of La Roche-Derrien 18 June 1347  France Kingdom of France House of Blois Kingdom of England
House of Montfort
Battle of Lunalonge May or June 1349  France Kingdom of France None Kingdom of England
Battle of Calais 1 January 1350  France Kingdom of France None Kingdom of England Defeat
Battle of Saintes 1 April 1351  France Kingdom of France None Kingdom of England Defeat
Battle of Ardres 6 June 1351  France Kingdom of France None Kingdom of England Victory
Siege of Saint-Jean-d'Angély (1351) February–August 1351  France Kingdom of France None Kingdom of England Victory
Battle of Mauron 14 August 1352  France Kingdom of France House of Blois Kingdom of England
House of Montfort
Siege of Rennes 3 October 1356 – 5 July 1357  France Kingdom of France None Kingdom of England Victory
Battle of Poitiers 19 September 1356  France Kingdom of France None Kingdom of England
Battle of Nogent-sur-Seine 13 June 1359  France Kingdom of France None Kingdom of England Victory
War of the Two Peters 1356–1375  Spain Crown of Aragon Kingdom of Castile
Crown of Aragon
Kingdom of Castile
Kingdom of England
Republic of Genoa
Battle of Brignais 6 April 1362  France Kingdom of France None Routiers Defeat
Battle of Cocherel 16 May 1364  France Kingdom of France None Navarre
Kingdom of England
Battle of Auray 29 September 1364  France Kingdom of France House of Blois House of Montfort
Kingdom of England
Castilian Civil War 1366–1369  Spain Kingdom of Castile Crown of Aragon Kingdom of Castile
Kingdom of England
Battle of Arinez 1367  Spain Kingdom of Castile Crown of Castile Crown of Castile
Duchy of Gascony
Kingdom of England
Duchy of Aquitaine,
Kingdom of Mallorca
Battle of Nájera 3 April 1367  Spain Kingdom of Castile Crown of Castile Crown of Castile
Duchy of Gascony
Kingdom of England
Duchy of Aquitaine,
Kingdom of Mallorca
Battle of Montiel 14 March 1369  Spain Kingdom of Castile Crown of Castile Crown of Castile
Kingdom of Portugal
Battle of the Bridge of Lussac December 1369  France Kingdom of France None Kingdom of England Victory
Battle of Pontvallain 4 December 1370  France Kingdom of France None Kingdom of England Victory
Battle of Soubise 1372  France Kingdom of France None Kingdom of England Victory
Battle of La Rochelle 22 June 1372  France Kingdom of France Crown of Castile Kingdom of England Victory
Battle of Guernsey June 1372  England Kingdom of England None Kingdom of England Victory
Battle of Chiset 1373  France Kingdom of France None Kingdom of England Victory
Battle of Jersey 1373  Jersey Jersey None Kingdom of England Victory
Sack of Rye 1377  England Kingdom of England None Kingdom of England Victory
Battle of Lewes July 1377  England Kingdom of England None Kingdom of England Victory
Battle of the Isle of Wight 1377  England Kingdom of England None Kingdom of England Victory
Battle of Yarmouth 1377  England Kingdom of England None Kingdom of England Victory
Battle of Eymet 1377  France Kingdom of France None Kingdom of England Victory
Siege of Gravesend Summer 1380  England Kingdom of France None Kingdom of England Kingdom of England Victory
Siege of Nantes November 1380  France Kingdom of France None Kingdom of England Kingdom of England Victory
Battle of chateau de Randon 1381  France Kingdom of France None Kingdom of England Kingdom of England Victory
Battle of Roosebeke 27 November 1382  Belgium Kingdom of France None Flemings Victory
Battle of Aljubarrota 14 August 1385  Portugal Kingdom of Portugal Crown of Castile
Crown of Aragon
Kingdom of Portugal
Kingdom of England
Battle of Brest 1404  France Kingdom of France None Kingdom of England Victory
Sack of Dartmouth 1404  England Kingdom of England Kingdom of England None Kingdom of England Victory
Battle of Falmouth November 1404  England Kingdom of England Kingdom of England None Kingdom of England Victory
Battle of L'Ecluse 22 May 1405  France Kingdom of France None Kingdom of England Victory
Battle of Haverfordwest 1405  England Kingdom of England None Kingdom of England Victory
Battle of Carmathe 1405  England Kingdom of England None Kingdom of England Victory
Battle of Worchester 1405  England Kingdom of England None Kingdom of England Victory
Battle of Jersey 1405  Jersey Jersey None Kingdom of England Victory
Battle of Soubise 1413  France Kingdom of France None Kingdom of England Victory
Siege of Harfleur 18 August – 22 September 1415  France Kingdom of France None Kingdom of England Defeat
Battle of Agincourt 25 October 1415  France Kingdom of France None Kingdom of England Defeat
Battle of Valmont 9–11 March 1416  France Kingdom of France None Kingdom of England Indecisive
Siege of Caen (1417) 14 August – 20 September 1417  France Kingdom of France None Kingdom of England Defeat
Siege of Rouen 29 July 1418 – 19 January 1419  France Kingdom of France None Kingdom of England Defeat
Battle of Baugé 21 March 1421  France Kingdom of France Kingdom of Scotland Kingdom of England Victory
Siege of Meaux 6 October 1421 – 10 May 1422  France Kingdom of France None Kingdom of England Defeat
Battle of Cravant 31 July 1423  France Kingdom of France Kingdom of Scotland
Duchy of Brittany
Kingdom of England
Duchy of Burgundy
Battle of La Brossinière 26 September 1423  France Kingdom of France Angevins
Duchy of Brittany
Kingdom of England Victory
Battle of Verneuil 17 August 1424  France Kingdom of France Kingdom of Scotland Kingdom of England
Duchy of Burgundy
Battle of St. James 6 March 1426  France Kingdom of France Duchy of Brittany Kingdom of England Defeat
Siege of Montargis 15 July – 5 September 1427  France Kingdom of France None Kingdom of England Victory
Battle of the Herrings 5 February 1429  France Kingdom of France Kingdom of Scotland Kingdom of England Defeat
Siege of Orléans 12 October 1428 – 9 May 1429  France Kingdom of France Kingdom of Scotland Kingdom of England Victory
Battle of Jargeau 10–12 June 1429  France Kingdom of France None Kingdom of England Victory
Battle of Meung-sur-Loire 15 June 1429  France Kingdom of France None Kingdom of England Victory
Battle of Beaugency 15–16 June 1429  France Kingdom of France None Kingdom of England Victory
Battle of Patay 18 June 1429  France Kingdom of France None Kingdom of England Victory
March to Reims 29 June – 16 July 1429  France Kingdom of France None Kingdom of England Victory
Siege of Paris (1429) 3–8 September 1429  France Kingdom of France None Kingdom of England
Duchy of Burgundy
Siege of Saint-Pierre-le-Moûtier October – 4 November 1429  France Kingdom of France None Duchy of Burgundy Victory
Siege of La Charité 24 November – 25 December 1429  France Kingdom of France None Duchy of Burgundy Defeat
Siege of Compiègne May–November 1430  France Kingdom of France None Duchy of Burgundy
Kingdom of England
Siege of Langy-sur-Marne May–August 1432  France Kingdom of France None Kingdom of England Victory
Battle of Gerberoy 9 May 1435  France Kingdom of France None Kingdom of England Victory
Siege of Meulan 24 September 1435  France Kingdom of France None Kingdom of England Victory
Siege of Saint-Denis Late August – 4 October 1435  France Kingdom of France None Kingdom of England
Duchy of Burgundy
Siege of Creil 8–25 May 1441  France Kingdom of France None Kingdom of England Victory
Capture of Évreux 15 September 1441  France Kingdom of France None Kingdom of England Victory
Siege of Pontoise 6 June – 19 September 1441  France Kingdom of France None Kingdom of England Victory
Siege of Tartas 31 August 1440 – 24 June 1442  France Kingdom of France None Kingdom of England Victory
Siege of Dieppe 2 November 1442 – 14 August 1443  France Kingdom of France None Kingdom of England Victory
Siege of Verneuil 19 July – 25 August 1449  France Kingdom of France None Kingdom of England Victory
Siege of Rouen October 1449  France Kingdom of France None Kingdom of England Victory
Siege of Valognes March 1450  France Kingdom of France None Kingdom of England Defeat
Battle of Formigny 15 April 1450  France Kingdom of France Duchy of Brittany Kingdom of England Victory
Siege of Caen 5 June – July 1450  France Kingdom of France Duchy of Brittany Kingdom of England Victory
Siege of Falaise (1450) 6–21 July 1450  France Kingdom of France None Kingdom of England Victory
Siege of Domfront (1450) 23 July–2 August 1450  France Kingdom of France None Kingdom of England Victory
Siege of Cherbourg (1450) 6 July–12 August 1450  France Kingdom of France None Kingdom of England Victory
Battle of Castillon 17 July 1453  France Duchy of Aquitaine Duchy of Brittany Kingdom of England Victory
Wars of the Roses (1453-1487)
Battle of Bosworth Field August 1485  England Kingdom of England House of Tudor
White shield with diagonal blue stripe Stanley Family
House of York Victory
Barbary Crusade (1390)
Siege of Mahdia 1 July – October 1390  Tunisia Hafsid Kingdom Republic of Genoa Hafsid Kingdom
Kingdom of Tlemcen
Crusade of Nicopolis (1396)
Battle of Nicopolis 25 September 1396  Bulgaria Bulgarian Empire  Holy Roman Empire
Kingdom of Hungary
Sovereign Military Order of Malta Knights Hospitaller
 Republic of Venice
 Republic of Genoa
Second Bulgarian Empire
 Ottoman Empire
Moravian Serbia
Old Zürich War (1440–1446)
Battle of St. Jakob an der Birs 26 August 1444   Switzerland Republic of the Swiss None Republic of the Swiss
League of the Public Weal (1465)
Battle of Montlhéry July 1465  France Kingdom of France None Duchy of Burgundy Victory
Siege of Beauvais 1472  France Kingdom of France None Duchy of Burgundy Victory
War of the Burgundian Succession (1477–1482)
Battle of Guinegate 7 August 1479  France Duchy of Burgundy None Duchy of Burgundy Defeat
Mad War (1485–1488)
Siege of Châteaubriant 15–23 April 1488  France Duchy of Brittany None Duchy of Brittany Victory
Siege of Fougères 12–19 July 1488  France Duchy of Brittany None Duchy of Brittany Victory
Battle of Saint-Aubin-du-Cormier 28 July 1488  France Duchy of Brittany None Duchy of Brittany Victory

Charles VIII (1483–1498)

Battle Date Current location Contemporary location Allies Enemies Result
Italian War of 1494–1498
Battle of Rapallo 5 September 1494  Italy  Republic of Genoa None Spain,
Kingdom of Naples
Battle of Seminara 28 June 1495  Italy Kingdom of Naples None Spain,
Kingdom of Naples
Battle of Fornovo 6 July 1495  Italy Duchy of Milan None  Republic of Venice
Duchy of Milan
Duchy of Mantua
indecisive result

Louis XII (1498–1515)

Battle Date Current location Contemporary location Allies Enemies Result
Italian War of 1499–1504
Battle of Novara April 1500  Italy Duchy of Milan None Duchy of Milan Victory
Siege of Capua 24 June 1501  Italy Kingdom of Naples None Spanish Empire,
Kingdom of Naples
Battle of Ruvo 23 February 1503  Italy Kingdom of Naples None Spanish Empire Defeat
Battle of Seminara 21 April 1503  Italy Kingdom of Naples None Spanish Empire Defeat
Battle of Cerignola 28 April 1503  Italy Kingdom of Naples None Spanish Empire Defeat
Battle of Garigliano 29 December 1503  Italy Kingdom of Naples None Spanish Empire Defeat
War of the League of Cambrai (1508–1516)
Battle of Agnadello 14 May 1509  Italy Duchy of Milan None  Republic of Venice Victory
Siege of Padua 15–30 September 1509  Italy  Republic of Venice  Holy Roman Empire
Papal States
 Republic of Venice Defeat
Sack of Brescia 18 February 1512  Italy  Republic of Venice None  Republic of Venice Victory
Battle of Ravenna 11 April 1512  Italy  Republic of Venice Duchy of Ferrara Spanish Empire
Papal States
Battle of Ainhize 19 October 1512  Spain Kingdom of Navarra None Spanish Empire Victory
Spanish conquest of Iberian Navarre 1512–1524  Spain Kingdom of Navarra Kingdom of Navarra Spanish Empire Defeat
Battle of St. Mathieu 10 August 1512  France Kingdom of France Duchy of Brittany  Kingdom of England Defeat
Battle of Novara 6 June 1513  Italy Duchy of Milan  Republic of Venice Republic of the Swiss
Battle of Guinegate 16 August 1513  France Kingdom of France None  Holy Roman Empire
 Kingdom of England

Francis I (1515–1547)

Battle Date Current location Contemporary location Allies Enemies Result
War of the League of Cambrai (1508–1516)
Battle of Marignano 13–14 September 1515  Italy Duchy of Milan  Republic of Venice Republic of the Swiss Victory
Italian War of 1521–1526
Battle of Pampluna 20 May 1521  Spain Kingdom of Navarra Kingdom of Navarra Spain Spanish Empire Victory
Battle of Noain-Esquiroz 30 June 1521  Spain Kingdom of Navarra Kingdom of Navarra Spain Spanish Empire Defeat
Siege of Mézières 1521  France Kingdom of France None  Holy Roman Empire Victory
Siege of Tournai November 1521  Belgium Kingdom of France None  Holy Roman Empire Defeat
Battle of Bicocca 27 April 1522  Italy Duchy of Milan  Republic of Venice Spain Spanish Empire
 Holy Roman Empire
Papal States
Duchy of Milan
Siege of Genoa 20–30 May 1522  Italy  Republic of Genoa  Republic of Genoa Spain Spanish Empire
 Holy Roman Empire
Papal States
Battle of Neufchâteau 1523  France Kingdom of France None  Holy Roman Empire Victory
Battle of the Sesia 30 April 1524  Italy Duchy of Milan None  Holy Roman Empire Defeat
Siege of Marseille August – September 1524  France Kingdom of France None  Holy Roman Empire Victory
Battle of Binasco 24 October 1524  Italy Duchy of Milan Spain Spanish Empire
 Holy Roman Empire
Battle of Fiorenzuola 1524  Italy Duchy of Milan Spain Spanish Empire
 Holy Roman Empire
Battle of Pavia 24 February 1525  Italy Duchy of Milan None Spain Spanish Empire
 Holy Roman Empire
War of the League of Cognac (1526–1530)
Siege of Pavia [it] 1527  Italy Duchy of Milan None Spain Spanish Empire
 Holy Roman Empire
Battle of Capo d'Orso 28 April 1528  Italy Kingdom of Naples  Republic of Venice
Papal States
 Republic of Genoa
Spain Spanish Empire
 Holy Roman Empire
Battle of Landriano 21 June 1529  Italy Duchy of Milan Republic of Florence Spain Spanish Empire
 Holy Roman Empire
 Republic of Genoa
Papal States
Ottoman–Habsburg wars (1526–1791)
Conquest of Tunis June 1535  Tunisia  Ottoman Empire  Ottoman Empire Spain Spanish Empire
 Holy Roman Empire
 Kingdom of Naples
Kingdom of Sicily Kingdom of Sicily
Flanders County of Flanders
 Republic of Genoa
Kingdom of Portugal
Papal States
Sovereign Military Order of Malta Knights of Malta
Siege of Estergom 25 July - 10 August 1543  Hungary  Holy Roman Empire  Ottoman Empire  Holy Roman Empire Victory
Italian War of 1536–1538
Siege of Péronne (1536) [fr] 1536  France Kingdom of France None Spain Spanish Empire
 Holy Roman Empire
Italian War of 1542–1546
Siege of Perpignan 1542  France Spain Spanish Empire  Ottoman Empire
Spain Spanish Empire Defeat
Siege of Luxembourg 1542  France  Holy Roman Empire None  Holy Roman Empire Victory
Battle of Muros Bay 25 July 1543  Spain Spain Spanish Empire None Spain Spanish Empire Defeat
Siege of Landrecies August 1543  France Kingdom of France None  Holy Roman Empire Victory
Siege of Nice 22 August 1543  France Duchy of Savoy  Ottoman Empire  Holy Roman Empire
Duchy of Savoy
Battle of Ceresole 11 April 1544  Italy Duchy of Savoy None  Holy Roman Empire Victory
Siege of Carignao 1544  Italy Duchy of Savoy None  Holy Roman Empire Victory
Battle of Serravalle 2 June 1544  San Marino  Republic of San Marino Italian mercenaries  Holy Roman Empire Defeat
Siege of St. Dizier 10 July – 17 August 1544  France Kingdom of France None  Holy Roman Empire Defeat
Sieges of Boulogne 19 July – 18 September 1544  France Kingdom of France None  Kingdom of England Defeat
Siege of Montreuil May – October 1544  France Kingdom of France None  Kingdom of England Victory
Battle of the Solent 18 July 1545  England  Kingdom of England None  Kingdom of England Indecisive
Battle of Bonchurch July 1545  England  Kingdom of England None  Kingdom of England Defeat

Henry II (1547–1559)

Battle Date Current location Contemporary location Allies Enemies Result
Rough Wooing (1544 - 1551)
Siege of St Andrews Castle 1546–1547  Scotland  Kingdom of Scotland Government of Scotland Protestant Lairds of Fife
Kingdom of England
Siege of Broughty Castle 1547–1550  Scotland  Kingdom of Scotland  Kingdom of Scotland Kingdom of England Victory
Siege of Haddington 1548–1549  Scotland  Kingdom of Scotland  Kingdom of Scotland Kingdom of England Victory
Italian War of 1551–1559
Siege of Mirandola July 1551 – March 1552  Italy Duchy of Modena Mirandola Papal States
 Holy Roman Empire
Battle of Ponza 5 August 1552 Tyrrhenian Sea Idem  Ottoman Empire  Republic of Genoa Victory
Siege of Metz 31 October 1552 - 5 January 1553  France  Holy Roman Empire None  Holy Roman Empire Victory
Invasion of Corsica 1553–1559  France  Republic of Genoa  Ottoman Empire
 Republic of Genoa Victory
Battle of Marciano 2 August 1554  Italy Republic of Siena Republic of Siena Duchy of Florence
Spain Spanish Empire
 Holy Roman Empire
Battle of Renty 12 August 1554  France Kingdom of France None  Holy Roman Empire Victory
Battle of St. Quentin 10 August 1557  France Kingdom of France None Spain Spanish Empire Defeat
Siege of Calais 7 January 1558  France  Kingdom of England None  Kingdom of England Victory
Siege of Thionville 17 April - 23 June 1558  France Kingdom of France None  Holy Roman Empire Victory
Battle of Gravelines 1–13 July 1558  France Spain Spanish Empire None Spain Spanish Empire
 Kingdom of England

Francis II (1559–1560)

Battle Date Current location Contemporary location Allies Enemies Result
Scottish Reformation crisis (1559–60)
Siege of Leith 1560  Scotland  Kingdom of Scotland Catholic Scots Protestant Scots
 Kingdom of England

Charles IX (1560–1574)

Battle Date Current location Contemporary location Allies Enemies Result
Ottoman–Habsburg wars (1526-1791)
Sieges of Oran and Mers El Kébir April – June 1563  Algeria  Ottoman Empire  Ottoman Empire Spain Spanish Empire Defeat

Henry III (1574–1589)

Battle Date Current location Contemporary location Allies Enemies Result
War of the Portuguese Succession (1580–1583)
Battle of Salga 25 July 1581  Portugal Portugal Portugal Portugal Portuguese Loyalists Spain Spain
Portugal Portugal under Philip of Spain
Battle of Ponta Delgada 26 July 1582  Portugal Portugal Portugal  England
Portugal Portuguese Loyalists
Spain Spain
Portugal Portugal under Philip of Spain
Conquest of the Azores 2 August 1583  Portugal Portugal Portugal  England
Portugal Portuguese Loyalists
Spain Spain
Portugal Portugal under Philip of Spain
Wars of Religion (1562–1598)
Siege of La Rochelle 1572–1573  France Kingdom of France None La Rochelle
French Protestants
 Kingdom of England
Battle of Craon 26 July 1582  France Kingdom of France French Protestants
 Kingdom of England
Catholic League
Spain Spanish Empire
Siege of Paris May – September, 1590  France Kingdom of France French Protestants Catholic League
City of Paris
Spain Spanish Empire

House of Bourbon (1589–1792)


Henry IV (1589–1610)

Battle Date Current location Contemporary location Allies Enemies Result
Wars of Religion (1562–1598)
Siege of Fort Crozon 1 October – 19 November 1594  France Kingdom of France  England Spain Spanish Empire Victory
Battle of Fontaine-Française 5 June 1595  France Kingdom of France None Catholic League
Spain Spanish Empire
Siege of Calais 8–24 April 1596  France Kingdom of France None Spain Spanish Empire Defeat
Siege of Amiens 11 March – 25 September 1597  France Kingdom of France None Spain Spanish Empire Victory
Siege of Doullens 11–25 September 1597  France Kingdom of France None Spain Spanish Empire Defeat

Louis XIII (1610–1643)

Battle Date Current location Contemporary location Allies Enemies Result
Thirty Years' War (1618–1648)
Relief of Genoa 28 March – 24 April 1625  Italy  Republic of Genoa  Duchy of Savoy Spain Spanish Empire
 Republic of Genoa
Siege of Saint-Martin-de-Ré 12 July 1627 – 28 October 1628  France Kingdom of France None Huguenots
 Kingdom of England
Siege of La Rochelle September 1627 – October 1628  France Kingdom of France Spain Spanish Empire La Rochelle
Huguenot forces
 Kingdom of England
Battle of Pont du Feneau November 1627  France Kingdom of France None  Kingdom of England Victory
Battle of St. Kitts 17 June – 7 September 1629  Saint Kitts and Nevis  Kingdom of England/ Kingdom of France  Kingdom of England Spain Spanish Empire Defeat
Battle of Veillane 10 July 1630  Italy  Duchy of Savoy None Spain Spanish Empire Victory
Battle of Les Avins 20 May 1635  Belgium  Holy Roman Empire None Spain Spanish Empire Victory
Siege of Leuven 24 June – 4 July 1635  Belgium Spain Spanish Empire  United Provinces Spain Spanish Empire
 Holy Roman Empire
Battle of Tornavento 22 June 1636  Italy  Duchy of Savoy  Duchy of Savoy Spain Spanish Empire Indecisive
Crossing of the Somme 5 August 1636  France Kingdom of France None Spain Spanish Empire
 Holy Roman Empire
Duchy of Lorraine
Battle of Rheinfelden 28 February – 2 March 1638  Germany  Holy Roman Empire Weimar Army  Holy Roman Empire
Bavaria Electorate of Bavaria
Battle of Guetaria 22 August 1638  Spain Spain Spanish Empire None Spain Spanish Empire Victory
Siege of Saint-Omer May – July 1638  France Kingdom of France None Spain Spanish Empire Defeat
Siege of Fuenterrabía June – September 1638  Spain Spain Spanish Empire None Spain Spanish Empire Defeat
Battle of Breisach 18 August – 17 December 1638  Germany  Holy Roman Empire Weimar Army  Holy Roman Empire
Relief of Thionville 6–7 June 1639  France Spain Spanish Empire None  Holy Roman Empire
Spain Spanish Empire
Siege of Salses 1639 – 1 January 1640  France Spain Spanish Empire None Spain Spanish Empire Defeat
Siege of Arras 16 June – 9 August 1640  France Spain Spanish Empire None Spain Spanish Empire Victory
Battle of Cádiz 21 July 1640 Bay of Cádiz Idem None Spain Spanish Empire Victory
Siege of Turin 22 May – 20 September 1640  Italy  Duchy of Savoy None Spain Spanish Empire Victory
Battle of Montjuïc 26 January 1641  Spain Spain Spanish Empire  Catalans Spain Spanish Empire Victory
Battle of La Marfée 6 July 1641  France Principality of Sedan None  Holy Roman Empire
Spain Spanish Empire
Principality of Sedan
first Battle of Tarragona 4–6 July 1641  Spain Spain Spanish Empire None Spain Spanish Empire Victory
second Battle of Tarragona 20–25 August 1641  Spain Spain Spanish Empire None Spain Spanish Empire Defeat
Battle of Kempen 17 January 1642  Germany  Holy Roman Empire Hesse-Kassel  Holy Roman Empire Victory
Battle of Montmeló 28 March 1642  Spain Spain Spanish Empire  Catalans Spain Spanish Empire Victory
Battle of Honnecourt 26 May 1642  France Spain Spanish Empire None Spain Spanish Empire Defeat
Battle of Barcelona 3 July 1642 Balearic Sea Idem None Spain Spanish Empire Victory
Battle of Lerida 7 October 1642  Spain Spain Spanish Empire  Catalans Spain Spanish Empire Victory

Louis XIV (1643–1715)

Battle Date Location Allies Enemies Result
Thirty Years' War (1618–1648)
Battle of Rocroi 19 May 1643 France None  Spain Victory
Battle of Cartagena 3 September 1643 Spain None  Spain Victory
Battle of Tuttlingen 24 November 1643 Germany None  Holy Roman Empire
Battle of Freiburg 9 August 1644 Germany None  Holy Roman Empire
Battle of Herbsthausen 2 May 1645 Germany None  Holy Roman Empire
Battle of Nördlingen 3 August 1645 Germany Hesse-Kassel  Holy Roman Empire
Battle of Orbitello 14 June 1646 Italy None  Spain Defeat
Battle of Zusmarshausen 17 May 1648 Germany  Sweden  Holy Roman Empire
Battle of Lens 20 August 1648 France None  Spain Victory
Siege of Barcelona 10 October 1652 Spain  Catalans  Spain Defeat
Battle of Bordeaux 20 October 1653 France None  Spain Defeat
Battle of Arras 23–25 August 1654 France None  Spain Victory
Siege of Landrecies 19 June – 13 July 1655 France None  Spain Victory
Battle of Valenciennes 16 July 1656 France None  Spain Defeat
Battle of the Dunes 4 June 1658 France England  Spain Victory
Austro-Turkish War (1663–1664) (1663–1664)
Battle of Saint Gotthard 1 August 1664 Hungary  Holy Roman Empire  Ottoman Empire Victory
War of Devolution (1667–1668)
Siege of Charleroi 31 May 1667 – 2 June 1667 Belgium None  Spain Victory
Siege of Tournai 21–26 June 1667 Belgium None  Spain
 United Provinces
Siege of Lille 10–28 August 1667 France None  Spain Victory
Franco-Dutch War (1672–1678)
Siege of Groenlo 1–10 June 1672 Netherlands Cologne
 United Provinces Victory
Battle of Solebay 7 June 1672 England  England  United Provinces Defeat
Battle of Schooneveld 7 June 1673 Netherlands  England  United Provinces Defeat
Siege of Maastricht 13–26 June 1673 Netherlands None  United Provinces
Battle of Texel 21 August 1673 Netherlands  England  United Provinces Defeat
Siege of Naarden 25 July – 27 October 1674 Netherlands None  Dutch Republic
Siege of Bonn 6–13 September 1673 Netherlands None  Dutch Republic
Battle of Sinsheim 16 June 1674 Germany None  Holy Roman Empire Victory
Siege of Grave 25 July – 27 October 1674 Netherlands None  Dutch Republic
Battle of Seneffe 11 August 1674 Belgium None  Dutch Republic
 Holy Roman Empire
Battle of Entzheim 4 October 1674 France None  Holy Roman Empire Indecisive
Battle of Mulhouse 29 December 1674 France None  Holy Roman Empire Victory
Battle of Turckheim 5 January 1675 France None  Holy Roman Empire
Battle of Salzbach 27 July 1675 Germany None  Holy Roman Empire Indecisive
Battle of Konzer Brücke 11 August 1675 Germany None  Holy Roman Empire Defeat
Battle of Stromboli 8 January 1676 Italy None  United Provinces Indecisive
Battle of Augusta 22 April 1676 Italy None  United Provinces
Siege of Philippsburg 1 May 1676 – 17 September 1676 Germany None  Holy Roman Empire Defeat
Battle of Palermo 2 June 1676 Italy None  United Provinces
Siege of Valenciennes 1676 – 17 March 1677 France None  Spain Victory
Battle of Tobago 3 March 1677 Trinidad and Tobago None  United Provinces Defeat
Siege of Cambrai 20 March – 19 April 1677 France None  Spain Victory
French capture of Gorée 1677 Senegal None  United Provinces Victory
Battle of Cassel 11 April 1677 France None  United Provinces Victory
Battle of Saint-Denis 14–15 August 1678 Belgium None  United Provinces
War of the Reunions (1681–1684)
Siege of Strasbourg 28–30 September 1681 France None Free imperial city of Strasbourg Victory
Siege of Courtrai 1–6 November 1683 Belgium None  Spain Victory
Capture of Dixmude 10 November 1683 Belgium None  Spain Victory
Siege of Luxembourg 28 April – 3 June 1684 Luxembourg None  Spain Victory
Bombardment of Genoa 18–28 May 1684 Italy None Republic of Genoa Victory
Siamese revolution (1688)
Siege of Bangkok June 1688 – 13 November 1688 Thailand None Kingdom of Siam Defeat
War of the League of Augsburg (1688–1697)
Siege of Philippsburg 27 September – 29 October 1688 Germany None  Holy Roman Empire Victory
Sack of Palatinate 1689 Germany None  Holy Roman Empire Victory
Battle of Bantry Bay 11 May 1689 Ireland None  England Victory
Siege of Mayence 1 June 1689 Germany None  Holy Roman Empire Defeat
Battle of Walcourt 25 August 1689 Belgium None  Dutch Republic
 Holy Roman Empire
Battle of Fleurus 1 July 1690 Belgium None  Dutch Republic
 Holy Roman Empire
Battle of Beachy Head 10 July 1690 English Channel None  Dutch Republic
Battle of the Boyne 12 July 1690 Ireland Jacobite forces Williamite forces
 Dutch Republic
Battle of Staffarda 18 August 1690 Italy None  Duchy of Savoy,
Battle of Quebec 16–24 October 1690 Canada None  England Victory
Siege of Cuneo 28 June 1691 Italy None  Duchy of Savoy
 Holy Roman Empire
Siege of Mons 15 March – 10 April 1691 Belgium None  Dutch Republic
 Holy Roman Empire
Battle of La Prairie 11 August 1691 Canada None  England Victory
Siege of Limerick August – October 1691 Ireland Jacobite forces Williamite forces
 Dutch Republic
Battle of Leuze 18 September 1691 Belgium None  England
 Dutch Republic
Battle of Aughrim 12 July 1691 Ireland Jacobite forces Williamite forces
 Dutch Republic
Battles of Barfleur and La Hogue 29 May 1692 English Channel None  England
 Dutch Republic
Action at Cherbourg 1–2 June 1692 English Channel None  England
 Dutch Republic
Siege of Namur 25 May – 30 June 1692 Belgium None  Spain
 Holy Roman Empire
 Dutch Republic
Battle of Steenkerque 3 August 1692 Belgium None  England
 United Provinces
Battle of Lagos 27 June 1693 Portugal None  England
 Dutch Republic
Battle of Landen 29 July 1693 Belgium None  England
 Dutch Republic
Battle of Marsaglia 4 October 1693 Italy None  Savoy
Siege of Charleroi 10 September – 11 October 1693 Belgium None  Spain Victory
Battle of Torroella 27 May 1694 Spain None  Spain Victory
Battle of Camaret 18 June 1694 France None  England,
 Dutch Republic
Action of 29 June 1694 29 June 1694 Netherlands None  Dutch Republic Victory
Siege of Huy 22 – 27 September 1694 Belgium None  Dutch Republic
 Holy Roman Empire
Siege of Namur 2 July – 5 September 1695 Belgium None  Holy Roman Empire
 Dutch Republic
Bombardment of Brussels 13–15 July 1695 Belgium None  Holy Roman Empire Indecisive
Battle of Dogger Bank 17 June 1696 North Sea None  Dutch Republic Victory
Raid on Cartagena 13 April 1697 Colombia None  Spain Victory
Siege of Barcelona 15 June – 8 August 1697 Spain None  Spain Victory
Battle of Hudson's Bay 5 September 1697 Canada None  England Victory
War of the Spanish Succession (1701–1714)
Battle of Carpi 9 July 1701 Italy None  Holy Roman Empire Defeat
Battle of Chiari 1 September 1701 Italy Spain Kingdom of Spain
 Duchy of Savoy
 Holy Roman Empire Defeat
Battle of Cremona 1 February 1702 Italy None  Holy Roman Empire Indecisive
Assault on Nijmegen 10 and 11 June 1702 Netherlands None  Dutch Republic
Battle of Luzzara 15 August 1702 Italy None  Holy Roman Empire Indecisive
Battle of Friedlingen 14 October 1702 Germany None  Holy Roman Empire Victory
Battle of Vigo Bay 23 October 1702 Spain Spain Spain  England
 Dutch Republic
Siege of Kehl 20 February 1703 – 10 March 1703 Germany None  Holy Roman Empire Victory
Battle of Cap de la Roque 22 May 1703 Portugal None  Dutch Republic Victory
Battle of Ekeren 30 June 1703 Belgium Spain Spain  Dutch Republic Indecisive
Battle of Höchstädt 20 September 1703 Germany Bavaria Bavaria  Holy Roman Empire Victory
Battle of Speyerbach 15 November 1703 Germany None Hesse Hesse-Kassel
Electorate of the Palatinate
Raid on Deerfield 29 February 1704 United States Native Americans  England Victory
Battle of Schellenberg 2 July 1704 Germany Bavaria Bavaria  England
 Dutch Republic
 Habsburg Monarchy
Battle of Blenheim 13 August 1704 Germany Bavaria Electorate of Bavaria  Habsburg Monarchy
Kingdom of Prussia Brandenburg-Prussia
 Dutch Republic
Battle of Vélez-Málaga 24 August 1704 Spain Spain Kingdom of Spain  Kingdom of England
 United Provinces
Siege of St. John's 1 February – 5 March 1705 Canada  Mi'kmaq
 Kingdom of England Defeat
Battle of Cabrita point March 1705 Spain Spain Kingdom of Spain  Kingdom of England
 United Provinces
Battle of Elixheim 18 July 1705 Belgium None  England
 Dutch Republic
Habsburg monarchy Habsburg Austria
Battle of Cassano 16 August 1705 Italy None Habsburg monarchy Habsburg Austria
Battle of Montjuïc 13–17 September 1705 Spain Spain Kingdom of Spain Habsburg monarchy Habsburg Austria
 Dutch Republic
Spain Pro-Habsburg Spain
First Siege of Barcelona 14 September – 19 October 1705 Spain Spain Pro-Bourbon Spain  England
Holy Roman Empire Austria
Portugal Portugal
 Dutch Republic
Spain Pro-Habsburg Spain
Second Siege of Barcelona 3–27 April 1706 Spain Spain Pro-Bourbon Spain  England
Holy Roman Empire Austria
Portugal Portugal
 Dutch Republic
Spain Pro-Habsburg Spain
Battle of Calcinato 19 April 1706 Italy Spain Kingdom of Spain Habsburg monarchy Habsburg Austria Victory
Battle of Ramillies 23 May 1706 Belgium Bavaria Electorate of Bavaria
 Dutch Republic
Charles Town expedition August 1706 Canada  Spain  England Defeat
Battle of Turin 7 September 1706 Italy Spain Spain Habsburg monarchy Habsburg Austria
 Duchy of Savoy
Battle of Castiglione 8 September 1706 Italy None Hesse Hesse-Kassel Victory
Battle of Almansa 25 April 1707 Spain Spain Kingdom of Spain  Great Britain
Portugal Portugal
 Dutch Republic
Battle of Beachy Head 2 May 1707 English Channel None  England Victory
First siege of Port Royal 17–28 June 1707 Canada Natives  England Victory
Battle of Toulon 29 July – 21 August 1707 France Spain Kingdom of Spain  Austria
 Duchy of Savoy
 Great Britain
Second siege of Port Royal 20–31 August 1707 Canada Natives  Great Britain Victory
Battle at The Lizard 21 October 1707 English Channel None  Great Britain Victory
Battle of Oudenarde 11 July 1708 Belgium None  Great Britain
 Dutch Republic
Holy Roman Empire Austria
Siege of Lille 28 July – 28 October 1708 France None  United Provinces
 Great Britain
Habsburg monarchy Habsburg Austria
Battle of Wijnendale 28 September 1708 Belgium Spain Kingdom of Spain  Great Britain
 United Provinces
Battle of St. John's 1 January 1709 Canada  Mi'kmaq
 Great Britain Victory
Battle of Malplaquet 11 September 1709 France Bavaria Electorate of Bavaria  Great Britain
 Habsburg Monarchy
 United Provinces
Third siege of Port Royal 24 September – 1 October 1710 Canada Natives  Great Britain Defeat
Battle of Syracuse 9 November 1710 Italy None  Great Britain Victory
Battle of Brihuega 8 December 1710 Spain Spain Kingdom of Spain  Great Britain Victory
Battle of Villaviciosa 10 December 1710 Spain Spain Kingdom of Spain  Austria
 United Provinces
Portugal Portugal
Siege of Bouchain 5 August – 12 September 1711 France None  Great Britain
 Dutch Republic
Habsburg monarchy Habsburg Austria
Quebec Expedition 22 August 1711 Canada None  Great Britain Victory
Battle of Denain 24 July 1712 France None  Dutch Republic
Siege of Barcelona 25 July 1713 – 11 September 1714 Spain Spain Spain loyal to Philip V of Spain Holy Roman Empire Habsburg monarchy
Spain Spain loyal to Archduke Charles

Louis XV (1715–1774)

French Guards at the Battle of Fontenoy (1745), during the War of the Austrian Succession. Painting by Édouard Detaille
Battle Date Current location Contemporary location Allies Enemies Result
War of the Quadruple Alliance (1718–1720)
Capture of Pensacola 1719  United States  Spain None  Spain Victory
War of the Polish Succession (1733–1738)
Siege of Kehl 13 October 1733  Germany Habsburg monarchy Habsburg Empire None Habsburg monarchy Habsburg Empire Victory
Siege of Pizzighettone 11 November – 9 December 1733  Italy Habsburg monarchy Habsburg Empire  Kingdom of Sardinia Habsburg monarchy Habsburg Empire Victory
Siege of Philippsburg 2 June – 18 July 1734  Germany Habsburg monarchy Habsburg Empire None Habsburg monarchy Habsburg Empire Victory
Siege of Danzig 22 February – 9 July 1734  Poland Poland-Lithuania Poland-Lithuania
 Electorate of Saxony
Battle of San Pietro 29 June 1734  Italy Habsburg monarchy Habsburg Empire  Kingdom of Sardinia Habsburg monarchy Habsburg Empire Victory
Siege of Gaeta 6 August 1734  Italy Habsburg monarchy Habsburg Empire  Spain Habsburg monarchy Habsburg Empire Victory
Battle of Guastalla 19 September 1734  Italy Habsburg monarchy Habsburg Empire  Kingdom of Sardinia Habsburg monarchy Habsburg Empire Victory
Battle of Clausen 20 October 1735  Germany Habsburg monarchy Habsburg Empire None Habsburg monarchy Habsburg Empire Defeat
War of the Austrian Succession (1740–1748)
Battle of Sahay 24 May 1742  Czech Republic Habsburg monarchy Habsburg Empire None Habsburg monarchy Habsburg Empire Victory
Siege of Prague June – December 1742  Czech Republic Habsburg monarchy Habsburg Empire None Habsburg monarchy Habsburg Empire Indecisive
Battle of Dettingen 27 June 1743  Germany Habsburg monarchy Habsburg Empire None  Great Britain,
Province of Hanover Hanover
 Habsburg Empire
Battle of Toulon 22 February 1744  France  Kingdom of France Spain Spain  Great Britain Victory
Action of 8 May 1744 8 May 1744 Atlantic Ocean Idem None  Great Britain Victory
Raid on Canso 23 May 1744  Canada  Great Britain None  Great Britain Victory
Battle of Villafranca 20 April 1744  France  Savoy Spain Spain  Great Britain
First siege of Annapolis Royal 1 July – 6 October 1744  Canada  Great Britain None  Great Britain Defeat
Battle of Casteldelfino 18 July 1744  Italy None  Sardinia Victory
Battle of Madonna dell'Olmo 30 September 1744  Italy Spain Spain  Sardinia Victory
Siege of Louisbourg 1 May – 16 June 1745  Canada  Kingdom of France Micmacs  Great Britain Defeat
Siege of Port Toulouse 2–10 May 1745  Canada  Kingdom of France Micmacs  Great Britain Defeat
Second siege of Annapolis Royal 2–23 May 1745  Canada  Great Britain Micmacs  Great Britain Defeat
Battle of Fontenoy 11 May 1745  Belgium  Habsburg Empire None  Great Britain
Province of Hanover Hanover
 Habsburg Empire
 Dutch Republic
Battle of Pfaffenhofen 15 April 1745  Germany Bavaria Bavaria  Habsburg Empire Defeat
Action of 15 June 1745 15 June 1745 Northumberland Strait Idem Micmacs
 Great Britain Defeat
Battle of Melle 9 July 1745  Belgium  Habsburg Empire None  Great Britain
Province of Hanover Hanover
 Habsburg Empire
 Dutch Republic
Fall of Ghent 15 July 1745  Belgium  Habsburg Empire None  Great Britain
Province of Hanover Hanover
 Habsburg Empire
 Dutch Republic
Northeast Coast Campaign 19 July – 5 September 1745  United States  Great Britain Wabanaki Confederacy  Great Britain Victory
Battle of Bassignano 27 September 1745  Italy Spain Spain  Habsburg Empire
Raid on Saratoga 28 November 1745  United States  Great Britain None  Great Britain Victory
Siege of Brussels January – February 1746  Belgium  Habsburg Empire None  Habsburg Empire Victory
Siege of Fort William 20 March – 3 April 1746  United Kingdom  Great Britain Jacobite clans Hanoverian clans Defeat
Battle of Culloden 16 April 1746  United Kingdom  Great Britain Jacobite clans  Great Britain Defeat
Siege of Fort at Number 4 7–11 April 1746  United States  Great Britain None  Great Britain Defeat
Battle of Piacenza 16 June 1746  Italy Spain Spain  Habsburg Empire Defeat
Battle of Port-la-Joye 11 July 1746  Canada  Kingdom of France Micmacs  Great Britain Victory
Battle of Rottofreddo 12 August 1746  Italy None  Habsburg Empire Victory
Siege of Fort Massachusetts 19–20 August 1746  United States  Great Britain Native Americans  Great Britain Victory
Battle of Madras 7–9 September 1746  India None  Great Britain Victory
Raid on Lorient 20 September 1746  France  Kingdom of France None  Great Britain Victory
Battle of Adyar 29 October 1746  India None Nawab of the Carnatic Victory
Battle of Rocoux 11 October 1746  Belgium  Holy Roman Empire None  Great Britain
Province of Hanover Hanover
 Habsburg Empire
 Dutch Republic
Battle of Grand Pré 10–11 February 1747  Canada  Kingdom of France None  Great Britain Victory
First Battle of Cape Finisterre 14 May 1747  Spain None  Great Britain Defeat
Battle of Lauffeld 2 July 1747  Belgium  Dutch Republic None  Great Britain
Province of Hanover Hanover
 Habsburg Empire
 Dutch Republic
Siege of Bergen op Zoom July – September 1747  Netherlands  Dutch Republic None  Great Britain
 Dutch Republic
Siege of Genoa 1747  Italy  Republic of Genoa
Spain Spain
Habsburg monarchy Habsburg Empire
 Kingdom of Sardinia
Battle of Assietta 19 July 1747  France  Kingdom of France None  Kingdom of Sardinia Defeat
Second Battle of Cape Finisterre 25 October 1747  Spain None  Great Britain Defeat
Battle of Saint-Louis-du-Sud 25 October 1747 Caribbean Sea Idem None  Great Britain Defeat
Siege of Maastricht April – May 1748  Netherlands  Dutch Republic None  Dutch Republic Victory
Siege of Pondicherry August – October 1748  India  Kingdom of France None  Dutch Republic Victory
Seven Years' War (1756–1763)
European theater of the Seven Years' War
Siege of Fort St. Philip April – 29 June 1756  Spain  Great Britain None  Great Britain Victory
Battle of Minorca 20 May 1756  Spain  Great Britain None  Great Britain Victory
Battle of Hastenbeck 26 July 1757  Germany None Province of Hanover Hanover
 Great Britain
Raid on Rochefort September 1757  France  Kingdom of France None  Great Britain Victory
Battle of Rossbach 5 November 1757  Germany Holy Roman Empire Habsburg Empire  Prussia Defeat
Battle of Cartagena 28 February 1758  Spain None  Great Britain Defeat
Raid on St Malo 5–12 June 1758  France  Kingdom of France None  Great Britain Indecisive
Battle of Rheinberg 12 June 1758  Germany None Province of Hanover Hanover
Hesse Hesse-Kassel
 Great Britain
Battle of Krefeld 23 June 1758  Germany None Province of Hanover Hanover
Hesse Hesse-Kassel
 Great Britain
Raid on Cherbourg 7 August 1758 – 16 August 1758  France  Kingdom of France None  Great Britain Defeat
Battle of Saint Cast 11 September 1758  France  Kingdom of France None  Great Britain Victory
Battle of Lutterberg 10 October 1758  Germany None Province of Hanover Hanover
 Great Britain
Battle of Bergen 13 April 1759  Germany None  Great Britain
Hesse Hesse-Kassel
Province of Hanover Hanover
Raid on Le Havre 3–5 July 1759  France  Kingdom of France None  Great Britain Defeat
Battle of Minden 1 August 1759  Germany  Saxony  Great Britain
Province of Hanover Hanover
Battle of Lagos 18–19 August 1759  Portugal None  Great Britain Defeat
Battle of Quiberon Bay 20 November 1759  France  Kingdom of France None  Great Britain Defeat
Battle of Carrickfergus 21–26 February 1760  United Kingdom  Great Britain None  Great Britain Indecisive
Battle of Corbach 10 July 1760  Germany None Province of Hanover Hanover
 Great Britain
Battle of Emsdorf 14 July 1760  Germany None  Great Britain
Province of Hanover Hanover
Battle of Warburg 31 July 1760  Germany None Province of Hanover Hanover
 Great Britain
Battle of Kloster Kampen 15 October 1760  Germany None  Great Britain
Province of Hanover Hanover
Battle of Langensalza 10 February 1761  Germany None  Prussia
Province of Hanover Hanover
First siege of Cassel March 1761  Germany None Province of Hanover Hanover Victory
Battle of Grünberg 21 March 1761  Germany None  Prussia
Province of Hanover Hanover
Capture of Belle Île 7 April – 8 June 1761  France  Kingdom of France None  Great Britain Defeat
Battle of Villinghausen 15–16 July 1761  Germany None  Great Britain
Province of Hanover Hanover
Battle of Ölper 13 October 1761  Germany  Saxony Brunswick Defeat
Battle of Wilhelmsthal 24 June 1762  Germany None  Great Britain
Province of Hanover Hanover
Battle of Lutterberg 23 July 1762  Germany  Saxony  Hanover
 Great Britain
Battle of Nauheim 30 August 1762  Germany None  Great Britain
Province of Hanover Hanover
Second Siege of Cassel October – November 1762  Germany None  Great Britain
Province of Hanover Hanover
American theater of the Seven Years' War
Battle of Jumonville Glen 28 May 1754  United States Ohio Country None  Great Britain
Ohio Iroquois
Battle of Fort Necessity 3 July 1754  United States  Great Britain Hurons
 Great Britain Victory
Battle of Fort Beauséjour 3–16 June 1755  Canada  Kingdom of France None  Great Britain Defeat
Action of 8 June 1755 8 June 1755 Atlantic Ocean Idem None  Great Britain Defeat
Braddock expedition 9 July 1755  United States Ohio Country Odawas
 Great Britain Victory
Battle of the Monongahela 9 July 1755  United States Ohio Country Native Americans  Great Britain Victory
Battle of Petitcodiac 3 September 1755  Canada  Kingdom of France None  Great Britain Victory
Battle of Lake George 8 September 1755  United States  Great Britain Iroquois  Great Britain
Indian tribes
Battle of Fort Bull 27 March 1756  United States  Great Britain Iroquois
 Great Britain Victory
Battle of Fort Oswego 10–14 August 1756  United States  Great Britain Native Americans  Great Britain Victory
Battle on Snowshoes 21 January 1757  United States  Great Britain Native Americans  Great Britain Indecisive
Battle of Sabbath Day Point 23 July 1757  United States  Great Britain Native Americans  Great Britain Victory
Siege of Fort William Henry 3 August 1757  United States  Great Britain Hurons  Great Britain Victory
Louisbourg Expedition September 1757  Canada  Kingdom of France None  Great Britain Victory
Battle of Cap-Français 21 October 1757 Caribbean Sea Idem None  Great Britain Indecisive
Attack on German Flatts 12 November 1757  United States  Great Britain Native Americans  Great Britain Victory
Battle on Snowshoes 23 March 1758  United States  Great Britain None  Great Britain Victory
Battle of Bloody Creek 8 December 1757  Canada  Great Britain None  Great Britain Victory
Siege of Louisbourg 8 June – 26 July 1758  Canada  Kingdom of France None  Great Britain Defeat
Battle of Carillon 8 July 1758  United States  Kingdom of France Native Americans  Great Britain Victory
Battle of Fort Frontenac 25–27 August 1758  Canada  Kingdom of France None  Great Britain Defeat
Battle of Fort Duquesne 13 September 1758  United States  Kingdom of France Native Americans  Great Britain Victory
Battle of Fort Ligonier 12 October 1758  United States  Kingdom of France Native Americans  Great Britain Defeat
Invasion of Martinique 16–19 January 1759  France  Kingdom of France None  Great Britain Victory
Invasion of Guadeloupe 22 January – 1 May 1759  France  Kingdom of France None  Great Britain Defeat
Battle of Fort Niagara 6–26 July 1759  United States  Kingdom of France None  Great Britain
Battle of La Belle-Famille 24 July 1759  United States  Kingdom of France Native Americans  Great Britain
Battle of Ticonderoga 26–27 July 1759  United States  Kingdom of France None  Great Britain Defeat
Battle of Beauport 31 July 1759  Canada  Kingdom of France None  Great Britain Victory
Battle of the Plains of Abraham 13 September 1759  Canada  Kingdom of France Native Americans  Great Britain Defeat
Battle of Sainte-Foy 28 April 1760  Canada  Kingdom of France None  Great Britain Victory
Battle of Restigouche 3–8 July 1760  Canada  Kingdom of France Mi'kmaqs  Great Britain Defeat
Battle of the Thousand Islands 16–24 August 1760  Canada/ United States  Kingdom of France None  Great Britain Defeat
Invasion of Dominica June 1761  Dominica  Kingdom of France None  Great Britain Defeat
Capture of Martinique 5 January – 12 February 1762  France  Kingdom of France None  Great Britain Defeat
Battle of Signal Hill 15 September 1762  Canada  Great Britain None  Great Britain
Asian theater of the Seven Years' War
Battle of Chandannagar 23 March 1757  India  Kingdom of France None  Great Britain Defeat
Battle of Plassey 23 June 1757  India Maratha Empire Nawab of Bengal  Great Britain Defeat
Battle of Cuddalore 29 October 1758 Bay of Bengal Idem None  Great Britain Victory
Battle of Negapatam 3 August 1758 Bay of Bengal Idem None  Great Britain Indecisive
Battle of Condore 9 December 1758  India Maratha Empire None  Great Britain Defeat
Battle of Pondicherry 10 September 1758 Bay of Bengal Idem None  Great Britain Victory
Siege of Masulipatam 6 March – 7 April 1759  India  Kingdom of France None  Great Britain Defeat
Siege of Madras December 1758 and February 1759  India  Great Britain None  Great Britain Defeat
Battle of Wandiwash 22 January 1760  India Maratha Empire None  Great Britain Defeat
Siege of Pondicherry 4 September 1760 – 15 January 1761  India  Kingdom of France None  Great Britain Defeat
French colonisation of Africa
Larache expedition June 1765  Morocco Morocco None Morocco Defeat
Conquest of Corsica (1768–1769)
Battle of Borgo 8–9 October 1768  France None Corsican Republic Defeat
Battle of Ponte Novu 8–9 May 1769  France None Corsican Republic Victory

Louis XVI (1774–1792)

Battle Date Current location Contemporary location Allies Enemies Result
American Revolutionary War (1775–1783)
First Battle of Ushant 27 July 1778 Bay of Biscay Idem None  Kingdom of Great Britain Victory
Siege of Pondicherry 21 August – 19 October 1778  India  Kingdom of France None  Kingdom of Great Britain Defeat
Invasion of Dominica 7 September 1778  Dominica  Kingdom of Great Britain None  Kingdom of Great Britain Victory
Battle of St. Lucia 15 December 1778 Caribbean Sea Idem None  Kingdom of Great Britain Defeat
Capture of St. Lucia 18–28 December 1778  Saint Lucia  Kingdom of Great Britain None  Kingdom of Great Britain Defeat
Capture of Saint Vincent 16–18 June 1779  Saint Vincent and the Grenadines  Kingdom of Great Britain None  Kingdom of Great Britain Victory
Great Siege of Gibraltar 24 June 1779 – 7 February 1783  Gibraltar  Kingdom of Great Britain Spain Spain  Kingdom of Great Britain
Province of HanoverHanover
Capture of Grenada 2–4 July 1779  Grenada  Kingdom of Great Britain None  Kingdom of Great Britain Victory
Battle of Grenada 6 July 1779 Caribbean Sea Idem None  Kingdom of Great Britain Victory
Siege of Savannah 16 September – 18 October 1779  United States  Kingdom of Great Britain  United States  Kingdom of Great Britain Defeat
Battle of Flamborough Head 23 September 1779 North Sea Idem  United States  Kingdom of Great Britain Indecisive
First Battle of Martinique 18 December 1779 Caribbean Sea Idem None  Kingdom of Great Britain Defeat
Second Battle of Martinique 17 April 1780 Caribbean Sea Idem None  Kingdom of Great Britain Indecisive
Action of 9 August 1780 9 August 1780 Atlantic Ocean Idem Spain Spain  Kingdom of Great Britain Victory
Action of 30 September 1780 30 September 1780 Atlantic Ocean  Kingdom of Great Britain None  Kingdom of Great Britain Defeat
Battle of Jersey 6 January 1781  Jersey  Kingdom of Great Britain None  Kingdom of Great Britain Defeat
Siege of Pensacola 9 March – 8 May 1781  United States  Kingdom of Great Britain Spain  Kingdom of Great Britain Victory
Battle of Cape Henry 16 March 1781  United States  Kingdom of Great Britain None  Kingdom of Great Britain Indecisive
Battle of Porto Praya 16 April 1781  Cape Verde  Kingdom of Portugal None  Kingdom of Great Britain Victory
Battle of Fort Royal 29–30 April 1781 Caribbean Sea Idem None  Kingdom of Great Britain Victory
Invasion of Tobago 24 May – 2 June 1781 Caribbean Sea Idem None  Kingdom of Great Britain Victory
Naval battle off Cape Breton 21 July 1781 Atlantic Ocean Idem None  Kingdom of Great Britain Victory
Invasion of Minorca 19 August 1781 – 5 February 1782  Spain  Kingdom of Great Britain Spain Spain  Kingdom of Great Britain Victory
Siege of Yorktown 28 September – 17 October 1781  United States  Kingdom of Great Britain  United States  Kingdom of Great Britain
Hesse Hesse-Kassel
Battle of the Chesapeake 5 September 1781 Chesapeake Bay Idem None  Kingdom of Great Britain Victory
Recapture of Sint Eustatius 26 November 1781  Sint Eustatius  Dutch East Indies None  Kingdom of Great Britain Victory
Second Battle of Ushant 12 December 1781 Bay of Biscay Idem None  Kingdom of Great Britain Defeat
Siege of Brimstone Hill 11 January – 13 February 1782  Saint Kitts and Nevis  Kingdom of Great Britain None  Kingdom of Great Britain Victory
Capture of Demerara and Essequibo 22 January 1782  Guyana  Kingdom of Great Britain None  Kingdom of Great Britain Victory
Battle of St. Kitts 25–26 January 1782 Caribbean Sea Idem None  Kingdom of Great Britain Victory
Battle of Sadras 17 February 1782 Bay of Bengal Idem None  Kingdom of Great Britain Victory
Capture of Montserrat 22 February 1782  Montserrat  Kingdom of Great Britain None  Kingdom of Great Britain Victory
First Battle of Cuddalore 3 April 1782  India  Kingdom of France None  Kingdom of Great Britain Victory
Battle of the Saintes 9/12 April 1782  France  Kingdom of France None  Kingdom of Great Britain Defeat
Battle of Providien 12 April 1782 Bay of Bengal Idem None  Kingdom of Great Britain Victory
Battle of the Mona Passage 19 April 1782 Caribbean Sea Idem None  Kingdom of Great Britain Defeat
Third Battle of Ushant 20–21 April 1782 Bay of Biscay Idem None  Kingdom of Great Britain Defeat
Battle of Negapatam 6 July 1782 Bay of Bengal Idem None  Kingdom of Great Britain Indecisive
Hudson Bay Expedition 8 August 1782  Canada  Kingdom of Great Britain None  Kingdom of Great Britain Victory
Battle of Trincomalee 25 August – 3 September 1782  Sri Lanka  Kingdom of Great Britain None  Kingdom of Great Britain Victory
Battle of Cape Spartel 20 October 1782 Strait of Gibraltar Idem Spain Spain  Kingdom of Great Britain Indecisive
Capture of the Turks and Caicos Islands 12 February 1783  Turks and Caicos Islands  Kingdom of Great Britain None  Kingdom of Great Britain Victory
Second Battle of Cuddalore 7 June – 25 July 1783  India  Kingdom of Great Britain None  Kingdom of Great Britain Indecisive
Third Battle of Cuddalore 20 June 1783 Bay of Bengal Idem None  Kingdom of Great Britain Victory

See also



  1. ^ "Willem [Engeland/Groot-Brittannië] § Willem I de Veroveraar". Encarta Encyclopedie Winkler Prins (in Dutch). Microsoft Corporation/Het Spectrum. 2002.