Talk:Boba Fett/Archive 1

Latest comment: 8 years ago by Cyberbot II in topic External links modified
Archive 1 Archive 2 Archive 3

Early text

The official Star Wars website spells "Wookiee" with two E's. See:

I feel compelled to point out that I'm really not a Star Wars fan, I just have a head for spelling. No really. I have enough trouble getting dates without *this* kind of a reputation hanging around me :) -- user:Paul Drye

You may have a head for spelling, but your misspelling of embarrassed in the history will remain for all time... :0

My edits

born c. 32 BBY

32 BBY is not an approximation, it is the year Fett was born.

However, books and comics predating Attack of the Clones, considered by many to be canon, state that Boba Fett was not a clone, nor was he born on Kamino. According to these sources, Fett was born Jaster Mareel on the planet of Concord Dawn. He was apparently exiled at age sixteen for killing a superior officer in the Protector's Guild. After his exile, he adopted the name Boba Fett and "bows to no one.". These aspects of his past have been extensively retconned since the release of Attack of the Clones (see below).

Both correct and incorrect information here. I've weeded out the bad and elaborated on the good.

He was believed to be briefly under the custody of General Grievous, who was a friend of his father.

This is false information.

It is unknown at this point whether or not Lucas actually filmed the scene for the DVD before deciding not to include it, or if he has or will film the scene for a future release of his films. Because of Fett's rather high popularity in the fan community, and the fact that Lucas has shown interest in using the character of Boba Fett for the upcoming Star Wars live-action series, it is possible that Lucas may indeed wish to include this scene in a future release of the films, to cater to the fans, and to cash in on Fett's popularity.

The speculative nature of this paragraph makes its presence in the article unnecessary; there is no evidence to suggest it is even possible Fett's escape was ever filmed, and none to suggest that Lucas, having already considered adding such a scene but ultimately deciding not to, will change his mind in the future.

(The only being on record to survive such an encounter)


All the stories that contradict his origins as seen in Attack of the Clones are seen as simply alternate stories, spread by Fett and others, with the intent to hide his true origins and past.

Not entirely true. I've corrected it accordingly.

. . . already making modifications to both the Slave I and the Mandalorian armor inherited from his father.

Boba inherited both Jango's armor and Jaster Mereel's armor, as explicitly stated in The New Essential Guide to Characters.

All other minor edits I've made are self-explanatory. Please do not revert them. Jon Hart 20:14, 18 October 2005 (UTC)

Additions and removals

Deleted the one of a kind starship line. Could someone with more knowledge on the subject clear up what boba did immediatley after Geonosis. --Darthmalt

Should there perhaps be something about his appearance in Jedi Knight Academy?

There's a series for young readers about Boba's life following his "dad"'s death. It's called (fittingly enough) Boba Fett. (young reader's, haha, im 16 and I read it.) -- 00:40, 14 September 2005 (UTC)

Wilhelm Scream - Noted the "Wilhelm" in the Sarlacc scene in the RotJ section... it's also in the "Portrayers" section, but the ESB section had the various quotes and cited a total of four in the original trilogy, so seemed relevant to add a line to the RotJ as well. I was pondering editing this to five, but "Aaaaargh!" is arguable as a line, hence the designation being in quote marks. I've read varying reports of it being counted as a fifth line or not, notably in the official collector's magazine. It's definately a fifth utterance, though. Slavedriver 11:33, 29 May 2006 (UTC)


Actually, Lucas recently stated that the stormtroopers are clones, IIRC... --Ausir 16:20, 3 Jun 2005 (UTC)

Umm not all stormies are clones. In Han Solo's journal it states that Han was hiding in a locker and saw heard troops talking and felt guilty because they were just other guys. "One just wanted to see his mommy and the other guy just wanted a vacation somewhere with trees" Dont get me wrong, some are clones as stated in the thrawn trilogy,but as i said--not all. -- 23:53, 13 September 2005 (UTC)
Quite right, anon. In fact, the Mos Eisley Cantina anthology story for Davin Felth explicitly states that he was normal human, and that most other recruits were normal human, circa A New Hope. (Incidentally, Davin Felth was the fellow who leaked the anti-air weakness of AT-AT's to the Alliance). --Maru (talk) 00:14, 14 September 2005 (UTC)

Wouldn't all the clones be too old to fight by the time of A new hope? they age 2x as fast... Then agian the Empire might have ordered more.

Some more proof that stormtroopers are not all clones is in the game Jedi Acadamy. In 2 seperate occasions that i know of, there wre NPCs talking about there previous life. One was a racer of some kind who joined due to a accadent he caused, and another left the stormtroopers because of how he hated taking orders. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 06:24, 19 August 2008 (UTC)

Alas, the mighty Boba Fett is a clone

Check the picture in the Boba Fett page - there's Boba Fett and an Imperial stormtrooper behind him. Now think about it: those two will basically look like exactly the same under their armor. They both are just clones of some guy named Jango Fett. Thank you, George Lucas, for ruining Boba Fett's mystery!

That's not necessarily true. Check my statement above. -- 23:45, 17 September 2005 (UTC)
Eventually the Empire started using clones of other men, creating more diversity among clones. While Jango's DNA continues to be used, there are various other "types" of clones.

That's not true. Jango Fett said that his 'son' was special. He may have ended up looking like his father, but that implies he was not genetically similar to the original batch of clones. mercator79 05:57 25 July 2007 (UTC)

I concur with mercator, the original batch of clones as shown in Star Wars II: The clone wars. The clones have been modified genetically to function better as a team and for special skills in combat --FailureAtDeath (talk) 04:00, 24 January 2009 (UTC)

Confirmed by Lucas?

Where can I find this "stormtroopers are clones" official confirmation? It will be valuable for me.

You will not find that anywhere because it is not so, if it was then Han Solo is also a clone of Jango (since he was in the imperial navy and started as a stormtrooper). Also all the imperial officers should be clones then, since they at some point must have been stormtroopers. --Sneaking Viper 05:00, 4 April 2006 (UTC)
Navy != Army. He was never a stormtrooper, either. He was a lieutenant in the Imperial Starfleet. --maru (talk) contribs 23:41, 5 April 2006 (UTC)
I know navy, and i stated navy. So you say that the navy is not clones? And what about Veers? He was army, does that make him a clone? --Sneaking Viper 04:03, 6 April 2006 (UTC)
And you also stated that he "started as a stormtrooper" - an Army thing. And similarly "Also all the imperial officers should be clones then, since they at some point must have been stormtroopers"- what is up with that? And as for Veers, why would he be a clone? Just because the initial Grand Army of the Republic were clones, why does that imply that ~20 years later, all Army personnel were clones? --maru (talk) contribs 04:13, 6 April 2006 (UTC)
So in your mind officers start in in Navy, Army whatever as a officer, you state "He was a lieutenant in the Imperial Starfleet" like he started in that rank?? And i thank you for agreeing with me on that Stormtroopers are not clone, as you say, "why does that imply that ~20 years later, all Army personnel were clones?" indeed why, when they have millions of planets to recruit from. And as a final note on this, if all stormtroopers are clones, why need training facilities? the Kaminoes didnt, Carida's training facility shouldnt really be needed, if they are cloned as the clone troopers were. --Sneaking Viper 00:19, 7 April 2006 (UTC)

But searching through Star Wars material, it indeed seems we are both right. Carida (and other training academies) were in the beginning made for training non cloned officers and non commision officers in the 3 branches of the imperial forces (Army, Navy and Stormtrooper (please note that stormtroopers are not under the army command, they are a branch for them self)), later (however no specific time could be found) it was expanded to train standard troops, naval troops and storm troopers when the Empire stopped cloning Stormtroopers. the time period is never specified however Carida was destroyed 10 ABY (After Battle of Yavin) so it must have been long before that. -- 01:41, 7 April 2006 (UTC)

Were stormtroopers a separate branch? I never really was too sure about that, since I kept coming across statements to the effect that stormtroopers were the cream of the crop of army troopers (and the cream of the stormtroopers were selected for Royal Guard duties, and the best of the Royal Guard selected for Soveriegn status, and the best of the Sovereigns were to become Dark Jedi.... at the time I was researching Star Wars hierarchies), which sorta implied that stormtroopers were a subsection of the army. But really, is it so hard to accept that initially all stormtroopers were clones, and as time wore on, increasing proportions of the militaries were manned by non-clones? --maru (talk) contribs 02:31, 8 April 2006 (UTC)
from what i have read, the stormtrooper corps were not unlike the marine corps we have in america, they are their own branch but work through the navy, with most of their support units being naval(e.g. medics, things of that nature). could be wrong through, and if so then i stand corrected.--Manwithbrisk 19:07, 10 October 2006 (UTC)

Expanded Universe

Who decided to bring Boba Fett out of the sarlacc's mouth? That's really stupid and annoying! Why can't Boba Fett just stay there and die! --Scorpionman 19:33, 23 Jun 2005 (UTC)

The earliest I can find that ref'ed Fett surviving is his story in Tales of the Bounty Hunters, 1996, with the culpable author Daniel Keys Moran. As for why, who on earth would kill off such a badass in such a wimpy manner? --maru 19:48, 23 Jun 2005 (UTC)
I have to agree, it is kind of wimpy to throw him into a pit where he would be digested for a millennium. I'd rather he be thrown into a lava pit and instantly melted or something like that. But are they EVER going to kill him? I don't think it's fair that the Expanded Universe should kill off a good character like Chewbacca and yet let a badass like Boba Fett survive. --Scorpionman 14:55, 24 Jun 2005 (UTC)
Fett hasn't been killed in the NJO? I'm kinda surpised- at that point, Fett should be pushing ~60 years old. --maru 16:49, 24 Jun 2005 (UTC)
Luke and Leia are in their 40s and they're still going. --Kross 18:06, Jun 24, 2005 (UTC)
Not to put too nerdy a point on it, but that's a bad counter-example. Luke's a Jedi Master, who can draw upon the awesome power and strength of the Force, so age means less to him than others (remember Yoda? In only 20 years he went from a whirling dervish of lightsaber destruction to a doddering corpse- do you really think he aged that much? No; he simply stopped drawing so heavily on the Force, and his 900 years caught up with him.); ditto for Leia. Plus they are not in the same paranoid, strenuous, physically demanding profession Fett is. Nor does Fett have any little improvements tucked away, gift o' the Kaminoans. So, a lifetime spent battling and nearly dying, and all sorts of insults to the flesh, plus another 20 or so years, a few weeks or months in the Sarlacc, with no Force or special talents to prop him up, with every wannabe badass in the galaxy trying to kill him left and right (as well as certified badasses like IG-88 or Darth Vader)... I'm thinking Fett should either be A) Dead, or B) retired. --maru 18:15, 24 Jun 2005 (UTC)
I messed up. Fett's first appearance was actually in Dark Empire; the anthology story was ret-con. Mea culpa. --maru 00:18, 26 Jun 2005 (UTC)
Mandalorians might be hardier and longer lived than other humans though. Canderous Ordo in KOTOR is about 60 and he still fights and joins the crew and eventually becomes Mandalore. — Phil Welch 23:02, 19 July 2005 (UTC)
"During the Yuuzhan Vong War, Boba Fett returns to the galactic scene as Mandalore, leading a new group of Mandalorian Crusaders and restoring their legacy to the galaxy." That's from the article. I figure after he does that, he pretty much retires, and probably dies an old man. --Lord Sephiroth00:21, 5 August 2005 (UTC)
Actually, on the forums at, I heard he'd be in the Post-NJO Legacy era. --LtNOWIS 01:16, 7 August 2005 (UTC)
In "The Last one Standing: The Tale of Boba Fett" by Daniel Keys Moran in the compilation "Tales of the Bounty Hunters" it is revealed that in about 26 ABY Fett is still bounty hunting, and that he captures The Butcher of Montellian Serat. It is also revealed that he runs into Han Solo a second time on Jubilar, attempting to kill him, but this conflict ends in a draw that both men walk away from. I'm wondering if this is considered a canon EU source or not. It doesn't seem to conflict with the movies at all. If it is canon, then perhaps information from it should be added to the article, such as what I put above. I'll add the info myself, but I want someone to tell me if it's canon first. --Lord Sephiroth 01:08, 18 August 2005 (UTC)
Why wouldn't it be canon? Anthology stories are rarely referenced, true, and the existing references tend to be rather incestuous (take the Butcher you mentioned. He stars in another anthology, the Cantina one), but they are nevertheless valid; they are not infinities or anything. --Maru 02:45, 18 August 2005 (UTC)
"The Last One Standing" actually takes place in 19 ABY, just before the Hand of Thrawn duology. Jon Hart 03:34, 24 July 2006 (UTC)


The quotes section of this page really needs to be cleaned up—especially the formatting. I've tried to format this section better, but for some unknown reason, my edits keep getting reverted to an inconsistent and less readable form. I also think a lot (maybe even all) of the quotes should be moved to Wikiquote, and a link to the appropriate Wikiquote page should be provided. – Mipadi 01:05, 4 October 2005 (UTC)

On most articles, I would agree, but, this is Fett, he did not speak very many lines, so that makes them notable in this article, and doesn't need another article for the quotes. As for the formatting, I was trying to make them in the same format as that for other star wars character articles, for example: Luke Skywalker. The Wookieepedian 01:09, 4 October 2005 (UTC)
Well, with all due respect, I don't see random italics and semicolons in the Luke Skywalker article. – Mipadi 01:18, 4 October 2005 (UTC)
I see what you mean. Well, I'll work on the formatting, I was referring more to the format in which the quotes are presnted, hold on, I'll change them. The Wookieepedian 01:26, 4 October 2005 (UTC)
I still don't see what was wrong with this:
"Quote." – action associated with the quote, in Title of Star Wars film.
The quote was more human-readable and looked nicer in general. The quotes on Luke Skywalker already don't follow the format of the Boba Fett quotes (they don't have an associated action), so I don't see what was wrong in taking an initiative to make the quotations look better. The same could even be done on the "Luke Skywalker" article.
At any rate, the random semicolons are still present in the quote blocks. – Mipadi 02:18, 4 October 2005 (UTC)

Two things to improve the page

A while ago, I made a couple aesthetic improvements to the page that I felt greatly enhanced both the look and readability of the Boba Fett article. Both improvements were quickly reverted with little comment. However, I feel that they improved the page and would ask that other contributors submit an agreement or disagreement. The changes were as follows:

  1. The addition of headers for subsections in the Expanded Universe section: Right now, the page uses very non-standard and inconsistent Wiki formatting. The section is very long and, in my opinion, warrants subheaders. Right now, the "subheaders" are a simple bulleted point; however the rest of the content is not bulleted. Either the entire section should consist of bulleted points (which, in my opinion, would be ugly), or they should have subheaders to increase readability and navigability.
  2. Quotations format. I had edited the format of the quotes to look like this; however, my edits were reverted for some reason. Now the quotes lack consistency and readability, as well as having improperly-used semicolons thrown into the middle of them. I see nothing wrong with my quote formatting, and think that it enchances the page. If nothing else, the Quotes section needs to be cleaned up, or ported entirely over to Wikiquote.

I had considered putting a {{cleanup-date}} on the front page to resolve this issue, but I think it can do without (for now; if this request does not get enough attention, I'll put it on for a while). I also didn't want to simply unilaterally reinstate my edits because I see no need for a childish edit war.

Any and all comments are welcome. Thank you very much. – Mipadi 03:02, 4 October 2005 (UTC)

Sounds good. Jon Hart 21:33, 23 November 2005 (UTC)

Truth and fictional truth in Wikipedia

This Wikipedia article treats the history of Boba Fett from fictonal material actually accumulated over time in popular culture. Wouldn't it be more consistent in a REFERENCE work, such as Wikipedia, to speak of the development of the character in culture? I understand the details of the chacracter are now important to many people, however, as a work of reference perhaps Wikipedia should treat these fans' details as secondary to the actual development of Boba Fett, first as a merchandized toy (I believe), then as a small role played in Empire Strikes Back. These facts are REAL whereas his birth in 32 BBY (whatever that means) is only fictionally accurate.

Is there a general Wikipedia guide to distinguishing truth and fictional truth?

I value Wikipedia to distinguish fact and fiction. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 06:23, 12 December 2005 (UTC)


"It is of interest to note that, though Fett's Sarlacc escape is official and did "happen" in the Star Wars canon, had Lucas inserted that particular scene into the movie, it would have made Fett's escape part of the highest level of canon, which is G-canon. Arguably, this is still the case, as Lucas's comments imply it happened in the film, simply off-screen."

Isn't this kind of like a fan's hoping wish that Boba Fett surviving the sarlac is canon? Last I checked, if something is in the movie, it's canon, if it's not, it's not.

Well, his survival still is canon, as it is depicted in the later novels and comics. But you are referring to G-canon, I believe. No, it is not fan wises in particular. It is there to prove a point that is supported by the fact that Lucas considered adding this particular scene (he says this in the ROTJ DVD commentary). The Wookieepedian 00:50, 20 January 2006 (UTC)
I don't think Wikipedia is the place to prove points though. Just to present facts. To imply something raises too many questions.
I didn't mean it in that way. The point is to present facts. The Wookieepedian 21:59, 22 January 2006 (UTC)

Fun facts

"Fett" is a swedish word meaning "lard" or "grease". I wonder if they thought of that. . . Invisible Queen 10:31, 10 April 2006 (UTC)

  • Vader is father in Dutch, and to all Pokémon fans, Kanto means tree-stump and Johto means cord in Finnish. No, I highly doubt that was a motivator for the name. (user:HannuMakinen)
    • Yeah, and I also think- no- I'm sure that Fett is another word for Festival. I can't see how the most ruthless bounty hunter in the galaxy would be related to a party though. Bobafett424242 18:06, 15 April 2007 (UTC)

Unnecessary Speculation

From Protrayls: "...The stormtroopers in Episodes IV-VI are not all clones of Boba's father, Jango, as revealed in Battlefront II. [should end here] Though this has been established in Star Wars continuity, Lucas still has the ability to change this in a newer release of his films. He still may dub Morrison's voice over the stormtroopers in the original films."

I don't think this potentially snarky slight to Lucas' nature of changing his films is necessary. Of course he could change it; that goes without saying. You could add that line after every sentence on any article. For example, "Luke and Leia are siblings. Though this has been established in Star Wars continuity, Lucas still has the ability to change this in a newer release of his films." Of course he could! He could add a British Tauntaun driving a Sandcrawler through the clouds of Bespin if he wanted. More importantly, it's pure conjecture to say that Lucas is even considering using Morrison's voice for the Stormtroopers in another future version. Where's the cite for the interview he said it in? I'm all for including it if it's true.

"...The reason behind the controversial move of replacing the voice of Wingreen is that as a clone of Jango, Boba should sound like him as well [should end here] (although this makes little logical sense, since an individual's way of speaking is shaped - and constantly changed - by the voices they hear around them)." Is that unanimously accepted in science? Even if it is, why is that personal editorial remark needed for this aticle? As soon as you mention something like that, you have to cite its truthfullness for other readers. Then before you know it, there's 4 paragraphs about human speech development in a Boba Fett article. Comments? Wilhelm Screamer 10:26, 14 August 2006 (UTC)

Boba fett alive?

excuse me but wasn't Boba killed when Han whacked him into the saclaac (or whatever's) mouth?? Armanalp 19:15, 14 October 2006 (UTC)

Negative. According to Expanded Universe sources, he escaped and lived. – Mipadi 22:25, 15 October 2006 (UTC)
can we get a referance to his escape, according to mandalorian armor he escapes via detonating his jet pack, but this says that he used his gernade launcher and it says that its listed in the essential guidebook as such

can we get a refferance point for that?--Manwithbrisk 19:05, 3 November 2006 (UTC)

So what if the EU says he lived? The only really canonical material in the Star Wars universe are the films. The other stuff is secondary. Scorpionman 22:31, 4 June 2007 (UTC)
The books are canonical, however. Boba Fett survived the Sarlacc, regardless of what some fans say. Arwen Undomiel talk 01:31, 5 June 2007 (UTC)
Like I said: they're secondary. Besides, they were written by fans, weren't they? Why should they be canonical? Only what George Lucas came up with is canonical. Scorpionman 18:08, 5 June 2007 (UTC)
They aren't written by everyday fans, however. They have a team of devoted authors, not to mention Sue Rostoni from Lucas Licensing and Shelly Shapiro from Del Rey. Besides, Lucas is involved with the decision making to an extent—I believe he was the one who said they couldn't switch Jacen's and Anakin's characters, and told them to kill Anakin, not Jacen. The EU books might be, for lack of a better word, secondary to the movies, but they are canonical. Arwen Undomiel talk 18:59, 5 June 2007 (UTC)

Also, Boba isn't actually killed in the film, he's just swallowed (whole) by the Sarlacc, so his being alive doesn't contradict the higher canon. (talk) 11:07, 14 January 2009 (UTC)

It was bothering me that Boba was still listed as having died in the Sarlacc, so I fixed it to the proper canonical happenings. (Yes, the EU is canonical, Lucas had a hand in its writing. Plus, Fett's survival does nothing to disrupt the later events.) SETHdaFIRENZE (talk) 18:25, 20 February 2012 (UTC)


these dates we have for boba can't be right boba fett is what 10 in aotc? whihc takes place ten years after the battle of naboo and took place on i believe 35 bby we have boba fetts birth listed here as 72 bby and we have a death date for him that has him die 10 years before the first film is set someone needs to get on this and find a real date of birth for him, in the meantime i'm taking the date down--Manwithbrisk 04:00, 6 February 2007 (UTC)

A Wise Bounty Hunter?

maybe i'm not geting something here but last time i checked that section was on what happened in return of the Jedi not something called a wise bounty hunter why does this section keep getting renamed this way and its Return of the Jedi not Return Of The Jedi--Manwithbrisk 16:37, 14 February 2007 (UTC)

i even did a google search, and the only page that came up with the phrase "a wise bounty hunter" was this article--Manwithbrisk 16:40, 14 February 2007 (UTC)


Is the emphasis on Bobba or Bowba? Londo06 17:12, 9 March 2007 (UTC)

Bowba is the pronunciation. ProtoWolf 04:57, 4 April 2007 (UTC)

The Man With no Name/ Yojimbo

I think this article could mention Boba'a origins in Sergio Leone's Western character. Lucas brings this up on one of the DVD commentaries and i think it's kind important.


I would like to ask everyone not to put "Mandalorian" in the species portion of the character-box. "Mandalorian" isn't a species due to the fact that anyone, of any species, could be accepted as a Mandalorian. "Human," on the other hand, is a species. So, please, leave "Human" in the character-box from now on. Thank you. Arwen Undomiel talk 14:33, 16 June 2007 (UTC)

Is there a Race then? like Republic Humans, Mandalorian Humans and Naboo Humans- Hare —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 07:07, 31 August 2008 (UTC)

I noticed

That this article makes no actual mention of his age, surely there must have been some point in the series that his age is revealed (besides in the young adult series). I might be wrong, but just to make sure, can someone tell me how old he is in ROTJ?

wellthere was an age up for a short while, but it was clearly wrong, i would speculate that he was maybe 8-12 at the time of aotc, and btw please sign your posts--Manwithbrisk 17:33, 3 August 2007 (UTC)

Bounty Hunter Wars?

Is there a reason that the Bounty Hunter Wars trilogy of books aren't mentioned in this article? They are considered the de facto story of how Fett survives his sarlacc encounter and his immediate events during ROTJ. These books should be mentioned instead of Tales from Jabba's Palace. (talk) 23:43, 1 February 2008 (UTC)


Boba Fett's appearances should be ordered in real world chronological order like Jabba the Hutt's are. Right now the article mentions his appearances ordered by in-universe chronology. The article should mention his Holiday Special appearance first, then his appearances in episodes V and VI, followed by his appearance in Episode II. --Jtalledo (talk) 13:55, 19 August 2007 (UTC)

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boba's ship

boba fett's ship was the slave II, not the slave I. jango's ship was the slave I and, it would seem logical that boba named his ship after jango's.--Themanofsack (talk) 14:32, 2 December 2008 (UTC)

Wrong. Boba inherited the same ship through a twisted series of events following Jango's death. While renaming may seem logical, there are no canonical sources to support that assumption at this time. Crimson667 (talk) 17:40, 29 January 2009 (UTC)

Photo Caption?

Should it be noted anywhere that the current photo (boba_fet.jpg) is actually that of a fan in a home-made costume, and not of any of the actors who appeared in the films? Crimson667 (talk) 17:43, 29 January 2009 (UTC)

Actually, I think the current photo should be removed. It's not the character just a fan made costume. (Anonymous Coward)
Actually....the character wore a costume pretty much the entire run of the series except for in Episode II. More people recgonize Boba Fett in that costume than without it. Even if it's a fan-made costume, it should stay. Dewdude (talk) 22:42, 6 June 2009 (UTC)

The fan costume picture should be removed...

It's not the character, just someone in a fan made costume, as such it does nothing for the article and shouldn't be used as the primary identifying picture.

The character has appeared in enough media that an actual image should be available. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 02:30, 13 May 2009 (UTC)

  • Just because a character has appeared in "enough media" doesn't mean any of those images are suitable for Wiki use. The character wasn't seen without his mask until LATE in the series, and most people associate Boba Fett the way the homemade costume is depicted. I'm sure this image, provided the acutal costume/image of Fett isn't copyrighted/trademarked, is the best suitable option that fits within the Wiki definitions. Although, one could also say the character, being a copyrighted character, cannot have a suitable free image. I'm not a copyright lawyer though. The image should, if it's content fits within the copyright regulations, stay with the provides a good likeness of the Fett character. Dewdude (talk) 22:40, 6 June 2009 (UTC)

Grand Moff Tarkin

Fixed this sentence: "Vader asserts that Solo "will not be permanently damaged", marking the only time a character other than Emperor Palpatine makes Vader falter." I included the name Grand Moff Tarkin as another who has once balked Vader. Vader defers to Tarkin's authority as he is psychically strangling a non-believer and releases him upon Tarkin's command. This would indeed mark an instance where someone other than Boba Fett or Emperor Palpatine "makes Vader falter." (talk) 13:29, 24 September 2009 (UTC)

I have reverted this edit to reflect the assertion made by the cited source. --EEMIV (talk) 13:37, 24 September 2009 (UTC)
And I have reverted it to the way it was, since your source obviously committed an oversight, as anyone who has seen the movie can tell you. I have further included a source that does indeed show that Vader has been balked by Tarkin. Beginning from the very second sentence from my source, "He was so close to the Emperor that he was given some authority over even Darth Vader (as evidenced in a meeting of Imperial General Staff when he orders Vader to stop 'the grip' on General Motti)."
You touch it again, I will call administrators to arbitrate. (talk) 15:23, 27 September 2009 (UTC)
IMDb bios are fan-/movie-watcher-written and do not meet our standards for reliable sources. Furthermore, "having authority" != the bit about getting him to "falter." Maybe Tarkin's bio can back up this claim, or Vader's; feel free to look. --EEMIV (talk) 15:48, 27 September 2009 (UTC)
What about "orders Vader..." do you not understand? Time to get a consensus. This is a no-brainer. Vader was strangling someone, Tarkin orders him to stop. Vader complies. Not hard. (talk) 17:31, 27 September 2009 (UTC)
Phrases like "What about X don't you understand?" are antagonist and not conducive to effective editing. I agree that it's time to get a consensus -- but then immediately restoring material under debate is a step in the opposite direction. Please read WP:BRD -- you've made a bold addition, which I have reverted. We're in the middle of discussion; restoration of the unsettled edit is counterproductive, and I ask that you to remove it. You can ask for third-party opinions from a variety of fora at Wikipedia; WP:3O is a good starting point, and you're welcome to ask their input. You also can just remove the material and trust that other editors to this article will take a look and comment. All that said: the local consensus for this article for several months has let that comment stand; by restoring it, you are going *against* the local consensus. You've made a case and other editors will chime in with their thoughts, and perhaps the consensus will change.
Meanwhile -- I appreciate your perspective about wanting to add Tarkin. I think part of this dispute is ambiguity in the phrasing: yes, Tarkin gives Vader an order. However, the content referred to in the consensus-version article instead is in reference to Vader saying he/the Empire will make amends if something goes "wrong" -- which, per the cited source, is in fact the only time it happens. I'll revisit the original source to see if that rewording jives with the assertion. In the meantime, per WP:BRD, I'll trust that you'll remove your addition until more editors can comment.
Lastly: Please read the other half of my early note: IMDb is not a reliable source, and is insufficient for substantiating your addition. Between WP:RS and WP:BRD, it would be appropriate to again remove your immediately. However, you seem to be actively editing today and I'm sure you'll see this note; it'd be a show of good-faith participation for you to remove it yourself. In the meantime, feel free to ask for input from WP:3O. --EEMIV (talk) 18:27, 27 September 2009 (UTC)
The local consensus agrees that Tarkin shouldn't be added as one of the few characters that have disputed Vader's purpose? Or is it possible that the local consensus overlooked something of a lesser character who appeared only in the oldest Star Wars movie and forgot about the incident, an incident which was not central to the plot? How can you presume to speak for everyone who has edited/written this article? How do you know they've consciously accepted that Tarkin does not qualify for this distinction or merely, understandably, have overlooked the incident?
You appreciate my perspective on my willingness to add Tarkin? Doubtful. I explained very clearly my reasons for adding Tarkin. Nonetheless, you simply chose to undo what even you concede is possibly a correct edit? Why not simply add "citation needed" or, God forbid!, look for an appropriate reference yourself? Why not explain here that you needed an appropriate source for this or else it should be removed? For these reasons, I don't buy for a second that you're assuming good faith, nor are you acting in good faith, nor did you have any intention of acting in good faith. You seem to regard good faith as only something people must assume about you, but are under no obligation to reciprocate or justify.
Finally, the word is "jibe," not "jive."
Do whatever you care to. Incidents like this are what caused me to have my user page deleted, and am still trying to get my talk page removed. It was a mistake to come back here. I only visited this site because someone asked on a message board who Boba Fett was. I thought perhaps I could find a reasonably good answer on Wikipedia. My HUGE mistake. (talk) 21:16, 27 September 2009 (UTC)
Removed my request for a third party to arbitrate. Restored it to the same inaccuracy that it had when I first discovered this page. Quite frankly, you have reminded me of everything that disgusts me about this site. I'd rather work to get Wikipedia removed from the internet completely. (talk) 22:00, 27 September 2009 (UTC)

so it's ok to use watching ESB as a source for vader conceeding to boba fett, but using NH as a source for vader conceeding to tarkin is unacceptable? tarkin gave vader an order, and vader obeyed it. simple as that. my source? i've seen the movie over 100 times (just like everyone else has). unfortunately, lucas has yet to send me a copy of the script so that i may note which page the line in question is typed on. if you don't believe me, i challenge you to watch the movie and see for yourself. it's a good movie. you might enjoy it. also, please go to the article on the Sun and remove any reference to the Sun being yellow in color as there is no way to properly source this fact, even though every person on the planet can look up and see that it is yellow. at some point doesn't common sense and common knowledge have to prevail in these edit wars? —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 17:45, 18 July 2010 (UTC)

Improve citation

Can someone provide a page number (and edition, since they change across printings and format) and, even better, quote to back up the claim that retconnedly Fett seeded some of the "false" backstories? It's enough basic plot that we don't need it, but it would still be nice to specifically bolster it. --EEMIV (talk) 20:06, 13 January 2010 (UTC)

They say that Boba fett is also one of the Lord of the Rings things like the black Rider's. Is Boba Fett also in Lord of the Rings?? He works for the Eye in that one maybe. (talk) 22:09, 26 April 2010 (UTC)Tibo

MC Chris

Rapper MC Chris made a song "Fett's Vette" that is fairly well known on I think it should be referenced in the article as it is a fairly significant contribution to the character in popular culture.Mrrealtime (talk) 19:11, 9 March 2010 (UTC)

Please provide a reference to a reliable third-party source substantiating claim that it's "fairly significant". --EEMIV (talk) 19:42, 9 March 2010 (UTC)
Here is a link. over 500,000 views of this particular version of the video, there are several more versions with large numbers of views posted. Mrrealtime (talk) 03:31, 27 April 2010 (UTC)

Another popular culture reference: Boba Fett was played by The Giant Chicken in Family Guy's Star Wars spoof: Something Something Something Dark Side. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 01:55, 6 June 2010 (UTC)

Unclear Passage

Does anyone know what the following phrase from the Films section is intended to mean? "...supposedly to the sarlacc's death caused by his technology when he survived." I'm reluctant to edit it because I can't figure out what the author was trying to say. Palmpilot900 (talk) 14:37, 5 June 2011 (UTC)

Thanks for the heads-up. I cleaned it up a bit, although that lengthy sentence has always bothered me. Can you think of a way to better clarify it or truncate it? --EEMIV (talk) 17:51, 5 June 2011 (UTC)

Film Casting and Production

Is it worth mentioning as to the reason why Temuera Morrison replaced the original voice of Boba? I know it is briefly implied in Episode II: Attack of the Clones that Jango Fett wanted an unaltered clone, but may be a bit unclear to some. May be worth exploring where George Lucas discusses the change and why he changed the voice in the Special Editions. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Mcconnellsc58 (talkcontribs) 17:56, 23 December 2014 (UTC)

Last appearance

Shouldn't his last appearance chronologically be Return of the Jedi, not by year of production? Leopea (talk) 14:43, 28 January 2016 (UTC)

We normally go by the year, not the in-universe order of events. DarkKnight2149 15:09, 28 January 2016 (UTC)

What , No Robot Chicken ?

Boba not only appears in 3 Star Wars Robot Chicken specials ( ILM aided , Lucas encouraged. ) , but in various sketches throughout the series. He is voiced by Breken Meyer (sic ) , and portrayed , mostly , as a lonely , egomaniacal , drunken fratboy type. And prone to suffering the idiocy of others. ( i.e. a mailman whom addresses him as "Bob A.Feet" , being trapped in the saarlac pit with an overly chatty & boorish Queeqway , whom wants to discuss "naughty" dreams , etc. ) (talk) 19:30, 20 February 2016 (UTC)

It's a parody, not an actual appearance. I believe that current consensus dictates that it just isn't notable. DarkKnight2149 22:23, 20 February 2016 (UTC)

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