User:Beastie Bot/Stage One/initial run

  • Not found: Assamese Macaque (Macaca assamensis)
  • Not found: Buchenavia rabelloana
  • Not found: Stripe-necked Tody-tyrant (Hemitriccus striaticollis)
  • Not found: Golden-breasted Puffleg (Eriocnemis mosquera)
  • Not found: Nothaphoebe pahangensis
  • Not found: Boninena ogasawarae
  • Not found: Megastomatohyla nubicola
  • Not found: Chirostoma regani
  • Not found: Metropolitan Redspot (Phyllopetalia altarensis)
  • Not found: Cornus monbeigii
  • Not found: Neuse River Waterdog (Necturus lewisi)
  • Not found: Spotted Box Turtle (Terrapene nelsoni)
  • Not found: Opuntia megasperma var. orientalis
  • Not found: Florida Perforate Reindeer Lichen (Cladonia perforata)
  • Not found: Mitranthes macrophylla
  • Not found: Heliotropium wagneri
  • Not found: Assamese Macaque (Macaca assamensis)
  • Not found: Buchenavia rabelloana
  • Not found: Stripe-necked Tody-tyrant (Hemitriccus striaticollis)
  • Not found: Golden-breasted Puffleg (Eriocnemis mosquera)
  • Not found: Nothaphoebe pahangensis
  • Not found: Boninena ogasawarae
  • Not found: Megastomatohyla nubicola
  • Not found: Chirostoma regani
  • Not found: Metropolitan Redspot (Phyllopetalia altarensis)
  • Not found: Cornus monbeigii
  • Not found: Neuse River Waterdog (Necturus lewisi)
  • Not found: Spotted Box Turtle (Terrapene nelsoni)
  • Not found: Opuntia megasperma var. orientalis
  • Not found: Florida Perforate Reindeer Lichen (Cladonia perforata)
  • Not found: Mitranthes macrophylla
  • Not found: Heliotropium wagneri
  • Not found: Tetrazygia elegans
  • Not found: Omphalotropis gracilis
  • Not found: Gmelina hainanensis
  • Not found: Tectaria morlae
  • Not found: Campomanesia schlechtendaliana var. schlechtendaliana
  • Not found: Maroon-backed Accentor (Prunella immaculata)
  • Not found: Worm-eating Warbler (Helmitheros vermivorum)
  • Not found: Bahia Rosewood (Dalbergia nigra)
  • Not found: Eleutherodactylus taciturnus
  • Not found: Bomarea angustifolia
  • Not found: Actinodaphne lanata
  • Not found: White-bellied Free-tailed Bat (Mops niveiventer)
  • Not found: Ficus blepharophylla
  • Not found: Cupressus chengiana
  • Not found: Tawi-tawi Forest Rat (Rattus tawitawiensis)
  • Not found: Potamonautes mutandensis
  • Not found: Maroon-breasted Philentoma (Philentoma velata)
  • Not found: Kilimanjaro Swallowtail (Papilio sjoestedti)
  • Not found: Black-faced Ibis (Theristicus melanopis)
  • Not found: Pentacalia riotintis
  • Not found: Andaman Redwood (Pterocarpus dalbergioides)
  • Not found: Comocladia velutina
  • Not found: Eleutherodactylus pseudoacuminatus
  • Not found: Bufo taitanus
  • Not found: Collared Lory (Phigys solitarius)
  • Not found: Speckle-breasted Wren (Thryothorus sclateri)
  • Not found: Phyllodytes auratus
  • Not found: Merrilliobryum fabronioides
  • Not found: Red-finned Blue-eye (Scaturiginichthys vermeilipinnis)
  • Not found: Nesogordonia papaverifera
  • Not found: Scalloped Antbird (Myrmeciza ruficauda)
  • Not found: Dendropsophus luteoocellatus
  • Not found: Liparis bautingensis
  • Not found: Cophixalus ateles
  • Not found: Croton kelantanicus
  • Not found: Cambarus chaugaensis
  • Not found: Clavija longifolia
  • Not found: Croton kelantanicus
  • Not found: Cambarus chaugaensis
  • Not found: Clavija longifolia
  • Not found: Scaly-throated Leaftosser (Sclerurus guatemalensis)
  • Not found: Gonepteryx maderensis
  • Not found: Canarium sarawakanum
  • Not found: Veitchia macdanielsii
  • Not found: White-collared Blackbird (Turdus albocinctus)
  • Not found: Glyptopetalum lawsonii
  • Not found: Southern Myotis (Myotis aelleni)
  • Not found: Tropidophora carinata
  • Not found: Brazieria minuscula
  • Not found: Mikania cuencana
  • Not found: Rufous-necked Foliage-gleaner (Syndactyla ruficollis)
  • Not found: Grey-backed Thrush (Turdus hortulorum)
  • Not found: Aralia malabarica
  • Not found: Hieronima crassistipula
  • Not found: Grey-headed Babbler (Stachyris poliocephala)
  • Not found: Slab-sided Naiad (Lexingtonia dolabelloides)
  • Not found: Japanese Common Toad (Bufo japonicus)
  • Not found: Warneckea memecyloides
  • Not found: Limnonectes ibanorum
  • Not found: Macrogomphus lankanensis
  • Not found: Black-capped Flycatcher (Empidonax atriceps)
  • Not found: Uraeotyphlus narayani
  • Not found: Euploea algea ssp. schmeltzi
  • Not found: Pallid Fat-tailed Opossum (Thylamys pallidior)
  • Not found: Latona Shrew (Crocidura latona)
  • Not found: Red-handed Howling Monkey (Alouatta belzebul ssp. ululata)
  • Not found: True's Shrew Mole (Urotrichus pilirostris)
  • Not found: Partula citrina
  • Checking: 48900
  • Red List Title: Ardeotis kori
  • English name: Kori Bustard
  • Found: Kori Bustard
  • common name match: "Kori Bustard" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added before external links.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Rugose Rocksnail (Lithasia jayana)
  • Not found: Marbled Polecat (Vormela peregusna)
  • Not found: Ross' Land Snail (Paryphanta rossiana)
  • Not found: Alabama Well Amphipod (Stygobromus smithii)
  • Not found: Carelia dolei
  • Not found: Dahl's Aquatic Frog (Litoria dahlii)
  • Not found: Litsea wrayi
  • Not found: Eastern Smooth Frog (Geocrinia victoriana)
  • Not found: Solanopteris tuberosum
  • Not found: Pallas's Rosefinch (Carpodacus roseus)
  • Not found: Campomanesia laurifolia
  • Not found: Short-tailed Bandicoot Rat (Nesokia indica)
  • Not found: Príncipe Golden-weaver (Ploceus princeps)
  • Not found: Murphy's Crow (Euploea caespes)
  • Not found: Dusky Roundleaf Bat (Hipposideros ater)
  • Not found: Omphalotropis cookei
  • Not found: Ordtrachia septentrionalis
  • Not found: Kopsia sleesiana
  • Not found: Brown-blossom Naiad (Epioblasma florentina ssp. walkeri)
  • Checking: 13296
  • Red List Title: Micoureus alstoni
  • English name: Alston's Woolly Mouse Opossum
  • Found: Alston's Mouse Opossum
  • WARNING: "Alston's Mouse Opossum" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LR/nt
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn2.3. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LR/nt); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Embelia mildbraedii
  • Not found: Benson's Rock-thrush (Monticola bensoni)
  • Not found: Mountain Spiny Pocket Mouse (Heteromys oresterus)
  • Not found: Zamia ipetiensis
  • Not found: Geniostoma hallei var. fatuivense
  • Not found: Knema hookerana
  • Not found: Leptolaena raymondii
  • Not found: Knema curtisii var. amoena
  • Not found: Long-legged Bat (Macrophyllum macrophyllum)
  • Not found: Myrcianthes irregularis
  • Not found: Ainsworth's Salamander (Plethodon ainsworthi)
  • Checking: 47875
  • Red List Title: Coccyzus erythropthalmus
  • English name: Black-billed Cuckoo
  • Found: Black-billed Cuckoo
  • common name match: "Black-billed Cuckoo" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Shorea bakoensis
  • Not found: Lestradea perspicax
  • Not found: Namaqua Aloe (Aloe khamiesensis)
  • Not found: Calceolaria brachiata
  • Not found: Copiula oxyrhina
  • Checking: 51180
  • Red List Title: Corvus crassirostris
  • English name: Thick-billed Raven
  • Found: Thick-billed Raven
  • common name match: "Thick-billed Raven" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Rhithrodytes agnus
  • Not found: Myrsine longifolia
  • Not found: Web-footed Marsh Rat (Holochilus brasiliensis)
  • Not found: Swintonia spicifera
  • Not found: Labidochromis vellicans
  • Not found: Centrolene andinum
  • Not found: Damochlora millepunctata
  • Not found: Tagula Butcherbird (Cracticus louisiadensis)
  • Not found: Croton kelantanicus
  • Not found: Cambarus chaugaensis
  • Not found: Clavija longifolia
  • Not found: Scaly-throated Leaftosser (Sclerurus guatemalensis)
  • Not found: Gonepteryx maderensis
  • Not found: Canarium sarawakanum
  • Not found: Veitchia macdanielsii
  • Not found: White-collared Blackbird (Turdus albocinctus)
  • Not found: Glyptopetalum lawsonii
  • Not found: Southern Myotis (Myotis aelleni)
  • Not found: Tropidophora carinata
  • Not found: Brazieria minuscula
  • Not found: Mikania cuencana
  • Not found: Rufous-necked Foliage-gleaner (Syndactyla ruficollis)
  • Not found: Grey-backed Thrush (Turdus hortulorum)
  • Not found: Aralia malabarica
  • Not found: Hieronima crassistipula
  • Not found: Grey-headed Babbler (Stachyris poliocephala)
  • Not found: Slab-sided Naiad (Lexingtonia dolabelloides)
  • Not found: Japanese Common Toad (Bufo japonicus)
  • Not found: Warneckea memecyloides
  • Not found: Limnonectes ibanorum
  • Not found: Macrogomphus lankanensis
  • Not found: Black-capped Flycatcher (Empidonax atriceps)
  • Not found: Uraeotyphlus narayani
  • Not found: Euploea algea ssp. schmeltzi
  • Not found: Pallid Fat-tailed Opossum (Thylamys pallidior)
  • Not found: Latona Shrew (Crocidura latona)
  • Not found: Red-handed Howling Monkey (Alouatta belzebul ssp. ululata)
  • Not found: True's Shrew Mole (Urotrichus pilirostris)
  • Not found: Partula citrina
  • Checking: 48900
  • Red List Title: Ardeotis kori
  • English name: Kori Bustard
  • Found: Kori Bustard
  • common name match: "Kori Bustard" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category already set correctly: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:Cat correct
  • TASKS: +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Rugose Rocksnail (Lithasia jayana)
  • Not found: Marbled Polecat (Vormela peregusna)
  • Not found: Ross' Land Snail (Paryphanta rossiana)
  • Not found: Alabama Well Amphipod (Stygobromus smithii)
  • Not found: Carelia dolei
  • Not found: Dahl's Aquatic Frog (Litoria dahlii)
  • Not found: Litsea wrayi
  • Not found: Eastern Smooth Frog (Geocrinia victoriana)
  • Not found: Solanopteris tuberosum
  • Not found: Pallas's Rosefinch (Carpodacus roseus)
  • Not found: Campomanesia laurifolia
  • Not found: Short-tailed Bandicoot Rat (Nesokia indica)
  • Not found: Príncipe Golden-weaver (Ploceus princeps)
  • Not found: Murphy's Crow (Euploea caespes)
  • Not found: Dusky Roundleaf Bat (Hipposideros ater)
  • Not found: Omphalotropis cookei
  • Not found: Ordtrachia septentrionalis
  • Not found: Kopsia sleesiana
  • Not found: Brown-blossom Naiad (Epioblasma florentina ssp. walkeri)
  • Checking: 13296
  • Red List Title: Micoureus alstoni
  • English name: Alston's Woolly Mouse Opossum
  • Found: Alston's Mouse Opossum
  • WARNING: "Alston's Mouse Opossum" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category already set correctly: LR/nt
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn2.3. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Cat correct
  • TASKS: +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Embelia mildbraedii
  • Not found: Benson's Rock-thrush (Monticola bensoni)
  • Not found: Mountain Spiny Pocket Mouse (Heteromys oresterus)
  • Not found: Zamia ipetiensis
  • Not found: Geniostoma hallei var. fatuivense
  • Not found: Knema hookerana
  • Not found: Croton kelantanicus
  • Not found: Croton kelantanicus
  • Not found: Cambarus chaugaensis
  • Not found: Scaly-throated Leaftosser (Sclerurus guatemalensis)
  • Not found: Gonepteryx maderensis
  • Not found: Canarium sarawakanum
  • Not found: Veitchia macdanielsii
  • Not found: White-collared Blackbird (Turdus albocinctus)
  • Not found: Glyptopetalum lawsonii
  • Not found: Southern Myotis (Myotis aelleni)
  • Not found: Tropidophora carinata
  • Not found: Brazieria minuscula
  • Not found: Mikania cuencana
  • Not found: Rufous-necked Foliage-gleaner (Syndactyla ruficollis)
  • Not found: Grey-backed Thrush (Turdus hortulorum)
  • Not found: Aralia malabarica
  • Not found: Hieronima crassistipula
  • Not found: Grey-headed Babbler (Stachyris poliocephala)
  • Not found: Slab-sided Naiad (Lexingtonia dolabelloides)
  • Not found: Japanese Common Toad (Bufo japonicus)
  • Not found: Warneckea memecyloides
  • Not found: Limnonectes ibanorum
  • Not found: Macrogomphus lankanensis
  • Not found: Black-capped Flycatcher (Empidonax atriceps)
  • Not found: Uraeotyphlus narayani
  • Not found: Euploea algea ssp. schmeltzi
  • Not found: Pallid Fat-tailed Opossum (Thylamys pallidior)
  • Not found: Latona Shrew (Crocidura latona)
  • Not found: Red-handed Howling Monkey (Alouatta belzebul ssp. ululata)
  • Not found: True's Shrew Mole (Urotrichus pilirostris)
  • Not found: Partula citrina
  • Not found: Rugose Rocksnail (Lithasia jayana)
  • Not found: Marbled Polecat (Vormela peregusna)
  • Not found: Solanopteris tuberosum
  • Not found: Pallas's Rosefinch (Carpodacus roseus)
  • Not found: Campomanesia laurifolia
  • Not found: Short-tailed Bandicoot Rat (Nesokia indica)
  • Not found: Príncipe Golden-weaver (Ploceus princeps)
  • Not found: Murphy's Crow (Euploea caespes)
  • Not found: Dusky Roundleaf Bat (Hipposideros ater)
  • Not found: Omphalotropis cookei
  • Not found: Ordtrachia septentrionalis
  • Not found: Kopsia sleesiana
  • Not found: Brown-blossom Naiad (Epioblasma florentina ssp. walkeri)
  • Checking: 13296
  • Red List Title: Micoureus alstoni
  • English name: Alston's Woolly Mouse Opossum
  • Found: Alston's Mouse Opossum
  • WARNING: "Alston's Mouse Opossum" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category already set correctly: LR/nt
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn2.3. Don't add it.
  • existing IUCN reference found
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Cat correct
  • TASKS:

  • Not found: Embelia mildbraedii
  • Not found: Benson's Rock-thrush (Monticola bensoni)
  • Not found: Mountain Spiny Pocket Mouse (Heteromys oresterus)
  • Not found: Zamia ipetiensis
  • Not found: Geniostoma hallei var. fatuivense
  • Not found: Knema hookerana
  • Not found: Leptolaena raymondii
  • Not found: Knema curtisii var. amoena
  • Not found: Long-legged Bat (Macrophyllum macrophyllum)
  • Not found: Myrcianthes irregularis
  • Not found: Ainsworth's Salamander (Plethodon ainsworthi)
  • Checking: 47875
  • Red List Title: Coccyzus erythropthalmus
  • English name: Black-billed Cuckoo
  • Found: Black-billed Cuckoo
  • common name match: "Black-billed Cuckoo" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category already set correctly: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • existing IUCN reference found
  • Flags:Cat correct
  • TASKS:

  • Not found: Shorea bakoensis
  • Not found: Lestradea perspicax
  • Not found: Namaqua Aloe (Aloe khamiesensis)
  • Not found: Calceolaria brachiata
  • Not found: Copiula oxyrhina
  • Checking: 51180
  • Red List Title: Corvus crassirostris
  • English name: Thick-billed Raven
  • Found: Thick-billed Raven
  • common name match: "Thick-billed Raven" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category already set correctly: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • existing IUCN reference found
  • Flags:Cat correct
  • TASKS:

  • Not found: Rhithrodytes agnus
  • Not found: Myrsine longifolia
  • Not found: Web-footed Marsh Rat (Holochilus brasiliensis)
  • Not found: Swintonia spicifera
  • Not found: Labidochromis vellicans
  • Not found: Centrolene andinum
  • Not found: Damochlora millepunctata
  • Not found: Tagula Butcherbird (Cracticus louisiadensis)
  • Checking: 13623
  • Red List Title: Moho braccatus
  • English name: Kaua'i 'o'o
  • Found: Kaua'i 'o'o
  • common name match: "Kaua'i 'o'o" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Old extinction syntax.
  • extinct = 1987
  • References to be added before external links.
  • Flags:EX syntax updated, syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax for extinction year; and status; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Orthrias tschaiyssuensis
  • Not found: Finch-billed Myna (Scissirostrum dubium)
  • Not found: Black Honeyeater (Certhionyx niger)
  • Not found: Chestnut-crowned Sparrow-weaver (Plocepasser superciliosus)
  • Not found: Mylochromis guentheri
  • Not found: Asplundia lutea
  • Checking: 52806
  • Red List Title: Panurus biarmicus
  • English name: Bearded Parrotbill
  • Found: Bearded Tit
  • WARNING: "Bearded Tit" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added before external links.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Peperomia wibomii
  • Not found: Max's Shrew (Crocidura maxi)
  • Not found: Gordonia scortechinii
  • Not found: Tephrosia pondoensis
  • Not found: Bulbostylis schoenoides ssp. erratica
  • Not found: Moustached Barbet (Megalaima incognita)
  • Not found: Melocactus deinacanthus
  • Not found: Ashy Flowerpecker (Dicaeum vulneratum)
  • Not found: New Caledonian Cuckoo-shrike (Coracina analis)
  • Not found: Cylindrus obtusus
  • Not found: Gorongoza Gerbil (Tatera inclusa)
  • Not found: Eschweilera mexicana
  • Not found: Hopea paucinervis
  • Not found: Lokia coryndoni
  • Checking: 49544
  • Red List Title: Anhinga anhinga
  • English name: Anhinga
  • Found: Anhinga
  • common name match: "Anhinga" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added before external links.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Checking: 16723
  • Red List Title: Petaurista petaurista
  • English name: Red Giant Flying Squirrel
  • Found: Red giant flying squirrel
  • "Red giant flying squirrel" is listed as a common name by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LR/lc
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn2.3. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LR/lc); +IUCN reference

  • Checking: 17067
  • Red List Title: Phoxinus phoxinus
  • English name: Minnow
  • Found: Eurasian minnow
  • WARNING: "Eurasian minnow" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • WARNING: Currently uses non-IUCN category: StatusSecure
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn2.3. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Warnings: 2, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Wrong status
  • TASKS: set status to valid IUCN category; +IUCN reference

  • Checking: 42261
  • Red List Title: Taxodium distichum
  • Found: Taxodium distichum
  • WARNING: "Taxodium distichum" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • WARNING: Taxonomic notes on red list page. (17 words)
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • WARNING: Currently uses non-IUCN category: StatusSecure
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn2.3. Don't add it.
  • References to be added before external links.
  • Warnings: 3, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Wrong status
  • TASKS: set status to valid IUCN category; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Midget Flowerpecker (Dicaeum aeneum)
  • Not found: Yellow-necked Greenbul (Chlorocichla falkensteini)
  • Not found: Striped Owl (Pseudoscops clamator)
  • Not found: New Guinean Jumping Mouse (Lorentzimys nouhuysi)
  • Not found: Perijá Metaltail (Metallura iracunda)
  • Not found: Testulea gabonensis
  • Not found: Milne-edwards's Sportive Lemur (Lepilemur edwardsi)
  • Not found: Nasa modesta
  • Not found: Yellow Canary (Serinus flaviventris)
  • Checking: 33991
  • Red List Title: Quercus macrocarpa
  • English name: Bur Oak
  • Found: Bur oak
  • "Bur oak" is listed as a common name by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • WARNING: Currently uses non-IUCN category: StatusSecure
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn2.3. Don't add it.
  • References to be added before external links.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Wrong status
  • TASKS: set status to valid IUCN category; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Madeiran Land Snail (Leiostyla cassida)
  • Not found: Little Forktail (Enicurus scouleri)
  • Not found: Cuban Green Woodpecker (Xiphidiopicus percussus)
  • Not found: Purple-bearded Bee-eater (Meropogon forsteni)
  • Not found: Bufo compactilis
  • Not found: Madagascar Big-headed Turtle (Erymnochelys madagascariensis)
  • Not found: Black-striped Wallaby (Macropus dorsalis)
  • Not found: Ballochia atro-virgata
  • Not found: Atelopus longirostris
  • Not found: Acacia dolichostachya
  • Checking: 712
  • Red List Title: Ailuropoda melanoleuca
  • English name: Giant Panda
  • Found: Giant Panda
  • common name match: "Giant Panda" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusEndangered == EN
  • status_system = iucn2.3
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:syntax updated, set status_system
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; trend=unknown; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Chocó Poorwill (Nyctiphrynus rosenbergi)
  • Not found: Symphyochlamys erlangeri
  • Not found: Barbus ksibi
  • Not found: Nimba Flycatcher (Melaenornis annamarulae)
  • Not found: Propithecus verreauxi ssp. coronatus
  • Not found: Large-crested Toad (Bufo cristatus)
  • Not found: Zanthoxylum fagara ssp. aguilarii
  • Not found: Flores Crow (Corvus florensis)
  • Not found: Parathesis tenuifolia
  • Not found: Colostethus mertensi
  • Not found: Philautus shillongensis
  • Not found: Mouriri completens
  • Not found: Large Woodshrike (Tephrodornis gularis)
  • Not found: Allophylus bullatus
  • Not found: Spikedace (Meda fulgida)
  • Not found: Buff-tailed Sicklebill (Eutoxeres condamini)
  • Checking: 41536
  • Red List Title: Saimiri boliviensis
  • English name: Black-headed Squirrel Monkey
  • Found: Black-capped Squirrel Monkey
  • WARNING: "Black-capped Squirrel Monkey" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusLeastConcern == LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Nyctibatrachus hussaini
  • Not found: Crested Drongo (Dicrurus forficatus)
  • Not found: Myrceugenia fernandeziana
  • Not found: Pandanus lacuum
  • Not found: Lemke's Hutia (Rhizoplagiodontia lemkei)
  • Not found: Indigo Flycatcher (Eumyias indigo)
  • Not found: Scaled Dove (Columbina squammata)
  • Not found: Italian Barbel (Barbus plebejus)
  • Not found: Hydnocarpus hainanensis
  • Not found: Priolepis robinsi
  • Not found: Chestnut-headed Flufftail (Sarothrura lugens)
  • Not found: Buffy Hummingbird (Leucippus fallax)
  • Not found: Cryptomys anselli
  • Not found: Bowhead Whale (Balaena mysticetus)
  • Not found: Dendrotriton bromeliacius
  • Not found: Dendropsophus xapuriensis
  • Not found: Suessenguthiella caespitosa
  • Not found: Paa rarica
  • Not found: Kalahari Scrub-robin (Erythropygia paena)
  • Not found: Black-crowned Central American Squirrel Monkey (Saimiri oerstedii ssp. oerstedi)
  • Not found: White-tailed Monarch (Monarcha leucurus)
  • Not found: Hybrid Spider Monkey (Ateles hybridus ssp. hybridus)
  • Not found: Nassella ibarrensis
  • Checking: 14505
  • Red List Title: Neochanna burrowsius
  • English name: Canterbury Mudfish
  • Found: Canterbury mudfish
  • "Canterbury mudfish" is listed as a common name by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: VU
  • status_system = iucn2.3
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:Set status, set status_system
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (VU); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Campomanesia viatoris
  • Not found: Mantidactylus rivicola
  • Checking: 51228
  • Red List Title: Artamus superciliosus
  • English name: White-browed Woodswallow
  • Found: White-browed Woodswallow
  • common name match: "White-browed Woodswallow" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusLeastConcern == LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Parker's Snake-necked Turtle (Chelodina parkeri)
  • Not found: Small Frog (Cyclorana manya)
  • Not found: Hypsiboas hobbsi
  • Not found: Gilbertiodendron splendidum
  • Not found: Calyptranthes brevispicata
  • Not found: Common Tigertail (Ictinogomphus ferox)
  • Not found: Drymophloeus pachycladus
  • Not found: Neglected Shrew (Crocidura neglecta)
  • Not found: Bamboo Antshrike (Cymbilaimus sanctaemariae)
  • Checking: 49673
  • Red List Title: Gavia pacifica
  • English name: Pacific Loon
  • Found: Pacific Diver
  • WARNING: "Pacific Diver" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Olivaceous Bulbul (Hypsipetes borbonicus)
  • Not found: Omalanthus stokesii
  • Not found: Painted Batagur (Callagur borneoensis)
  • Not found: Thirteen-lined Ground Squirrel (Spermophilus tridecemlineatus)
  • Not found: Nyctimystes zweifeli
  • Not found: Serranochromis janus
  • Not found: Actinidia stellatopilosa
  • Not found: Microgale monticola
  • Not found: Parallel Striped Mbuna (Melanochromis parallelus)
  • Not found: Floreana Mockingbird (Nesomimus trifasciatus)
  • Checking: 51003
  • Red List Title: Vireo solitarius
  • English name: Blue-headed Vireo
  • Found: Blue-headed Vireo
  • common name match: "Blue-headed Vireo" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Rufous-chested Sparrowhawk (Accipiter rufiventris)
  • Not found: Sphaerotheca rolandae
  • Not found: Rufous-winged Tyrannulet (Mecocerculus calopterus)
  • Checking: 42537
  • Red List Title: Podocarpus totara
  • Found: Podocarpus totara
  • WARNING: "Podocarpus totara" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • WARNING: Currently uses non-IUCN category: StatusSecure
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn2.3. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Warnings: 2, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Wrong status
  • TASKS: set status to valid IUCN category; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Haplochromis pharyngomylus
  • Not found: Rana dybowskii
  • Not found: Long-tailed Triller (Lalage leucopyga)
  • Not found: Common Smoothhound (Mustelus mustelus)
  • Not found: Gundlach's Hutia (Mysateles gundlachi)
  • Not found: Araucaria columnaris
  • Not found: Lowland Mosaic-tailed Rat (Melomys platyops)
  • Not found: Phylloxylon decipiens
  • Not found: Barrow Island Euro (Macropus robustus ssp. isabellinus)
  • Not found: Rhacophorus rufipes
  • Checking: 47176
  • Red List Title: Amazonetta brasiliensis
  • English name: Brazilian Teal
  • Found: Brazilian Duck
  • WARNING: "Brazilian Duck" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusLeastConcern == LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added before external links.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Ilex patens
  • Not found: Allobates femoralis
  • Checking: 49579
  • Red List Title: Ardea herodias
  • English name: Great Blue Heron
  • Found: Great Blue Heron
  • common name match: "Great Blue Heron" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category already set correctly: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:Cat correct
  • TASKS: +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Froggatt's Catfish (Cinetodus froggatti)
  • Not found: Stiphodon surrufus
  • Not found: Procaris chacei
  • Not found: Leiostyla fuscidula
  • Not found: Arachnothryx fosbergii
  • Not found: Eleutherodactylus petrobardus
  • Not found: Ixora lawsoni
  • Not found: Bufo bankorensis
  • Not found: Mammillaria pennispinosa ssp. pennispinosa
  • Not found: Painted Tree Rat (Echimys pictus)
  • Not found: Cuban Vireo (Vireo gundlachii)
  • Not found: Palaina xiphidium
  • Checking: 2435
  • Red List Title: Avahi occidentalis
  • English name: Western Woolly Lemur
  • Found: Western Woolly Lemur
  • common name match: "Western Woolly Lemur" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • WARNING: Taxonomic notes on red list page. (32 words)
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusVulnerable == VU
  • status_system = iucn2.3
  • References heading found.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:syntax updated, set status_system
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; trend=down; +IUCN reference

  • Checking: 22778
  • Red List Title: Urocissa whiteheadi
  • English name: White-winged Magpie
  • Found: Urocissa
  • WARNING: "Urocissa" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • ERROR: No binomial name in taxobox (for species)
  • Summary: No binomial name in taxobox
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 1
  • TASKS:

  • Not found: Nancibella quintalia
  • Not found: Macow's Shrew (Crocidura macowi)
  • Not found: Tephrosia odorata
  • Checking: 51361
  • Red List Title: Dicrurus aeneus
  • English name: Bronzed Drongo
  • Found: Bronzed Drongo
  • common name match: "Bronzed Drongo" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusLeastConcern == LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Anthurium bullosum
  • Not found: Cyprinella alvarezdelvillari
  • Not found: Oreolalax popei
  • Not found: Graffenrieda bella
  • Not found: Scarlet-hooded Barbet (Eubucco tucinkae)
  • Not found: Caecilia antioquiaensis
  • Not found: Allantospermum borneense var. borneense
  • Checking: 40593
  • Red List Title: Hemicentetes semispinosus
  • English name: Lowland Streaked Tenrec
  • Found: Lowland Streaked Tenrec
  • common name match: "Lowland Streaked Tenrec" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses incorrect or unrecognised category: lc
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:Unknown/incorrect cat
  • TASKS: set IUCN category; trend=unknown; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Pavetta tendagurensis var. tendagurensis
  • Not found: Pilea laevicaulis
  • Not found: Dalbergia brachystachya
  • Not found: Amplirhagada astuta
  • Checking: 2208
  • Red List Title: Asthenes luizae
  • English name: Cipó Canastero
  • Found: Cipo Canastero
  • WARNING: "Cipo Canastero" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusVulnerable == VU
  • Don't add status_system. Assume default of iucn3.1
  • References to be added before external links.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; trend=down; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Blakea madisonii
  • Not found: Polystachya bicalcarata
  • Not found: Guadalupe Bass (Micropterus treculi)
  • Not found: Vepris glandulosa
  • Not found: Ravenia swartziana
  • Checking: 47164
  • Red List Title: Tachyeres pteneres
  • English name: Flightless Steamerduck
  • Found: Magellanic Flightless Steamer Duck
  • WARNING: "Magellanic Flightless Steamer Duck" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusLeastConcern == LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Striped Tree Shrew (Tupaia dorsalis)
  • Not found: Newcomb's Snail (Erinna newcombi)
  • Not found: Giant Nuthatch (Sitta magna)
  • Not found: Cuban Trogon (Priotelus temnurus)
  • Not found: Canthocamptus sublaevis
  • Not found: Stripe-breasted Rhabdornis (Rhabdornis inornatus)
  • Not found: Black-footed Rock Wallaby (Petrogale lateralis)
  • Not found: Eleutherodactylus orcesi
  • Not found: Sooty Roundleaf Bat (Hipposideros fuliginosus)
  • Not found: Micronycteris sanborni
  • Not found: Euphorbia platyclada var. hardyi
  • Not found: Lysapsus laevis
  • Not found: Gounda Mouse (Mus goundae)
  • Not found: Conostegia chiriquensis
  • Not found: Nyctibatrachus deccanensis
  • Not found: Atuna travancorica
  • Not found: Schneider's Pitta (Pitta schneideri)
  • Not found: Mutable Sun Squirrel (Heliosciurus mutabilis)
  • Not found: Mackenzie's False Pipistelle (Falsistrellus mackenziei)
  • Not found: Charadrahyla taeniopus
  • Checking: 39672
  • Red List Title: Nepenthes madagascariensis
  • Found: Nepenthes madagascariensis
  • WARNING: "Nepenthes madagascariensis" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusVulnerable == VU
  • status_system = iucn2.3
  • References heading found.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:syntax updated, set status_system
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Chaetocarpus coriaceus
  • Not found: Ledermanniella thalloidea
  • Not found: Strobilops sp. nov. 1
  • Not found: Black-throated Jay (Cyanolyca pumilo)
  • Not found: Kuatun Horned Toad (Xenophrys kuatunensis)
  • Not found: Tapiscia sinensis
  • Not found: Niu Valley Cyrtandra (Cyrtandra polyantha)
  • Not found: Elaphoglossum subandinum
  • Not found: Granulina parilis
  • Not found: Prickly Dogfish (Oxynotus bruniensis)
  • Not found: Ixora jucunda
  • Not found: Hawai'i 'o'o (Moho nobilis)
  • Not found: Pritchardia hardyi
  • Not found: Green-backed Honeyeater (Glycichaera fallax)
  • Not found: Canthium glaucum ssp. glaucum
  • Not found: Camphor Tree (Dryobalanops aromatica)
  • Not found: Arizona Cotton Rat (Sigmodon arizonae)
  • Not found: Beddomeia ronaldi
  • Not found: Masked Woodswallow (Artamus personatus)
  • Not found: Camellia grijsii
  • Not found: Schefflera cephalotes
  • Not found: Plectranthus socotranus
  • Checking: 55174
  • Red List Title: Dendrobates auratus
  • English name: Green and Black Poison Frog
  • Found: Dendrobates auratus
  • WARNING: "Dendrobates auratus" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • WARNING: Article title uses species name when a common name exists: Green and Black Poison Frog
  • All IUCN-listed common names: Green and Black Poison Frog, Green Poison Frog
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Updating incorrect category: StatusVulnerable(VU) → LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Warnings: 2, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Wrong status
  • TASKS: update or correct IUCN category; trend=unknown; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Mexipyrgus de East El Mojarral Snail (Mexipyrgus churinceanus ssp. multilineatus)
  • Not found: Pinus nelsoni
  • Not found: Plectrohyla siopela
  • Not found: Pouteria triplarifolia
  • Not found: Tricalysia ovalifolia var. taylorii
  • Not found: Micropholis madeirensis
  • Not found: Hispaniolan Ground Iguana (Cyclura ricordi)
  • Not found: Robust Golden Mole (Amblysomus robustus)
  • Not found: Vinogradov's Jird (Meriones vinogradovi)
  • Not found: Rombo Shrew (Crocidura monax)
  • Not found: Miconia pastazana
  • Not found: Gabbiella balovalensis
  • Not found: Premna maxima
  • Not found: Machaerium cuzcoense
  • Not found: Phrynopus paucari
  • Not found: Caprichromis orthognathous
  • Not found: Rhus brenanii
  • Not found: Ctenochromis pectoralis
  • Not found: Golden-bellied Water Rat (Hydromys chrysogaster)
  • Not found: Slaty-blue Flycatcher (Ficedula tricolor)
  • Not found: Rufous-browed Tyrannulet (Phylloscartes superciliaris)
  • Not found: Giant Palm (Raphia australis)
  • Not found: Pinus maximartinezii
  • Checking: 4586
  • Red List Title: Chasmistes cujus
  • English name: Cui-ui
  • Found: Cui-ui
  • common name match: "Cui-ui" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses incorrect or unrecognised category: EN
  • status_system = iucn2.3
  • References tag found. Adding status_ref
  • Flags:Unknown/incorrect cat, set status_system
  • TASKS: set IUCN category; +status_ref

  • Checking: 47179
  • Red List Title: Anas capensis
  • English name: Cape Teal
  • Found: Cape Teal
  • common name match: "Cape Teal" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusLeastConcern == LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Millerbird (Acrocephalus familiaris)
  • Not found: Gastrotheca microdiscus
  • Not found: Olive-shouldered Parrot (Aprosmictus jonquillaceus)
  • Not found: Benito Roundleaf Bat (Hipposideros beatus)
  • Not found: Felicia alba
  • Checking: 7140
  • Red List Title: Elephas maximus
  • English name: Asian Elephant
  • Found: Asian Elephant
  • common name match: "Asian Elephant" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category already set correctly: EN
  • status_system = iucn2.3
  • References tag found. Adding status_ref
  • Flags:Cat correct, set status_system
  • TASKS: +status_ref

  • Not found: Rosy Minivet (Pericrocotus roseus)
  • Not found: Lyciasalamandra billae
  • Not found: Piper hydrolapathum
  • Not found: Dacrydium elatum
  • Checking: 39950
  • Red List Title: Cebus albifrons
  • English name: White-fronted Capuchin
  • Found: White-fronted Capuchin
  • common name match: "White-fronted Capuchin" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • WARNING: Taxonomic notes on red list page. (7 words)
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusLeastConcern == LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Capped Wheatear (Oenanthe pileata)
  • Not found: Pappobolus lehmannii
  • Not found: Long-tailed Macaque (Macaca fascicularis ssp. fascicularis)
  • Not found: Turbinicarpus rioverdensis
  • Not found: Aristolochia cucurbitifolia
  • Not found: Eleutherodactylus repens
  • Not found: Oreolalax multipunctatus
  • Not found: Gustavia foliosa
  • Not found: Stenocarpus villosus
  • Not found: White-rumped Shrike (Eurocephalus rueppelli)
  • Not found: Button Cactus (Epithelantha micromeris ssp. pachyrhiza)
  • Not found: Sarcotheca glomerula
  • Not found: Trithemis hartwigi
  • Checking: 16866
  • Red List Title: Phalcoboenus australis
  • English name: Striated Caracara
  • Found: Striated Caracara
  • common name match: "Striated Caracara" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusNearConcern == NT
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added before external links.
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; +IUCN reference

  • Checking: 39714
  • Red List Title: Darlingtonia californica
  • English name: Cobra Lily
  • Found: Darlingtonia californica
  • WARNING: "Darlingtonia californica" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • WARNING: Article title uses species name when a common name exists: Cobra Lily
  • All IUCN-listed common names: Cobra Lily
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LR/lc
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn2.3. Don't add it.
  • References to be added before external links.
  • Warnings: 2, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LR/lc); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Anthurium conspicuum
  • Not found: Grey Silky-flycatcher (Ptilogonys cinereus)
  • Not found: Draba spruceana
  • Checking: 53428
  • Red List Title: Carduelis sinica
  • English name: Grey-capped Greenfinch
  • Found: Oriental Greenfinch
  • WARNING: "Oriental Greenfinch" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category already set correctly: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Cat correct
  • TASKS: +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Three-striped Warbler (Basileuterus tristriatus)
  • Not found: Cardioglossa aureoli
  • Not found: Teita Fiscal (Lanius dorsalis)
  • Not found: Lesser Long-tailed Bat (Choeroniscus minor)
  • Not found: Golden Tanager (Tangara arthus)
  • Not found: Chestnut-eared Bunting (Emberiza fucata)
  • Not found: Euodia macrocarpa
  • Not found: Short-headed Broad-nosed Bat (Platyrrhinus brachycephalus)
  • Not found: Tropodiaptomus purpureus
  • Not found: Grias colombiana
  • Not found: Bear Lake Sculpin (Cottus extensus)
  • Not found: Chinese Fulvetta (Alcippe striaticollis)
  • Not found: Mona Coqui (Eleutherodactylus monensis)
  • Not found: Vandiemenia ratkowskiana
  • Not found: Ocotea catharinensis
  • Not found: Mugilogobius latifrons
  • Not found: Paraegista apoiensis
  • Not found: White-breasted Whistler (Pachycephala lanioides)
  • Not found: Speckled Carpet Shark (Hemiscyllium trispeculare)
  • Not found: Vinous-breasted Starling (Sturnus burmannicus)
  • Not found: Aparasphenodon venezolanus
  • Not found: Giant Genet (Genetta victoriae)
  • Not found: Yellow-bridled Finch (Melanodera xanthogramma)
  • Not found: Leptodactylodon polyacanthus
  • Not found: Hypsiboas pulidoi
  • Not found: Tsuga dumosa
  • Not found: Grey-green Scrubwren (Sericornis arfakianus)
  • Not found: Southern Pigtoe (Pleurobema georgianum)
  • Not found: Brown Brocket (Mazama gouazoupira)
  • Not found: Dwarf Fat-tailed Jerboa (Pygeretmus pumilio)
  • Not found: Eugenia praestigiosa
  • Not found: Scarlet-fronted Parakeet (Aratinga wagleri)
  • Not found: Neoplanorbis tantillus
  • Not found: Lasiochlamys pseudocoriacea
  • Not found: Greyish Mourner (Rhytipterna simplex)
  • Checking: 48739
  • Red List Title: Streptopelia decipiens
  • English name: Mourning Collared-dove
  • Found: African Mourning Dove
  • WARNING: "African Mourning Dove" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Cunonia rotundifolia
  • Not found: Dendropsophus meridensis
  • Not found: Trithemis dichroa
  • Not found: Ilex pallida
  • Not found: Athi Sardine (Neobola fluviatilis)
  • Not found: Elongate Nothobranch (Nothobranchius elongatus)
  • Not found: Buff-tailed Coronet (Boissonneaua flavescens)
  • Not found: Scaphiophryne verrucosa
  • Not found: Striped Sparrow (Oriturus superciliosus)
  • Not found: Eelgrass Limpet (Lottia alveus)
  • Not found: Armigerous River Snail (Lithasia armigera)
  • Not found: Mimosa caesalpiniaefolia
  • Not found: Plebeius hesperica
  • Not found: Rothschild's Rock Wallaby (Petrogale rothschildi)
  • Not found: Myrica faya
  • Not found: Variable Pitohui (Pitohui kirhocephalus)
  • Not found: Red-throated Parrotfinch (Erythrura psittacea)
  • Not found: Ardisia jefeana
  • Not found: Kashmir Shrew (Sorex planiceps)
  • Checking: 41630
  • Red List Title: Conepatus chinga
  • English name: Molina's Hog-nosed Skunk
  • Found: Molina's Hog-nosed Skunk
  • common name match: "Molina's Hog-nosed Skunk" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • WARNING: Taxonomic notes on red list page. (41 words)
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LR/lc
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn2.3. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LR/lc); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Salt-marsh Harvest Mouse (Reithrodontomys raviventris ssp. halicoetes)
  • Not found: Grey Peacock-pheasant (Polyplectron bicalcaratum)
  • Not found: Eleutherodactylus signifer
  • Not found: Bedotia tricolor
  • Not found: Vaccinium bissei
  • Not found: Gordonia penangensis
  • Not found: Hyperolius vilhenai
  • Checking: 8010
  • Red List Title: Erignathus barbatus
  • English name: Bearded Seal
  • Found: Bearded Seal
  • common name match: "Bearded Seal" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LR/lc
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn2.3. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LR/lc); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Toad Mouse (Mus bufo)
  • Not found: Bismarck Giant Rat (Uromys neobritanicus)
  • Not found: Gambusia aestiputeus
  • Not found: Burmeistera rubrosepala
  • Not found: Dendropsophus grandisonae
  • Not found: Allen's Chipmunk (Tamias senex)
  • Not found: Piper sodiroi
  • Not found: Flat-spired Three-toothed Snail (Triodopsis platysayoides)
  • Not found: Ceratobatrachus guentheri
  • Not found: Lesser Rice-field Rat (Rattus losea)
  • Not found: Guatemalan Vole (Microtus guatemalensis)
  • Checking: 10329
  • Red List Title: Hydropotes inermis
  • English name: Chinese Water Deer
  • Found: Water Deer
  • WARNING: "Water Deer" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusNearConcern == LR/nt
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn2.3. Don't add it.
  • References to be added before external links.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Barbus antinorii
  • Not found: White-toothed Brush Mouse (Coccymys albidens)
  • Not found: White-crowned Forktail (Enicurus leschenaulti)
  • Not found: Euastacus eungella
  • Not found: Cochranella armata
  • Not found: Dwarf Cypress (Actinostrobus acuminatus)
  • Not found: Greater Egyptian Jerboa (Jaculus orientalis)
  • Not found: Vismia pauciflora
  • Checking: 41670
  • Red List Title: Histriophoca fasciata
  • English name: Ribbon Seal
  • Found: Ribbon Seal
  • common name match: "Ribbon Seal" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • WARNING: Taxonomic notes on red list page. (30 words)
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • WARNING: binomial taxobox name doesn't match wiki: Phoca fasciata
  • Found wiki-binomial in redlist synonyms
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LR/lc
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn2.3. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Warnings: 2, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Used redlist synonym, Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LR/lc); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Cape Siskin (Serinus totta)
  • Not found: Neolamprologus furcifer
  • Not found: Pale-billed Woodpecker (Campephilus guatemalensis)
  • Not found: Peters' Striped Mouse (Hybomys univittatus)
  • Not found: Uegitglanis zammaranoi
  • Not found: Paradrymonia binata
  • Not found: Dendropanax ovalifolius
  • Not found: Collared Peccary (Pecari tajacu)
  • Not found: Eastern Cape Redfin (Pseudobarbus afer)
  • Not found: Saxicoline Tree Frog (Litoria coplandi)
  • Not found: Pitta-like Ground-roller (Atelornis pittoides)
  • Not found: Grey-cheeked Fulvetta (Alcippe morrisonia)
  • Not found: Fiery-browed Myna (Enodes erythrophris)
  • Not found: Ordtrachia australis
  • Not found: Marinkelle's Sword-nosed Bat (Lonchorhina marinkellei)
  • Not found: Armenian Mouflon (Ovis orientalis ssp. gmelinii)
  • Not found: Mottled Whistler (Rhagologus leucostigma)
  • Not found: Buchanania barberi
  • Not found: Wailing Cisticola (Cisticola lais)
  • Not found: Hooded Whistler (Pachycephala implicata)
  • Not found: Large-toothed Lake Turkana Robber (Brycinus ferox)
  • Not found: Finlayson's Squirrel (Callosciurus finlaysonii)
  • Not found: Paa feae
  • Not found: Lesser Shrike-tyrant (Agriornis murinus)
  • Not found: Micropholis polita
  • Not found: Natal Multimammate Mouse (Mastomys natalensis)
  • Not found: Brunellia ecuadoriensis
  • Not found: Western Longnose Spurdog (Squalus sp. nov. E)
  • Checking: 11900
  • Red List Title: Leucopsar rothschildi
  • English name: Bali Starling
  • Found: Bali Starling
  • common name match: "Bali Starling" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusCritical == CR
  • Don't add status_system. Assume default of iucn3.1
  • References to be added before external links.
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; trend=down; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Grey-breasted Hill-partridge (Arborophila sumatrana)
  • Not found: Cleyera cernua
  • Not found: Alpine Pine Vole (Microtus multiplex)
  • Not found: Thermosphaeroma smithi
  • Not found: Cycas armstrongii
  • Not found: Clermontia oblongifolia ssp. mauiensis
  • Not found: Crown of Thorns (Euphorbia milii var. tenuispina)
  • Not found: Tamarisk Jird (Meriones tamariscinus)
  • Not found: Hispaniolan Yellow Treefrog (Osteopilus pulchrilineatus)
  • Not found: Russet-tailed Thrush (Zoothera heinei)
  • Not found: Cinnadenia paniculata
  • Not found: Nigeria White-throated Monkey (Cercopithecus erythrogaster ssp. pococki)
  • Not found: Ringed Woodpecker (Celeus torquatus)
  • Not found: Cinchona lucumifolia
  • Checking: 9919
  • Red List Title: Hemitragus jemlahicus
  • English name: Himalayan Tahr
  • Found: Himalayan Tahr
  • common name match: "Himalayan Tahr" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusVulnerable == VU
  • status_system = iucn2.3
  • References to be added before external links.
  • Flags:syntax updated, set status_system
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; trend=unknown; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Bristled Grass-warbler (Chaetornis striata)
  • Not found: Baphia leptostemma ssp. leptostemma
  • Checking: 54504
  • Red List Title: Atelopus ebenoides
  • Found: Atelopus ebenoides
  • WARNING: "Atelopus ebenoides" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • WARNING: Taxonomic notes on red list page. (13 words)
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusCritical == CR
  • Don't add status_system. Assume default of iucn3.1
  • References tag found. Adding status_ref
  • Warnings: 2, Errors: 0
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; trend=down; +status_ref

  • Not found: Allocnemis mitwabae
  • Checking: 49193
  • Red List Title: Cursorius coromandelicus
  • English name: Indian Courser
  • Found: Indian Courser
  • common name match: "Indian Courser" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusLeastConcern == LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Brown-capped Babbler (Pellorneum fuscocapillus)
  • Not found: Orange Weaver (Ploceus aurantius)
  • Not found: Geniostoma hallei var. hallei
  • Not found: Eastern Mindanao Frog (Limnonectes diuatus)
  • Not found: Reymondia tanganyicensis
  • Not found: Dytiscus latissimus
  • Not found: Arinia oviformis
  • Not found: Slaty-backed Hemispingus (Hemispingus goeringi)
  • Not found: Lachnocapsa spathulata
  • Not found: Pilosocereus multicostatus
  • Not found: Nimble-footed Mouse (Peromyscus levipes)
  • Not found: Blue-gray Mouse (Pseudomys glaucus)
  • Not found: Chestnut-headed Nunlet (Nonnula amaurocephala)
  • Checking: 33371
  • Red List Title: Dipterocarpus coriaceus
  • Found: Dipterocarpus coriaceus
  • WARNING: "Dipterocarpus coriaceus" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: CR
  • status_system = iucn2.3
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Set status, set status_system
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (CR); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Small Travancore Flying Squirrel (Petinomys fuscocapillus ssp. fuscocapillus)
  • Not found: Phrynobatrachus accraensis
  • Not found: Ciliellopsis oglasae
  • Not found: Myristica longipetiolata
  • Not found: Cycas macrocarpa
  • Not found: Rodrigues Night-heron (Nycticorax megacephalus)
  • Not found: Canarium patentinervium
  • Not found: Guam Flycatcher (Myiagra freycineti)
  • Not found: South Mountain Gray-cheeked Salamander (Plethodon meridianus)
  • Not found: Gonaxis usambarensis
  • Not found: Popta's Buntingi (Xenopoecilus poptae)
  • Checking: 42014
  • Red List Title: Macrozamia moorei
  • Found: Macrozamia moorei
  • WARNING: "Macrozamia moorei" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); trend=down; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Helichrysum sp. nov. A
  • Not found: Euastacus hystricosus
  • Not found: Oreomunnea pterocarpa
  • Not found: Pale-winged Starling (Onychognathus nabouroup)
  • Not found: Uvariopsis submontana
  • Not found: Webb's Tufted-tailed Rat (Eliurus webbi)
  • Not found: Punuk Islands Tundra Vole (Microtus oeconomus ssp. punukensis)
  • Not found: Giant Golden Mole (Chrysospalax trevelyani)
  • Not found: Inga coragypsea
  • Not found: Partulina confusa
  • Not found: Dusky Eagle-owl (Bubo coromandus)
  • Not found: Gabela Bush-shrike (Laniarius amboimensis)
  • Not found: Kokoona coriacea
  • Checking: 42429
  • Red List Title: Pseudotsuga menziesii
  • English name: Douglas Fir
  • Found: Coast Douglas-fir
  • WARNING: "Coast Douglas-fir" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • WARNING: Currently uses non-IUCN category: StatusSecure
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn2.3. Don't add it.
  • References to be added before external links.
  • Warnings: 2, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Wrong status
  • TASKS: set status to valid IUCN category; +IUCN reference

  • Checking: 42374
  • Red List Title: Pinus lambertiana
  • Found: Sugar Pine
  • WARNING: "Sugar Pine" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • WARNING: Currently uses non-IUCN category: StatusSecure
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn2.3. Don't add it.
  • References to be added before external links.
  • Warnings: 2, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Wrong status
  • TASKS: set status to valid IUCN category; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Litoria macki
  • Not found: Hyospathe macrorhachis
  • Not found: Megaelosia boticariana
  • Not found: Phoxinellus krbavensis
  • Not found: Tasselled Wobbegong (Eucrossorhinus dasypogon)
  • Checking: 47711
  • Red List Title: Dacelo gaudichaud
  • English name: Rufous-bellied Kookaburra
  • Found: Rufous-bellied Kookaburra
  • common name match: "Rufous-bellied Kookaburra" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Mentawi Flying Squirrel (Iomys sipora)
  • Not found: Caucasian Viper (Vipera kaznakovi)
  • Not found: Ambon Yellow White-eye (Zosterops kuehni)
  • Not found: Nemacheilus dori
  • Checking: 51175
  • Red List Title: Corvus albus
  • English name: Pied Crow
  • Found: Pied Crow
  • common name match: "Pied Crow" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Flapnose Houndshark (Scylliogaleus quecketti)
  • Not found: Pseuderanthemum dispersum
  • Not found: Cupressus sargentii
  • Not found: Pygmy Hog Sucking Louse (Haematopinus oliveri)
  • Not found: Austral Blackbird (Curaeus curaeus)
  • Not found: Bocage's Akalat (Sheppardia bocagei)
  • Not found: White-bellied Hummingbird (Amazilia chionogaster)
  • Checking: 49003
  • Red List Title: Fulica cristata
  • English name: Red-knobbed Coot
  • Found: Red-knobbed Coot
  • common name match: "Red-knobbed Coot" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusLeastConcern == LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Bunchosia cauliflora
  • Not found: Petropedetes palmipes
  • Not found: Hibiscus malacophyllus
  • Checking: 13715
  • Red List Title: Monomorium santschii
  • Found: Monomorium santschii
  • WARNING: "Monomorium santschii" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: VU
  • status_system = iucn2.3
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Set status, set status_system
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (VU); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Mexican Spider Monkey (Ateles geoffroyi ssp. vellerosus)
  • Not found: Chudeau's Spiny Mouse (Acomys chudeaui)
  • Not found: Egg-carrying Buntingi (Xenopoecilus oophorus)
  • Not found: Haplolobus sarawakanus
  • Checking: 10825
  • Red List Title: Indotestudo forstenii
  • English name: Celebes Tortoise
  • Found: Indotestudo forstenii
  • WARNING: "Indotestudo forstenii" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • WARNING: Article title uses species name when a common name exists: Celebes Tortoise
  • All IUCN-listed common names: Celebes Tortoise, Forsten's Tortoise, Travancore Tortoise
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses incorrect or unrecognised category:
  • status_system = iucn2.3
  • References heading found.
  • Warnings: 2, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Unknown/incorrect cat, set status_system
  • TASKS: set IUCN category; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Rana alticola
  • Not found: Golden-collared Honeycreeper (Iridophanes pulcherrimus)
  • Not found: White-bellied Robin-chat (Cossyphicula roberti)
  • Not found: Taraktogenos annamensis
  • Not found: Discocactus heptacanthus
  • Not found: Pouteria pallens
  • Not found: Luciogobius pallidus
  • Not found: Perrin's Cave Beetle (Siettitia balsetensis)
  • Not found: Indian Giant Squirrel (Ratufa indica ssp. indica)
  • Checking: 47006
  • Red List Title: Francolinus francolinus
  • English name: Black Francolin
  • Found: Black Francolin
  • common name match: "Black Francolin" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added before external links.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Checking: 51859
  • Red List Title: Aplonis metallica
  • English name: Metallic Starling
  • Found: Metallic Starling
  • common name match: "Metallic Starling" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusLeastConcern == LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Hynobius formosanus
  • Not found: Sarcotheca laxa var. hirsuta
  • Not found: Manettia nebulosa
  • Not found: Dendrobium leptocladum
  • Not found: Euphlyctis ehrenbergii
  • Not found: Big Scale Archerfish (Toxotes oligolepis)
  • Not found: Onychogomphus kitchingmani
  • Not found: Anthurium subtruncatum
  • Not found: Delosperma macellum
  • Not found: Dogfish (Scyliorhinus capensis)
  • Not found: Cristilabrum monodon
  • Not found: River Tyrannulet (Serpophaga hypoleuca)
  • Not found: Pistacia aethiopica
  • Not found: Leptodactylus lithonaetes
  • Not found: Cochranella savagei
  • Not found: Neisosperma sevenetii
  • Not found: White Sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus)
  • Not found: Spectacled Fulvetta (Alcippe ruficapilla)
  • Not found: Chusquea leonardiorum
  • Not found: Blackboard Tree (Alstonia scholaris)
  • Not found: Aporusa bourdillonii
  • Not found: Light Red Meranti (Shorea macrophylla)
  • Not found: Heliaeschna cynthiae
  • Not found: Pleuropoma zigzac ssp. ponapense
  • Not found: Bornean Mountain Ground Squirrel (Dremomys everetti)
  • Not found: Meriania maguirei
  • Not found: Luzon Fruit Bat (Otopteropus cartilagonodus)
  • Not found: Quercus robur ssp. imeretina
  • Not found: Agabus hozgargantae
  • Not found: Kocevje Subterranean Spider (Troglohyphantes gracilis)
  • Not found: Guatteria williamsii
  • Not found: Telmatochromis dhonti
  • Not found: Craugastor amniscola
  • Not found: Paretroplus sp. nov. 'Sofia'
  • Not found: Zygia lehmannii
  • Not found: Euonymus walkeri
  • Not found: Large-eared Tenrec (Geogale aurita)
  • Not found: Thorius munificus
  • Not found: Gephyrochromis moorii
  • Not found: Black-crowned Sparrow-lark (Eremopterix nigriceps)
  • Not found: Inga pedunculata
  • Not found: Cuban Macaw (Ara tricolor)
  • Checking: 16549
  • Red List Title: Penelopides affinis
  • English name: Mindanao Hornbill
  • Found: Mindanao Tarictic Hornbill
  • WARNING: "Mindanao Tarictic Hornbill" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusLeastConcern == LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added before external links.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Heliconia flabellata
  • Not found: Southern Ground-hornbill (Bucorvus cafer)
  • Not found: Stigmaphyllon ecudorense
  • Not found: Iwame Trout (Oncorhynchus iwame)
  • Not found: Goniothalamus majestatis
  • Checking: 19381
  • Red List Title: Ratufa macroura
  • English name: Grizzled Giant Squirrel
  • Found: Grizzled Giant Squirrel
  • common name match: "Grizzled Giant Squirrel" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusVulnerable == VU
  • status_system = iucn2.3
  • References to be added before external links.
  • Flags:syntax updated, set status_system
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; trend=unknown; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Chilean Flicker (Colaptes pitius)
  • Not found: Gabela Helmet-shrike (Prionops gabela)
  • Not found: Epipedobates labialis
  • Checking: 16647
  • Red List Title: Peromyscus polionotus ssp. ammobates
  • English name: Alabama Beach Mouse
  • WARNING: not a plain species. (sp-ssp)
  • Found: Alabama Beach Mouse
  • common name match: "Alabama Beach Mouse" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • WARNING: Taxonomic notes on red list page. (6 words)
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • trinomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category already set correctly: EN
  • status_system = iucn2.3
  • References to be added before external links.
  • Warnings: 2, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Cat correct, set status_system
  • TASKS: trend=unknown; +IUCN reference

  • Checking: 33377
  • Red List Title: Dipterocarpus semivestitus
  • Found: Dipterocarpus semivestitus
  • WARNING: "Dipterocarpus semivestitus" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: CR
  • status_system = iucn2.3
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Set status, set status_system
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (CR); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Helicella bierzona
  • Not found: Atelopus pachydermus
  • Not found: Cape Bluet (Proischnura polychromaticum)
  • Not found: Vertigo paradoxa
  • Not found: Weebill (Smicrornis brevirostris)
  • Not found: Bogota Grass Mouse (Akodon bogotensis)
  • Not found: Capparis sprucei
  • Not found: Lepidochrysops hypopolia
  • Not found: Cozumel Island Raccoon (Procyon pygmaeus)
  • Not found: Yellow-nosed Grass Mouse (Akodon xanthorhinus)
  • Not found: Reldia calcarata
  • Not found: Shade Warbler (Cettia parens)
  • Checking: 51814
  • Red List Title: Oenanthe leucura
  • English name: Black Wheatear
  • Found: Black Wheatear
  • common name match: "Black Wheatear" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: White-bearded Antshrike (Biatas nigropectus)
  • Not found: Craugastor phasma
  • Checking: 42315
  • Red List Title: Larix occidentalis
  • Found: Western Larch
  • WARNING: "Western Larch" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • WARNING: Currently uses non-IUCN category: StatusSecure
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn2.3. Don't add it.
  • References to be added before external links.
  • Warnings: 2, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Wrong status
  • TASKS: set status to valid IUCN category; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Monolistra racovitzai ssp. conopyge
  • Not found: Phlyctimantis leonardi
  • Not found: Aglaia cinnamomea
  • Not found: Black Storm-petrel (Oceanodroma melania)
  • Not found: Hydrocotyle hexagona
  • Checking: 54175
  • Red List Title: Molothrus ater
  • English name: Brown-headed Cowbird
  • Found: Brown-headed Cowbird
  • common name match: "Brown-headed Cowbird" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category already set correctly: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:Cat correct
  • TASKS: +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Mauritius Cuckoo-shrike (Coracina typica)
  • Not found: Koopman's Pipistrelle (Pipistrellus westralis)
  • Checking: 4174
  • Red List Title: Ceratogymna elata
  • English name: Yellow-casqued Hornbill
  • Found: Yellow-casqued Hornbill
  • common name match: "Yellow-casqued Hornbill" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusNearConcern == NT
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Eleutherodactylus lemur
  • Not found: Cape Clawed Toad (Xenopus gilli)
  • Not found: Algerian Orange-tailed Skink (Eumeces algeriensis)
  • Not found: Pseudoeurycea firscheini
  • Not found: Diplostephium barclayanum
  • Checking: 48236
  • Red List Title: Campylopterus hemileucurus
  • English name: Violet Sabrewing
  • Found: Violet Sabrewing
  • common name match: "Violet Sabrewing" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusLeastConcern == LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Ilex ignicola
  • Not found: Eupsophus insularis
  • Not found: Partula leucothoe
  • Checking: 23244
  • Red List Title: Zoothera spiloptera
  • English name: Spot-winged Thrush
  • Found: Spot-winged Thrush
  • common name match: "Spot-winged Thrush" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusNearConcern == NT
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Synodontis lacustricolus
  • Not found: Thelypteris appressa
  • Not found: Vepris morogorensis var. morogorensis
  • Not found: Blue Tuskfish (Choerodon cyanodus)
  • Not found: Roystonea regia var. hondurensis
  • Not found: Black-blotched Stingray (Taeniura meyeni)
  • Not found: Southern Sleeper Shark (Somniosus antarcticus)
  • Checking: 13654
  • Red List Title: Monachus schauinslandi
  • English name: Hawaiian Monk Seal
  • Found: Hawaiian Monk Seal
  • common name match: "Hawaiian Monk Seal" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusEndangered == EN
  • status_system = iucn2.3
  • References to be added before external links.
  • Flags:syntax updated, set status_system
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; trend=unknown; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Euphorbia moratii
  • Not found: Dendrophthora tenuifolia
  • Not found: Calyptranthes simulata
  • Not found: Spot-breasted Laughingthrush (Garrulax merulinus)
  • Checking: 48716
  • Red List Title: Patagioenas speciosa
  • English name: Scaled Pigeon
  • Found: Scaled Pigeon
  • common name match: "Scaled Pigeon" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • WARNING: binomial taxobox name doesn't match wiki: Columba speciosa
  • Found wiki-binomial in redlist synonyms
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Used redlist synonym, Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Heterixalus madagascariensis
  • Not found: Pickersgill's Banana Frog (Afrixalus delicatus)
  • Not found: Dendropsophus acreanus
  • Not found: Rufous Sabrewing (Campylopterus rufus)
  • Not found: Northern Sportive Lemur (Lepilemur septentrionalis)
  • Not found: Brown-hooded Gull (Larus maculipennis)
  • Not found: Nikolaus's Mouse (Megadendromus nikolausi)
  • Checking: 12309
  • Red List Title: Lophocebus albigena
  • English name: Gray-cheeked Mangabey
  • Found: Grey-cheeked Mangabey
  • common name match: "Grey-cheeked Mangabey" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • WARNING: Taxonomic notes on red list page. (34 words)
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Updating incorrect category: StatusNearConcern(NT) → LR/lc
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn2.3. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Wrong status
  • TASKS: update or correct IUCN category; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Malagasy White-eye (Zosterops maderaspatanus)
  • Not found: Fejervarya brevipalmata
  • Not found: Abies chengii
  • Not found: Chestnut-breasted Cuckoo (Cacomantis castaneiventris)
  • Not found: Brush-tailed Bettong (Bettongia penicillata ssp. penicillata)
  • Not found: Hunter's Sunbird (Nectarinia hunteri)
  • Checking: 51812
  • Red List Title: Oenanthe monacha
  • English name: Hooded Wheatear
  • Found: Hooded Wheatear
  • common name match: "Hooded Wheatear" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Checking: 9948
  • Red List Title: Herpailurus yaguarondi
  • English name: Eyra Cat
  • Found: Jaguarundi
  • common name match: "Jaguarundi" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • WARNING: Taxonomic notes on red list page. (6 words)
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added before external links.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); trend=down; +IUCN reference

  • Checking: 13893
  • Red List Title: Morus capensis
  • English name: Cape Gannet
  • Found: Cape Gannet
  • common name match: "Cape Gannet" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusVulnerable == VU
  • Don't add status_system. Assume default of iucn3.1
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; trend=down; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Nabarlek (Petrogale concinna)
  • Checking: 52205
  • Red List Title: Regulus satrapa
  • English name: Golden-crowned Kinglet
  • Found: Golden-crowned Kinglet
  • common name match: "Golden-crowned Kinglet" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Dalbergia setifera
  • Not found: Chlorocypha victoriae
  • Not found: Cyphosperma voutmelensis
  • Not found: Chiloglanis sp. nov. 'Kerio'
  • Not found: Ixalotriton parva
  • Not found: Psychotria pulchra var. hispidula
  • Checking: 54195
  • Red List Title: Ammodramus nelsoni
  • English name: Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow
  • Found: Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow
  • common name match: "Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • WARNING: Taxonomic notes on red list page. (19 words)
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Sclerolobium beaureipairei
  • Not found: Callulops stictogaster
  • Not found: Chestnut Munia (Lonchura atricapilla)
  • Checking: 51912
  • Red List Title: Sturnus contra
  • English name: Asian Pied Starling
  • Found: Asian Pied Starling
  • common name match: "Asian Pied Starling" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusLeastConcern == LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Sharp-tailed Ibis (Cercibis oxycerca)
  • Checking: 49151
  • Red List Title: Charadrius bicinctus
  • English name: Double-banded Plover
  • Found: Double-banded Plover
  • common name match: "Double-banded Plover" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Checking: 39956
  • Red List Title: Chiropotes satanas
  • English name: Bearded Saki
  • Found: Black Bearded Saki
  • WARNING: "Black Bearded Saki" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • WARNING: Taxonomic notes on red list page. (15 words)
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses incorrect or unrecognised category: en
  • Don't add status_system. Assume default of iucn3.1
  • References heading found.
  • Warnings: 2, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Unknown/incorrect cat
  • TASKS: set IUCN category; trend=down; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Wikstroemia coriacea
  • Not found: Lagniappe Crayfish (Procambarus lagniappe)
  • Not found: Harris's Rice Water Rat (Sigmodontomys aphrastus)
  • Not found: Mangrove Flycatcher (Myiagra erythrops)
  • Not found: Zanthoxylum belizense
  • Not found: Eleutherodactylus nubicola
  • Not found: Leptodactylus syphax
  • Not found: Long-billed Thrush (Zoothera monticola)
  • Not found: Osmoxylon whitmorei
  • Not found: Cynometra filifera
  • Not found: Pinus caribaea
  • Not found: Golden Banana Frog (Afrixalus aureus)
  • Not found: Myrsine oliveri
  • Not found: Asteranthe asterias ssp. triangularis
  • Not found: Long-tailed Fat-tailed Opossum (Thylamys macrura)
  • Not found: Central American Pygmy-owl (Glaucidium griseiceps)
  • Not found: Aethionema retsina
  • Not found: Ripon Barbel (Barbus altianalis)
  • Not found: Desmos yunnanensis
  • Not found: Crucian Carp (Carassius carassius)
  • Not found: Chinese Bamboo Rat (Rhizomys sinensis)
  • Not found: Spot-backed Antbird (Hylophylax naevius)
  • Not found: Black-lored Babbler (Turdoides melanops)
  • Not found: Mouse-tailed Shrew (Crocidura muricauda)
  • Not found: Juniperus gracilior var. gracilior
  • Not found: Aechmea manzanaresiana
  • Not found: Melanophryniscus klappenbachi
  • Not found: Green Psammodromus (Psammodromus microdactylus)
  • Not found: Red-winged Laughingthrush (Garrulax formosus)
  • Not found: Seychelles Frog (Sooglossus sechellensis)
  • Not found: Creeping Vole (Microtus oregoni)
  • Not found: Thick-billed Seed-finch (Oryzoborus funereus)
  • Not found: Hopea glaucescens
  • Not found: Lonchocarpus molinae
  • Not found: Mantidactylus horridus
  • Not found: Felten's Vole (Microtus felteni)
  • Not found: Black-faced Cotinga (Conioptilon mcilhennyi)
  • Not found: Haplochromis nigripinnis
  • Not found: Consolida samia
  • Not found: Brachyglottis pentacopa
  • Not found: Brazilian False Rice Rat (Pseudoryzomys simplex)
  • Not found: Pale Rock-finch (Petronia brachydactyla)
  • Checking: 15956
  • Red List Title: Panthera tigris ssp. altaica
  • English name: Amur Tiger
  • WARNING: not a plain species. (sp-ssp)
  • Found: Siberian Tiger
  • WARNING: "Siberian Tiger" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • trinomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusCritical == CR
  • Don't add status_system. Assume default of iucn3.1
  • References heading found.
  • Warnings: 2, Errors: 0
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; trend=down; +IUCN reference

  • Checking: 18674
  • Red List Title: Pterodroma madeira
  • English name: Zino's Petrel
  • Found: Zino's Petrel
  • common name match: "Zino's Petrel" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusEndangered == EN
  • Don't add status_system. Assume default of iucn3.1
  • References to be added before external links.
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; trend=up; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Rhamphophryne nicefori
  • Not found: Boswellia elongata
  • Checking: 51023
  • Red List Title: Hylophilus aurantiifrons
  • English name: Golden-fronted Greenlet
  • Found: Golden-fronted Greenlet
  • common name match: "Golden-fronted Greenlet" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Pleione formosana
  • Checking: 8972
  • Red List Title: Gazella leptoceros
  • English name: Rhim Gazelle
  • Found: Rhim Gazelle
  • common name match: "Rhim Gazelle" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusEndangered == EN
  • status_system = iucn2.3
  • References to be added before external links.
  • Flags:syntax updated, set status_system
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; trend=down; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Forest Rabbit (Sylvilagus brasiliensis)
  • Not found: Litoria elkeae
  • Not found: Hipposideros demissus
  • Not found: Hyperolius brachiofasciatus
  • Not found: Black-vented Shearwater (Puffinus opisthomelas)
  • Not found: Chestnut-breasted Partridge (Arborophila mandellii)
  • Not found: Sombre Catshark (Bythaelurus sp. nov. A)
  • Not found: Rufous-capped Spinetail (Synallaxis ruficapilla)
  • Not found: Lycium sokotranum
  • Not found: Mountain Caracara (Phalcoboenus megalopterus)
  • Not found: Banded Grouper (Epinephelus awoara)
  • Not found: Elattostachys goropuensis
  • Not found: Euphorbia berorohae
  • Not found: Pouteria espinae
  • Not found: Dwarf Squeaker (Arthroleptis xenodactyloides)
  • Not found: Polyommatus dama
  • Not found: Protea laetans
  • Checking: 48779
  • Red List Title: Leucosarcia melanoleuca
  • English name: Wonga Pigeon
  • Found: Wonga Pigeon
  • common name match: "Wonga Pigeon" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusLeastConcern == LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Sidamo Clawed Frog (Xenopus largeni)
  • Not found: São Tomé Short-tail (Amaurocichla bocagei)
  • Not found: Hedleyoconcha ailaketoae
  • Not found: Southern Multimammate Mouse (Mastomys coucha)
  • Not found: Mindanao Tree Shrew (Urogale everetti)
  • Not found: Millettia warneckei
  • Not found: Palawan Striped-babbler (Stachyris hypogrammica)
  • Not found: Pseudoeurycea lynchi
  • Not found: Sphaenorhynchus carneus
  • Checking: 49032
  • Red List Title: Scolopax saturata
  • English name: Javan Woodcock
  • Found: Dusky Woodcock
  • WARNING: "Dusky Woodcock" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • WARNING: Taxonomic notes on red list page. (21 words)
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: NT
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Warnings: 2, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (NT); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Bufo castaneoticus
  • Not found: Diospyros quaesita
  • Not found: Cinnamomum parviflorum
  • Not found: Pasania dodonaeifolia
  • Not found: Fiji Bush-warbler (Cettia ruficapilla)
  • Not found: Siberian Sturgeon (Acipenser baerii ssp. baerii)
  • Not found: Baccaurea hookeri
  • Not found: Myrsine bullata
  • Not found: Desert Froglet (Crinia deserticola)
  • Checking: 12366
  • Red List Title: Loriculus catamene
  • English name: Sangihe Hanging-parrot
  • Found: Sangihe Hanging Parrot
  • WARNING: "Sangihe Hanging Parrot" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusEndangered == EN
  • Don't add status_system. Assume default of iucn3.1
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; trend=down; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Ozoroa namaquensis
  • Not found: Gyrocaryum oppositifolium
  • Not found: White Siris (Ailanthus integrifolia)
  • Not found: Commidendrum robustum ssp. gummiferum
  • Not found: Oreochromis latilabris
  • Not found: Yellow Pygmy Rice Rat (Oligoryzomys flavescens)
  • Not found: Erucastrum rostratum
  • Not found: Band-tailed Antbird (Hypocnemoides maculicauda)
  • Not found: Gentianella polyantha
  • Checking: 2174
  • Red List Title: Aspideretes leithii
  • English name: Leith's Softshell Turtle
  • Found: Nagpur Soft-shell Turtle
  • WARNING: "Nagpur Soft-shell Turtle" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses incorrect or unrecognised category:
  • status_system = iucn2.3
  • References heading found.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Unknown/incorrect cat, set status_system
  • TASKS: set IUCN category; trend=unknown; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Forest Grass Mouse (Akodon sylvanus)
  • Checking: 49040
  • Red List Title: Gallinago andina
  • English name: Puna Snipe
  • Found: South American Snipe
  • WARNING: "South American Snipe" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • WARNING: binomial taxobox name doesn't match wiki: Gallinago paraguaiae
  • Wiki-binomial not found in red list synonyms
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Summary: binomial doesn't match
  • Warnings: 2, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Phyllanthus profusus
  • Not found: Cryptobatrachus fuhrmanni
  • Not found: Rufous Crab-hawk (Buteogallus aequinoctialis)
  • Not found: Bottlenose Skate (Rostroraja alba)
  • Not found: Finsch's Francolin (Francolinus finschi)
  • Not found: Jasminocereus thouarsii var. delicatus
  • Not found: Southern Tree Hyrax (Dendrohyrax arboreus)
  • Not found: Guatteria ferruginea
  • Checking: 3433
  • Red List Title: Cacatua sulphurea
  • English name: Yellow-crested Cockatoo
  • Found: Lesser Sulphur-crested Cockatoo
  • WARNING: "Lesser Sulphur-crested Cockatoo" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusCritical == CR
  • Don't add status_system. Assume default of iucn3.1
  • References to be added before external links.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; trend=down; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Blunt-eared Bat (Tomopeas ravus)
  • Not found: Least Tiger (Parantica pumila)
  • Not found: Theskelomensor creon
  • Not found: Discocharopa mimosa
  • Not found: Spiny Long-footed Rat (Tarsomys echinatus)
  • Not found: Rio Grande Shiner (Notropis jemezanus)
  • Not found: Macrozamia reducta
  • Not found: Polystachya victoriae
  • Not found: Calathea lanicaulis
  • Not found: Inga multicaulis
  • Not found: Centrolene fernandoi
  • Not found: Timon tangitanus
  • Not found: Helicella zaratei
  • Not found: White-browed Ground-tyrant (Muscisaxicola albilora)
  • Not found: Hexaprotodon liberiensis ssp. heslopi
  • Not found: Cycas hainanensis
  • Not found: Spot-crowned Antvireo (Dysithamnus puncticeps)
  • Not found: Stenandrium harlingii
  • Not found: Colostethus ayarzaguenai
  • Not found: Staurois natator
  • Not found: White-quilled Bustard (Eupodotis afraoides)
  • Not found: Omphalotropis striatapila
  • Not found: Smoky-fronted Tody-flycatcher (Poecilotriccus fumifrons)
  • Not found: African Wedgefish (Rhynchobatus luebberti)
  • Not found: Justicia orbicularis
  • Not found: Gacela de Przewalski (Procapra przewalskii)
  • Not found: Canthocamptus dedeckkeri
  • Not found: Macrozamia crassifolia
  • Not found: Craugastor chac
  • Not found: Scaly-breasted Partridge (Arborophila chloropus)
  • Not found: Geniostoma quadrangulare
  • Checking: 49957
  • Red List Title: Sayornis saya
  • English name: Say's Phoebe
  • Found: Say's Phoebe
  • common name match: "Say's Phoebe" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category already set correctly: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:Cat correct
  • TASKS: +IUCN reference

  • Checking: 48610
  • Red List Title: Asio capensis
  • English name: Marsh Owl
  • Found: Marsh Owl
  • common name match: "Marsh Owl" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Bolitoglossa chica
  • Not found: Solanum semicoalitum
  • Not found: Labidochromis pallidus
  • Not found: White-breasted Thrasher (Ramphocinclus brachyurus)
  • Not found: Eleutherodactylus rosadoi
  • Not found: Oedipina paucidentata
  • Not found: Dipterocarpus dyeri
  • Not found: Dendropsophus bogerti
  • Not found: Banded Antbird (Dichrozona cincta)
  • Not found: Elaphoglossum molle
  • Not found: Euastacus setosus
  • Not found: Chowchilla (Orthonyx spaldingii)
  • Not found: White-browed Tapaculo (Scytalopus superciliaris)
  • Not found: Memecylon urceolatum
  • Not found: Huia modiglianii
  • Not found: Fallicambarus burrisi
  • Not found: Banana Pipistrelle (Neoromicia nanus)
  • Checking: 53819
  • Red List Title: Ramphocelus carbo
  • English name: Silver-beaked Tanager
  • Found: Silver-beaked Tanager
  • common name match: "Silver-beaked Tanager" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Saurauia lehmannii
  • Not found: Persea alpigena var. harrisii
  • Not found: Pseudogynoxys sodiroi
  • Not found: Seddera spinosa
  • Not found: Moluccan Cuckoo (Cacomantis heinrichi)
  • Not found: Tawny-breasted Parrotfinch (Erythrura hyperythra)
  • Not found: Aniba venezuelana
  • Not found: Trichia gramnicola
  • Not found: Pseudolmedia hirtula
  • Not found: New Ireland Stingaree (Urolophus armatus)
  • Not found: Paphiopedilum ciliolare
  • Not found: Tillandsia dyeriana
  • Not found: Stripe-faced Wood-quail (Odontophorus balliviani)
  • Not found: Jackson Lake Springsnail (Pyrgulopsis robusta)
  • Not found: Guarea sprucei
  • Not found: Pouteria pisquiensis
  • Not found: Ryukyu Long-tailed Giant Rat (Diplothrix legatus)
  • Not found: Licaria cubensis
  • Not found: Oaxaca Mud Turtle (Kinosternon oaxacae)
  • Not found: Vitex lehmbachii
  • Not found: Thyroptera lavali
  • Not found: Colostethus cevallosi
  • Not found: Bidens wiebkei
  • Checking: 47074
  • Red List Title: Lophura leucomelanos
  • English name: Kalij Pheasant
  • Found: Kalij Pheasant
  • common name match: "Kalij Pheasant" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Knysna Woodpecker (Campethera notata)
  • Not found: Huon Melidectes (Melidectes foersteri)
  • Checking: 48108
  • Red List Title: Amazona amazonica
  • English name: Orange-winged Parrot
  • Found: Orange-winged Parrot
  • common name match: "Orange-winged Parrot" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Helicia acutifolia
  • Not found: Sprightly Pygmy Rice Rat (Oligoryzomys vegetus)
  • Not found: Craugastor alfredi
  • Not found: Pinus nigra ssp. dalmatica
  • Not found: Nyctimystes oktediensis
  • Not found: Myristica guatteriifolia
  • Not found: Gynoxys rimbachii
  • Not found: Hinde's Lesser House Bat (Scotoecus hindei)
  • Not found: Yellow-browed Camaroptera (Camaroptera superciliaris)
  • Not found: Lesser Shortwing (Brachypteryx leucophrys)
  • Not found: Trichilia silvatica
  • Not found: Black Colobus (Colobus satanas)
  • Not found: Tristan Moorhen (Gallinula nesiotis)
  • Not found: Rasbora tawarensis
  • Not found: Hopea wightiana
  • Checking: 47350
  • Red List Title: Dendrocopos syriacus
  • English name: Syrian Woodpecker
  • Found: Syrian Woodpecker
  • common name match: "Syrian Woodpecker" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Checking: 40124
  • Red List Title: Oceanites maorianus
  • English name: New Zealand Storm-petrel
  • Found: New Zealand Storm-petrel
  • common name match: "New Zealand Storm-petrel" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • WARNING: Taxonomic notes on red list page. (13 words)
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusCritical == CR
  • Don't add status_system. Assume default of iucn3.1
  • References to be added before external links.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; trend=unknown; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Dusky Flying Fox (Pteropus brunneus)
  • Not found: Beautiful Nursery-frog (Cophixalus concinnus)
  • Not found: Ditropis whitei
  • Not found: Scarlet-collared Flowerpecker (Dicaeum retrocinctum)
  • Not found: Homalium henriquesii
  • Not found: Atlas Dwarf Lizard (Lacerta andreanskyi)
  • Not found: Monterey Dusky-footed Woodrat (Neotoma fuscipes ssp. luciana)
  • Not found: Black-crowned White-eye (Zosterops atrifrons)
  • Not found: Bulimulus albermalensis
  • Not found: Antioquia Bristle-tyrant (Phylloscartes lanyoni)
  • Not found: Pritchardia glabrata
  • Not found: Siparuna cascada
  • Not found: Limnonectes grunniens
  • Not found: Latania lontaroides
  • Checking: 11506
  • Red List Title: Leontopithecus rosalia
  • English name: Golden Lion Tamarin
  • Found: Golden Lion Tamarin
  • common name match: "Golden Lion Tamarin" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses incorrect or unrecognised category: CR
  • Don't add status_system. Assume default of iucn3.1
  • existing IUCN reference found
  • Flags:Unknown/incorrect cat
  • TASKS: set IUCN category; trend=up

  • Not found: Pritchardia thurstonii
  • Not found: Orophea palawanensis
  • Not found: Manalak (Puntius manalak)
  • Not found: Hypsiboas wavrini
  • Not found: Arenga micrantha
  • Checking: 46918
  • Red List Title: Struthio camelus
  • English name: Ostrich
  • Found: Ostrich
  • common name match: "Ostrich" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added before external links.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Persea obtusifolia
  • Not found: Rudgea microcarpa
  • Not found: Burmeistera anderssonii
  • Not found: Coprosma esulcata
  • Not found: Heliotropium socotranum
  • Checking: 40527
  • Red List Title: Dasykaluta rosamondae
  • English name: Little Red Antechinus
  • Found: Little Red Kaluta
  • common name match: "Little Red Kaluta" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LR/lc
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn2.3. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LR/lc); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Litoria bulmeri
  • Not found: Rughidia cordatum
  • Checking: 41683
  • Red List Title: Nasua narica
  • English name: Coatimundi
  • Found: Pizote
  • WARNING: "Pizote" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LR/lc
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn2.3. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LR/lc); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Seram Thrush (Zoothera joiceyi)
  • Not found: Sanborn's Squirrel (Sciurus sanborni)
  • Not found: Chaco Grass Mouse (Akodon toba)
  • Not found: Tetrathemis ruwensoriensis
  • Not found: Archbold's Bowerbird (Archboldia papuensis)
  • Not found: Sorbus velebitica
  • Not found: Cipocereus laniflorus
  • Not found: Trichilia surumuensis
  • Not found: Styloceras kunthianum
  • Not found: Physalaemus olfersii
  • Not found: Juruá Red Howling Monkey (Alouatta seniculus ssp. juara)
  • Not found: Servaline Genet (Genetta servalina)
  • Not found: Blue-legged Mantella (Mantella expectata)
  • Checking: 52346
  • Red List Title: Cisticola exilis
  • English name: Golden-headed Cisticola
  • Found: Golden-headed Cisticola
  • common name match: "Golden-headed Cisticola" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Marañón Poison Frog (Dendrobates mysteriosus)
  • Not found: Acanthodactylus ahmaddisii
  • Not found: Haplochromis angustifrons
  • Not found: Verreaux's Sifaka (Propithecus verreauxi ssp. verreauxi)
  • Checking: 16720
  • Red List Title: Petaurista leucogenys
  • English name: Japanese Giant Flying Squirrel
  • Found: Japanese Giant Flying Squirrel
  • common name match: "Japanese Giant Flying Squirrel" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusLeastConcern == LR/lc
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn2.3. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Hopea micrantha
  • Not found: Diospyros gillisonii
  • Not found: Garcinia pyrifera
  • Not found: Ridged Pteralyxia (Pteralyxia macrocarpa)
  • Checking: 51041
  • Red List Title: Struthidea cinerea
  • English name: Apostlebird
  • Found: Apostlebird
  • common name match: "Apostlebird" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added before external links.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Checking: 49164
  • Red List Title: Vanellus vanellus
  • English name: Northern Lapwing
  • Found: Northern Lapwing
  • common name match: "Northern Lapwing" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusLeastConcern == LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Podocarpus pilgeri
  • Not found: Grayish Pygmy Rice Rat (Oligoryzomys griseolus)
  • Not found: Eleutherodactylus tinker
  • Not found: Small Buttonquail (Turnix sylvaticus)
  • Not found: Snow Pigeon (Columba leuconota)
  • Checking: 1045
  • Red List Title: Amazona arausiaca
  • English name: Red-necked Parrot
  • Found: Red-necked Parrot
  • common name match: "Red-necked Parrot" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: VU
  • Don't add status_system. Assume default of iucn3.1
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (VU); trend=up; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Madagascan Rousette (Rousettus madagascariensis)
  • Not found: Strongylognathus rehbinderi
  • Not found: Mesagrion leucorrhinum
  • Not found: Nothobranchius aff. taeniopygus
  • Not found: Natterer's Tuco-tuco (Ctenomys nattereri)
  • Not found: Masked Antpitta (Hylopezus auricularis)
  • Not found: Plagiocheilus peduncularis
  • Not found: Ground Parrot (Pezoporus wallicus)
  • Not found: Zanthoxylum delagoense
  • Not found: Great Woodswallow (Artamus maximus)
  • Checking: 21492
  • Red List Title: Tarsius syrichta
  • English name: Philippine Tarsier
  • Found: Philippine Tarsier
  • common name match: "Philippine Tarsier" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • WARNING: Taxonomic notes on red list page. (90 words)
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusData == DD
  • status_system = iucn2.3
  • References heading found.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:syntax updated, set status_system
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; trend=unknown; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Terminalia januariensis
  • Not found: Ampelita julii
  • Not found: Cycas curranii
  • Not found: Atelopus bomolochos
  • Not found: Butterfly of Paradise (Ornithoptera paradisea)
  • Not found: Vatica affinis
  • Not found: Bridges's Degu (Octodon bridgesi)
  • Not found: Arizona Shrew (Sorex arizonae)
  • Not found: Eleutherococcus setulosus
  • Checking: 4162
  • Red List Title: Cephalorhynchus hectori
  • English name: New Zealand Dolphin
  • Found: Hector's Dolphin
  • common name match: "Hector's Dolphin" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusEndangered == EN
  • status_system = iucn2.3
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:syntax updated, set status_system
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; trend=unknown; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Cola bracteata
  • Not found: Axinaea merianiae
  • Not found: Weinmannia ouaiemensis
  • Not found: Olive-streaked Honeyeater (Ptiloprora meekiana)
  • Not found: White-throated Shrike-tanager (Lanio leucothorax)
  • Not found: Marsabit Clawed Frog (Xenopus borealis)
  • Not found: Lemna ecuadoriensis
  • Not found: Cylindrovertilla kingi
  • Not found: Schefflera kuchingensis
  • Not found: Diospyros johorensis
  • Not found: Slaty Bunting (Latoucheornis siemsseni)
  • Not found: Cestrum tipocochense
  • Not found: Gastrotheca testudinea
  • Not found: Peters's Sheath-tailed Bat (Emballonura atrata)
  • Not found: Scaly-breasted Illadopsis (Illadopsis albipectus)
  • Not found: Madarasz's Tiger-parrot (Psittacella madaraszi)
  • Not found: Dysosma aurantiocaulis
  • Not found: Red-necked Woodpecker (Campephilus rubricollis)
  • Checking: 42314
  • Red List Title: Larix lyallii
  • Found: Subalpine Larch
  • WARNING: "Subalpine Larch" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LR/lc
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn2.3. Don't add it.
  • References to be added before external links.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LR/lc); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Hunter's Cisticola (Cisticola hunteri)
  • Not found: Lithodora nitida
  • Not found: Rollinia xylopiifolia
  • Not found: Fischer's Turaco (Tauraco fischeri)
  • Checking: 39701
  • Red List Title: Nepenthes talangensis
  • Found: Nepenthes talangensis
  • WARNING: "Nepenthes talangensis" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • WARNING: Taxonomic notes on red list page. (11 words)
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusEndangered == EN
  • status_system = iucn2.3
  • References heading found.
  • Warnings: 2, Errors: 0
  • Flags:syntax updated, set status_system
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Cycas cairnsiana
  • Not found: Flectonotus pygmaeus
  • Not found: Kolombangara Monarch (Monarcha browni)
  • Not found: Pavetta johnstonii ssp. breviloba
  • Not found: Oriental Pied-hornbill (Anthracoceros albirostris)
  • Not found: Pavetta johnstonii ssp. breviloba
  • Not found: Oriental Pied-hornbill (Anthracoceros albirostris)
  • Not found: Pavetta johnstonii ssp. breviloba
  • Not found: Oriental Pied-hornbill (Anthracoceros albirostris)
  • Checking: 10254
  • Red List Title: Hoplodactylus delcourti
  • Found: Kawekaweau/Delcourt's gecko
  • WARNING: "Kawekaweau/Delcourt's gecko" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • ERROR: No taxobox
  • Summary: No taxobox
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 1
  • TASKS:

  • Not found: Ground Woodpecker (Geocolaptes olivaceus)
  • Not found: Slate-coloured Antbird (Schistocichla schistacea)
  • Not found: Hyperolius atrigularis
  • Not found: Strempeliopsis arborea
  • Not found: Rufous-necked Laughingthrush (Garrulax ruficollis)
  • Not found: Glochidion temehaniense
  • Not found: King Horseshoe Bat (Rhinolophus rex)
  • Not found: Brown Tent-making Bat (Uroderma magnirostrum)
  • Not found: Myristica laevis ssp. badia
  • Not found: Miconia sodiroi
  • Checking: 41789
  • Red List Title: Cervus timorensis
  • English name: Rusa
  • Found: Rusa Deer
  • WARNING: "Rusa Deer" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • WARNING: Taxonomic notes on red list page. (20 words)
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LR/lc
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn2.3. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Warnings: 2, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LR/lc); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Dendropsophus microps
  • Not found: Chamaesyce rockii
  • Not found: Eleutherodactylus auriculatoides
  • Not found: Gomidesia mugnifolia
  • Not found: Shorea lunduensis
  • Not found: Chinese Goral (Naemorhedus caudatus)
  • Not found: Guatteria occidentalis
  • Not found: Onchotelson brevicaudatus
  • Not found: Tabernaemontana stenosiphon
  • Checking: 6026
  • Red List Title: Cyclura carinata
  • English name: Bahamas Rock Iguana
  • Found: Turks and Caicos rock iguana
  • WARNING: "Turks and Caicos rock iguana" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • WARNING: Taxonomic notes on red list page. (39 words)
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusCritical == CR
  • Don't add status_system. Assume default of iucn3.1
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Warnings: 2, Errors: 0
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; trend=down; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Colostethus elachyhistus
  • Not found: Dorstenia prorepens
  • Not found: Hopea apiculata
  • Not found: Musser's Shrew Mouse (Microhydromys musseri)
  • Not found: Jandaya Parakeet (Aratinga jandaya)
  • Not found: Phyllomedusa trinitatis
  • Not found: Hynobius quelpartensis
  • Not found: Phyllomedusa trinitatis
  • Not found: Hynobius quelpartensis
  • Not found: Acidocroton gentryi
  • Not found: Collared Kingfisher (Todiramphus chloris)
  • Not found: Diospyros riojae
  • Checking: 4248
  • Red List Title: Cerdocyon thous
  • English name: Common Fox
  • Found: Crab-eating Fox
  • common name match: "Crab-eating Fox" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Updating incorrect category: StatusUnknown(NE) → LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:Wrong status
  • TASKS: update or correct IUCN category; trend=stable; +IUCN reference

  • Checking: 49463
  • Red List Title: Lophaetus occipitalis
  • English name: Long-crested Eagle
  • Found: Long-crested Eagle
  • common name match: "Long-crested Eagle" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Salacia fimbrisepala
  • Not found: Bamenda Apalis (Apalis bamendae)
  • Not found: Boophis andreonei
  • Not found: Bolivian Spinetail (Cranioleuca henricae)
  • Not found: Torrey Pine (Pinus torreyana ssp. torreyana)
  • Not found: Oreolalax xiangchengensis
  • Checking: 51133
  • Red List Title: Dendrocitta frontalis
  • English name: Collared Treepie
  • Found: Black-faced Treepie
  • WARNING: "Black-faced Treepie" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Buettikofer's Shrew (Crocidura buettikoferi)
  • Not found: Western Palm Squirrel (Epixerus ebii)
  • Not found: White-legged Duiker (Cephalophus ogilbyi ssp. crusalbum)
  • Not found: Csorba's Mouse-eared Bat (Myotis csorbai)
  • Checking: 49552
  • Red List Title: Phalacrocorax brasilianus
  • English name: Neotropic Cormorant
  • Found: Neotropic Cormorant
  • common name match: "Neotropic Cormorant" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category already set correctly: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:Cat correct
  • TASKS: +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Slender Mosaic-tailed Rat (Melomys gracilis)
  • Not found: Lasiocroton fawcettii
  • Not found: Taeniolethrinops praeorbitalis
  • Not found: Rollinia boliviana
  • Checking: 53639
  • Red List Title: Vermivora ruficapilla
  • English name: Nashville Warbler
  • Found: Nashville Warbler
  • common name match: "Nashville Warbler" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category already set correctly: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:Cat correct
  • TASKS: +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Western Hoolock (Bunopithecus hoolock ssp. hoolock)
  • Not found: Pavonine Cuckoo (Dromococcyx pavoninus)
  • Not found: Chelyocarpus dianeurus
  • Not found: Hooded Antpitta (Grallaricula cucullata)
  • Checking: 22781
  • Red List Title: Urocyon littoralis
  • English name: California Channel Island Fox
  • Found: Island Fox
  • common name match: "Island Fox" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • WARNING: Taxonomic notes on red list page. (4 words)
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Updating incorrect category: StatusEndangered(EN) → CR
  • Don't add status_system. Assume default of iucn3.1
  • References tag found. Adding status_ref
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Wrong status
  • TASKS: update or correct IUCN category; trend=down; +status_ref

  • Not found: Zimmermannia nguruensis
  • Not found: Elaeocarpus brigittae
  • Not found: Relictivomer pearsei
  • Not found: Urich's Tyrannulet (Phyllomyias urichi)
  • Not found: Eleutherodactylus juipoca
  • Checking: 47422
  • Red List Title: Picus xanthopygaeus
  • English name: Streak-throated Woodpecker
  • Found: Streak-throated Woodpecker
  • common name match: "Streak-throated Woodpecker" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Lippia salicifolia
  • Not found: Angolan Long-eared Bats (Laephotis angolensis)
  • Not found: Philodendron quitense
  • Not found: Meliosma youngii
  • Not found: Atelopus reticulatus
  • Checking: 51807
  • Red List Title: Saxicola tectes
  • English name: Réunion Stonechat
  • Found: Reunion Stonechat
  • WARNING: "Reunion Stonechat" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Macrozamia occidua
  • Not found: Plecodus straeleni
  • Not found: Cycas multipinnata
  • Not found: Knema saxatilis
  • Checking: 48472
  • Red List Title: Tauraco schuetti
  • English name: Black-billed Turaco
  • Found: Black-billed Turaco
  • common name match: "Black-billed Turaco" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusLeastConcern == LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Lagden's Bush-shrike (Malaconotus lagdeni)
  • Not found: Blue Basker (Urothemis edwardsii)
  • Not found: Rodrigues Warbler (Acrocephalus rodericanus)
  • Not found: Blue Mockingbird (Melanotis caerulescens)
  • Checking: 7839
  • Red List Title: Epimachus bruijnii
  • English name: Pale-billed Sicklebill
  • Found: Pale-billed Sicklebill
  • common name match: "Pale-billed Sicklebill" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category already set correctly: NT
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added before external links.
  • Flags:Cat correct
  • TASKS: +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Ficus angladei
  • Not found: D'albertis Ringtail Possum (Pseudochirops albertisii)
  • Not found: Boulengerula niedeni
  • Not found: Banded Mesodon (Mesodon clausus ssp. trossulus)
  • Not found: Thorius pennatulus
  • Not found: Nyctophilus bifax
  • Not found: Four-striped Ground Squirrel (Lariscus hosei)
  • Not found: Broadnose Sevengill (Notorynchus cepedianus)
  • Not found: Mountain Buzzard (Buteo oreophilus)
  • Not found: Yapacana Antbird (Myrmeciza disjuncta)
  • Not found: Eritrea Clawed Frog (Xenopus clivii)
  • Not found: White-thighed Hornbill (Bycanistes albotibialis)
  • Not found: Philippine Needletail (Mearnsia picina)
  • Not found: White-throated Earthcreeper (Upucerthia albigula)
  • Not found: Papuan Whipbird (Androphobus viridis)
  • Not found: Wrightia laevis
  • Not found: Abarema centiflora
  • Not found: Trigonobalanus doichangensis
  • Not found: Querétaro Pocket Gopher (Pappogeomys neglectus)
  • Not found: Robin Accentor (Prunella rubeculoides)
  • Not found: Nahan's Francolin (Francolinus nahani)
  • Not found: Olive Sunbird (Nectarinia olivacea)
  • Not found: Salt's Dik-dik (Madoqua saltiana)
  • Not found: Palawan Montane Squirrel (Sundasciurus rabori)
  • Not found: Anthurium curtispadix
  • Not found: Gordonia taipingensis
  • Not found: Novae's Bald-headed Uacari (Cacajao calvus ssp. novaesi)
  • Not found: Castanopsis concinna
  • Not found: Golden Dove (Ptilinopus luteovirens)
  • Not found: Yorba Linda Weevil (Trigonoscuta yorbalindae)
  • Not found: Solanum lanuginosum
  • Not found: Aglaia tenuicaulis
  • Not found: Exerodonta smaragdina
  • Not found: Allen's Striped Bat (Glauconycteris alboguttata)
  • Not found: Western Spinebill (Acanthorhynchus superciliosus)
  • Not found: Cosmostigma hainanense
  • Not found: Sculptor Squirrel (Glyphotes simus)
  • Not found: Atelognathus praebasalticus
  • Not found: Barbouria cubensis
  • Not found: White-collared Starling (Grafisia torquata)
  • Not found: Eleutherodactylus pinguis
  • Not found: Schefflera palmiformis
  • Not found: Ochraceous Attila (Attila torridus)
  • Not found: Tanager-finch (Oreothraupis arremonops)
  • Not found: Vatica chinensis
  • Not found: Indian Brown Mongoose (Herpestes fuscus)
  • Not found: Xanthocercis rabiensis
  • Checking: 40583
  • Red List Title: Tarsipes rostratus
  • English name: Honey Possum
  • Found: Honey Possum
  • common name match: "Honey Possum" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses incorrect or unrecognised category: lc
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn2.3. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:Unknown/incorrect cat
  • TASKS: set IUCN category; +IUCN reference

  • Checking: 53544
  • Red List Title: Calamospiza melanocorys
  • English name: Lark Bunting
  • Found: Lark Bunting
  • common name match: "Lark Bunting" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • WARNING: Currently uses non-IUCN category: StatusConcern
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Wrong status
  • TASKS: set status to valid IUCN category; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Pseuduvaria taipingensis
  • Not found: Brunfelsia membranacea
  • Not found: Koilodepas wallichianum
  • Not found: Common Brown Lemur (Eulemur fulvus ssp. fulvus)
  • Not found: Nectophrynoides pseudotornieri
  • Not found: Hypsiboas exastis
  • Checking: 9143
  • Red List Title: Gerbillus pulvinatus
  • English name: Cushioned Gerbil
  • Found: Gerbillus pulvinatus
  • WARNING: "Gerbillus pulvinatus" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • WARNING: Article title uses species name when a common name exists: Cushioned Gerbil
  • All IUCN-listed common names: Cushioned Gerbil
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • WARNING: Taxonomic notes on red list page. (11 words)
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Warnings: 3, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); trend=unknown; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Osornophryne antisana
  • Not found: de Filippi's Petrel (Pterodroma defilippiana)
  • Not found: Broadmouth Catshark (Apristurus macrostomus)
  • Not found: Superb Sunbird (Nectarinia superba)
  • Not found: Ecuadorean Rice Rat (Oryzomys auriventer)
  • Not found: Piper platylobum
  • Not found: Spectacled Prickletail (Siptornis striaticollis)
  • Not found: Admiralty Cuscus (Spilocuscus kraemeri)
  • Not found: Pittosporum silamense
  • Not found: Lemon-breasted Seedeater (Serinus citrinipectus)
  • Checking: 8706
  • Red List Title: Fundulus albolineatus
  • English name: Whiteline Topminnow
  • Found: Whiteline topminnow
  • "Whiteline topminnow" is listed as a common name by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Old extinction syntax.
  • Extinction year not listed in Wikipedia
  • References heading found.
  • TASKS: +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Petrochromis orthognathus
  • Not found: South African Ground Squirrel (Xerus inauris)
  • Checking: 41867
  • Red List Title: Typhlonarke aysoni
  • English name: Blind Electric Ray
  • Found: Blind electric ray
  • "Blind electric ray" is listed as a common name by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • WARNING: Taxonomic notes on red list page. (5 words)
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: DD
  • Don't add status_system. Assume default of iucn3.1
  • References heading found.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (DD); trend=unknown; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Xylosma obovatum
  • Not found: Vanuatu Megapode (Megapodius layardi)
  • Not found: Blue-grey Robin (Peneothello cyanus)
  • Not found: Eleutherodactylus ruthveni
  • Not found: Asterogyne ramosa
  • Not found: White-tailed Warbler (Poliolais lopezi)
  • Not found: Inga neblinensis
  • Not found: Common Green Frog (Rana erythraea)
  • Not found: Catspaw (Epioblasma obliquata ssp. obliquata)
  • Not found: Phyllanthus cladanthus
  • Not found: Superb Parrot (Polytelis swainsonii)
  • Not found: Geissanthus pinchinchana
  • Not found: Graziana pupula
  • Not found: Red-veined Dropwing (Trithemis arteriosa)
  • Not found: Campbell Island Shag (Phalacrocorax campbelli)
  • Not found: Leiostyla vincta
  • Not found: Mountain Sweet Pitcherplant (Sarracenia rubra ssp. jonesii)
  • Not found: Dendropsophus microcephalus
  • Not found: Telmatobius hockingi
  • Not found: White-tufted Honeyeater (Lichmera squamata)
  • Not found: Pouteria anteridata
  • Not found: Passiflora sodiroi
  • Not found: Physalaemus fischeri
  • Not found: Monster Rice Rat (Oryzomys lamia)
  • Not found: Sphaerotheca breviceps
  • Not found: Moon Shrew (Crocidura selina)
  • Not found: Nyassachromis purpurans
  • Not found: Turbinicarpus gielsdorfianus
  • Not found: Plains Mouse (Pseudomys australis)
  • Checking: 47141
  • Red List Title: Coscoroba coscoroba
  • English name: Coscoroba Swan
  • Found: Coscoroba Swan
  • common name match: "Coscoroba Swan" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusLeastConcern == LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Clidemia acostae
  • Not found: Cleistanthus glandulosus
  • Not found: Great Shrike-tyrant (Agriornis lividus)
  • Not found: Carolina Elktoe (Alasmidonta robusta)
  • Not found: Silene diclinis
  • Not found: Craugastor chrysozetetes
  • Not found: Painted Snake-coiled Forest Snail (Anguispira picta)
  • Not found: Aloe helenae
  • Not found: Phyllonemus filinemus
  • Not found: Slate-throated Gnatcatcher (Polioptila schistaceigula)
  • Not found: Marcapata Spinetail (Cranioleuca marcapatae)
  • Not found: Tacinga werneri
  • Not found: Dusky-brown Oriole (Oriolus phaeochromus)
  • Not found: Congo Yellowlegs (Platycnemis nyansana)
  • Not found: Northern Luzon Shrew Rat (Crunomys fallax)
  • Not found: Caryocar amygdaliforme
  • Not found: Yellow-headed Temple Turtle (Hieremys annandalii)
  • Checking: 41629
  • Red List Title: Mellivora capensis
  • English name: Honey Badger
  • Found: Ratel
  • WARNING: "Ratel" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • WARNING: Currently uses non-IUCN category: StatusSecure
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn2.3. Don't add it.
  • References to be added before external links.
  • Warnings: 2, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Wrong status
  • TASKS: set status to valid IUCN category; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Bulimulus amastroides
  • Not found: Lethrinops lunaris
  • Not found: Nehalennia speciosa
  • Not found: Colophon eastmani
  • Not found: Blaze-winged Parakeet (Pyrrhura devillei)
  • Not found: Brachythemis wilsoni
  • Not found: Ochre-fronted Antpitta (Grallaricula ochraceifrons)
  • Not found: Green-eared Barbet (Megalaima faiostricta)
  • Not found: Eleutherodactylus walkeri
  • Not found: Cylindrocline commersonii
  • Not found: Centrolene mariae
  • Checking: 8543
  • Red List Title: Felis silvestris
  • English name: Wild Cat
  • Found: Wild cat
  • "Wild cat" is listed as a common name by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • WARNING: Taxonomic notes on red list page. (17 words)
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • WARNING: Currently uses non-IUCN category: StatusConcern
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added before external links.
  • Warnings: 2, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Wrong status
  • TASKS: set status to valid IUCN category; trend=down; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Puya maculata
  • Not found: Common Zebra (Equus burchellii)
  • Not found: Astronidium glabrum
  • Checking: 33953
  • Red List Title: Prosopis alba
  • Found: Prosopis alba
  • WARNING: "Prosopis alba" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LR/nt
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn2.3. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LR/nt); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Grey-crowned Yellowthroat (Geothlypis poliocephala)
  • Not found: Red-crested Finch (Coryphospingus cucullatus)
  • Not found: Cleyera vaccinioides
  • Not found: Sphaerospira whartoni
  • Not found: Euphorbia tetraptera var. robusta
  • Checking: 18675
  • Red List Title: Pterodroma magentae
  • English name: Chatham Island Taiko
  • Found: Magenta Petrel
  • WARNING: "Magenta Petrel" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusCritical == CR
  • Don't add status_system. Assume default of iucn3.1
  • References heading found.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; trend=down; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Bearded Bulbul (Criniger barbatus)
  • Not found: Labrador Rock Vole (Microtus chrotorrhinus ssp. ravus)
  • Checking: 51778
  • Red List Title: Copsychus malabaricus
  • English name: White-rumped Shama
  • Found: White-rumped Shama
  • common name match: "White-rumped Shama" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • WARNING: Taxonomic notes on red list page. (19 words)
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Chestnut-breasted Wren (Cyphorhinus thoracicus)
  • Not found: Eleutherodactylus palmeri
  • Not found: Obovate Melicope (Melicope obovata)
  • Not found: Acacia ochracea
  • Not found: Obovaria unicolor
  • Checking: 50856
  • Red List Title: Sericornis frontalis
  • English name: White-browed Scrubwren
  • Found: White-browed Scrubwren
  • common name match: "White-browed Scrubwren" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Purple-breasted Cotinga (Cotinga cotinga)
  • Not found: Marbled Sand Frog (Tomopterna marmorata)
  • Checking: 42304
  • Red List Title: Cedrus deodara
  • Found: Deodar Cedar
  • WARNING: "Deodar Cedar" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • WARNING: Currently uses non-IUCN category: StatusSecure
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn2.3. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Warnings: 2, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Wrong status
  • TASKS: set status to valid IUCN category; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Geniculate River Snail (Lithasia geniculata)
  • Not found: Chiriqui Harvest Mouse (Reithrodontomys creper)
  • Checking: 50187
  • Red List Title: Machaeropterus deliciosus
  • English name: Club-winged Manakin
  • Found: Club-winged Manakin
  • common name match: "Club-winged Manakin" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Palaquium neoebudicum
  • Not found: Halenia pulchella
  • Not found: Diplopanax stachyanthus
  • Not found: Chapman's Zebra (Equus burchelli ssp. chapmani)
  • Checking: 51185
  • Red List Title: Lycocorax pyrrhopterus
  • English name: Paradise-crow
  • Found: Paradise Crow
  • WARNING: "Paradise Crow" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusLeastConcern == LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added before external links.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Pantanodon madagascariensis
  • Not found: Solanum paucijugum
  • Not found: Pearcea hypocyrtiflora
  • Not found: African Snipe (Gallinago nigripennis)
  • Not found: Insular Mole (Mogera insularis)
  • Not found: White-fronted Manakin (Lepidothrix serena)
  • Checking: 48111
  • Red List Title: Amazona farinosa
  • English name: Mealy Parrot
  • Found: Mealy Parrot
  • common name match: "Mealy Parrot" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Carolina Pygmy Sunfish (Elassoma boehlkei)
  • Not found: Camptoceras rezvoji
  • Not found: Teucrium balfourii
  • Not found: Lesser Slow Loris (Nycticebus pygmaeus)
  • Not found: Polyalthia palawanensis
  • Not found: Pelodiscus sinensis
  • Not found: Lepidiolamprologus profundicola
  • Not found: Helen's Sprite (Pseudagrion helenae)
  • Not found: Ruwenzori Horseshoe Bat (Rhinolophus ruwenzorii)
  • Not found: Podocarpus levis
  • Checking: 271
  • Red List Title: Acomys nesiotes
  • English name: Cyprus Spiny Mouse
  • Found: Cyprus Spiny Mouse
  • common name match: "Cyprus Spiny Mouse" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusData == DD
  • status_system = iucn2.3
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:syntax updated, set status_system
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; trend=unknown; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Chambeyronia lepidota
  • Not found: Haplochromis cavifrons
  • Not found: Limnonectes arathooni
  • Checking: 49226
  • Red List Title: Larus armenicus
  • English name: Armenian Gull
  • Found: Herring Gull
  • WARNING: "Herring Gull" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • WARNING: binomial taxobox name doesn't match wiki: Larus argentatus
  • Wiki-binomial not found in red list synonyms
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Summary: binomial doesn't match
  • Warnings: 2, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Brown-cheeked Hornbill (Bycanistes cylindricus)
  • Not found: Symbiezidium madagascariensis
  • Not found: Craugastor crassidigitus
  • Checking: 47122
  • Red List Title: Dendrocygna eytoni
  • English name: Plumed Whistling-duck
  • Found: Plumed Whistling Duck
  • WARNING: "Plumed Whistling Duck" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusLeastConcern == LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Javan Frogmouth (Batrachostomus javensis)
  • Checking: 22102
  • Red List Title: Trichechus inunguis
  • English name: Amazonian Manatee
  • Found: Amazonian Manatee
  • common name match: "Amazonian Manatee" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusVulnerable == VU
  • status_system = iucn2.3
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:syntax updated, set status_system
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; trend=unknown; +IUCN reference

  • Checking: 42339
  • Red List Title: Picea spinulosa
  • Found: Sikkim Spruce
  • WARNING: "Sikkim Spruce" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • WARNING: Currently uses non-IUCN category: StatusSecure
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn2.3. Don't add it.
  • References to be added before external links.
  • Warnings: 2, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Wrong status
  • TASKS: set status to valid IUCN category; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Polypedates mutus
  • Not found: Tristania pontianensis
  • Not found: Cola octoloboides
  • Not found: Chestnut-eared Aracari (Pteroglossus castanotis)
  • Not found: Malagasy Spinetail (Zoonavena grandidieri)
  • Not found: Katrana (Rheocles alaotrensis)
  • Not found: Pied Honeyeater (Certhionyx variegatus)
  • Not found: Giant Guitarfish (Rhynchobatus djiddensis)
  • Not found: Euphorbia pirahazo
  • Checking: 53323
  • Red List Title: Taeniopygia guttata
  • English name: Zebra Finch
  • Found: Zebra Finch
  • common name match: "Zebra Finch" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Seram Honeyeater (Lichmera monticola)
  • Not found: Australian Freshwater Crocodile (Crocodylus johnsoni)
  • Not found: Cookson's Wildbeest (Connochaetes taurinus ssp. cooksoni)
  • Not found: Flavescent Bulbul (Pycnonotus flavescens)
  • Not found: Calceolaria spruceana
  • Not found: Turgenitubulus aslini
  • Not found: Prunus odorata
  • Not found: Eugenia sachetae
  • Not found: White Sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus)
  • Not found: Moustached Woodcreeper (Xiphocolaptes falcirostris)
  • Not found: Phyllanthus caesiifolius
  • Checking: 46590
  • Red List Title: Crocodylus niloticus
  • English name: Nile Crocodile
  • Found: Nile crocodile
  • "Nile crocodile" is listed as a common name by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusLeastConcern == LR/lc
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn2.3. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Acropogon bullatus
  • Not found: Lepidochrysops wykehami
  • Not found: Kokoda Mogurnda (Mogurnda lineata)
  • Not found: Ansonia minuta
  • Not found: Euphorbia paulianii
  • Not found: Heterixalus andrakata
  • Not found: Middlekauf's Shieldback Katydid (Idiostatus middlekaufi)
  • Not found: Hyla imitator
  • Checking: 49665
  • Red List Title: Fregata ariel
  • English name: Lesser Frigatebird
  • Found: Lesser Frigatebird
  • common name match: "Lesser Frigatebird" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Ceriagrion moorei
  • Not found: Perritos de Sandia (Cyprinodon spp.)
  • Not found: Moss-forest Ringtail (Pseudochirulus forbesi)
  • Not found: Black-backed Water-tyrant (Fluvicola albiventer)
  • Not found: Grey-hooded Bush-tanager (Cnemoscopus rubrirostris)
  • Not found: Schraetzer (Gymnocephalus schraetzer)
  • Not found: Lepidium ecuadoriense
  • Not found: Large-footed Bat (Myotis adversus)
  • Not found: Stream Brown Frog (Rana sakuraii)
  • Not found: Xylosma suaveolens ssp. gracile
  • Not found: Black Dwarf Hornbill (Tockus hartlaubi)
  • Not found: Pandanus decastigma
  • Not found: Aglaia rivularis
  • Not found: Brown Four-eyed Opossum (Metachirus nudicaudatus)
  • Not found: Biak Dark Crow (Euploea albicosta)
  • Not found: Scribble-tailed Canastero (Asthenes maculicauda)
  • Not found: Phyllomedusa venusta
  • Not found: Red-bellied Dasyure (Phascolosorex doriae)
  • Not found: D'abrera's Tiger (Parantica dabrerai)
  • Not found: Barred Puffbird (Nystalus radiatus)
  • Not found: Crowned Bullfrog (Hoplobatrachus occipitalis)
  • Not found: Porpax risi
  • Not found: Xylosma kaalense
  • Not found: Passiflora linda
  • Not found: Palawan Blue-flycatcher (Cyornis lemprieri)
  • Not found: Venezuelan Herring (Jenkinsia parvula)
  • Not found: Incurvate Emerald (Somatochlora incurvata)
  • Not found: Andrachne schweinfurthii
  • Checking: 47680
  • Red List Title: Eumomota superciliosa
  • English name: Turquoise-browed Motmot
  • Found: Turquoise-browed Motmot
  • common name match: "Turquoise-browed Motmot" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Somatochlora sahlbergi
  • Not found: Bedriaga's Rock Lizard (Archaeolacerta bedriagae)
  • Not found: Boucardicus simplex
  • Not found: Dwarf Bushbaby (Galago demidoff)
  • Not found: Light-necked Sportive Lemur (Lepilemur microdon)
  • Not found: Northern Pudu (Pudu mephistophiles)
  • Not found: Euonymus thwaitesii
  • Not found: Dinelli's Doradito (Pseudocolopteryx dinelliana)
  • Not found: Eucrosia stricklandii
  • Not found: Pachypanchax sp. nov. 'Betsiboka'
  • Not found: Mantidactylus leucocephalus
  • Not found: Agarista mexicana var. pinetorum
  • Not found: Telmatobius halli
  • Not found: Yellow-browed Tody-flycatcher (Todirostrum chrysocrotaphum)
  • Not found: Amsterdam Island Duck (Anas marecula)
  • Not found: Ptychopyxis triradiata
  • Not found: Alsodes barrioi
  • Not found: Leptochilus cantoniensis
  • Not found: Solanum ovum-fringillae
  • Not found: Sand Fox (Vulpes rueppelli)
  • Not found: Pink Mucket (Lampsilis abrupta)
  • Not found: Gulella lornae ssp. major
  • Not found: Xenorhina bouwensi
  • Not found: Elaphoglossum dimorphum
  • Not found: Band-bellied Crake (Porzana paykullii)
  • Not found: Paludinella conica
  • Not found: Tropheops novemfasciatus
  • Not found: Burnished-buff Tanager (Tangara cayana)
  • Not found: Cyprian Wild Sheep (Ovis orientalis ssp. ophion)
  • Checking: 53645
  • Red List Title: Parula gutturalis
  • English name: Flame-throated Warbler
  • Found: Flame-throated Warbler
  • common name match: "Flame-throated Warbler" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Phyllostegia mollis
  • Not found: White-bellied Piculet (Picumnus spilogaster)
  • Not found: Pseudophoxinus zeregi
  • Not found: Adamawa Turtle-dove (Streptopelia hypopyrrha)
  • Not found: Haplolobus leenhoutsii
  • Not found: Cryptophyllobates chlorocraspedus
  • Not found: Hypsiboas latistriatus
  • Not found: Tessmann's Flycatcher (Muscicapa tessmanni)
  • Not found: Striped Robber (Brycinus lateralis)
  • Not found: Ural Field Mouse (Apodemus uralensis)
  • Not found: Greater Sheath-tailed Bat (Emballonura furax)
  • Checking: 48649
  • Red List Title: Caprimulgus carolinensis
  • English name: Chuck-will's-widow
  • Found: Chuck-will's-widow
  • common name match: "Chuck-will's-widow" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added before external links.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Inga dominicensis
  • Not found: Lesser Wagtail-tyrant (Stigmatura napensis)
  • Checking: 47403
  • Red List Title: Dryocopus pileatus
  • English name: Pileated Woodpecker
  • Found: Pileated Woodpecker
  • common name match: "Pileated Woodpecker" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category already set correctly: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • existing IUCN reference found
  • Flags:Cat correct
  • TASKS:

  • Not found: Sharpfin Houndshark (Triakis acutipinna)
  • Not found: Dark Red Meranti (Shorea ovata)
  • Not found: Mantidactylus majori
  • Not found: Lama guanicoe ssp. voglii
  • Not found: Anthurium fraseri
  • Not found: Babiana socotrana
  • Not found: Boulengerula uluguruensis
  • Not found: Angular Hocicudo (Oxymycterus angularis)
  • Not found: Mannophryne collaris
  • Not found: Monomorium inquilinum
  • Not found: Gold-striped Salamander (Chioglossa lusitanica)
  • Not found: Aporusa lanceolata
  • Not found: Slate-throated Redstart (Myioborus miniatus)
  • Not found: Stellaria recurvata
  • Not found: Pink-browed Rosefinch (Carpodacus rodochroa)
  • Not found: Eugenia koordersiana
  • Not found: Plectrohyla charadricola
  • Not found: Grey-headed Cuckoo-shrike (Coracina schisticeps)
  • Not found: Actinodaphne montana
  • Not found: Capped Seedeater (Sporophila bouvreuil)
  • Not found: Bowenia spectabilis
  • Not found: Cachorrito Boxeador (Cyprinodon simus)
  • Not found: Lizard Catshark (Schroederichthys saurisqualus)
  • Not found: Ogasawarana arata
  • Not found: Pheidole inquilina
  • Checking: 14086
  • Red List Title: Myoictis melas
  • English name: Three-striped Dasyure
  • Found: Three-striped Dasyure
  • common name match: "Three-striped Dasyure" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusLeastConcern == LR/lc
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn2.3. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; trend=unknown; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Sideroxylon rotundifolium
  • Not found: Rhamphophryne tenrec
  • Not found: Hartlaub's Turaco (Tauraco hartlaubi)
  • Not found: Moehringia fontqueri
  • Not found: Aglaia densitricha
  • Checking: 49638
  • Red List Title: Platalea alba
  • English name: African Spoonbill
  • Found: African Spoonbill
  • common name match: "African Spoonbill" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusLeastConcern == LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Roupala pinnata
  • Not found: Melanophylla madagascariensis
  • Checking: 56006
  • Red List Title: Smilisca baudinii
  • Found: Smilisca baudinii
  • WARNING: "Smilisca baudinii" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); trend=stable; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Black-headed Sibia (Heterophasia melanoleuca)
  • Not found: Telmatherina opudi
  • Not found: Pepinia carnososepala
  • Not found: Ochotona princeps ssp. lasalensis
  • Not found: Horseshoe Crab (Tachypleus gigas)
  • Not found: Mantophryne louisiadensis
  • Not found: Corythomantis greeningi
  • Not found: Hamilcoa zenkeri
  • Not found: Tiny Yellow Bat (Rhogeessa minutilla)
  • Not found: Gynoxys dielsiana
  • Not found: Cape Shark (Squalus acanthias)
  • Not found: Panama Ghost Catshark (Apristurus stenseni)
  • Not found: Gonyostomus insularis
  • Not found: Viscacha Rat (Octomys mimax)
  • Not found: Crotonogyne manniana
  • Not found: Colostethus mystax
  • Not found: Long-leaved Nothocestrum (Nothocestrum longifolium)
  • Checking: 49191
  • Red List Title: Cursorius rufus
  • English name: Burchell's Courser
  • Found: Burchell's Courser
  • common name match: "Burchell's Courser" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Boophis lichenoides
  • Not found: Molokai Beggarticks (Bidens molokaiensis)
  • Not found: Euphorbia neobosseri var. neobosseri
  • Not found: Platy de Muzquiz (Xiphophorus meyeri)
  • Not found: White-tailed Alethe (Alethe diademata)
  • Not found: Vatica chartacea
  • Not found: Trematocara caparti
  • Not found: Knipowitschia goerneri
  • Not found: Broad-tailed Grassbird (Schoenicola platyurus)
  • Not found: Haplochromis erythromaculatus
  • Not found: Eleutherococcus brachypus
  • Not found: Scaly Laughingthrush (Garrulax subunicolor)
  • Not found: Bar-winged Oriole (Icterus maculialatus)
  • Not found: William's Mbuna (Maylandia greshakei)
  • Checking: 12650
  • Red List Title: Macrotis lagotis
  • English name: Bilby
  • Found: Bilby
  • common name match: "Bilby" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • WARNING: Taxonomic notes on red list page. (5 words)
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • ERROR: No binomial name in taxobox (for species)
  • Summary: No binomial name in taxobox
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 1
  • TASKS:

  • Not found: Atlantic Helicopter (Mecistogaster pronoti)
  • Not found: Brown-winged Kingfisher (Pelargopsis amauroptera)
  • Checking: 51537
  • Red List Title: Myophonus horsfieldii
  • English name: Malabar Whistling-thrush
  • Found: Malabar Whistling Thrush
  • WARNING: "Malabar Whistling Thrush" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Julia Creek Dunnart (Sminthopsis douglasi)
  • Not found: Unicoloured Tapaculo (Scytalopus unicolor)
  • Not found: Elaeocarpus recurvatus
  • Not found: Anthurium atroviride
  • Not found: Butia eriospatha
  • Not found: Hopea nervosa
  • Not found: Eleutherodactylus briceni
  • Not found: Hopea nervosa
  • Not found: Eleutherodactylus briceni
  • Not found: Vatica guangxiensis
  • Checking: 4217
  • Red List Title: Cercopithecus erythrogaster
  • English name: Red-bellied Guenon
  • Found: White-throated Guenon
  • common name match: "White-throated Guenon" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusEndangered == EN
  • status_system = iucn2.3
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:syntax updated, set status_system
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; trend=down; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Fallicambarus strawni
  • Not found: Tsessebe (Damaliscus lunatus)
  • Not found: Vilcabamba Brush-finch (Atlapetes terborghi)
  • Not found: Aiphanes leiostachys
  • Not found: Angulate Pipistrelle (Pipistrellus angulatus)
  • Not found: Glutinous Snail (Myxas glutinosa)
  • Not found: Bufo haematiticus
  • Not found: Philautus fergusonianus
  • Not found: Whitaker's Shrew (Crocidura whitakeri)
  • Not found: Gonospira turgidula
  • Not found: Rugged Hornsnail (Pleurocera alveare)
  • Not found: Coelatura alluaudi
  • Not found: Andean Flicker (Colaptes rupicola)
  • Not found: Spectacled Parrotbill (Paradoxornis conspicillatus)
  • Not found: Impatiens omeiana
  • Not found: Trochidrobia smithi
  • Not found: Collared Antshrike (Sakesphorus bernardi)
  • Not found: Acacia mathuataensis
  • Not found: Nectandra smithii
  • Not found: Crown of Thorns (Euphorbia milii var. hislopii)
  • Not found: Santa Marta Warbler (Basileuterus basilicus)
  • Not found: Amber Mountain Fork-marked Lemur (Phaner furcifer ssp. electromontis)
  • Checking: 42359
  • Red List Title: Pinus echinata
  • Found: Shortleaf Pine
  • WARNING: "Shortleaf Pine" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • WARNING: Currently uses non-IUCN category: StatusSecure
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn2.3. Don't add it.
  • References to be added before external links.
  • Warnings: 2, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Wrong status
  • TASKS: set status to valid IUCN category; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Cylichnidia ovuliformis
  • Not found: Brachystelma schinzii
  • Not found: Cameroon Praomys (Praomys morio)
  • Not found: Atlantic Pigtoe (Fusconaia masoni)
  • Not found: Wekiwa Siltsnail (Cincinnatia wekiwae)
  • Checking: 47214
  • Red List Title: Netta erythrophthalma
  • English name: Southern Pochard
  • Found: Southern Pochard
  • common name match: "Southern Pochard" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Temminck's Trident Bat (Aselliscus tricuspidatus)
  • Checking: 60610
  • Red List Title: Neolamprologus brichardi
  • Found: Neolamprologus brichardi
  • WARNING: "Neolamprologus brichardi" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); trend=unknown; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Freziera minima
  • Not found: Knema oblongata ssp. oblongata
  • Not found: Platymantis sierramadrensis
  • Not found: Bare-faced Curassow (Crax fasciolata)
  • Not found: Mole Salamander (Ambystoma talpoideum)
  • Not found: Heliconia lutheri
  • Not found: Bufo ictericus
  • Not found: Ogilbia galapagosensis
  • Not found: Atlantic False Catshark (Pseudotriakis microdon)
  • Not found: Whitehead's Woolly Bat (Kerivoula whiteheadi)
  • Not found: Stumpffia helenae
  • Not found: Panay Forest Frog (Platymantis panayensis)
  • Not found: Elaeocarpus prunifolius
  • Not found: Golden-cheeked Woodpecker (Melanerpes chrysogenys)
  • Not found: Parastemon urophyllus
  • Not found: Compact Weaver (Ploceus superciliosus)
  • Not found: Grey Woodpecker (Mesopicos goertae)
  • Not found: Bufo oblongus
  • Not found: Lipstick Goby (Sicyopus jonklaasi)
  • Not found: Ficus monckii
  • Not found: Dioon califanoi
  • Checking: 14571
  • Red List Title: Neothraupis fasciata
  • English name: White-banded Tanager
  • Found: White-banded Tanager
  • common name match: "White-banded Tanager" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusNearConcern == NT
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Sundoreonectes tiomanensis
  • Not found: Hairy Big-eared Bat (Micronycteris hirsuta)
  • Checking: 41518
  • Red List Title: Callithrix jacchus
  • English name: Common Marmoset
  • Found: Common Marmoset
  • common name match: "Common Marmoset" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • WARNING: binomial taxobox name doesn't match wiki: Callithrix (Callithrix) jacchus
  • Wiki-binomial not found in red list synonyms
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses incorrect or unrecognised category: lc
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Summary: binomial doesn't match
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Unknown/incorrect cat
  • TASKS: set IUCN category; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Euphorbia spiralis
  • Not found: Southern Black Millipede (Doratogonus meridionalis)
  • Not found: Tarabundi Vole (Microtus oaxacensis)
  • Not found: Muntiacus feae ssp. feae
  • Not found: Deinbollia maxima
  • Checking: 29742
  • Red List Title: Rangifer tarandus
  • English name: Caribou
  • Found: Reindeer
  • common name match: "Reindeer" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LR/lc
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn2.3. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LR/lc); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Calanthe delavayi
  • Not found: Ormocarpum sennodes ssp. zanzibaricum
  • Not found: Temminck's Flying Fox (Pteropus temminckii)
  • Not found: Large-billed Blue-flycatcher (Cyornis caerulatus)
  • Not found: Lyropupa mirabilis
  • Not found: Magnolia cararensis
  • Not found: Ptychadena keilingi
  • Not found: Rana maosonensis
  • Not found: Oryzias matanensis
  • Not found: Piper trachyphyllum
  • Not found: Zornia vaughaniana
  • Not found: Sichuan Sika (Cervus nippon ssp. sichuanicus)
  • Checking: 49190
  • Red List Title: Cursorius cursor
  • English name: Cream-coloured Courser
  • Found: Cream-coloured Courser
  • common name match: "Cream-coloured Courser" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusLeastConcern == LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; +IUCN reference

  • Checking: 40450
  • Red List Title: Diomedea antipodensis
  • English name: Antipodean Albatross
  • Found: Antipodean Albatross
  • common name match: "Antipodean Albatross" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • WARNING: Taxonomic notes on red list page. (46 words)
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusVulnerable == VU
  • Don't add status_system. Assume default of iucn3.1
  • References heading found.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; trend=unknown; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Marañón Tit-tyrant (Anairetes nigrocristatus)
  • Checking: 41684
  • Red List Title: Nasua nasua
  • English name: South American Coati
  • Found: Coatimundi
  • WARNING: "Coatimundi" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LR/lc
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn2.3. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LR/lc); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Red-crowned Malimbe (Malimbus coronatus)
  • Not found: Caseolus subcalliferus
  • Checking: 19310
  • Red List Title: Raphus cucullatus
  • English name: Dodo
  • Found: Dodo
  • common name match: "Dodo" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Old extinction syntax.
  • extinct = 1681
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:EX syntax updated, syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax for extinction year; and status; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Copadichromis cyclicos
  • Not found: Kondoconcha othnius
  • Not found: Ash-winged Antwren (Terenura spodioptila)
  • Not found: Shorea lissophylla
  • Checking: 39661
  • Red List Title: Nepenthes fallax
  • Found: Nepenthes stenophylla
  • WARNING: "Nepenthes stenophylla" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • WARNING: Taxonomic notes on red list page. (18 words)
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • WARNING: binomial taxobox name doesn't match wiki: Nepenthes stenophylla
  • Wiki-binomial not found in red list synonyms
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses incorrect or unrecognised category: LR/lc
  • status_system = iucn2.3
  • References heading found.
  • Summary: binomial doesn't match
  • Warnings: 3, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Unknown/incorrect cat, set status_system
  • TASKS: set IUCN category; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Wetar Figbird (Sphecotheres hypoleucus)
  • Checking: 18900
  • Red List Title: Puntius titteya
  • English name: Cherry Barb
  • Found: Cherry Barb
  • common name match: "Cherry Barb" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusConserveConcern == LR/cd
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn2.3. Don't add it.
  • existing IUCN reference found
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status

  • Not found: Cephalotaxus wilsoniana
  • Not found: Barbus sp. nov. 'Nzoia 2'
  • Not found: Hemibates stenosoma
  • Not found: Chadwick Beach Cotton Mouse (Peromyscus gossypinus ssp. restrictus)
  • Checking: 52079
  • Red List Title: Parus montanus
  • English name: Willow Tit
  • Found: Willow Tit
  • common name match: "Willow Tit" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category already set correctly: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:Cat correct
  • TASKS: +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Apurímac Spinetail (Synallaxis courseni)
  • Not found: Licania splendens
  • Not found: Platanthera sinica
  • Not found: Hinde's Rock Rat (Aethomys hindei)
  • Not found: Frosted Myotis (Myotis pruinosus)
  • Not found: Doratogonus praealtus
  • Not found: Ivory-billed Woodcreeper (Xiphorhynchus flavigaster)
  • Not found: Strychnos elaeocarpa
  • Not found: Coussarea ecuadorensis
  • Not found: Libyan Jird (Meriones libycus)
  • Not found: Rufous-headed Tailorbird (Orthotomus heterolaemus)
  • Not found: Thoropa miliaris
  • Not found: Mesalina bahaeldini
  • Not found: Paa blanfordii
  • Not found: Tapantí Giant Salamander (Bolitoglossa obscura)
  • Not found: Chestnut-crested Antbird (Rhegmatorhina cristata)
  • Not found: Narrow-footed Bristly Mouse (Neacomys tenuipes)
  • Not found: Achyrocline mollis
  • Not found: Euphorbia hedyotoides
  • Not found: Eleutherodactylus johannesdei
  • Not found: Black-bellied Storm-petrel (Fregetta tropica)
  • Not found: Calophyllum laticostatum
  • Not found: Broad-billed Fairywren (Malurus grayi)
  • Not found: Eugenia harrisii var. grandifolia
  • Not found: Rufous-crowned Babbler (Malacopteron magnum)
  • Not found: Craugastor stejnegerianus
  • Not found: Podocarpus degeneri
  • Not found: Hopea basilanica
  • Not found: Armenian Birch Mouse (Sicista armenica)
  • Not found: Anthonotha vignei
  • Not found: Dysoxylum peerisi
  • Not found: Dendropsophus gaucheri
  • Not found: Keetia purpurascens
  • Not found: Yemen Linnet (Carduelis yemenensis)
  • Not found: Spangled Coquette (Lophornis stictolophus)
  • Not found: Strumigenys xenos
  • Not found: Bagre de Rio Verde (Ictalurus mexicanus)
  • Not found: Slender-billed Oriole (Oriolus tenuirostris)
  • Not found: Newton's Sunbird (Nectarinia newtonii)
  • Checking: 49209
  • Red List Title: Rynchops niger
  • English name: Black Skimmer
  • Found: Black Skimmer
  • common name match: "Black Skimmer" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Madagascar Wagtail (Motacilla flaviventris)
  • Not found: Astylosternus occidentalis
  • Not found: Anthurium nigropunctatum
  • Not found: Eugenia brachythrix
  • Not found: Palm Springs Pocket Mouse (Perognathus longimembris ssp. bangsi)
  • Not found: Flores Minivet (Pericrocotus lansbergei)
  • Not found: Ilex mathewsii
  • Not found: Colostethus triunfo
  • Not found: Miconia collayensis
  • Not found: Eleutherodactylus cornutus
  • Not found: Australian Pratincole (Stiltia isabella)
  • Not found: Encephalartos tegulaneus
  • Not found: Oopu Nakea (Awaous stamineus)
  • Not found: Leptopelis viridis
  • Not found: Luzon Shrew (Crocidura grayi)
  • Not found: Celtis luzonica
  • Not found: Saurauia scabrida
  • Not found: Russian Saiga (Saiga tatarica ssp. tatarica)
  • Checking: 42249
  • Red List Title: Juniperus sabina
  • Found: Juniperus sabina
  • WARNING: "Juniperus sabina" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • WARNING: Currently uses non-IUCN category: StatusSecure
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn2.3. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Warnings: 2, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Wrong status
  • TASKS: set status to valid IUCN category; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Finsch's Euphonia (Euphonia finschi)
  • Checking: 61546
  • Red List Title: Podarcis erhardii
  • English name: Erhard's Wall Lizard
  • Found: Erhard's wall lizard
  • "Erhard's wall lizard" is listed as a common name by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • WARNING: Taxonomic notes on red list page. (123 words)
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); trend=stable; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Mossy-nest Swiftlet (Collocalia salangana)
  • Not found: Ala Balik (Salmo platycephalus)
  • Not found: Black-girdled Barbet (Capito dayi)
  • Not found: Miconia aequatorialis
  • Not found: Elaeocarpus teysmannii ssp. rhizophorus
  • Checking: 39929
  • Red List Title: Callicebus barbarabrownae
  • English name: Northern Bahian Blond Titi
  • Found: Barbara Brown's Titi
  • common name match: "Barbara Brown's Titi" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • WARNING: Taxonomic notes on red list page. (15 words)
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusCritical == CR
  • Don't add status_system. Assume default of iucn3.1
  • References heading found.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; trend=down; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Oreomava otwayensis
  • Not found: Aglaia elaeagnoidea
  • Not found: Sumba Hornbill (Aceros everetti)
  • Checking: 52137
  • Red List Title: Progne cryptoleuca
  • English name: Cuban Martin
  • Found: Caribbean Martin
  • WARNING: "Caribbean Martin" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • WARNING: binomial taxobox name doesn't match wiki: Progne dominicensis
  • Wiki-binomial not found in red list synonyms
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Summary: binomial doesn't match
  • Warnings: 2, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Quadrula refulgens
  • Not found: Ash-throated Gnateater (Conopophaga peruviana)
  • Checking: 47118
  • Red List Title: Anhima cornuta
  • English name: Horned Screamer
  • Found: Horned Screamer
  • common name match: "Horned Screamer" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Litoria thesaurensis
  • Checking: 17875
  • Red List Title: Pogonichthys macrolepidotus
  • English name: Sacramento Splittail
  • Found: Splittail
  • WARNING: "Splittail" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category already set correctly: EN
  • status_system = iucn2.3
  • References heading found.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Cat correct, set status_system
  • TASKS: +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Mikania chimborazensis
  • Not found: Dipterocarpus caudatus ssp. penangianus
  • Not found: Liardetia tenuisculpta
  • Not found: Rufous-throated Tanager (Tangara rufigula)
  • Not found: Cylicomorpha solmsii
  • Not found: Neolamprologus leleupi
  • Not found: Cossinia trifoliata
  • Checking: 53324
  • Red List Title: Taeniopygia bichenovii
  • English name: Double-barred Finch
  • Found: Double-barred Finch
  • common name match: "Double-barred Finch" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Banded Linsang (Prionodon linsang)
  • Not found: Myrrhinium atropurpureum var. atropurpureum
  • Not found: White-chested White-eye (Zosterops albogularis)
  • Not found: Shipton's Mountain Cavy (Microcavia shiptoni)
  • Not found: Magnolia henryi
  • Not found: Hairy Spiny Rat (Proechimys setosus)
  • Not found: Bulbophyllum tokioi
  • Not found: Idaho Pocket Gopher (Thomomys idahoensis)
  • Not found: Tricalysia obstetrix
  • Not found: Draba hookeri
  • Not found: Drymaeus henseli
  • Not found: Grasse's Shrew (Crocidura grassei)
  • Not found: Ivory-faced Flatwing (Heteragrion eboratum)
  • Not found: Carica pulchra
  • Not found: Hyphen Barb (Barbus bifrenatus)
  • Not found: Psychotria danceri
  • Checking: 49268
  • Red List Title: Sterna antillarum
  • English name: Least Tern
  • Found: Little Tern
  • WARNING: "Little Tern" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • WARNING: binomial taxobox name doesn't match wiki: Sterna albifrons
  • Wiki-binomial not found in red list synonyms
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Summary: binomial doesn't match
  • Warnings: 2, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Lagos Serotine (Eptesicus platyops)
  • Not found: Mountain Boubou (Laniarius poensis)
  • Checking: 14549
  • Red List Title: Neophoca cinerea
  • English name: Australian Sea Lion
  • Found: Australian Sea Lion
  • common name match: "Australian Sea Lion" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LR/lc
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn2.3. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LR/lc); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Philonesia filiceti
  • Not found: Jentink's Squirrel (Sundasciurus jentinki)
  • Not found: Charming Hummingbird (Amazilia decora)
  • Not found: Leptolaena abrahamii
  • Not found: Coenagrion australocaspicum
  • Not found: Bartsia pumila
  • Not found: Dactyladenia mannii
  • Not found: Bear Monkey (Trachypithecus vetulus ssp. monticola)
  • Not found: Bronze-winged Courser (Rhinoptilus chalcopterus)
  • Not found: Forest Penduline-tit (Anthoscopus flavifrons)
  • Not found: Hopea cagayanensis
  • Not found: Allophylus chirindensis
  • Checking: 51118
  • Red List Title: Cyanocorax morio
  • English name: Brown Jay
  • Found: Brown Jay
  • common name match: "Brown Jay" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Barleria popovii
  • Not found: Eleutherodactylus bogotensis
  • Checking: 22719
  • Red List Title: Tyto nigrobrunnea
  • English name: Taliabu Masked-owl
  • Found: Taliabu Owl
  • WARNING: "Taliabu Owl" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusEndangered == EN
  • Don't add status_system. Assume default of iucn3.1
  • References to be added before external links.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; trend=down; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Mauritia carana
  • Not found: Magnolia nitida var. lotungensis
  • Not found: Aiouea acarodomatifera
  • Not found: Chilean Woodstar (Eulidia yarrellii)
  • Checking: 41202
  • Red List Title: Rana daemeli
  • English name: Water Frog
  • Found: Australian wood frog
  • WARNING: "Australian wood frog" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses unrecognised category: statusLeastConcern
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added before external links.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Wrong status
  • TASKS: update status from unrecognised category; trend=stable; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Orange-crowned Euphonia (Euphonia saturata)
  • Not found: Nageia motleyi
  • Not found: Horsfieldia motleyi
  • Not found: Nageia motleyi
  • Not found: Horsfieldia motleyi
  • Checking: 41202
  • Red List Title: Rana daemeli
  • English name: Water Frog
  • Found: Australian wood frog
  • WARNING: "Australian wood frog" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category already set correctly: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • Trend already set correctly
  • existing IUCN reference found
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Cat correct
  • TASKS:

  • Not found: Orange-crowned Euphonia (Euphonia saturata)
  • Not found: Nageia motleyi
  • Not found: Horsfieldia motleyi
  • Not found: Nageia motleyi
  • Not found: Horsfieldia motleyi
  • Checking: 3354
  • Red List Title: Buteo galapagoensis
  • English name: Galápagos Hawk
  • Found: Galápagos Hawk
  • common name match: "Galápagos Hawk" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category already set correctly: VU
  • Don't add status_system. Assume default of iucn3.1
  • Trend already set correctly
  • existing IUCN reference found
  • Flags:Cat correct
  • TASKS:

  • Not found: Croton longipedicellatus ssp. austrotanzanicus
  • Not found: Black Manwood (Minquartia guianensis)
  • Not found: Sandy Scops-owl (Otus icterorhynchus)
  • Not found: Stripe-breasted Woodpecker (Dendrocopos atratus)
  • Not found: Woolly Giant Rat (Kunsia tomentosus)
  • Not found: Southern Helmeted Curassow (Pauxi unicornis)
  • Not found: Coprosma wallii
  • Not found: Bahamian Hutia (Geocapromys ingrahami)
  • Not found: Dypsis crinita
  • Not found: Opanara duplicidentata
  • Not found: Marakely (Paratilapia polleni)
  • Not found: Cauca Climbing Mouse (Rhipidomys caucensis)
  • Not found: Tlalocohyla smithii
  • Not found: Scarlet-headed Blackbird (Amblyramphus holosericeus)
  • Not found: Limnonectes hascheanus
  • Not found: Myrsine orohenensis
  • Not found: Blackthroat Goby (Papillogobius melanobranchus)
  • Not found: Hyperolius balfouri
  • Not found: Shorea splendida
  • Not found: Acacia purpurea
  • Not found: Smalltail Shark (Carcharhinus porosus)
  • Not found: Kocevje Subterranean Spider (Troglohyphantes similis)
  • Not found: Polyscias mauritiana
  • Not found: Sakhalin Leaf-warbler (Phylloscopus borealoides)
  • Not found: Begonia serotina
  • Not found: Leptodactylus spixi
  • Checking: 40511
  • Red List Title: Micoureus regina
  • English name: Short-furred Woolly Mouse Opossum
  • Found: Bare-tailed Woolly Mouse Opossum
  • WARNING: "Bare-tailed Woolly Mouse Opossum" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LR/lc
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn2.3. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LR/lc); +IUCN reference

  • Checking: 41680
  • Red List Title: Bassariscus astutus
  • English name: Ringtail
  • Found: Ringtail
  • common name match: "Ringtail" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LR/lc
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn2.3. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LR/lc); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Palaua straminea
  • Not found: Persephone's Damer (Aeshna persephone)
  • Not found: Hopea latifolia
  • Not found: Anisophyllea rhomboidea
  • Not found: Salaria fluviatilis
  • Not found: Yellow-winged Cacique (Cacicus melanicterus)
  • Checking: 6612
  • Red List Title: Diomedea exulans
  • English name: Wandering Albatross
  • Found: Wandering Albatross
  • common name match: "Wandering Albatross" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • WARNING: Taxonomic notes on red list page. (46 words)
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusVulnerable == VU
  • Don't add status_system. Assume default of iucn3.1
  • References heading found.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; trend=down; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Pavetta holstii
  • Not found: Miratesta celebensis
  • Checking: 51600
  • Red List Title: Turdus obscurus
  • English name: Eyebrowed Thrush
  • Found: Eyebrowed Thrush
  • common name match: "Eyebrowed Thrush" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Calpocalyx atlanticus
  • Checking: 54342
  • Red List Title: Strix uralensis
  • English name: Ural Owl
  • Found: Ural Owl
  • common name match: "Ural Owl" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • WARNING: Taxonomic notes on red list page. (134 words)
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusLeastConcern == LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Myrcianthes oreophila
  • Not found: Polypodium mindense
  • Not found: Aciotis aristellata
  • Not found: Verbesina ecuatoriana
  • Checking: 53045
  • Red List Title: Aethopyga siparaja
  • English name: Crimson Sunbird
  • Found: Crimson Sunbird
  • common name match: "Crimson Sunbird" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusLeastConcern == LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Mindoro Tree Frog (Philautus schmackeri)
  • Not found: Banded Banana Frog (Afrixalus fulvovittatus)
  • Not found: Afrixalus septentrionalis
  • Checking: 49640
  • Red List Title: Platalea ajaja
  • English name: Roseate Spoonbill
  • Found: Roseate Spoonbill
  • common name match: "Roseate Spoonbill" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusLeastConcern == LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; +IUCN reference

  • Checking: 47606
  • Red List Title: Tockus bradfieldi
  • English name: Bradfield's Hornbill
  • Found: Bradfield's Hornbill
  • common name match: "Bradfield's Hornbill" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Aglaia euryanthera
  • Not found: Knudsen's Dubautia (Dubautia knudsenii ssp. filiformis)
  • Not found: African Mahogany (Khaya anthotheca)
  • Not found: Papuan Lorikeet (Charmosyna papou)
  • Not found: Sardinita Bocagrande (Cyprinella bocagrande)
  • Not found: Crystal Darter (Crystallaria asprella)
  • Not found: Duck-billed Buntingi (Adrianichthys kruyti)
  • Not found: Batrachylodes vertebralis
  • Not found: Neolamprologus savoryi
  • Not found: Kibatalia wigmani
  • Not found: Ayres's Hawk-eagle (Hieraaetus ayresii)
  • Checking: 6678
  • Red List Title: Dipodomys ingens
  • English name: Giant Kangaroo Rat
  • Found: Giant Kangaroo Rat
  • common name match: "Giant Kangaroo Rat" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusCritical == CR
  • status_system = iucn2.3
  • References to be added before external links.
  • Flags:syntax updated, set status_system
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; trend=unknown; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Hyperolius rhizophilus
  • Not found: Sinojackia xylocarpa
  • Not found: King Rat (Uromys rex)
  • Not found: Ctenopharynx nitidus
  • Not found: Eleutherodactylus carmelitae
  • Not found: Hesperodiaptomus californiensis
  • Not found: Barbus pallaryi
  • Checking: 54341
  • Red List Title: Zosterops lateralis
  • English name: Silvereye
  • Found: Silvereye
  • common name match: "Silvereye" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • WARNING: Taxonomic notes on red list page. (21 words)
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusLeastConcern == LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added before external links.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Chiloglanis asymetricaudalis
  • Not found: Scardinius elmaliensis
  • Not found: Oxyepoecus daguerrei
  • Not found: Eleutherodactylus wetmorei
  • Not found: Patagonian Canastero (Asthenes patagonica)
  • Not found: Mountain Bamboo-partridge (Bambusicola fytchii)
  • Not found: Hopea hainanensis
  • Not found: Colostethus fratisenescus
  • Not found: Marsh Deer (Blastocerus dichotomus)
  • Checking: 9152
  • Red List Title: Gerbillus syrticus
  • English name: Sand Gerbil
  • Found: Sand Gerbil
  • common name match: "Sand Gerbil" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • WARNING: Taxonomic notes on red list page. (18 words)
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Updating incorrect category: StatusCritical(CR) → DD
  • Don't add status_system. Assume default of iucn3.1
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Wrong status
  • TASKS: update or correct IUCN category; trend=unknown; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Bellamya jeffreysi
  • Not found: Staurois tuberilinguis
  • Not found: Hyperolius chrysogaster
  • Not found: White-crowned Koel (Caliechthrus leucolophus)
  • Not found: Juniperus convallium var. microsperma
  • Not found: Spotted Lampeye (Aplocheilichthys maculatus)
  • Not found: Neutrodiaptomus formosus
  • Not found: Litsea longifolia
  • Not found: Chinese White-bellied Rat (Niviventer confucianus)
  • Not found: Eleutherodactylus dixoni
  • Not found: Samwell Cave Cricket (Pristoceuthophilus sp. nov.)
  • Not found: Leptopelis bufonides
  • Not found: Monocyclanthus vignei
  • Checking: 46936
  • Red List Title: Crypturellus variegatus
  • English name: Variegated Tinamou
  • Found: Variegated Tinamou
  • common name match: "Variegated Tinamou" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Purple-throated Carib (Eulampis jugularis)
  • Not found: Banded Catshark (Atelomycterus fasciatus)
  • Checking: 39696
  • Red List Title: Nepenthes singalana
  • Found: Nepenthes singalana
  • WARNING: "Nepenthes singalana" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • WARNING: Taxonomic notes on red list page. (19 words)
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses incorrect or unrecognised category: LR/cd
  • status_system = iucn2.3
  • References heading found.
  • Warnings: 2, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Unknown/incorrect cat, set status_system
  • TASKS: set IUCN category; +IUCN reference

  • Checking: 51573
  • Red List Title: Catharus frantzii
  • English name: Ruddy-capped Nightingale-thrush
  • Found: Ruddy-capped Nightingale-thrush
  • common name match: "Ruddy-capped Nightingale-thrush" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Checking: 14868
  • Red List Title: Notomys cervinus
  • English name: Fawn Hopping Mouse
  • Found: Fawn Hopping Mouse
  • common name match: "Fawn Hopping Mouse" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusNearConcern == LR/nt
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn2.3. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: New Zealand Quail (Coturnix novaezelandiae)
  • Not found: Maylandia lombardoi
  • Not found: Weinmannia laurina var. pseudolaurina
  • Not found: Coccoloba troyana
  • Not found: Durio dulcis
  • Not found: Romanian Loach (Cobitis romanica)
  • Not found: Polypedates insularis
  • Not found: Scolecomorphus uluguruensis
  • Not found: Philautus tectus
  • Not found: Masked Tityra (Tityra semifasciata)
  • Not found: Ptyochromis annectens
  • Not found: Oreophryne wolterstorffi
  • Checking: 39338
  • Red List Title: Megachasma pelagios
  • English name: Megamouth Shark
  • Found: Megamouth Shark
  • common name match: "Megamouth Shark" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusData == DD
  • status_system = iucn2.3
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:syntax updated, set status_system
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; trend=unknown; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Torreya Trap-door Spider (Cyclocosmia torreya)
  • Not found: Green-crowned Brilliant (Heliodoxa jacula)
  • Not found: Pseudoglochidion anamalayanum
  • Not found: Bonnetray (Aetobatus narinari)
  • Not found: Grey-striped Francolin (Francolinus griseostriatus)
  • Not found: Bersama swynnertonii
  • Not found: Balkan Whip Snake (Hierophis gemonensis)
  • Not found: Mautodontha acuticosta
  • Not found: Kimboraga koolanensis
  • Checking: 12155
  • Red List Title: Litoria verreauxii
  • English name: Alpine Tree Frog
  • Found: Whistling Tree Frog
  • common name match: "Whistling Tree Frog" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • WARNING: Taxonomic notes on red list page. (25 words)
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses unrecognised category: statusSeeText
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Wrong status
  • TASKS: update status from unrecognised category; trend=down; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Mascarene Parrot (Mascarinus mascarinus)
  • Not found: Guianan Gnatcatcher (Polioptila guianensis)
  • Not found: Razor-billed Curassow (Mitu tuberosum)
  • Not found: Vatica heteroptera
  • Checking: 19410
  • Red List Title: Reithrodontomys megalotis
  • English name: Western Harvest Mouse
  • Found: Western harvest mouse
  • "Western harvest mouse" is listed as a common name by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • WARNING: Taxonomic notes on red list page. (6 words)
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LR/lc
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn2.3. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LR/lc); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Mount Cameroon Speirops (Speirops melanocephalus)
  • Not found: Samoan Fantail (Rhipidura nebulosa)
  • Not found: Masked Apalis (Apalis binotata)
  • Not found: Euphorbia cremersii var. cremersii
  • Not found: Bigeye Lates (Lates mariae)
  • Not found: Thailand Rosewood (Dalbergia cochinchinensis)
  • Not found: Cycas simplicipinna
  • Not found: Mammea timorensis
  • Not found: Bridelia kurzii
  • Not found: Lanistes ciliatus
  • Not found: Mastigodiaptomus amatitlanensis
  • Not found: Palawan Tree Shrew (Tupaia palawanensis)
  • Not found: White-browed Sparrow-weaver (Plocepasser mahali)
  • Not found: Sudeten Ringlet (Erebia sudetica)
  • Not found: Cambarus williami
  • Not found: Rio de Janeiro Antbird (Cercomacra brasiliana)
  • Not found: Cussonia gamtoosensis
  • Not found: Phyllogomphus annulus
  • Not found: Eleutherodactylus poolei
  • Not found: Styloniscus sp. nov.
  • Not found: Broad-billed Parrot (Lophopsittacus mauritianus)
  • Not found: Black-lored Parrot (Tanygnathus gramineus)
  • Not found: Adenanthera bicolor
  • Not found: White Catspaw (Epioblasma obliquata ssp. perobliqua)
  • Not found: Amphibolia obscura
  • Not found: Eleutherodactylus leprus
  • Not found: Bluntschli's Vanga (Hypositta perdita)
  • Not found: Mt. Data Shrew Rat (Rhynchomys soricoides)
  • Not found: Micrixalus fuscus
  • Not found: Gibberbird (Ashbyia lovensis)
  • Not found: Hypericum fieriense
  • Not found: Blackish Cinclodes (Cinclodes antarcticus)
  • Not found: Chisos Mountains Oak (Quercus tardifolia)
  • Not found: Rufous-breasted Wood-quail (Odontophorus speciosus)
  • Not found: Mantidactylus tricinctus
  • Not found: Cycloramphus duseni
  • Not found: Large Slit-faced Bat (Nycteris grandis)
  • Not found: Rana chaochiaoensis
  • Not found: Liolaemus lutzae
  • Not found: Monticalia microdon
  • Not found: Euphorbia cap-saintemariensis
  • Not found: Port Conception Jerusalem Cricket (Ammopelmatus muwu)
  • Not found: Cyclosurus mariei
  • Not found: Limnonectes fragilis
  • Not found: Marsh Rice Rat (Oryzomys palustris ssp. natator)
  • Not found: Arrojadoa dinae ssp. dinae
  • Checking: 53431
  • Red List Title: Carduelis spinus
  • English name: Eurasian Siskin
  • Found: Eurasian Siskin
  • common name match: "Eurasian Siskin" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Nectandra mirafloris
  • Not found: Dombeya amaniensis
  • Not found: Acanthinula spinifera
  • Not found: Radiodiscus compactus
  • Not found: Rughidia milleri
  • Not found: Commicarpus simonyi
  • Not found: Golden-bellied Flyrobin (Microeca hemixantha)
  • Not found: Neriacanthus harlingii
  • Not found: Peters's Climbing Rat (Tylomys nudicaudus)
  • Not found: Dendrobates rubrocephalus
  • Not found: Anax bangweuluensis
  • Not found: Gynoxys colanensis
  • Not found: Eleutherodactylus simoterus
  • Not found: Micrixalus saxicola
  • Not found: Begonia exalata
  • Not found: Canary Flyrobin (Microeca papuana)
  • Not found: Red Bareleg (Dicterias atrosanguinea)
  • Not found: Virgin Islands Boa (Epicrates monensis ssp. granti)
  • Not found: Sri Lankan Leopard (Panthera pardus ssp. kotiya)
  • Not found: Elephant's Trunk (Pachypodium namaquanum)
  • Checking: 60207
  • Red List Title: Centrophorus acus
  • English name: Needle Dogfish
  • Found: Centrophorus acus
  • WARNING: "Centrophorus acus" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • WARNING: Article title uses species name when a common name exists: Needle Dogfish
  • All IUCN-listed common names: Needle Dogfish, Steindachner's Dogfish
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • WARNING: Taxonomic notes on red list page. (103 words)
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: NT
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Warnings: 3, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (NT); trend=unknown; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Sphaenorhynchus platycephalus
  • Not found: Mindoro Imperial-pigeon (Ducula mindorensis)
  • Not found: Ceriagrion whellani
  • Not found: Mammelomys rattoides
  • Checking: 47449
  • Red List Title: Megalaima zeylanica
  • English name: Brown-headed Barbet
  • Found: Brown-headed Barbet
  • common name match: "Brown-headed Barbet" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Great Shortwing (Heinrichia calligyna)
  • Not found: Atelopus lynchi
  • Not found: Long-tailed Wattled Bat (Chalinolobus tuberculatus)
  • Not found: Crested Bird-of-paradise (Cnemophilus macgregorii)
  • Not found: Euphorbia quitensis
  • Not found: Madagascan Mantella (Mantella madagascariensis)
  • Not found: Stumpffia tridactyla
  • Not found: Cycas tansachana
  • Not found: Light Red Meranti (Shorea parvifolia ssp. parvifolia)
  • Not found: Lunania cubensis
  • Not found: Dillenia reifferscheidtia
  • Not found: Aglaia aherniana
  • Not found: Macaranga conglomerata
  • Checking: 47339
  • Red List Title: Dendrocopos minor
  • English name: Lesser Spotted Woodpecker
  • Found: Lesser Spotted Woodpecker
  • common name match: "Lesser Spotted Woodpecker" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Estuary Cod (Epinephelus coioides)
  • Not found: Habenaria mossii
  • Not found: Sado Shrew (Sorex sadonis)
  • Not found: Licania megalophylla
  • Not found: Phaedranassa schizantha
  • Checking: 50676
  • Red List Title: Ptilonorhynchus violaceus
  • English name: Satin Bowerbird
  • Found: Satin Bowerbird
  • common name match: "Satin Bowerbird" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Scarlet-rumped Trogon (Harpactes duvaucelii)
  • Not found: Bolivian Squirrel Monkey (Saimiri boliviensis ssp. boliviensis)
  • Not found: Ardisia byrsonimae
  • Not found: Horsfieldia tuberculata var. crassivalva
  • Not found: Wallace's Scops-owl (Otus silvicola)
  • Not found: Pilotbird (Pycnoptilus floccosus)
  • Checking: 44028
  • Red List Title: Xanthocyparis vietnamensis
  • English name: Golden Vietnamese Cypress
  • Found: Callitropsis vietnamensis
  • WARNING: "Callitropsis vietnamensis" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • WARNING: Taxonomic notes on red list page. (37 words)
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • WARNING: binomial taxobox name doesn't match wiki: Callitropsis vietnamensis
  • Wiki-binomial not found in red list synonyms
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusCritical == CR
  • Don't add status_system. Assume default of iucn3.1
  • References heading found.
  • Summary: binomial doesn't match
  • Warnings: 3, Errors: 0
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; trend=down; +IUCN reference

  • Checking: 47078
  • Red List Title: Pavo cristatus
  • English name: Indian Peafowl
  • Found: Indian Peafowl
  • common name match: "Indian Peafowl" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusLeastConcern == LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Greenish Yellow-finch (Sicalis olivascens)
  • Not found: Ambystoma amblycephalum
  • Checking: 39949
  • Red List Title: Cebus apella
  • English name: Brown Capuchin
  • Found: Tufted Capuchin
  • WARNING: "Tufted Capuchin" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusLeastConcern == LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Bulimulus pallidus
  • Not found: Trithemis grouti
  • Not found: Typhlobarbus nudiventris
  • Checking: 41452
  • Red List Title: Blarina carolinensis
  • English name: Southern Short-tailed Shrew
  • Found: Southern Short-tailed Shrew
  • common name match: "Southern Short-tailed Shrew" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LR/lc
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn2.3. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LR/lc); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Eugenia arianae
  • Not found: Hynobius yunanicus
  • Not found: Greater 'amakihi (Hemignathus sagittirostris)
  • Not found: Anthurium jimenae
  • Checking: 30350
  • Red List Title: Leucadendron argenteum
  • Found: Leucadendron argenteum
  • WARNING: "Leucadendron argenteum" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusVulnerable == VU
  • status_system = iucn2.3
  • References to be added before external links.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:syntax updated, set status_system
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Rusty-barred Owl (Strix hylophila)
  • Not found: Point Reyes Jumping Mouse (Zapus trinotatus ssp. orarius)
  • Not found: Weyns's Weaver (Ploceus weynsi)
  • Checking: 6277
  • Red List Title: Dasyprocta punctata
  • English name: Central American Agouti
  • Found: Central American Agouti
  • common name match: "Central American Agouti" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LR/lc
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn2.3. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LR/lc); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Coprosma cookei
  • Not found: Orange-necked Partridge (Arborophila davidi)
  • Not found: Ringed Boghaunter (Williamsonia lintneri)
  • Not found: Carvalho's Surinam Toad (Pipa carvalhoi)
  • Not found: Japanese Stream Toad (Bufo torrenticola)
  • Not found: Gabon Batis (Batis minima)
  • Not found: Zululand Dwarf Chamaeleon (Bradypodion nemorale)
  • Not found: Russian Sturgeon (Acipenser gueldenstaedtii)
  • Not found: Madagascar Baza (Aviceda madagascariensis)
  • Not found: Picea likiangensis
  • Not found: Humpback Chub (Gila cypha)
  • Not found: Stefania marahuaquensis
  • Not found: Zaprochilus ninae
  • Not found: Synadenium compactum var. compactum
  • Not found: Eclectochromis lobochilus
  • Not found: Dysosma tsayuensis
  • Not found: Rufous-breasted Warbling-finch (Poospiza rubecula)
  • Not found: Stripe-crowned Spinetail (Cranioleuca pyrrhophia)
  • Not found: Allen's Yellow Bat (Rhogeessa alleni)
  • Not found: Pouteria minima
  • Not found: Band-rumped Swift (Chaetura spinicaudus)
  • Not found: Prunus clementis
  • Not found: Lord Howe Long-eared Bat (Nyctophilus howensis)
  • Not found: Eugenia conglomerata
  • Not found: Hainan Hare (Lepus hainanus)
  • Not found: Sulawesi Blue-flycatcher (Cyornis omissus)
  • Not found: Crested Genet (Genetta cristata)
  • Checking: 53583
  • Red List Title: Aimophila carpalis
  • English name: Rufous-winged Sparrow
  • Found: Rufous-winged Sparrow
  • common name match: "Rufous-winged Sparrow" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • ERROR: No taxobox
  • Summary: No taxobox
  • Warnings: 0, Errors: 1
  • TASKS:

  • Not found: Malaita Tube-nosed Fruit Bat (Nyctimene malaitensis)
  • Checking: 8854
  • Red List Title: Gallinago media
  • English name: Great Snipe
  • Found: Great Snipe
  • common name match: "Great Snipe" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusNearConcern == NT
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added before external links.
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; +IUCN reference

  • Checking: 4599
  • Red List Title: Cheirogaleus medius
  • English name: Fat-tailed Dwarf Lemur
  • Found: Lesser Dwarf Lemur
  • WARNING: "Lesser Dwarf Lemur" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusLeastConcern == LR/lc
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn2.3. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; +IUCN reference

  • Checking: 49519
  • Red List Title: Falco pelegrinoides
  • English name: Barbary Falcon
  • Found: Barbary Falcon
  • common name match: "Barbary Falcon" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added before external links.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Memecylon discolor
  • Not found: Busuanga Squirrel (Sundasciurus hoogstraali)
  • Not found: Marbled Reed Frog (Hyperolius marmoratus)
  • Not found: Symplocos verrucisurcula
  • Not found: Phaseolus rimbachii
  • Not found: Dusky Tube-nosed Bat (Murina fusca)
  • Not found: Xerosecta adolfi
  • Not found: Cochranella solitaria
  • Not found: Pink-headed Warbler (Ergaticus versicolor)
  • Checking: 30497
  • Red List Title: Araucaria heterophylla
  • English name: Norfolk Island Pine
  • Found: Araucaria heterophylla
  • WARNING: "Araucaria heterophylla" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • WARNING: Article title uses species name when a common name exists: Norfolk Island Pine
  • All IUCN-listed common names: Norfolk Island Pine
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusVulnerable == VU
  • status_system = iucn2.3
  • References to be added before external links.
  • Warnings: 2, Errors: 0
  • Flags:syntax updated, set status_system
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Berber Toad (Bufo mauritanicus)
  • Not found: Phytelephas seemannii
  • Not found: Xenorhina eiponis
  • Not found: Fagraea carstensensis
  • Not found: Clarke's Vole (Volemys clarkei)
  • Not found: Cochranella bejaranoi
  • Not found: Red-throated Caracara (Ibycter americanus)
  • Checking: 59072
  • Red List Title: Ambystoma tigrinum
  • English name: Tiger Salamander
  • Found: Tiger Salamander
  • common name match: "Tiger Salamander" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • WARNING: Taxonomic notes on red list page. (36 words)
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added before external links.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); trend=stable; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: White-faced Langur (Presbytis frontata)
  • Not found: Phoebe nanmu
  • Not found: Goldie's Lorikeet (Psitteuteles goldiei)
  • Not found: Red-tufted Sunbird (Nectarinia johnstoni)
  • Not found: Red-backed Thrush (Zoothera erythronota)
  • Checking: 49477
  • Red List Title: Caracara cheriway
  • English name: Crested Caracara
  • Found: Crested Caracara
  • common name match: "Crested Caracara" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • WARNING: Taxonomic notes on red list page. (34 words)
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • WARNING: binomial taxobox name doesn't match wiki: Polyborus plancus
  • Found redlist binomial in wiki-synonyms
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added before external links.
  • Warnings: 2, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Used wiki synonym, Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Telmatobius mayoloi
  • Not found: Sooty Tyrannulet (Serpophaga nigricans)
  • Not found: Mountain Cave Amphipod (Stygobromus montanus)
  • Not found: Crossodactylus dantei
  • Not found: Xenobatrachus subcroceus
  • Not found: Sand Frog (Heleioporus psammophilus)
  • Not found: Aglaia laxiflora
  • Not found: Three-toed Jacamar (Jacamaralcyon tridactyla)
  • Not found: White-throated Bulbul (Alophoixus flaveolus)
  • Not found: Archbold's Newtonia (Newtonia archboldi)
  • Not found: Plumbeous Euphonia (Euphonia plumbea)
  • Not found: Black-billed Scythebill (Campylorhamphus falcularius)
  • Not found: Purple Grenadier (Uraeginthus ianthinogaster)
  • Not found: Copadichromis verduyni
  • Not found: Burrowing Bettong (Bettongia lesueur ssp. graii)
  • Not found: El Dorado Grass Mouse (Akodon orophilus)
  • Not found: Irvingia gabonensis
  • Not found: Sparsetooth Dogfish (Scymnodalatias oligodon)
  • Not found: Shorea megistophylla
  • Not found: Leptodactylus caatingae
  • Not found: Millettia conraui
  • Not found: Visored Bat (Sphaeronycteris toxophyllum)
  • Checking: 41676
  • Red List Title: Pusa sibirica
  • English name: Baikal Seal
  • Found: Nerpa
  • WARNING: "Nerpa" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • WARNING: Taxonomic notes on red list page. (93 words)
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • WARNING: binomial taxobox name doesn't match wiki: Phoca sibirica
  • Found wiki-binomial in redlist synonyms
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LR/nt
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn2.3. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Warnings: 3, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Used redlist synonym, Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LR/nt); trend=unknown; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Ochre-breasted Antpitta (Grallaricula flavirostris)
  • Not found: Chaco Earthcreeper (Upucerthia certhioides)
  • Not found: Saurauia villosa
  • Not found: South Sierra Nevada Springsnail (Pyrgulopsis giuliani)
  • Not found: Hyperolius albofrenatus
  • Not found: Devilray (Mobula japanica)
  • Not found: Central Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes ssp. troglodytes)
  • Checking: 47882
  • Red List Title: Piaya cayana
  • English name: Squirrel Cuckoo
  • Found: Squirrel Cuckoo
  • common name match: "Squirrel Cuckoo" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Checking: 42423
  • Red List Title: Pinus thunbergii
  • English name: Japanese Black Pine
  • Found: Japanese Black Pine
  • common name match: "Japanese Black Pine" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LR/lc
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn2.3. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LR/lc); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Lake Oku Clawed Frog (Xenopus longipes)
  • Not found: Rose Robin (Petroica rosea)
  • Not found: Yellow-sided Clubtail (Stylurus potulentus)
  • Not found: Lagynias rufescens ssp. angustiloba
  • Not found: Caribbean Dove (Leptotila jamaicensis)
  • Not found: Ardisia microcalyx
  • Not found: Schwartz's Antthrush (Chamaeza turdina)
  • Not found: Astragalus sprucei
  • Not found: Plains Viscacha (Lagostomus maximus)
  • Not found: Leucaena leucocephala ssp. ixtahuacana
  • Not found: Ash Meadows Montane Vole (Microtus montanus ssp. nevadensis)
  • Checking: 39693
  • Red List Title: Nepenthes rhombicaulis
  • Found: Nepenthes rhombicaulis
  • WARNING: "Nepenthes rhombicaulis" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusVulnerable == VU
  • status_system = iucn2.3
  • References heading found.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:syntax updated, set status_system
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Tri-colored Big-eared Bat (Glyphonycteris sylvestris)
  • Not found: Sphaenorhynchus orophilus
  • Not found: Dendrobium flexicaule
  • Not found: Red-billed Hanging-parrot (Loriculus exilis)
  • Not found: Xenorhina minima
  • Not found: Leucaena magnifica
  • Not found: Black-webbed Treefrog (Rhacophorus reinwardtii)
  • Not found: Gulf Chimaera (Hydrolagus alberti)
  • Checking: 12308
  • Red List Title: Lophiomys imhausi
  • English name: Crested Rat
  • Found: Maned Rat
  • WARNING: "Maned Rat" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • WARNING: Taxonomic notes on red list page. (6 words)
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusLeastConcern == LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Warnings: 2, Errors: 0
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; trend=stable; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Eugenia sulcivenia
  • Not found: Hole-in-the-head Frog (Huia cavitympanum)
  • Checking: 50977
  • Red List Title: Lanius senator
  • English name: Woodchat Shrike
  • Found: Woodchat Shrike
  • common name match: "Woodchat Shrike" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Dark Shrew (Crocidura maurisca)
  • Not found: Eleutherodactylus frater
  • Not found: Grady's Cave Amphipod (Stygobromus gradyi)
  • Not found: Opuntia insularis
  • Not found: Melicope puberula
  • Not found: Lysipomia lehmannii
  • Not found: Myrmica symbiotica
  • Not found: Grey-breasted Robin (Eopsaltria griseogularis)
  • Not found: Aphanius sureyanus
  • Not found: Pentzia tomentosa
  • Not found: Euphorbia kaokoensis
  • Not found: Pseudoeurycea unguidentis
  • Not found: Telmatobius platycephalus
  • Not found: Multicoloured Tanager (Chlorochrysa nitidissima)
  • Not found: Citrine Warbler (Basileuterus luteoviridis)
  • Not found: Picea maximowiczii var. senanensis
  • Not found: Crown Shark (Sphyrna corona)
  • Checking: 22037
  • Red List Title: Trachypithecus geei
  • English name: Golden Leaf Monkey
  • Found: Gee's Golden Langur
  • common name match: "Gee's Golden Langur" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • WARNING: Taxonomic notes on red list page. (9 words)
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusEndangered == EN
  • Don't add status_system. Assume default of iucn3.1
  • References heading found.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; trend=down; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Bhesa robusta
  • Not found: Lukolela Swamp Rat (Praomys lukolelae)
  • Not found: Carelia sinclairi
  • Not found: Eungella Tinker Frog (Taudactylus liemi)
  • Not found: Alona smirnovi
  • Not found: European Edible Sea Urchin (Echinus esculentus)
  • Not found: Philautus similis
  • Not found: Hutton's Vireo (Vireo huttoni)
  • Not found: Stampfli's Putty-nosed Monkey (Cercopithecus nictitans ssp. stampflii)
  • Not found: Carvalho's Slider (Trachemys adiutrix)
  • Not found: Elasmias kitaiwojimanum
  • Not found: Orange-fronted Parakeet (Aratinga canicularis)
  • Not found: Calophyllum chapelieri
  • Not found: Pleurodema thaul
  • Not found: Peruvian Piedtail (Phlogophilus harterti)
  • Not found: Hadrothemis camarensis
  • Not found: Colostethus wothuja
  • Checking: 54058
  • Red List Title: Camarhynchus pallidus
  • English name: Woodpecker Finch
  • Found: Woodpecker Finch
  • common name match: "Woodpecker Finch" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Oeobia sp. nov.
  • Not found: Seychelles Magpie-robin (Copsychus sechellarum)
  • Checking: 914
  • Red List Title: Alouatta pigra
  • English name: Guatemalan Black Howler Monkey
  • Found: Guatemalan Black Howler
  • WARNING: "Guatemalan Black Howler" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • WARNING: Taxonomic notes on red list page. (14 words)
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusEndangered == EN
  • Don't add status_system. Assume default of iucn3.1
  • References heading found.
  • Warnings: 2, Errors: 0
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; trend=down; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: São Tomé Spinetail (Zoonavena thomensis)
  • Not found: Dipterocarpus glandulosus
  • Not found: Buller's Albatross (Thalassarche bulleri)
  • Not found: Rufous Paradise-flycatcher (Terpsiphone cinnamomea)
  • Not found: Verde Rim Springsnail (Pyrgulopsis glandulosa)
  • Not found: Peperomia micromerioides
  • Not found: Streaky-breasted Flufftail (Sarothrura boehmi)
  • Not found: Lake Tebera Rainbowfish (Melanotaenia herbertaxelrodi)
  • Checking: 50061
  • Red List Title: Tyrannus melancholicus
  • English name: Tropical Kingbird
  • Found: Tropical Kingbird
  • common name match: "Tropical Kingbird" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category already set correctly: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:Cat correct
  • TASKS: +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Echium decaisnei ssp. purpuriense
  • Not found: Colostethus infraguttatus
  • Not found: Amentotaxus argotaenia var. argotaenia
  • Not found: Trichilia breviflora
  • Not found: Litsea imbricata
  • Not found: Southeast Asian Long-fingered Bat (Miniopterus fuscus)
  • Not found: Fossorial Tenrec (Oryzorictes hova)
  • Not found: Scioto Pigtoe (Pleurobema bournianum)
  • Checking: 48195
  • Red List Title: Hemiprocne coronata
  • English name: Crested Treeswift
  • Found: Crested Treeswift
  • common name match: "Crested Treeswift" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Penescosta mathewsi
  • Checking: 18567
  • Red List Title: Pseudomys higginsi
  • English name: Long-tailed Mouse
  • Found: Long-tailed Mouse
  • common name match: "Long-tailed Mouse" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LR/lc
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn2.3. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LR/lc); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Vitex evoluta
  • Not found: Cipocereus pusilliflorus
  • Not found: Olive-green Tanager (Orthogonys chloricterus)
  • Not found: Gentianella hyssopifolia
  • Checking: 53931
  • Red List Title: Cyanerpes lucidus
  • English name: Shining Honeycreeper
  • Found: Shining Honeycreeper
  • common name match: "Shining Honeycreeper" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Shining Sunbeam (Aglaeactis cupripennis)
  • Not found: Red-tailed Chipmunk (Tamias ruficaudus)
  • Not found: Ilex subrotundifolia
  • Not found: Crested Guineafowl (Guttera pucherani)
  • Checking: 39697
  • Red List Title: Nepenthes spathulata
  • Found: Nepenthes spathulata
  • WARNING: "Nepenthes spathulata" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses incorrect or unrecognised category: LR/cd
  • status_system = iucn2.3
  • References heading found.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Unknown/incorrect cat, set status_system
  • TASKS: set IUCN category; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Wercklea intermedia
  • Not found: Garcinia brevipedicellata
  • Not found: Antillean Euphonia (Euphonia musica)
  • Not found: Zamboanga Bulbul (Ixos rufigularis)
  • Not found: Pale-billed Hornbill (Tockus pallidirostris)
  • Not found: Churring Cisticola (Cisticola njombe)
  • Not found: Psiadia cataractae
  • Not found: Red-eared Guenon (Cercopithecus erythrotis)
  • Not found: Olive-green Camaroptera (Camaroptera chloronota)
  • Not found: Eurypetalum unijugum
  • Not found: Rufous-sided Pygmy-tyrant (Euscarthmus rufomarginatus)
  • Not found: Muscocyclops therasiae
  • Not found: Simeulue Long-tailed Macaque (Macaca fascicularis ssp. fusca)
  • Not found: Omphalotropis pilosa
  • Not found: White-rumped Snowfinch (Montifringilla taczanowskii)
  • Not found: Black-crested Tit (Parus melanolophus)
  • Not found: Inga cynometrifolia
  • Not found: Plectrohyla pentheter
  • Not found: Lestradea stappersii
  • Checking: 53675
  • Red List Title: Seiurus noveboracensis
  • English name: Northern Waterthrush
  • Found: Northern Waterthrush
  • common name match: "Northern Waterthrush" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Xenobatrachus arfakianus
  • Checking: 49606
  • Red List Title: Ixobrychus minutus
  • English name: Little Bittern
  • Found: Little Bittern
  • common name match: "Little Bittern" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Grey Sibia (Heterophasia gracilis)
  • Not found: Bufo leucomyos
  • Not found: Rinorea squamata
  • Not found: Rufous Rockjumper (Chaetops frenatus)
  • Not found: Mantidactylus zipperi
  • Not found: Pseudotropheus modestus
  • Not found: Amsinckia marginata
  • Checking: 9113
  • Red List Title: Gerbillus cheesmani
  • English name: Cheesman's Gerbil
  • Found: Cheesman's Gerbil
  • common name match: "Cheesman's Gerbil" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LR/lc
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn2.3. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LR/lc); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Hyalinobatrachium helenae
  • Not found: Horsfieldia clavata
  • Not found: Gambian Sun Squirrel (Heliosciurus gambianus)
  • Not found: Grey-rumped Swallow (Pseudhirundo griseopyga)
  • Not found: Picea alcoquiana var. reflexa
  • Not found: Decazyx esparzae
  • Not found: Smaller Horseshoe Bat (Rhinolophus megaphyllus)
  • Checking: 49332
  • Red List Title: Haliastur sphenurus
  • English name: Whistling Kite
  • Found: Whistling Kite
  • common name match: "Whistling Kite" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Ansonia hanitschi
  • Not found: Montane Long-nosed Squirrel (Hyosciurus heinrichi)
  • Not found: Myristica gillespieana
  • Not found: White Meranti (Shorea lamellata)
  • Not found: Makira Leaf-warbler (Phylloscopus makirensis)
  • Not found: Ilex uraiensis
  • Checking: 52507
  • Red List Title: Acrocephalus agricola
  • English name: Paddyfield Warbler
  • Found: Paddyfield Warbler
  • common name match: "Paddyfield Warbler" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • WARNING: Taxonomic notes on red list page. (21 words)
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Red-legged Salamander (Plethodon shermani)
  • Not found: Racinaea tandapiana
  • Not found: Inland Thornbill (Acanthiza apicalis)
  • Not found: Bomarea borjae
  • Not found: Agriocnemis sania
  • Not found: Coffea fadenii
  • Not found: Hawaiian Grouper (Epinephelus quernus)
  • Not found: Mt. Apo Forest Mouse (Apomys hylocoetes)
  • Checking: 47088
  • Red List Title: Bonasa umbellus
  • English name: Ruffed Grouse
  • Found: Ruffed Grouse
  • common name match: "Ruffed Grouse" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added before external links.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Platytaeniodus degeni
  • Not found: Sideroxylon dominicanum
  • Checking: 51737
  • Red List Title: Luscinia luscinia
  • English name: Thrush Nightingale
  • Found: Thrush Nightingale
  • common name match: "Thrush Nightingale" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Chionanthus wurdackii
  • Not found: Ledebouria grandifolia
  • Checking: 39692
  • Red List Title: Nepenthes reinwardtiana
  • Found: Nepenthes reinwardtiana
  • WARNING: "Nepenthes reinwardtiana" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category already set correctly: LR/lc
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn2.3. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Cat correct
  • TASKS: +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Variegated Mogurnda (Mogurnda variegata)
  • Not found: Back-striped Weasel (Mustela strigidorsa)
  • Checking: 52912
  • Red List Title: Alauda gulgula
  • English name: Oriental Skylark
  • Found: Oriental Skylark
  • common name match: "Oriental Skylark" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Craugastor rugosus
  • Checking: 1622
  • Red List Title: Anthracoceros coronatus
  • English name: Malabar Pied-hornbill
  • Found: Malabar Pied Hornbill
  • WARNING: "Malabar Pied Hornbill" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusNearConcern == NT
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Drypetes pellegrinii
  • Not found: Caprichromis liemi
  • Not found: Nesopupa madgei
  • Not found: Woodworth's Frog (Limnonectes woodworthi)
  • Not found: Eleutherodactylus samaipatae
  • Not found: Calophyllum macrophyllum
  • Not found: Chiloglanis ruziziensis
  • Not found: Alpine Field Mouse (Apodemus alpicola)
  • Checking: 48745
  • Red List Title: Streptopelia roseogrisea
  • English name: African Collared-dove
  • Found: African Collared Dove
  • WARNING: "African Collared Dove" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • WARNING: Taxonomic notes on red list page. (31 words)
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added before external links.
  • Warnings: 2, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Victodrobia millerae
  • Checking: 7949
  • Red List Title: Equus africanus
  • English name: African Ass
  • Found: African Wild Ass
  • common name match: "African Wild Ass" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • WARNING: Taxonomic notes on red list page. (51 words)
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category already set correctly: CR
  • status_system = iucn2.3
  • References heading found.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Cat correct, set status_system
  • TASKS: +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Chionanthus linocieroides
  • Not found: Noisy Pitta (Pitta versicolor)
  • Not found: Piper nanegalense
  • Not found: Anthurium canaliculatum
  • Not found: White-throated Rail (Dryolimnas cuvieri)
  • Not found: Cophixalus biroi
  • Checking: 49102
  • Red List Title: Hydrophasianus chirurgus
  • English name: Pheasant-tailed Jacana
  • Found: Pheasant-tailed Jacana
  • common name match: "Pheasant-tailed Jacana" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusLeastConcern == LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Philautus surrufus
  • Not found: Haplochromis vittatus
  • Not found: Mishmi Takin (Budorcas taxicolor ssp. taxicolor)
  • Not found: Tsushima Island Marten (Martes melampus ssp. tsuensis)
  • Not found: Liolaemus leopardinus
  • Not found: Klaas's Cuckoo (Chrysococcyx klaas)
  • Not found: Proceratophrys bigibbosa
  • Not found: Hyperolius fuscigula
  • Not found: Matalote Opata (Catostomus wigginsi)
  • Not found: Geoffroy's Tailless Bat (Anoura geoffroyi)
  • Not found: African Penduline-tit (Anthoscopus caroli)
  • Not found: Paskóviza (Telestes beoticus)
  • Not found: Grey-sided Bush-warbler (Cettia brunnifrons)
  • Not found: Euphorbia mainiana
  • Not found: Liolaemus hellmichi
  • Not found: Gorgeted Sunangel (Heliangelus strophianus)
  • Not found: Cuban Palm Crow (Corvus minutus)
  • Not found: Ryukyu Mouse (Mus caroli)
  • Not found: Yellow-bellied Hyliota (Hyliota flavigaster)
  • Not found: Lachemilla sprucei
  • Checking: 53537
  • Red List Title: Emberiza schoeniclus
  • English name: Reed Bunting
  • Found: Reed Bunting
  • common name match: "Reed Bunting" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Nesolestes pauliani
  • Not found: Guayaquil Squirrel (Sciurus stramineus)
  • Not found: Natal Long-fingered Bat (Miniopterus natalensis)
  • Not found: Hemicrambe townsendii
  • Not found: Russet-crowned Crake (Anurolimnas viridis)
  • Not found: Cricket Longtail (Spiloptila clamans)
  • Not found: Chiasmocleis leucosticta
  • Not found: Alona hercegovinae
  • Not found: Mexican Golden Trout (Oncorhynchus chrysogaster)
  • Checking: 42541
  • Red List Title: Prumnopitys taxifolia
  • Found: Prumnopitys taxifolia
  • WARNING: "Prumnopitys taxifolia" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • WARNING: Currently uses non-IUCN category: StatusSecure
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn2.3. Don't add it.
  • References to be added before external links.
  • Warnings: 2, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Wrong status
  • TASKS: set status to valid IUCN category; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Lecythis schomburgkii
  • Not found: Nicobar Shrew (Crocidura nicobarica)
  • Not found: Big-headed Mole Rat (Tachyoryctes macrocephalus)
  • Not found: Striated Laughingthrush (Garrulax striatus)
  • Not found: Miconia caesariata
  • Not found: European Ratsnake (Zamenis situla)
  • Not found: Cypripedium lichiangense
  • Not found: Grosvenoria hypargyra
  • Not found: Heterixalus carbonei
  • Not found: Chiromantis petersii
  • Not found: Red-and-white Antpitta (Grallaria erythroleuca)
  • Not found: Alangium longiflorum
  • Not found: White-rumped Seedeater (Serinus leucopygius)
  • Checking: 49760
  • Red List Title: Leptopogon superciliaris
  • English name: Slaty-capped Flycatcher
  • Found: Slaty-capped Flycatcher
  • common name match: "Slaty-capped Flycatcher" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Checking: 54077
  • Red List Title: Saltator maximus
  • English name: Buff-throated Saltator
  • Found: Buff-throated Saltator
  • common name match: "Buff-throated Saltator" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Anisophyllea corneri
  • Not found: Cinnamon-rumped Foliage-gleaner (Philydor pyrrhodes)
  • Not found: New Britain Friarbird (Philemon cockerelli)
  • Not found: Persian Sturgeon (Acipenser persicus)
  • Not found: Myrsine fernseei
  • Not found: Ficus lauretana
  • Not found: Long-legged Myotis (Myotis volans)
  • Not found: Asem Kiat (Mangifera rufocostata)
  • Not found: Dusky Bush-tanager (Chlorospingus semifuscus)
  • Checking: 42371
  • Red List Title: Pinus jeffreyi
  • Found: Jeffrey Pine
  • WARNING: "Jeffrey Pine" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • WARNING: Currently uses non-IUCN category: StatusSecure
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn2.3. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Warnings: 2, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Wrong status
  • TASKS: set status to valid IUCN category; +IUCN reference

  • Checking: 8971
  • Red List Title: Gazella granti
  • English name: Grant's Gazelle
  • Found: Grant's Gazelle
  • common name match: "Grant's Gazelle" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • WARNING: Taxonomic notes on red list page. (15 words)
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Updating incorrect category: StatusNearConcern(NT) → LR/cd
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn2.3. Don't add it.
  • References to be added before external links.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Wrong status
  • TASKS: update or correct IUCN category; trend=down; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Burt's Deer Mouse (Peromyscus caniceps)
  • Not found: Cleidion marginatum
  • Not found: Moustached Wren (Thryothorus genibarbis)
  • Not found: Chestnut-breasted Coronet (Boissonneaua matthewsii)
  • Not found: Buckley's Forest-falcon (Micrastur buckleyi)
  • Not found: Vitex ferruginea var. amaniensis
  • Not found: Mangifera sylvatica
  • Not found: White-tipped Swift (Aeronautes montivagus)
  • Not found: Chestnut-throated Apalis (Apalis porphyrolaema)
  • Checking: 52475
  • Red List Title: Cettia cetti
  • English name: Cetti's Warbler
  • Found: Cetti's Warbler
  • common name match: "Cetti's Warbler" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Simple Greenbul (Chlorocichla simplex)
  • Not found: Pouteria pachycalyx
  • Not found: Long-tailed Reed-finch (Donacospiza albifrons)
  • Not found: Mount Kosciusko Wingless Stonefly (Leptoperla cacuminis)
  • Not found: Chestnut-capped Foliage-gleaner (Hylocryptus rectirostris)
  • Not found: Tessmannianthus quadridomius
  • Not found: Monadenia mormonum ssp. hirsuta
  • Not found: Perbrinckia enodis
  • Not found: Boeseman's Rainbowfish (Melanotaenia boesemani)
  • Not found: Volcanoes Cave Cricket (Thaumatogryllus cavicola)
  • Not found: Mannophryne lamarcai
  • Not found: Osteocephalus buckleyi
  • Not found: Bythinella intermedia
  • Not found: Turner's Cycad (Encephalartos turneri)
  • Not found: Pittosporum dallii
  • Not found: Grey-headed Munia (Lonchura caniceps)
  • Not found: Phyllodytes wuchereri
  • Checking: 52083
  • Red List Title: Parus sclateri
  • English name: Mexican Chickadee
  • Found: Mexican Chickadee
  • common name match: "Mexican Chickadee" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • WARNING: Taxonomic notes on red list page. (32 words)
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Rueppell's Chat (Myrmecocichla melaena)
  • Not found: Vernonia bamendae
  • Not found: Osteocephalus yasuni
  • Not found: Diospyros foxworthyi
  • Not found: Minute Hermit (Phaethornis idaliae)
  • Checking: 3570
  • Red List Title: Callithrix aurita
  • English name: Buffy-tufted-ear Marmoset
  • Found: Buffy-tufted Marmoset
  • WARNING: "Buffy-tufted Marmoset" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • WARNING: binomial taxobox name doesn't match wiki: Callithrix (Callithrix) aurita
  • Wiki-binomial not found in red list synonyms
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusEndangered == EN
  • status_system = iucn2.3
  • References heading found.
  • Summary: binomial doesn't match
  • Warnings: 2, Errors: 0
  • Flags:syntax updated, set status_system
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; trend=unknown; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Diplomystes camposensis
  • Not found: Barred Owlet-nightjar (Aegotheles bennettii)
  • Not found: Eastern Black Crested Gibbon (Nomascus nasutus)
  • Not found: Phaedranassa tunguraguae
  • Not found: Cullenia ceylanica
  • Not found: Beccariophoenix madagascariensis
  • Not found: Begonia brandbygeana
  • Not found: Polyscias dichroostachya
  • Not found: Giant Kingbird (Tyrannus cubensis)
  • Checking: 49958
  • Red List Title: Sayornis nigricans
  • English name: Black Phoebe
  • Found: Black Phoebe
  • common name match: "Black Phoebe" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category already set correctly: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:Cat correct
  • TASKS: +IUCN reference

  • Checking: 52780
  • Red List Title: Alcippe poioicephala
  • English name: Brown-cheeked Fulvetta
  • Found: Brown-cheeked Fulvetta
  • common name match: "Brown-cheeked Fulvetta" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Dalbergia hutibertii
  • Not found: False Spike (Quincuncina mitchelli)
  • Not found: Graffenrieda robusta
  • Not found: Castle Lake Caddisfly (Rhyacophila amabilis)
  • Not found: Plecodus elaviae
  • Not found: Green-naped Tanager (Tangara fucosa)
  • Not found: Heliaeschna ugandica
  • Not found: Commiphora parvifolia
  • Not found: Narrow-winged Pipistrelle (Pipistrellus stenopterus)
  • Checking: 19603
  • Red List Title: Rhinoptilus bitorquatus
  • English name: Jerdon's Courser
  • Found: Jerdon's Courser
  • common name match: "Jerdon's Courser" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusCritical == CR
  • Don't add status_system. Assume default of iucn3.1
  • References to be added before external links.
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; trend=down; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Schefflera curranii
  • Not found: Khajuria's Leaf-nosed Bat (Hipposideros durgadasi)
  • Not found: Coryphantha durangensis ssp. cuencamensis
  • Not found: Lovely Fairywren (Malurus amabilis)
  • Not found: Convolvulus grantii
  • Not found: Yellow-rumped Tinkerbird (Pogoniulus bilineatus)
  • Not found: Unexpected Cotton Rat (Sigmodon inopinatus)
  • Not found: Orthotrichum truncato-dentatum
  • Not found: Red-winged Starling (Onychognathus morio)
  • Not found: Junín Canastero (Asthenes virgata)
  • Checking: 49168
  • Red List Title: Vanellus miles
  • English name: Masked Lapwing
  • Found: Masked Lapwing
  • common name match: "Masked Lapwing" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusLeastConcern == LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Olympic Mountains Pocket Gopher (Thomomys mazama ssp. melanops)
  • Not found: Rubious Cave Amphipod (Stygobromus lucifugus)
  • Not found: Macrozamia douglasii
  • Not found: Grey-crowned Palm-tanager (Phaenicophilus poliocephalus)
  • Not found: Cremosperma ecudoranum
  • Not found: Nyctimystes daymani
  • Checking: 47499
  • Red List Title: Lybius dubius
  • English name: Bearded Barbet
  • Found: Bearded Barbet
  • common name match: "Bearded Barbet" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Checking: 49710
  • Red List Title: Puffinus assimilis
  • English name: Little Shearwater
  • Found: Little Shearwater
  • common name match: "Little Shearwater" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Oreopanax oerstediana
  • Checking: 42241
  • Red List Title: Juniperus osteosperma
  • Found: Juniperus osteosperma
  • WARNING: "Juniperus osteosperma" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • WARNING: Currently uses non-IUCN category: StatusSecure
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn2.3. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Warnings: 2, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Wrong status
  • TASKS: set status to valid IUCN category; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Tiny Serotine (Neoromicia guineensis)
  • Not found: Myristica simiarum ssp. calcarea
  • Not found: Fluted Clam (Tridacna squamosa)
  • Not found: Ceriagrion corallinum
  • Not found: Columbian Ground Squirrel (Spermophilus columbianus)
  • Not found: Lesser Yellow-shouldered Bat (Sturnira nana)
  • Not found: Bishop's 'o'o (Moho bishopi)
  • Not found: Grey Brush-finch (Atlapetes canigenis)
  • Not found: Southern Carmine Bee-eater (Merops nubicoides)
  • Not found: Mindanao Mountain Rat (Limnomys sibuanus)
  • Not found: Canariella pthonera
  • Not found: Disparoneura ramajana
  • Checking: 16793
  • Red List Title: Phaenicophaeus pyrrhocephalus
  • English name: Red-faced Malkoha
  • Found: Red-faced Malkoha
  • common name match: "Red-faced Malkoha" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusVulnerable == VU
  • Don't add status_system. Assume default of iucn3.1
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; trend=down; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Southern Mole Vole (Ellobius fuscocapillus)
  • Not found: Simeulue Scops-owl (Otus umbra)
  • Checking: 2891
  • Red List Title: Bos frontalis
  • English name: Gaur
  • Found: Gaur
  • common name match: "Gaur" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • WARNING: binomial taxobox name doesn't match wiki: Bos gaurus
  • Wiki-binomial not found in red list synonyms
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: VU
  • status_system = iucn2.3
  • References to be added before external links.
  • Summary: binomial doesn't match
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Set status, set status_system
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (VU); trend=down; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Big Blue Spring Cave Crayfish (Procambarus horsti)
  • Not found: Lake Eacham Rainbowfish (Melanotaenia eachamensis)
  • Not found: Napeanthus ecuadorensis
  • Not found: Mustela eversmannii ssp. amurensis
  • Not found: Inga pauciflora
  • Not found: Huperzia ascendens
  • Not found: Clethra alexandri
  • Not found: Maxwell's Duiker (Cephalophus maxwellii)
  • Not found: Gastrotheca atympana
  • Not found: Flavescent Flycatcher (Myiophobus flavicans)
  • Not found: Couratari pyramidata
  • Checking: 7950
  • Red List Title: Equus grevyi
  • English name: Grevy's Zebra
  • Found: Grevy's Zebra
  • common name match: "Grevy's Zebra" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusEndangered == EN
  • status_system = iucn2.3
  • References to be added before external links.
  • Flags:syntax updated, set status_system
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; trend=down; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Murunducaris juneae
  • Not found: Chiasmocleis ventrimaculata
  • Not found: Versicoloured Emerald (Amazilia versicolor)
  • Not found: Cycas arenicola
  • Checking: 19351
  • Red List Title: Rattus nativitatis
  • English name: Bulldog Rat
  • Found: Bulldog Rat
  • common name match: "Bulldog Rat" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category already set correctly: EX
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:Cat correct
  • TASKS: +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Rana picturata
  • Not found: Agrostistachys hookeri
  • Not found: Mentawai Scops-owl (Otus mentawi)
  • Not found: Spix's Guan (Penelope jacquacu)
  • Not found: Ibiza Common Genet (Genetta genetta ssp. isabelae)
  • Not found: Eleutherodactylus epipedus
  • Checking: 48333
  • Red List Title: Amazilia tobaci
  • English name: Copper-rumped Hummingbird
  • Found: Copper-rumped Hummingbird
  • common name match: "Copper-rumped Hummingbird" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • WARNING: binomial taxobox name doesn't match wiki: Saucerottia tobaci
  • Wiki-binomial not found in red list synonyms
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Summary: binomial doesn't match
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Probreviceps rhodesianus
  • Not found: Acca lanuginosa
  • Checking: 40489
  • Red List Title: Didelphis albiventris
  • English name: White-eared Opossum
  • Found: White-eared Opossum
  • common name match: "White-eared Opossum" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusLeastConcern == LR/lc
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn2.3. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: St Lawrence Island Tundra Vole (Microtus oeconomus ssp. innuitus)
  • Not found: Kuril Seal (Phoca vitulina ssp. stejnegeri)
  • Not found: Arthrocereus glaziovii
  • Not found: Pachyanthus pedicellatus
  • Not found: Pacific Screech-owl (Megascops cooperi)
  • Checking: 47766
  • Red List Title: Merops albicollis
  • English name: White-throated Bee-eater
  • Found: White-throated Bee-eater
  • common name match: "White-throated Bee-eater" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Maytenus harenensis
  • Not found: Amani Dwarf Galago (Galago orinus)
  • Not found: Wercklea grandiflora
  • Not found: Mount St. Helens' Grylloblattid (Grylloblatta chirurgica)
  • Not found: Miconia bipatrialis
  • Not found: Orthochromis mosoensis
  • Not found: Telestes pleurobipunctatus
  • Not found: Cyanea tritomantha
  • Checking: 52007
  • Red List Title: Cistothorus palustris
  • English name: Marsh Wren
  • Found: Marsh Wren
  • common name match: "Marsh Wren" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category already set correctly: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:Cat correct
  • TASKS: +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Bursera tonkinensis
  • Not found: Dipterocarpus crinitus
  • Not found: Elaeocarpus submonoceras ssp. submonoceras
  • Not found: Gilletiodendron glandulosum
  • Not found: Outcast Crow (Euploea algea ssp. abjecta)
  • Not found: Violet-backed Hyliota (Hyliota violacea)
  • Not found: Roughskin Catshark (Apristurus sp. nov. D)
  • Not found: Anthurium plurisulcatum
  • Not found: Phyllostylon orthopterum
  • Not found: Cynanchum taihangense
  • Checking: 41562
  • Red List Title: Callicebus torquatus
  • English name: Collared Titi
  • Found: Collared Titi
  • common name match: "Collared Titi" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusLeastConcern == LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Phrynobatrachus mababiensis
  • Checking: 51206
  • Red List Title: Astrapia rothschildi
  • English name: Huon Astrapia
  • Found: Huon Astrapia
  • common name match: "Huon Astrapia" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category already set correctly: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added before external links.
  • Flags:Cat correct
  • TASKS: +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Hudson's Canastero (Asthenes hudsoni)
  • Not found: Blanford's Jerboa (Jaculus blanfordi)
  • Not found: Dipterocarpus indicus
  • Not found: Copadichromis pleurostigma
  • Not found: Tridacna rosewateri
  • Not found: Barrens Topminnow (Fundulus julisia)
  • Not found: Helicella stiparum
  • Not found: Long-tailed Honey-buzzard (Henicopernis longicauda)
  • Checking: 51917
  • Red List Title: Acridotheres fuscus
  • English name: Jungle Myna
  • Found: Jungle Myna
  • common name match: "Jungle Myna" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • WARNING: binomial taxobox name doesn't match wiki: Acridotheres fuscus
  • Wiki-binomial not found in red list synonyms
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusLeastConcern == LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Summary: binomial doesn't match
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Triaenops auritus
  • Not found: Gray-bellied Pygmy Mouse (Mus triton)
  • Not found: Barbus cyclolepis
  • Not found: Chlorocypha bambtoni
  • Not found: Ward's Flycatcher (Pseudobias wardi)
  • Not found: Dendropanax grandis
  • Not found: Acacia campbellii
  • Not found: Crested Agouti (Dasyprocta cristata)
  • Not found: Stripe-tailed Yellow-finch (Sicalis citrina)
  • Not found: Hazel Pigtoe (Pleurobema avellanum)
  • Not found: Hemicycla saulcyi
  • Not found: Chamaesyce herbstii
  • Not found: Isoetes ecuadoriensis
  • Not found: Ilex vomitoria ssp. chiapensis
  • Not found: Georgia Blind Salamander (Haideotriton wallacei)
  • Not found: Lesser Ranee Mouse (Haeromys pusillus)
  • Not found: Polypodium argyrolepis
  • Checking: 50046
  • Red List Title: Myiarchus crinitus
  • English name: Great Crested Flycatcher
  • Found: Great Crested Flycatcher
  • common name match: "Great Crested Flycatcher" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Popondetta Blue-eye (Pseudomugil connieae)
  • Checking: 39954
  • Red List Title: Callicebus coimbrai
  • English name: Coimbra's Titi
  • Found: Coimbra Filho's Titi
  • WARNING: "Coimbra Filho's Titi" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusCritical == CR
  • Don't add status_system. Assume default of iucn3.1
  • References heading found.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; trend=down; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Hearty Elimia (Elimia jonesi)
  • Checking: 47166
  • Red List Title: Tachyeres patachonicus
  • English name: Flying Steamerduck
  • Found: Flying Steamer Duck
  • WARNING: "Flying Steamer Duck" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusLeastConcern == LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Black-chinned Monarch (Monarcha boanensis)
  • Not found: Ochotona thibetana ssp. huangensis
  • Not found: Senna caudata
  • Checking: 9281
  • Red List Title: Glyphis gangeticus
  • English name: Ganges Shark
  • Found: Ganges shark
  • "Ganges shark" is listed as a common name by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusCritical == CR
  • status_system = iucn2.3
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:syntax updated, set status_system
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Euphorbia duranii
  • Checking: 3429
  • Red List Title: Cacatua moluccensis
  • English name: Salmon-crested Cockatoo
  • Found: Moluccan Cockatoo
  • WARNING: "Moluccan Cockatoo" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusVulnerable == VU
  • Don't add status_system. Assume default of iucn3.1
  • References to be added before external links.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; trend=down; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Seychelles Sucker-tailed Gecko (Urocotyledon inexpectata)
  • Not found: Rinorea crenata
  • Not found: Uebelmannia buiningii
  • Not found: Golden-bellied Grosbeak (Pheucticus chrysogaster)
  • Not found: Croton talaeporos
  • Not found: Aglaia ceramica
  • Not found: West African Cordia (Cordia platythyrsa)
  • Not found: Colostethus baeobatrachus
  • Not found: Terminalia eddowesii
  • Not found: Shenandoah Salamander (Plethodon shenandoah)
  • Not found: Hypolytrum subcompositus
  • Not found: Palaina doliolum
  • Not found: Inga praegnans
  • Not found: Little Margareta Rat (Margaretamys parvus)
  • Not found: Coryphantha vogtherriana
  • Checking: 16385
  • Red List Title: Parus nuchalis
  • English name: White-naped Tit
  • Found: White-winged Tit
  • WARNING: "White-winged Tit" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusVulnerable == VU
  • Don't add status_system. Assume default of iucn3.1
  • References heading found.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; trend=down; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Symplocos diversifolia var. appressa
  • Not found: Roystonea dunlapiana
  • Not found: Bushveld Horseshoe Bat (Rhinolophus simulator)
  • Not found: Sakalava Rail (Amaurornis olivieri)
  • Not found: Astronidium victoriae
  • Not found: Pygmy Batis (Batis perkeo)
  • Not found: Tsushima Salamander (Hynobius tsuensis)
  • Not found: Eleutherodactylus longipes
  • Not found: Eleutherodactylus luteolateralis
  • Not found: Aratathomas's Yellow0shouldered Bat (Sturnira aratathomasi)
  • Not found: Dombe Toad (Bufo dombensis)
  • Not found: Athrotaxis cupressoides
  • Not found: Arkansas Fatmucket (Lampsilis powellii)
  • Not found: Red Porgy (Pagrus pagrus)
  • Not found: Fuchsia sylvatica
  • Not found: Great Grebe (Podiceps major)
  • Not found: Streak-fronted Thornbird (Phacellodomus striaticeps)
  • Not found: Talaud Rail (Gymnocrex talaudensis)
  • Not found: Pentacalia napoensis
  • Checking: 868
  • Red List Title: Allocebus trichotis
  • English name: Hairy-eared Dwarf Lemur
  • Found: Hairy-eared Dwarf Lemur
  • common name match: "Hairy-eared Dwarf Lemur" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • WARNING: Taxonomic notes on red list page. (4 words)
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses incorrect or unrecognised category: en
  • status_system = iucn2.3
  • References heading found.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Unknown/incorrect cat, set status_system
  • TASKS: set IUCN category; trend=unknown; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Bullseye Electric Ray (Diplobatus ommata)
  • Not found: White-naped Seedeater (Dolospingus fringilloides)
  • Not found: Adenia pechuelii
  • Not found: Protomelas triaenodon
  • Not found: Eugenia laurae
  • Checking: 40500
  • Red List Title: Didelphis aurita
  • English name: Big-eared Opossum
  • Found: Big-eared Opossum
  • common name match: "Big-eared Opossum" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusLeastConcern == LR/lc
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn2.3. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Haplochromis gilberti
  • Not found: Freziera velutina
  • Not found: Succinea piratarum
  • Not found: Ilex tiricae
  • Not found: Tahiti Kingfisher (Todiramphus veneratus)
  • Not found: Hermite Island Worm-lizard (Aprasia rostrata ssp. rostrata)
  • Not found: Bornean Tree Shrew (Tupaia longipes)
  • Not found: Saurauia adenodonta
  • Not found: Lethrinops microdon
  • Not found: Plethodontohyla inguinalis
  • Not found: Sulu Hornbill (Anthracoceros montani)
  • Not found: Brillantaisia lancifolia
  • Not found: Deinbollia longiacuminata
  • Not found: Cuanza Vlei Rat (Otomys cuanzensis)
  • Not found: Pale-legged Warbler (Basileuterus signatus)
  • Not found: Johanna's Sunbird (Nectarinia johannae)
  • Not found: Yunnanilus niger
  • Not found: Nototriton abscondens
  • Not found: Mangrove Kingfisher (Halcyon senegaloides)
  • Checking: 49264
  • Red List Title: Sterna forsteri
  • English name: Forster's Tern
  • Found: Forster's Tern
  • common name match: "Forster's Tern" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category already set correctly: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:Cat correct
  • TASKS: +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Polycarpaea paulayana
  • Not found: Oreochromis mweruensis
  • Not found: Ashy-headed Greenlet (Hylophilus pectoralis)
  • Not found: Molokai Cyanea (Cyanea solenocalyx)
  • Not found: Callochromis macrops
  • Not found: Rana spectabilis
  • Checking: 49082
  • Red List Title: Calidris fuscicollis
  • English name: White-rumped Sandpiper
  • Found: White-rumped Sandpiper
  • common name match: "White-rumped Sandpiper" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusLeastConcern == LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Green Rosella (Platycercus caledonicus)
  • Not found: Biak Roundleaf Bat (Hipposideros papua)
  • Not found: Cycloramphus lutzorum
  • Not found: Asian Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis)
  • Not found: Mangifera austro-yunnanensis
  • Not found: Euphorbia sekukuniensis
  • Checking: 48005
  • Red List Title: Agapornis roseicollis
  • English name: Rosy-faced Lovebird
  • Found: Rosy-faced Lovebird
  • common name match: "Rosy-faced Lovebird" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category already set correctly: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added before external links.
  • Flags:Cat correct
  • TASKS: +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Spelaeophryne methneri
  • Not found: Trichilia blanchetii
  • Not found: Ophryophryne hansi
  • Not found: Populus mexicana ssp. mexicana
  • Not found: Eugenia scalarinervis
  • Not found: Guibourtia sousae
  • Not found: Meller's Mongoose (Rhynchogale melleri)
  • Not found: Maytenus jefeana
  • Not found: Green-and-white Hummingbird (Amazilia viridicauda)
  • Not found: Moluccan Starling (Aplonis mysolensis)
  • Not found: Cephalotaxus sinensis
  • Not found: Scleropyrum wallichianum
  • Not found: Leptolaena cuspidata
  • Checking: 5599
  • Red List Title: Crocidura dhofarensis
  • English name: Dhofarian Shrew
  • Found: Dhofarian Shrew
  • common name match: "Dhofarian Shrew" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • WARNING: Taxonomic notes on red list page. (5 words)
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusCritical == CR
  • status_system = iucn2.3
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:syntax updated, set status_system
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; trend=unknown; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Solanum melissarum
  • Not found: Light Red Meranti (Shorea quadrinervis)
  • Not found: Opsaridium loveridgii
  • Not found: Big-eye Dwarf Shark (Squaliolus laticaudus)
  • Not found: Yellow-crested Manakin (Heterocercus flavivertex)
  • Not found: Cotylelobium burckii
  • Not found: Lacerta laevis
  • Checking: 47205
  • Red List Title: Anas georgica
  • English name: Yellow-billed Pintail
  • Found: Yellow-billed Pintail
  • common name match: "Yellow-billed Pintail" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusLeastConcern == LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; +IUCN reference

  • Checking: 53569
  • Red List Title: Spizella pusilla
  • English name: Field Sparrow
  • Found: Field Sparrow
  • common name match: "Field Sparrow" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Weasel Shark (Hemigaleus microstoma)
  • Not found: Sphagnum Frog (Philoria sphagnicolus)
  • Not found: Ecuadorian Mantled Howling Monkey (Alouatta palliata ssp. aequatorialis)
  • Not found: Stripe-backed Bittern (Ixobrychus involucris)
  • Not found: Orange-banded Flycatcher (Myiophobus lintoni)
  • Not found: Myaka Myaka (Myaka myaka)
  • Not found: Bulimulus planospira
  • Not found: Golden-breasted Starling (Cosmopsarus regius)
  • Not found: Yellow-vented Flowerpecker (Dicaeum chrysorrheum)
  • Not found: Comanche Springs Pupfish (Cyprinodon elegans)
  • Not found: Stemonoporus cordifolius
  • Not found: Dutaillyea amosensis
  • Not found: Danube Bleak (Chalcalburnus chalcoides)
  • Not found: Yellow Mottled Coqui (Eleutherodactylus lentus)
  • Not found: Nyctimystes humeralis
  • Not found: Leopard Fringe-fingered Lizard (Acanthodactylus pardalis)
  • Not found: Lunania elongata
  • Not found: Vateria macrocarpa
  • Not found: Kibatalia merrilliana
  • Not found: Painted Parakeet (Pyrrhura picta)
  • Checking: 30327
  • Red List Title: Juniperus cedrus
  • Found: Juniperus cedrus
  • WARNING: "Juniperus cedrus" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category already set correctly: EN
  • status_system = iucn2.3
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Cat correct, set status_system
  • TASKS: +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Oreopanax sessiliflorus
  • Checking: 15485
  • Red List Title: Oreotragus oreotragus
  • English name: Klipspringer
  • Found: Klipspringer
  • common name match: "Klipspringer" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusConserveConcern == LR/cd
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn2.3. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; trend=down; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Mezilaurus navalium
  • Not found: Wing-barred Piprites (Piprites chloris)
  • Not found: Kalinowski's Mastiff Bat (Mormopterus kalinowskii)
  • Not found: Canadian Toad (Bufo hemiophrys)
  • Not found: Blue-headed Hummingbird (Cyanophaia bicolor)
  • Not found: Stenospermation interruptum
  • Not found: Sugarfoot Moth Fly (Nemapalpus nearcticus)
  • Not found: Placidochromis johnstoni
  • Checking: 41563
  • Red List Title: Callicebus lugens
  • English name: Collared Titi
  • Found: Black Titi
  • WARNING: "Black Titi" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • WARNING: Taxonomic notes on red list page. (15 words)
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusLeastConcern == LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Warnings: 2, Errors: 0
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Pale-headed Brush-finch (Atlapetes pallidiceps)
  • Not found: Duguetia barteri
  • Not found: Smoke-bellied Rat (Niviventer eha)
  • Not found: Slate-coloured Solitaire (Myadestes unicolor)
  • Checking: 19740
  • Red List Title: Romanichthys valsanicola
  • English name: Asprete
  • Found: Romanichthys valsanicola
  • WARNING: "Romanichthys valsanicola" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • WARNING: Article title uses species name when a common name exists: Asprete
  • All IUCN-listed common names: Asprete
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusCritical == CR
  • status_system = iucn2.3
  • References heading found.
  • Warnings: 2, Errors: 0
  • Flags:syntax updated, set status_system
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Physalaemus petersi
  • Not found: Monotonous Lark (Mirafra passerina)
  • Checking: 47311
  • Red List Title: Campethera punctuligera
  • English name: Fine-spotted Woodpecker
  • Found: Fine-spotted Woodpecker
  • common name match: "Fine-spotted Woodpecker" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Bonneted Langur (Trachypithecus pileatus)
  • Not found: Tawny-breasted Honeyeater (Xanthotis flaviventer)
  • Not found: Red-tailed Goby (Sicyopterus halei)
  • Not found: Elimia macglameriana
  • Not found: Lined Pocketbook (Lampsilis binominata)
  • Not found: Miniature Tit-babbler (Micromacronus leytensis)
  • Not found: Red Goral (Naemorhedus baileyi)
  • Not found: Melanochromis interruptus
  • Not found: Papuan Eared-nightjar (Eurostopodus papuensis)
  • Not found: Angrobia dyeriana
  • Not found: Himeroconcha fusca
  • Not found: Aristolochia thwaitesii
  • Not found: Sulawesi Flying-fox (Acerodon celebensis)
  • Not found: Telmatobius huayra
  • Not found: Cambarus parrishi
  • Not found: Dioon rzedowskii
  • Not found: Hopea helferi
  • Not found: Cypripedium smithii
  • Not found: Sawfin (Barbus serra)
  • Not found: Dusky Alseonax (Muscicapa adusta)
  • Not found: Phyllomacromia kimminsi
  • Not found: Tetrorchidium microphyllum
  • Not found: Elaphoglossum gossypinum
  • Checking: 2614
  • Red List Title: Batagur baska
  • English name: Batagur
  • Found: Batagur baska
  • WARNING: "Batagur baska" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • WARNING: Article title uses species name when a common name exists: Batagur
  • All IUCN-listed common names: Batagur, Common Batagur, Four-toed Terrapin, River Terrapin
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Updating incorrect category: StatusEndangered(EN) → CR
  • status_system = iucn2.3
  • References heading found.
  • Warnings: 2, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Wrong status, set status_system
  • TASKS: update or correct IUCN category; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Drepanosticta montana
  • Not found: Haplochromis flavus
  • Not found: Cycloramphus acangatan
  • Not found: Noonday Snail (Mesodon clarki ssp. nantahala)
  • Not found: Andean Pygmy-owl (Glaucidium jardinii)
  • Not found: San Jose Island Kangaroo Rat (Dipodomys insularis)
  • Not found: Alabama Spike (Elliptio arca)
  • Not found: Scinax ruber
  • Not found: Brachyotum jamesonii
  • Not found: Eschweilera piresii ssp. piresii
  • Not found: Muna-buton Macaque (Macaca ochreata ssp. brunnescens)
  • Not found: Drypetes natalensis var. leiogyna
  • Not found: Blue-headed Quail-dove (Starnoenas cyanocephala)
  • Checking: 47673
  • Red List Title: Eurystomus glaucurus
  • English name: Broad-billed Roller
  • Found: Broad-billed Roller
  • common name match: "Broad-billed Roller" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Citharexylum rimbachii
  • Not found: Madagascar Sparrowhawk (Accipiter madagascariensis)
  • Not found: Gervais's Funnel-eared Bat (Nyctiellus lepidus)
  • Not found: Miconia fosbergii
  • Not found: Cupedora luteofusca
  • Not found: Desperate Shrew (Crocidura desperata)
  • Not found: Microhyla marmorata
  • Not found: Eleutherodactylus illotus
  • Not found: Vatica pallida
  • Checking: 41166
  • Red List Title: Limnodynastes tasmaniensis
  • English name: Spotted Grass Frog
  • Found: Spotted Grass Frog
  • common name match: "Spotted Grass Frog" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses unrecognised category: statusLeastConcern
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:Wrong status
  • TASKS: update status from unrecognised category; trend=stable; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Lampsilis reeviana ssp. brevicula
  • Not found: Microcaecilia supernumeraria
  • Not found: One-striped Short-tailed Opossum (Monodelphis unistriata)
  • Not found: Dombeya ledermannii
  • Checking: 53815
  • Red List Title: Ramphocelus sanguinolentus
  • English name: Crimson-collared Tanager
  • Found: Crimson-collared Tanager
  • common name match: "Crimson-collared Tanager" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusLeastConcern == LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Hopea oblongifolia
  • Not found: Ecuadorean Small-eared Shrew (Cryptotis montivaga)
  • Checking: 22015
  • Red List Title: Toxostoma guttatum
  • English name: Cozumel Thrasher
  • Found: Cozumel Thrasher
  • common name match: "Cozumel Thrasher" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusCritical == CR
  • Don't add status_system. Assume default of iucn3.1
  • References to be added before external links.
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; trend=down; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Sonora Mud Turtle (Kinosternon sonoriense)
  • Not found: Labidochromis ianthinus
  • Checking: 52338
  • Red List Title: Cisticola juncidis
  • English name: Zitting Cisticola
  • Found: Zitting Cisticola
  • common name match: "Zitting Cisticola" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category already set correctly: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:Cat correct
  • TASKS: +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Ogasawarana chichijimana
  • Not found: Schwartz's Myotis (Myotis martiniquensis)
  • Not found: White-breasted Antbird (Rhegmatorhina hoffmannsi)
  • Not found: Aeshna yemenensis
  • Not found: Trachycephalus hadroceps
  • Checking: 47173
  • Red List Title: Callonetta leucophrys
  • English name: Ringed Teal
  • Found: Ringed Teal
  • common name match: "Ringed Teal" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusLeastConcern == LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Adelaide Pigmy Blue-tongue Skink (Tiliqua adelaidensis)
  • Not found: Potamonautes platynotus
  • Not found: Hydnocarpus scortechinii
  • Checking: 30325
  • Red List Title: Cupressus dupreziana
  • English name: Saharan Cypress
  • Found: Cupressus dupreziana
  • WARNING: "Cupressus dupreziana" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • WARNING: Article title uses species name when a common name exists: Saharan Cypress
  • All IUCN-listed common names: Saharan Cypress
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Updating incorrect category: StatusCritical(CR) → EN
  • status_system = iucn2.3
  • References heading found.
  • Warnings: 2, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Wrong status, set status_system
  • TASKS: update or correct IUCN category; +IUCN reference

  • Checking: 49252
  • Red List Title: Sterna aurantia
  • English name: River Tern
  • Found: River Tern (bird)
  • WARNING: "River Tern (bird)" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Stone Crayfish (Austropotamobius torrentium)
  • Checking: 49299
  • Red List Title: Aethia pusilla
  • English name: Least Auklet
  • Found: Least Auklet
  • common name match: "Least Auklet" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Checking: 51122
  • Red List Title: Garrulus lanceolatus
  • English name: Black-headed Jay
  • Found: Lanceolated Jay
  • WARNING: "Lanceolated Jay" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Eleutherodactylus carranguerorum
  • Not found: Halmahera Blossom Bat (Syconycteris carolinae)
  • Not found: Dypsis pembana
  • Not found: Short-horned Baronia (Baronia brevicornis)
  • Not found: Ceylonthelphusa orthos
  • Not found: Cuban Fruit-eating Bat (Brachyphylla nana)
  • Checking: 3747
  • Red List Title: Canis rufus
  • English name: Red Wolf
  • Found: Red Wolf
  • common name match: "Red Wolf" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • WARNING: Taxonomic notes on red list page. (4 words)
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusCritical == CR
  • Don't add status_system. Assume default of iucn3.1
  • References to be added before external links.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; trend=up; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Black-footed Rock Wallaby (Petrogale lateralis ssp. hacketti)
  • Checking: 47133
  • Red List Title: Oxyura vittata
  • English name: Lake Duck
  • Found: Argentine Blue-bill
  • WARNING: "Argentine Blue-bill" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Miller's Snail (Cochliopina milleri)
  • Not found: Barbus lepineyi
  • Not found: Vegetarian Finch (Platyspiza crassirostris)
  • Not found: Rana persimilis
  • Not found: Boophis viridis
  • Not found: Pale-billed Antpitta (Grallaria carrikeri)
  • Not found: Banded Imperial-pigeon (Ducula zoeae)
  • Checking: 41163
  • Red List Title: Limnodynastes peronii
  • English name: Brown Frog
  • Found: Striped Marsh Frog
  • common name match: "Striped Marsh Frog" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses unrecognised category: statusLeastConcern
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:Wrong status
  • TASKS: update status from unrecognised category; trend=up; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Calluella brooksii
  • Not found: Thespesiopsis mossambicensis
  • Not found: Lowland Ringtail (Pseudochirulus canescens)
  • Not found: Litsea spathacea
  • Not found: Dusky Fulvetta (Alcippe brunnea)
  • Not found: Eleutherodactylus caryophyllaceus
  • Not found: Yellow Lampmussel (Lampsilis cariosa)
  • Checking: 51915
  • Red List Title: Acridotheres tristis
  • English name: Common Myna
  • Found: Common Myna
  • common name match: "Common Myna" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusLeastConcern == LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; +IUCN reference

  • Checking: 54837
  • Red List Title: Nectophrynoides asperginis
  • English name: Kihansi Spray Toad
  • Found: Kihansi Spray Toad
  • common name match: "Kihansi Spray Toad" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category already set correctly: CR
  • Don't add status_system. Assume default of iucn3.1
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:Cat correct
  • TASKS: trend=down; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: New Guinea Bronzewing (Henicophaps albifrons)
  • Not found: Ectodus descampsi
  • Not found: Dolorous Grass Mouse (Akodon dolores)
  • Not found: Horsfieldia sucosa ssp. bifissa
  • Checking: 47091
  • Red List Title: Tympanuchus cupido
  • English name: Greater Prairie-chicken
  • Found: Greater Prairie Chicken
  • WARNING: "Greater Prairie Chicken" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusVulnerable == VU
  • Don't add status_system. Assume default of iucn3.1
  • References heading found.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Syzygium purpureum
  • Not found: Ptychadena taenioscelis
  • Not found: Black Leaf Monkey (Semnopithecus johnii)
  • Not found: Chinese Bush-warbler (Bradypterus tacsanowskius)
  • Not found: Cryptazeca subcylindrica
  • Not found: Megalobulimus grandis
  • Not found: Eleutherodactylus sulculus
  • Not found: Kubusi Stream Damsel (Metacnemis valida)
  • Checking: 34024
  • Red List Title: Pinus longaeva
  • English name: Bristlecone Pine
  • Found: Great Basin Bristlecone Pine
  • WARNING: "Great Basin Bristlecone Pine" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusVulnerable == VU
  • status_system = iucn2.3
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:syntax updated, set status_system
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Macconnell's Flycatcher (Mionectes macconnelli)
  • Checking: 3825
  • Red List Title: Caprimulgus prigoginei
  • English name: Itombwe Nightjar
  • Found: Prigogine's Nightjar
  • WARNING: "Prigogine's Nightjar" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusEndangered == EN
  • Don't add status_system. Assume default of iucn3.1
  • References heading found.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; trend=down; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Black-throated Thistletail (Schizoeaca harterti)
  • Not found: Oreopanax avicenniifolius
  • Not found: Dolichopetalum kwangsiense
  • Not found: Paradrymonia aurea
  • Checking: 52599
  • Red List Title: Phylloscopus trochiloides
  • English name: Greenish Warbler
  • Found: Greenish Warbler
  • common name match: "Greenish Warbler" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added before external links.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Mesua kunstleri
  • Not found: White Meranti (Shorea agami)
  • Not found: Mt. Oku Rat (Lamottemys okuensis)
  • Not found: Cycas clivicola
  • Not found: Small-headed Frog (Occidozyga diminutivus)
  • Not found: Elaphoglossum marginale
  • Not found: Antichthonidris bidentatus
  • Not found: Psychotria bryonicola
  • Not found: Alsinidendron obovatum
  • Not found: Campomanesia reitziana
  • Checking: 49109
  • Red List Title: Burhinus senegalensis
  • English name: Senegal Thick-knee
  • Found: Senegal Thick-knee
  • common name match: "Senegal Thick-knee" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusLeastConcern == LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added before external links.
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Yellow-haired Hill Rat (Bunomys chrysocomus)
  • Not found: Myristica crassa
  • Checking: 17978
  • Red List Title: Pontoporia blainvillei
  • English name: Franciscana
  • Found: La Plata Dolphin
  • WARNING: "La Plata Dolphin" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • WARNING: Taxonomic notes on red list page. (22 words)
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Updating incorrect category: StatusUnknown(NE) → DD
  • status_system = iucn2.3
  • References to be added before external links.
  • Warnings: 2, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Wrong status, set status_system
  • TASKS: update or correct IUCN category; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Festuca caldasii
  • Not found: Fat Tiger (Parantica rotundata)
  • Not found: Brown-backed Dove (Leptotila battyi)
  • Not found: Cupaniopsis subfalcata
  • Checking: 20387
  • Red List Title: Sorex kozlovi
  • English name: Kozlov's Shrew
  • Found: Kozlov's Shrew
  • common name match: "Kozlov's Shrew" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusCritical == CR
  • status_system = iucn2.3
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:syntax updated, set status_system
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; trend=unknown; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Rana tarahumarae
  • Not found: Rana anlungensis
  • Not found: Yellow-eared Honeyeater (Lichmera flavicans)
  • Not found: Grey-throated Warbler (Basileuterus cinereicollis)
  • Not found: Drypetes preussii
  • Not found: Launaea socotrana
  • Checking: 17309
  • Red List Title: Pipile pipile
  • English name: Trinidad Piping-guan
  • Found: Common Piping Guan
  • WARNING: "Common Piping Guan" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: CR
  • Don't add status_system. Assume default of iucn3.1
  • References heading found.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (CR); trend=down; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Byblis liniflora
  • Not found: Alachua Light-fleeing Cave Crayfish (Procambarus lucifugus ssp. alachua)
  • Not found: Oxalis ausensis
  • Not found: Litoria prora
  • Checking: 54069
  • Red List Title: Caryothraustes poliogaster
  • English name: Black-faced Grosbeak
  • Found: Black-faced Grosbeak
  • common name match: "Black-faced Grosbeak" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Myristica pygmaea
  • Not found: Phyllomedusa vaillantii
  • Not found: Shorea guiso
  • Not found: Aetheolaena mojandensis
  • Not found: Sassafras randaiense
  • Not found: Ptychadena nana
  • Not found: Podocarpus teysmannii
  • Not found: Grammitis recondita
  • Not found: Ptychadena subpunctata
  • Not found: Litsea dilleniifolia
  • Not found: Asiagomphus yayeyamensis
  • Not found: Cestrum dielsii
  • Not found: Speckled Ground Squirrel (Spermophilus suslicus)
  • Not found: White-tailed Shrike-tyrant (Agriornis andicola)
  • Not found: Eleutherodactylus varleyi
  • Not found: Columnea manabiana
  • Not found: Dypsis coursii
  • Not found: Ilex pauciflora
  • Not found: Eleutherodactylus ptochus
  • Not found: Louisiade Flowerpecker (Dicaeum nitidum)
  • Not found: Ageratina rhypodes
  • Not found: Black-headed Batis (Batis minor)
  • Not found: Cycas canalis
  • Checking: 47744
  • Red List Title: Megaceryle maxima
  • English name: Giant Kingfisher
  • Found: Giant Kingfisher
  • common name match: "Giant Kingfisher" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Long-billed Murrelet (Brachyramphus perdix)
  • Not found: Persea pyrifolia
  • Not found: Tropical Screech-owl (Megascops choliba)
  • Not found: White-headed Barbet (Lybius leucocephalus)
  • Not found: Herbert's Black Millipede (Doratogonus herberti)
  • Not found: Diospyros trengganuensis
  • Not found: Hawai'i Mamo (Drepanis pacifica)
  • Not found: Lestes numidicus
  • Not found: Mutisia magnifica
  • Not found: Fejervarya greenii
  • Not found: Eleutherodactylus sanguineus
  • Not found: Günther's Vole (Microtus guentheri)
  • Not found: Austrochaperina aquilonia
  • Not found: Rainbow-bearded Thornbill (Chalcostigma herrani)
  • Not found: Trichodesma scotti
  • Not found: Lower Keys Marsh Rabbit (Sylvilagus palustris ssp. hefneri)
  • Not found: Glochidion bourdillonii
  • Not found: Ceriagrion bakeri
  • Checking: 39691
  • Red List Title: Nepenthes ramispina
  • Found: Nepenthes ramispina
  • WARNING: "Nepenthes ramispina" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • WARNING: Taxonomic notes on red list page. (6 words)
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusVulnerable == VU
  • status_system = iucn2.3
  • References heading found.
  • Warnings: 2, Errors: 0
  • Flags:syntax updated, set status_system
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; +IUCN reference

  • Checking: 52077
  • Red List Title: Parus palustris
  • English name: Marsh Tit
  • Found: Marsh Tit
  • common name match: "Marsh Tit" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Pinus maximinoi
  • Not found: Wire-tailed Manakin (Pipra filicauda)
  • Checking: 57815
  • Red List Title: Gastrophryne olivacea
  • English name: Great Plains Narrowmouth Toad
  • Found: Gastrophryne olivacea
  • WARNING: "Gastrophryne olivacea" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • WARNING: Article title uses species name when a common name exists: Great Plains Narrowmouth Toad
  • All IUCN-listed common names: Great Plains Narrowmouth Toad
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Warnings: 2, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); trend=stable; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Porcupine Ray (Urogymnus asperrimus)
  • Not found: Rutilus prespensis
  • Not found: Dusky Lark (Pinarocorys nigricans)
  • Not found: Quercus albocinta
  • Not found: Platymantis myersi
  • Checking: 19725
  • Red List Title: Rhynochetos jubatus
  • English name: Kagu
  • Found: Kagu
  • common name match: "Kagu" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusEndangered == EN
  • Don't add status_system. Assume default of iucn3.1
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; trend=down; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Neosho Mucket (Lampsilis rafinesqueana)
  • Not found: Psidium harrisianum
  • Not found: Hualapai Vole (Microtus mogollonensis ssp. hualpaiensis)
  • Not found: Ptychadena chrysogaster
  • Not found: Mexican Agouti (Dasyprocta mexicana)
  • Not found: Solanum fortunense
  • Not found: Lacerta alpina
  • Not found: New Guinea Flightless Rail (Megacrex inepta)
  • Not found: Adenomera bokermanni
  • Not found: Ardisia panamensis
  • Not found: Arapatiella psilophylla
  • Not found: Berberis hyperythra
  • Not found: Arrojadoa dinae ssp. eriocaulis
  • Not found: Passiflora hirtiflora
  • Checking: 46919
  • Red List Title: Dromaius novaehollandiae
  • English name: Emu
  • Found: Emu
  • common name match: "Emu" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • WARNING: Taxonomic notes on red list page. (23 words)
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • ERROR: No binomial name in taxobox (for species)
  • Summary: No binomial name in taxobox
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 1
  • TASKS:

  • Not found: Mansonia altissima var. altissima
  • Not found: Band-tailed Antwren (Myrmotherula urosticta)
  • Not found: Australia: Tasmanian Anaspid Crustacean (Paranaspides lacustris)
  • Not found: Boophis picturatus
  • Not found: Buff-bellied Hermit (Phaethornis subochraceus)
  • Not found: Gentianella splendens
  • Not found: Tetrapanax tibetanus
  • Not found: Philippine Tailless Leaf-nosed Bat (Coelops hirsutus)
  • Checking: 42372
  • Red List Title: Pinus kesiya
  • Found: Khasi Pine
  • WARNING: "Khasi Pine" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • WARNING: Currently uses non-IUCN category: StatusSecure
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn2.3. Don't add it.
  • References to be added before external links.
  • Warnings: 2, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Wrong status
  • TASKS: set status to valid IUCN category; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Chestnut-bellied Cotinga (Doliornis remseni)
  • Not found: Quercus petraea ssp. huguetiana
  • Not found: Inga pallida
  • Not found: Barbus sp. nov. 'Pangani'
  • Not found: Phrantela pupiformis
  • Not found: Greater Dawn Bat (Eonycteris major)
  • Not found: Vatica odorata ssp. odorata
  • Not found: Miller's Myotis (Myotis milleri)
  • Not found: Hannoa kitombetombe
  • Not found: Prunus villegasiana
  • Not found: Aegiphila sordida
  • Checking: 48645
  • Red List Title: Nyctidromus albicollis
  • English name: Pauraque
  • Found: Pauraque
  • common name match: "Pauraque" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Arthroleptis taeniatus
  • Not found: Clusia minutiflora
  • Not found: Desmostachys vogelii
  • Not found: Dicranopygium campii
  • Not found: White-browed Rosefinch (Carpodacus thura)
  • Not found: Cascade Torrent Salamander (Rhyacotriton cascadae)
  • Not found: Australluma peschii
  • Checking: 39665
  • Red List Title: Nepenthes hirsuta
  • Found: Nepenthes hirsuta
  • WARNING: "Nepenthes hirsuta" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category already set correctly: LR/cd
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn2.3. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Cat correct
  • TASKS: +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Four-striped Grass Mouse (Rhabdomys pumilio)
  • Not found: Platymantis neckeri
  • Not found: Arthroleptis nimbaensis
  • Not found: Coussapoa tolimensis
  • Not found: Ditassa anderssonii
  • Not found: Cordyla madagascariensis
  • Not found: Long-tailed House Bat (Eptesicus hottentotus)
  • Checking: 18679
  • Red List Title: Pterodroma caribbaea
  • English name: Jamaica Petrel
  • Found: Jamaica Petrel
  • common name match: "Jamaica Petrel" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • WARNING: Taxonomic notes on red list page. (19 words)
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusCritical == CR
  • Don't add status_system. Assume default of iucn3.1
  • References heading found.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; trend=unknown; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Columnea ovatifolia
  • Not found: Prosopis laevigata
  • Not found: Sardinita Quijarrona (Dionda mandibularis)
  • Not found: Conraua derooi
  • Not found: Eleutherodactylus paulodutrai
  • Not found: Rapanea coclensis
  • Not found: Abarema cochliacarpos
  • Not found: Rufous-vented Warbler (Sylvia subcaerulea)
  • Not found: Pouteria putamen-ovi
  • Not found: Many-coloured Bushshrike (Malaconotus multicolor)
  • Not found: Cochranella xanthocheridia
  • Checking: 14113
  • Red List Title: Myosorex rumpii
  • English name: Rumpi Mouse Shrew
  • Found: Rumpi Mouse Shrew
  • common name match: "Rumpi Mouse Shrew" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusCritical == CR
  • Don't add status_system. Assume default of iucn3.1
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; trend=unknown; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Terminalia acuminata
  • Not found: Gasteranthus extinctus
  • Not found: Unicoloured Antwren (Myrmotherula unicolor)
  • Checking: 18925
  • Red List Title: Pycnonotus penicillatus
  • English name: Yellow-eared Bulbul
  • Found: Yellow-eared Bulbul
  • common name match: "Yellow-eared Bulbul" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusNearConcern == NT
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Varied Sittella (Daphoenositta chrysoptera)
  • Not found: Elegant Myotis (Myotis elegans)
  • Not found: Psychotria globicephala
  • Not found: Plain Leaf-warbler (Phylloscopus neglectus)
  • Not found: Eleutherodactylus nervicus
  • Checking: 10030
  • Red List Title: Hexanchus griseus
  • English name: Bluntnose Sixgill Shark
  • Found: Bluntnose sixgill shark
  • "Bluntnose sixgill shark" is listed as a common name by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusNearConcern == LR/nt
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn2.3. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; trend=unknown; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Tristaniopsis minutiflora
  • Not found: Calyptranthes polyneura
  • Not found: Buff-breasted Tody-tyrant (Hemitriccus mirandae)
  • Not found: Graderia fruticosa
  • Not found: Amolops longimanus
  • Not found: Grey-chested Illadopsis (Kakamega poliothorax)
  • Not found: Neolamprologus fasciatus
  • Not found: Verbesina kingii
  • Checking: 47212
  • Red List Title: Netta rufina
  • English name: Red-crested Pochard
  • Found: Red-crested Pochard
  • common name match: "Red-crested Pochard" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusLeastConcern == LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added before external links.
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Opanara perahuensis
  • Not found: Cophixalus aimbensis
  • Not found: Hirasea acutissima
  • Not found: Microtus mustersi
  • Not found: Hirasea acutissima
  • Not found: Microtus mustersi
  • Not found: Peter's Dwarf Epauletted Fruit Bat (Micropteropus pusillus)
  • Not found: Red-eyed Bulbul (Pycnonotus brunneus)
  • Checking: 32097
  • Red List Title: Shorea robusta
  • Found: Sal
  • WARNING: "Sal" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LR/lc
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn2.3. Don't add it.
  • References to be added before external links.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LR/lc); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Eschweilera longirachis
  • Not found: Southern Gray Gibbon (Hylobates muelleri ssp. muelleri)
  • Not found: Lipochromis maxillaris
  • Not found: Hopea plagata
  • Checking: 42177
  • Red List Title: Zamia pumila
  • Found: Zamia pumila
  • WARNING: "Zamia pumila" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • WARNING: Currently uses non-IUCN category: StatusSecure
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Warnings: 2, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Wrong status
  • TASKS: set status to valid IUCN category; trend=down; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Iredaleoconcha caporaphe
  • Not found: Nectandra caudatoacuminata
  • Checking: 9183
  • Red List Title: Gila crassicauda
  • English name: Thicktail Chub
  • Found: Thicktail chub
  • "Thicktail chub" is listed as a common name by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Old extinction syntax.
  • extinct = 1950s
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:EX syntax updated, syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax for extinction year; and status; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Mastixia trichotoma var. maingayi
  • Not found: Hobbseus attenuatus
  • Not found: Platydesma remyi
  • Not found: Soft-plumaged Petrel (Pterodroma mollis)
  • Not found: Tillandsia sodiroi
  • Not found: Philautus namdaphaensis
  • Not found: Knema psilantha
  • Not found: Threadfin Cichlid (Petrochromis trewavasae)
  • Not found: Carpathian Chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra ssp. carpatica)
  • Not found: Spotwing (Neopetalia punctata)
  • Not found: Southern Birch Mouse (Sicista subtilis)
  • Not found: Helicarion australis
  • Not found: Kniphofia reflexa
  • Not found: Alyxia menglungensis
  • Not found: Deepwater Jack (Pontinus nigropunctatus)
  • Not found: Mautodontha maupiensis
  • Checking: 51623
  • Red List Title: Turdus falcklandii
  • English name: Austral Thrush
  • Found: Austral Thrush
  • common name match: "Austral Thrush" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Coachella Valley Jerusalem Cricket (Stenopelmatus cahuilaensis)
  • Not found: Silky Mouse (Pseudomys apodemoides)
  • Checking: 29684
  • Red List Title: Ovibos moschatus
  • English name: Musk Ox
  • Found: Musk Ox
  • common name match: "Musk Ox" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category already set correctly: LR/lc
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn2.3. Don't add it.
  • existing IUCN reference found
  • Flags:Cat correct
  • TASKS:

  • Not found: Omphalotropis laevigata
  • Not found: Ansonia torrentis
  • Checking: 51718
  • Red List Title: Cyornis rubeculoides
  • English name: Blue-throated Flycatcher
  • Found: Blue-throated Flycatcher
  • common name match: "Blue-throated Flycatcher" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Forest Fody (Foudia omissa)
  • Not found: Mayor's Mouse (Mus mayori)
  • Not found: Matisia exalata
  • Not found: Aloeides nollothi
  • Not found: Andaman Rat (Rattus stoicus)
  • Not found: Even-toothed Shrew (Sorex isodon)
  • Not found: Sacred Kingfisher (Todiramphus sanctus)
  • Not found: Swartzia aureosericea
  • Not found: Afrixalus vibekensis
  • Not found: Spinner Shark (Carcharhinus brevipinna)
  • Not found: Muller's Snake (Micrelaps muelleri)
  • Not found: Pouteria bullata
  • Not found: Colourful Puffleg (Eriocnemis mirabilis)
  • Not found: Indian Ebony (Diospyros ebenum)
  • Not found: Millettia hitsika
  • Not found: Royal Parrotfinch (Erythrura regia)
  • Not found: Oreophryne geislerorum
  • Not found: Memecylon myrtiforne
  • Checking: 41456
  • Red List Title: Notiosorex crawfordi
  • English name: Desert Shrew
  • Found: Desert Shrew
  • common name match: "Desert Shrew" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LR/lc
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn2.3. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LR/lc); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Eleotris vomerodentata
  • Not found: Sclerocarya gillettii
  • Checking: 4311
  • Red List Title: Chaerephon gallagheri
  • English name: Gallagher's Free-tailed Bat
  • Found: Gallagher's free-tailed bat
  • "Gallagher's free-tailed bat" is listed as a common name by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • WARNING: Taxonomic notes on red list page. (4 words)
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusCritical == CR
  • Don't add status_system. Assume default of iucn3.1
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; trend=down; +IUCN reference

  • Checking: 39642
  • Red List Title: Nepenthes angasanensis
  • Found: Nepenthes angasanensis
  • WARNING: "Nepenthes angasanensis" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Updating incorrect category: StatusVulnerable(VU) → LR/cd
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn2.3. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Wrong status
  • TASKS: update or correct IUCN category; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Spiny Ceram Rat (Rattus feliceus)
  • Not found: Copadichromis flavimanus
  • Not found: Homalium foetidum
  • Not found: Banded Toed Gecko (Saurodactylus fasciatus)
  • Not found: Mexipyrgus de Carranza Snail (Mexipyrgus churinceanus ssp. carranzae)
  • Not found: Black-eared Seedeater (Serinus mennelli)
  • Not found: Acacia condyloclada
  • Not found: Burmeistera huacamayensis
  • Checking: 13452
  • Red List Title: Microtus pennsylvanicus
  • English name: Meadow Vole
  • Found: Meadow Vole
  • common name match: "Meadow Vole" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • WARNING: Taxonomic notes on red list page. (6 words)
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LR/lc
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn2.3. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LR/lc); +IUCN reference

  • Checking: 47428
  • Red List Title: Picus canus
  • English name: Grey-faced Woodpecker
  • Found: Grey-headed Woodpecker
  • WARNING: "Grey-headed Woodpecker" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Amesiella philippensis
  • Not found: Bowhead Whale (Balaena mysticetus)
  • Not found: Arthroleptis adelphus
  • Not found: Afzelia rhomboidea
  • Not found: White-winged Serotine (Neoromicia tenuipinnis)
  • Not found: Woodford's Rail (Nesoclopeus woodfordi)
  • Not found: Yucatan Poorwill (Nyctiphrynus yucatanicus)
  • Not found: Peters's Flat-headed Bat (Platymops setiger)
  • Not found: Spix's Saddle-back Tamarin (Saguinus fuscicollis ssp. fuscicollis)
  • Checking: 20630
  • Red List Title: Sphiggurus spinosus
  • English name: Paraguay Hairy Dwarf Porcupine
  • Found: South American Tree Porcupine
  • WARNING: "South American Tree Porcupine" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LR/lc
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn2.3. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LR/lc); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Ucayali Bald-headed Uacari (Cacajao calvus ssp. ucayalii)
  • Not found: Brazilian Black-tyrant (Knipolegus franciscanus)
  • Not found: Whitaker's Skink (Cyclodina whitakeri)
  • Not found: Juniperus barbadensis var. barbadensis
  • Not found: Rennell White-eye (Zosterops rennellianus)
  • Not found: Hyperolius tannerorum
  • Not found: Dypsis nauseosa
  • Not found: Pyrgina umbilicata
  • Not found: Zimmer's Woodcreeper (Xiphorhynchus kienerii)
  • Not found: Mesua nuda
  • Not found: Sesuvium edmondstonei
  • Not found: Rock Vole (Microtus chrotorrhinus)
  • Not found: Pale-mandibled Aracari (Pteroglossus erythropygius)
  • Not found: Cryptocarya bitriplinerva
  • Not found: Mammillaria glochidiata
  • Not found: Papilio maraho
  • Not found: Eleutherodactylus pituinus
  • Not found: Insular Vole (Microtus abbreviatus)
  • Not found: Brown-breasted Barbet (Lybius melanopterus)
  • Not found: Orange-winged Pytilia (Pytilia afra)
  • Not found: Grizzled Pintail (Acisoma panorpoides)
  • Not found: Afrixalus uluguruensis
  • Not found: Ceropegia aridicola
  • Not found: Leptopelis aubryi
  • Checking: 49490
  • Red List Title: Falco berigora
  • English name: Brown Falcon
  • Found: Brown Falcon
  • common name match: "Brown Falcon" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Tongaland Cannibal Snail (Natalina wesseliana)
  • Not found: Hyloscirtus staufferorum
  • Not found: Graffenrieda trichanthera
  • Not found: Grey-headed Broadbill (Smithornis sharpei)
  • Not found: Eleutherodactylus orphnolaimus
  • Not found: Central Missouri Cave Amphipod (Allocrangonyx hubrichti)
  • Not found: Polypedates chenfui
  • Checking: 22053
  • Red List Title: Tragelaphus imberbis
  • English name: Lesser Kudu
  • Found: Lesser Kudu
  • common name match: "Lesser Kudu" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • WARNING: Currently uses non-IUCN category: StatusSecure
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn2.3. Don't add it.
  • References to be added before external links.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Wrong status
  • TASKS: set status to valid IUCN category; trend=down; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Mitchell Gudgeon (Kimberleyeleotris hutchinsi)
  • Not found: Basking Malachite (Chlorolestes apricans)
  • Not found: Diamond Stingray (Dasyatis dipterura)
  • Not found: Elaphoglossum rupicolum
  • Not found: Aglaia variisquama
  • Not found: Knipowitschia croatica
  • Checking: 13325
  • Red List Title: Microcebus myoxinus
  • Found: Peters' Mouse Lemur
  • WARNING: "Peters' Mouse Lemur" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • WARNING: Taxonomic notes on red list page. (24 words)
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusEndangered == EN
  • status_system = iucn2.3
  • References heading found.
  • Warnings: 2, Errors: 0
  • Flags:syntax updated, set status_system
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; trend=stable; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Trinidad Arboreal Rice Rat (Oecomys trinitatis)
  • Not found: Inga mucuna
  • Not found: Rana supragrisea
  • Checking: 52510
  • Red List Title: Acrocephalus dumetorum
  • English name: Blyth's Reed-warbler
  • Found: Blyth's Reed Warbler
  • WARNING: "Blyth's Reed Warbler" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Sax Xavier Talus Snail (Sonorella eremita)
  • Not found: Nyctimystes papua
  • Not found: Wine-throated Hummingbird (Atthis ellioti)
  • Not found: Jambandu Indigobird (Vidua raricola)
  • Not found: Proceratophrys fryi
  • Not found: North Andean Deer (Hippocamelus antisensis)
  • Not found: Actinella robusta
  • Not found: Black-chested Jay (Cyanocorax affinis)
  • Not found: Gray-bellied Slender Mouse Opossum (Marmosops fuscatus)
  • Not found: Knema subhirtella
  • Not found: Eleutherodactylus rubrimaculatus
  • Not found: Recife Broad-nosed Bat (Platyrrhinus recifinus)
  • Not found: Silvery-breasted Tanager (Tangara cyanomelas)
  • Not found: Transverse Grand Pyrg (Pyrgulopsis cruciglans)
  • Not found: Eleutherodactylus devillei
  • Not found: Whitehead's Spiny Rat (Maxomys whiteheadi)
  • Not found: Adenomera lutzi
  • Not found: Hirasea biconcava
  • Not found: California Treefrog (Pseudacris cadaverina)
  • Not found: Oreophryne pseudasplenicola
  • Not found: Chestnut-bellied Mountain-tanager (Delothraupis castaneoventris)
  • Not found: Manglietia grandis
  • Not found: Potamonautes gonocristatus
  • Not found: Limonium sokotranum
  • Not found: Batrachylodes minutus
  • Not found: Three-striped Flycatcher (Conopias trivirgatus)
  • Not found: Príncipe Sunbird (Nectarinia hartlaubii)
  • Checking: 20853
  • Red List Title: Stictonetta naevosa
  • English name: Freckled Duck
  • Found: Freckled Duck
  • common name match: "Freckled Duck" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusLeastConcern == LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Little Bronze-cuckoo (Chrysococcyx minutillus)
  • Checking: 52678
  • Red List Title: Pellorneum ruficeps
  • English name: Puff-throated Babbler
  • Found: Puff-throated Babbler
  • common name match: "Puff-throated Babbler" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Checking: 40605
  • Red List Title: Erinaceus concolor
  • English name: Eastern European Hedgehog
  • Found: Eastern European Hedgehog
  • common name match: "Eastern European Hedgehog" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LR/lc
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn2.3. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LR/lc); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Crassula numaisensis
  • Checking: 5200
  • Red List Title: Columba torringtoni
  • English name: Sri Lanka Wood-pigeon
  • Found: Sri Lanka Woodpigeon
  • WARNING: "Sri Lanka Woodpigeon" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusVulnerable == VU
  • Don't add status_system. Assume default of iucn3.1
  • References heading found.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; trend=down; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Rapa Fruit-dove (Ptilinopus huttoni)
  • Not found: Buff-faced Scrubwren (Sericornis perspicillatus)
  • Not found: Phyllanthus axillaris
  • Not found: Cinnamon-rumped Trogon (Harpactes orrhophaeus)
  • Not found: Ornate Eagle Ray (Aetomylaeus vespertilio)
  • Not found: Poyntonia paludicola
  • Not found: White-crowned Manakin (Pipra pipra)
  • Not found: Elasmias quadrasi
  • Not found: Oreophryne brevirostris
  • Not found: Polypodium chionolepis
  • Not found: Eleutherodactylus dolomedes
  • Not found: Night Shark (Carcharhinus signatus)
  • Not found: Oreopanax klugii
  • Not found: Jungia mitis
  • Not found: White-bellied Woodstar (Chaetocercus mulsant)
  • Not found: Carelia paradoxa
  • Not found: Plethodontohyla angulifera
  • Not found: Lesser Dwarf Shrew (Suncus varilla)
  • Not found: Begonia socotrana
  • Not found: Cyanophrys bertha
  • Not found: Coccoloba rugosa
  • Not found: Pouteria foveolata
  • Not found: Zanthoxylum hartii
  • Not found: Orthochromis rubrolabialis
  • Not found: Sonoma Chipmunk (Tamias sonomae)
  • Not found: Discula bulweri
  • Not found: Straightfin Barb (Barbus paludinosus)
  • Not found: Panulena perrugosa
  • Checking: 51011
  • Red List Title: Vireo gilvus
  • English name: Eastern Warbling-vireo
  • Found: Warbling Vireo
  • WARNING: "Warbling Vireo" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category already set correctly: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Cat correct
  • TASKS: +IUCN reference

  • Not found: White Meranti (Shorea balanocarpoides)
  • Not found: Pegu Pipistrelle (Pipistrellus peguensis)
  • Not found: Variable Grass Mouse (Akodon varius)
  • Not found: Sorocea sarcocarpa
  • Checking: 14728
  • Red List Title: Nestor meridionalis
  • English name: Kaka
  • Found: Kākā
  • WARNING: "Kākā" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Updating incorrect category: StatusVulnerable(VU) → EN
  • Don't add status_system. Assume default of iucn3.1
  • References to be added before external links.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Wrong status
  • TASKS: update or correct IUCN category; trend=down; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Eisentraut's Shrew (Crocidura eisentrauti)
  • Not found: Anaxagorea phaeocarpa
  • Not found: Bathyclarias worthingtoni
  • Not found: Tiger Snout Seahorse (Hippocampus subelongatus)
  • Not found: Bulimulus perspectivus
  • Not found: Palawan Shrew (Crocidura palawanensis)
  • Not found: Plethodontohyla notosticta
  • Checking: 47796
  • Red List Title: Cuculus micropterus
  • English name: Indian Cuckoo
  • Found: Indian Cuckoo
  • common name match: "Indian Cuckoo" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Eastern Harvest Mouse (Reithrodontomys humilis)
  • Checking: 18551
  • Red List Title: Pseudomys gouldii
  • English name: Gould's Mouse
  • Found: Gould's Mouse
  • common name match: "Gould's Mouse" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Old extinction syntax.
  • extinct = 1857?
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:EX syntax updated, syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax for extinction year; and status; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Oxychilus amaltheae
  • Not found: White-bellied Tit (Parus albiventris)
  • Checking: 53510
  • Red List Title: Emberiza cia
  • English name: Rock Bunting
  • Found: Rock Bunting
  • common name match: "Rock Bunting" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Checking: 51178
  • Red List Title: Corvus rhipidurus
  • English name: Fan-tailed Raven
  • Found: Fan-tailed Raven
  • common name match: "Fan-tailed Raven" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Neolamprologus meeli
  • Not found: Craugastor bransfordii
  • Not found: Angola Babbler (Turdoides hartlaubii)
  • Not found: Ilex williamsii
  • Not found: Common Spadefoot Toad (Neobatrachus sudelli)
  • Not found: Engelhardtia spicata
  • Checking: 34852
  • Red List Title: Nothofagus dombeyi
  • Found: Coihue
  • WARNING: "Coihue" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LR/lc
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn2.3. Don't add it.
  • References to be added before external links.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LR/lc); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Bartlett's Tinamou (Crypturellus bartletti)
  • Not found: Hopea fluvialis
  • Not found: Brachyotum russatum
  • Not found: Platymantis solomonis
  • Not found: Sangihe Scops-owl (Otus collari)
  • Checking: 42254
  • Red List Title: Juniperus squamata
  • Found: Juniperus squamata
  • WARNING: "Juniperus squamata" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • WARNING: Currently uses non-IUCN category: StatusSecure
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn2.3. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Warnings: 2, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Wrong status
  • TASKS: set status to valid IUCN category; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Drypetes usambarica var. usambarica
  • Not found: Neostenanthera robsonii
  • Not found: Tominanga aurea
  • Not found: Hinoki Cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa var. obtusa)
  • Not found: Hispaniola Nightjar (Caprimulgus ekmani)
  • Not found: Achatinella decipiens
  • Not found: Ladronellum mariannarum
  • Not found: Opuntia megasperma var. mesophytica
  • Not found: Ctenochromis aff. pectoralis
  • Checking: 49304
  • Red List Title: Pandion haliaetus
  • English name: Osprey
  • Found: Osprey
  • common name match: "Osprey" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category already set correctly: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added before external links.
  • Flags:Cat correct
  • TASKS: +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Brown Pigtoe (Pleurobema hagleri)
  • Not found: Red-fronted Rosefinch (Carpodacus puniceus)
  • Not found: Betta miniopinna
  • Not found: Lyle's Flying Fox (Pteropus lylei)
  • Not found: Coussarea mexicana
  • Checking: 49662
  • Red List Title: Leptoptilos crumeniferus
  • English name: Marabou Stork
  • Found: Marabou Stork
  • common name match: "Marabou Stork" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added before external links.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Yellow-billed Turaco (Tauraco macrorhynchus)
  • Not found: Meyer's Friarbird (Philemon meyeri)
  • Not found: Black-eared Kite (Milvus lineatus)
  • Checking: 2475
  • Red List Title: Balaenoptera borealis
  • English name: Coalfish Whale
  • Found: Sei Whale
  • common name match: "Sei Whale" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusEndangered == EN
  • status_system = iucn2.3
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:syntax updated, set status_system
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Brown Songlark (Cincloramphus cruralis)
  • Not found: Boulengerula boulengeri
  • Not found: Hopea scabra
  • Not found: Malawi Squeaker (Synodontis njassae)
  • Not found: Schreber's Yellow Bat (Scotophilus nigrita)
  • Not found: Homalium buxifolium
  • Not found: Chinese Ferret-badger (Melogale moschata)
  • Not found: South American Common Toad (Bufo margaritifer)
  • Not found: Psychotria guerkeana
  • Not found: Laxmann's Shrew (Sorex caecutiens)
  • Not found: Hudson's Black-tyrant (Knipolegus hudsoni)
  • Not found: Ilex costaricensis
  • Not found: Hyla annectans
  • Not found: Eleutherodactylus acuminatus
  • Checking: 22846
  • Red List Title: Vanellus gregarius
  • English name: Sociable Lapwing
  • Found: Sociable Lapwing
  • common name match: "Sociable Lapwing" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category already set correctly: CR
  • Don't add status_system. Assume default of iucn3.1
  • Trend already set correctly
  • existing IUCN reference found
  • Flags:Cat correct
  • TASKS:

  • Not found: Callicarpa maingayi
  • Not found: Selaginella carinata
  • Not found: Leaf-love (Pyrrhurus scandens)
  • Not found: Desmarest's Spiny Pocket Mouse (Heteromys desmarestianus)
  • Not found: Hyalinobatrachium taylori
  • Not found: Indian Gerbil (Tatera indica)
  • Not found: Juniperus brevifolia
  • Not found: Monomorium pergandei
  • Not found: Burmeistera racemiflora
  • Not found: Thick-billed Euphonia (Euphonia laniirostris)
  • Not found: Nomorhamphus towoeti
  • Not found: Lesser Koa-finch (Rhodacanthis flaviceps)
  • Not found: Daniellia klainei
  • Not found: Trochidrobia inflata
  • Not found: Cycas sp. nov. 'tropophylla'
  • Not found: Bauhinia picta
  • Not found: New Guinea Harpy Eagle (Harpyopsis novaeguineae)
  • Not found: Scotorepens orion
  • Checking: 49341
  • Red List Title: Gyps africanus
  • English name: White-backed Vulture
  • Found: White-backed Vulture
  • common name match: "White-backed Vulture" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: White-browed Warbler (Basileuterus leucoblepharus)
  • Not found: Gastrochilus calceolaris
  • Not found: Microtropis sabahensis
  • Not found: Truncatellina arcyensis
  • Not found: Bonin Flying Fox (Pteropus pselaphon)
  • Not found: Strongylopus kitumbeine
  • Not found: Tumbala Climbing Rat (Tylomys tumbalensis)
  • Not found: Buff-throated Foliage-gleaner (Automolus ochrolaemus)
  • Not found: Neurolepis rigida
  • Not found: Cloud Forest Grass Mouse (Akodon torques)
  • Not found: Auckland Island Rail (Lewinia muelleri)
  • Not found: Orinoco Softtail (Thripophaga cherriei)
  • Not found: Hyperolius stenodactylus
  • Not found: Crimson Hawaiian Damselfly (Megalagrion leptodemas)
  • Not found: Moore's Plantain (Plantago moorei)
  • Not found: Firewood-gatherer (Anumbius annumbi)
  • Not found: Gunning's Golden Mole (Neamblysomus gunningi)
  • Not found: Rhopaloblaste augusta
  • Checking: 239
  • Red List Title: Acipenser baerii ssp. baikalensis
  • English name: Baikal Sturgeon
  • WARNING: not a plain species. (sp-ssp)
  • Found: Baikal sturgeon
  • "Baikal sturgeon" is listed as a common name by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • WARNING: trinomial taxobox name doesn't match wiki: Acipenser baerii baicalensis
  • Wiki-trinomial not found in red list synonyms
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: EN
  • status_system = iucn2.3
  • References heading found.
  • Summary: trinomial doesn't match
  • Warnings: 2, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Set status, set status_system
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (EN); +IUCN reference

  • Checking: 52589
  • Red List Title: Phylloscopus griseolus
  • English name: Sulphur-bellied Warbler
  • Found: Sulphur-bellied Warbler
  • common name match: "Sulphur-bellied Warbler" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Lesser Honeyguide (Indicator minor)
  • Not found: Foothill Antwren (Myrmotherula spodionota)
  • Not found: Victorin's Scrub-warbler (Bradypterus victorini)
  • Checking: 12143
  • Red List Title: Litoria aurea
  • English name: Golden Bell Frog
  • Found: Green and Golden Bell Frog
  • common name match: "Green and Golden Bell Frog" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses unrecognised category: statusVulnerable
  • Don't add status_system. Assume default of iucn3.1
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:Wrong status
  • TASKS: update status from unrecognised category; trend=down; +IUCN reference

  • Checking: 7928
  • Red List Title: Eptesicus fuscus
  • English name: Big Brown Bat
  • Found: Big brown bat
  • "Big brown bat" is listed as a common name by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LR/lc
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn2.3. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LR/lc); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Pink-spotted Fruit-dove (Ptilinopus perlatus)
  • Checking: 18667
  • Red List Title: Pterodroma cahow
  • English name: Bermuda Petrel
  • Found: Bermuda Petrel
  • common name match: "Bermuda Petrel" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusEndangered == EN
  • Don't add status_system. Assume default of iucn3.1
  • References to be added before external links.
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; trend=up; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Atelopus pictiventris
  • Checking: 54452
  • Red List Title: Brachycephalus didactylus
  • English name: Flea-frog
  • Found: Brachycephalus didactylus
  • WARNING: "Brachycephalus didactylus" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • WARNING: Article title uses species name when a common name exists: Flea-frog
  • All IUCN-listed common names: Flea-frog
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Warnings: 2, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); trend=down; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Lotononis mirabilis
  • Not found: Ariocarpus bravoanus
  • Not found: Phyllocladus toatoa
  • Not found: Peruvian Recurvebill (Simoxenops ucayalae)
  • Checking: 52228
  • Red List Title: Pycnonotus goiavier
  • English name: Yellow-vented Bulbul
  • Found: Yellow-vented Bulbul
  • common name match: "Yellow-vented Bulbul" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added before external links.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Graphium megaera
  • Not found: Painted Tiger-parrot (Psittacella picta)
  • Checking: 52131
  • Red List Title: Tachycineta albiventer
  • English name: White-winged Swallow
  • Found: White-winged Swallow
  • common name match: "White-winged Swallow" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Papuan Bandicoot (Microperoryctes papuensis)
  • Not found: Bicol Narrowmouth Toad (Kaloula kokacii)
  • Not found: Long-haired Grass Mouse (Akodon longipilis)
  • Not found: Flueggea neowawraea
  • Not found: Freziera forerorum
  • Not found: Altiphrynoides malcolmi
  • Not found: Dalbergia viguieri
  • Checking: 47785
  • Red List Title: Clamator jacobinus
  • English name: Jacobin Cuckoo
  • Found: Pied Cuckoo
  • WARNING: "Pied Cuckoo" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Cuban Spotted Toad (Bufo taladai)
  • Checking: 1061
  • Red List Title: Amazona oratrix
  • English name: Yellow-headed Parrot
  • Found: Yellow-headed Parrot
  • common name match: "Yellow-headed Parrot" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusEndangered == EN
  • Don't add status_system. Assume default of iucn3.1
  • References tag found. Adding status_ref
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; trend=down; +status_ref

  • Not found: Partulina perdix
  • Not found: Shansei Vole (Eothenomys shanseius)
  • Not found: White-capped Monarch (Monarcha richardsii)
  • Not found: Target Rat (Stochomys longicaudatus)
  • Not found: San Marcos Gambusia (Gambusia georgei)
  • Not found: Dendrobium sinense
  • Not found: Eyespot Skate (Atlantoraja cyclophora)
  • Not found: Hypsiboas polytaenius
  • Not found: Echidnopsis bentii
  • Not found: Indian Pipistrelle (Pipistrellus coromandra)
  • Not found: Schefflera bourdillonii
  • Not found: Bradinopyga strachani
  • Not found: Asarum maximum
  • Not found: Eleutherodactylus melanoproctus
  • Not found: Archer's Lark (Heteromirafra archeri)
  • Checking: 49951
  • Red List Title: Empidonax difficilis
  • English name: Pacific-slope Flycatcher
  • Found: Pacific-slope Flycatcher
  • common name match: "Pacific-slope Flycatcher" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category already set correctly: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:Cat correct
  • TASKS: +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Manu Antbird (Cercomacra manu)
  • Checking: 4819
  • Red List Title: Chrysocyon brachyurus
  • English name: Maned Wolf
  • Found: Maned Wolf
  • common name match: "Maned Wolf" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • WARNING: Currently uses non-IUCN category: StatusConcern
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added before external links.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Wrong status
  • TASKS: set status to valid IUCN category; trend=unknown; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Bicoloured Mouse-warbler (Crateroscelis nigrorufa)
  • Not found: Brachychiton carruthersii
  • Not found: Hoogstral's Striped Grass Mouse (Lemniscomys hoogstraali)
  • Not found: Unadorned Rock Wallaby (Petrogale inornata)
  • Not found: Home's Hinged-backed Tortoise (Kinixys homeana)
  • Not found: Green-crowned Woodnymph (Thalurania fannyi)
  • Not found: Nasa profundilobata
  • Not found: Ficus lapathifolia
  • Not found: Antidesma subolivaceum
  • Not found: Northern White Rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum ssp. cottoni)
  • Not found: Grey-backed Sportive Lemur (Lepilemur dorsalis)
  • Not found: Black-throated Hermit (Phaethornis atrimentalis)
  • Not found: Indigofera sokotrana
  • Not found: Copadichromis prostoma
  • Not found: Puerto Rican Flower Bat (Phyllonycteris major)
  • Not found: Hyophorbe amaricaulis
  • Not found: Marsh Antwren (Stymphalornis acutirostris)
  • Not found: Fuelleborn's Boubou (Laniarius fuelleborni)
  • Not found: Collared Petrel (Pterodroma brevipes)
  • Not found: Parhoplophryne usambarica
  • Not found: Schefflera agamae
  • Not found: Mantidactylus albofrenatus
  • Not found: Myrsine hartii
  • Not found: Jamaican Mango (Anthracothorax mango)
  • Not found: Rufous-fronted Parakeet (Bolborhynchus ferrugineifrons)
  • Not found: Hyperolius pustulifer
  • Not found: Dinagat Moonrat (Podogymnura aureospinula)
  • Not found: African Crested-flycatcher (Trochocercus cyanomelas)
  • Not found: Grey-chested Jungle-flycatcher (Rhinomyias umbratilis)
  • Not found: Taeniolethrinops furcicauda
  • Not found: Blue-whiskered Tanager (Tangara johannae)
  • Checking: 3571
  • Red List Title: Callithrix flaviceps
  • English name: Buffy-headed Marmoset
  • Found: Buffy-headed Marmoset
  • common name match: "Buffy-headed Marmoset" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusEndangered == EN
  • Don't add status_system. Assume default of iucn3.1
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; trend=unknown; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Cryptazeca elongata
  • Not found: Gabon Dwarf Shrew (Suncus remyi)
  • Not found: Capped Langur (Trachypithecus pileatus ssp. tenebricus)
  • Not found: Paragynoxys regis
  • Not found: Cordia mukuensis
  • Not found: Vesper Rat (Nyctomys sumichrasti)
  • Not found: Diaphananthe polydactyla
  • Not found: Heliconia litana
  • Not found: Licania conferruminata
  • Not found: African Angelshark (Squatina africana)
  • Not found: Yellow-rumped Marshbird (Pseudoleistes guirahuro)
  • Not found: Snail-eating Coua (Coua delalandei)
  • Not found: White-tailed Greenbul (Baeopogon clamans)
  • Not found: Sierra Madre Ground Squirrel (Spermophilus madrensis)
  • Not found: Mountain Rainbowfish (Melanotaenia monticola)
  • Not found: Black-striped Snake (Simoselaps calonotus)
  • Not found: Island Monarch (Monarcha cinerascens)
  • Not found: Calycorectes wurdackii
  • Not found: Thestor brachycerus
  • Not found: Macaronesian Laurel (Laurus azorica)
  • Not found: North African Fire Salamander (Salamandra algira)
  • Not found: Microcos erythrocarpa
  • Not found: Platythelphusa conculcata
  • Not found: Yamur Lake Grunter (Varia jamoerensis)
  • Not found: Roughhead Shiner (Notropis semperasper)
  • Not found: Orange-bellied Antwren (Terenura sicki)
  • Not found: Ghizo White-eye (Zosterops luteirostris)
  • Not found: Pittosporum gomonenense
  • Not found: Centropogon trachyanthus
  • Not found: Dendropsophus rhea
  • Not found: Neolamprologus leloupi
  • Not found: Scinax boesemani
  • Not found: Nemacheilus jordanicus
  • Checking: 8975
  • Red List Title: Gazella spekei
  • English name: Speke's Gazelle
  • Found: Speke's Gazelle
  • common name match: "Speke's Gazelle" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusVulnerable == VU
  • status_system = iucn2.3
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:syntax updated, set status_system
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; trend=down; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Euphrates Softshell Turtle (Rafetus euphraticus)
  • Not found: Axinaea sessilifolia
  • Not found: Abies hidalgensis
  • Not found: Eastern Yellow-billed Hornbill (Tockus flavirostris)
  • Not found: Papilio maroni
  • Not found: Philautus menglaensis
  • Not found: Snow Mountain Munia (Lonchura montana)
  • Not found: Tabebuia striata
  • Not found: Oreopanax candamoanus
  • Not found: Eleutherodactylus gundlachi
  • Not found: Lesser Hamster-rat (Beamys hindei)
  • Not found: Dwarf Slit-faced Bat (Nycteris nana)
  • Not found: Vertigo ovata
  • Checking: 22212
  • Red List Title: Triturus cristatus
  • English name: Great Crested Newt
  • Found: Great Crested Newt
  • common name match: "Great Crested Newt" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • WARNING: Taxonomic notes on red list page. (65 words)
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); trend=down; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Tullberg's Soft-furred Mouse (Praomys tullbergi)
  • Not found: Brunellia littlei ssp. caucana
  • Not found: Senecio lamarckianus
  • Checking: 40290
  • Red List Title: Phoebetria palpebrata
  • English name: Light-mantled Albatross
  • Found: Sooty albatross
  • WARNING: "Sooty albatross" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • ERROR: No binomial name in taxobox (for species)
  • Summary: No binomial name in taxobox
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 1
  • TASKS:

  • Not found: Ixora saulierei
  • Not found: Exerodonta abdivita
  • Not found: Orange-billed Sparrow (Arremon aurantiirostris)
  • Not found: Microhyla borneensis
  • Checking: 47371
  • Red List Title: Veniliornis kirkii
  • English name: Red-rumped Woodpecker
  • Found: Red-rumped Woodpecker
  • common name match: "Red-rumped Woodpecker" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Plectranthus cataractarum
  • Not found: Biak Paradise-kingfisher (Tanysiptera riedelii)
  • Not found: Ameca Shiner (Notropis amecae)
  • Not found: Chestnut-crowned Bush-warbler (Cettia major)
  • Checking: 39671
  • Red List Title: Nepenthes macrophylla
  • Found: Nepenthes macrophylla
  • WARNING: "Nepenthes macrophylla" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • WARNING: Taxonomic notes on red list page. (31 words)
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusCritical == CR
  • status_system = iucn2.3
  • References heading found.
  • Warnings: 2, Errors: 0
  • Flags:syntax updated, set status_system
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Hypsiboas andinus
  • Not found: Madagascar Sucker-footed Bat (Myzopoda aurita)
  • Not found: Barred Forest-falcon (Micrastur ruficollis)
  • Not found: Ozotoceros bezoarticus ssp. bezoarticus
  • Not found: Miconia dielsii
  • Not found: Caddo Mountain Salamander (Plethodon caddoensis)
  • Not found: Scinax kennedyi
  • Checking: 53560
  • Red List Title: Ammodramus bairdii
  • English name: Baird's Sparrow
  • Found: Baird's Sparrow
  • common name match: "Baird's Sparrow" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Checking: 53810
  • Red List Title: Piranga ludoviciana
  • English name: Western Tanager
  • Found: Western Tanager
  • common name match: "Western Tanager" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category already set correctly: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added before external links.
  • Flags:Cat correct
  • TASKS: +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Kaempfer's Tody-tyrant (Hemitriccus kaempferi)
  • Not found: Cyphostemma bainesii
  • Not found: Nasa asplundii
  • Not found: Catalpa brevipes
  • Not found: Froelichia nudicaulis ssp. nudicaulis
  • Checking: 20013
  • Red List Title: Sciurus igniventris
  • English name: Northern Amazon Red Squirrel
  • Found: Northern Amazon Red Squirrel
  • common name match: "Northern Amazon Red Squirrel" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • WARNING: binomial taxobox name doesn't match wiki: Sciurus aestuans
  • Wiki-binomial not found in red list synonyms
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LR/lc
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn2.3. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Summary: binomial doesn't match
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LR/lc); +IUCN reference

  • Checking: 52845
  • Red List Title: Mirafra javanica
  • English name: Australasian Lark
  • Found: Australasian Bushlark
  • WARNING: "Australasian Bushlark" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Lobaunia danubialis
  • Not found: Ilex sideroxyloides var. occidentalis
  • Not found: Cinnadenia malayana
  • Not found: Orestias laucaensis
  • Not found: Berberis simonsii
  • Not found: Aglaia foveolata
  • Not found: Heliconia markiana
  • Not found: Heteropoma turritum
  • Checking: 50415
  • Red List Title: Synallaxis albescens
  • English name: Pale-breasted Spinetail
  • Found: Pale-breasted Spinetail
  • common name match: "Pale-breasted Spinetail" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Haraldmeier's Mantella (Mantella haraldmeieri)
  • Not found: Key Gnaphosid Spider (Cesonia irvingi)
  • Not found: Rail-babbler (Eupetes macrocerus)
  • Not found: Dorothy's Slender Mouse Opossum (Marmosops dorothea)
  • Not found: Irrawaddy Squirrel (Callosciurus pygerythrus)
  • Not found: Eugenia polita
  • Not found: Eriocaulon parvulum
  • Not found: Vatica congesta
  • Not found: Mud Salamander (Pseudotriton montanus)
  • Not found: Scinax flavoguttatus
  • Not found: Cochranella vozmedianoi
  • Not found: Leucas samhaensis
  • Not found: Microgomphus wijaya
  • Not found: Tornatellinops ponapensis
  • Not found: Petagnaea gussonei
  • Not found: Mindanao Bleeding-heart (Gallicolumba crinigera)
  • Not found: Brook Floater (Alasmidonta varicosa)
  • Not found: Eleutherodactylus guanahacabibes
  • Not found: Pandanus parvicentralis
  • Not found: Southern Antpipit (Corythopis delalandi)
  • Not found: Altai Snowcock (Tetraogallus altaicus)
  • Not found: Hyperolius kihangensis
  • Not found: Acacia zapatensis
  • Not found: Gaillonia tinctoria
  • Not found: Inga hispida
  • Not found: Eleutherodactylus pipilans
  • Not found: Sindora supa
  • Checking: 3169
  • Red List Title: Bufo exsul
  • English name: Black Toad
  • Found: Black toad
  • "Black toad" is listed as a common name by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • WARNING: Taxonomic notes on red list page. (12 words)
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: VU
  • Don't add status_system. Assume default of iucn3.1
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (VU); trend=stable; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Clouded Salamander (Hynobius nebulosus)
  • Not found: Dendrobates steyermarki
  • Not found: Craugastor daryi
  • Not found: Sooty Mustached Bat (Pteronotus quadridens)
  • Not found: Long-tailed Minivet (Pericrocotus ethologus)
  • Not found: Yellow-green Finch (Pselliophorus luteoviridis)
  • Not found: Palicourea canarina
  • Not found: Green-eye Spurdog (Squalus mitsukurii)
  • Checking: 4592
  • Red List Title: Cheilinus undulatus
  • English name: Giant Wrasse
  • Found: Humphead wrasse
  • "Humphead wrasse" is listed as a common name by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusEndangered == EN
  • Don't add status_system. Assume default of iucn3.1
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; trend=down; +IUCN reference

  • Checking: 18676
  • Red List Title: Pterodroma phaeopygia
  • English name: Galápagos Petrel
  • Found: Galápagos Petrel
  • common name match: "Galápagos Petrel" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusCritical == CR
  • Don't add status_system. Assume default of iucn3.1
  • References heading found.
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; trend=down; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Euastacus monteithorum
  • Not found: Achatinella elegans
  • Not found: Belted Flycatcher (Xenotriccus callizonus)
  • Not found: Ruwenzori Black-fronted Duiker (Cephalophus nigrifrons ssp. rubidus)
  • Not found: Mexican Hornshark (Heterodontus mexicanus)
  • Not found: Oncosperma fasciculatum
  • Not found: Persea nudigemma
  • Not found: Haplochromis boops
  • Not found: Plain-flanked Rail (Rallus wetmorei)
  • Not found: Coosa Moccasinshell (Medionidus parvulus)
  • Not found: Aglaia meridionalis
  • Checking: 42227
  • Red List Title: Juniperus chinensis
  • Found: Juniperus chinensis
  • WARNING: "Juniperus chinensis" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • WARNING: Currently uses non-IUCN category: StatusSecure
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn2.3. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Warnings: 2, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Wrong status
  • TASKS: set status to valid IUCN category; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Guzmania harlingii
  • Not found: Notogomphus maathaiae
  • Not found: Ilex caniensis
  • Not found: Aplastodiscus ehrhardti
  • Not found: Odontophrynus occidentalis
  • Not found: Gaertnera hirtiflora
  • Not found: Lagerstroemia langkawiensis
  • Not found: Western Gentle Lemur (Hapalemur griseus ssp. occidentalis)
  • Not found: Unstreaked Tit-tyrant (Anairetes agraphia)
  • Not found: Cursor Grass Mouse (Akodon cursor)
  • Not found: Mottled Munia (Lonchura hunsteini)
  • Not found: Salalah Guitarfish (Rhinobatos salalah)
  • Not found: Afghan Snowfinch (Montifringilla theresae)
  • Not found: Ricinodendron heudelotii var. tomentellum
  • Not found: Schoutenia furfuracea
  • Not found: Ceram Fruit Bat (Pteropus ocularis)
  • Checking: 49289
  • Red List Title: Alca torda
  • English name: Razorbill
  • Found: Razorbill
  • common name match: "Razorbill" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Checking: 58559
  • Red List Title: Rana bedriagae
  • English name: Dofdah
  • Found: Levant Water Frog
  • WARNING: "Levant Water Frog" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • WARNING: Taxonomic notes on red list page. (76 words)
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References heading found.
  • Warnings: 2, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); trend=stable; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Omphalodes littoralis ssp. gallaecica
  • Not found: Syagrus picrophylla
  • Not found: Broadnose Catshark (Apristurus investigatoris)
  • Not found: Sesamothamnus leistneranus
  • Checking: 52584
  • Red List Title: Phylloscopus sibilatrix
  • English name: Wood Warbler
  • Found: Wood Warbler
  • common name match: "Wood Warbler" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Chinese Stripe-necked Turtle (Ocadia sinensis)
  • Checking: 49039
  • Red List Title: Gallinago paraguaiae
  • English name: South American Snipe
  • Found: South American Snipe
  • common name match: "South American Snipe" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category already set correctly: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • existing IUCN reference found
  • Flags:Cat correct
  • TASKS:

  • Not found: Echium callithyrsum
  • Not found: Jatropha bullockii
  • Not found: Italian Wall Lizard (Podarcis sicula)
  • Not found: Philautus ingeri
  • Not found: Masafuera Rayadito (Aphrastura masafuerae)
  • Not found: Solenanthus reverchonii
  • Not found: Annona ekmanii
  • Not found: Striped Yellow-eared Bat (Vampyressa nymphaea)
  • Not found: Stone Mountain Fairy Shrimp (Branchinella lithaca)
  • Not found: Mantidactylus salegy
  • Not found: Meryta salicifolia
  • Not found: Western Slimy Salamander (Plethodon albagula)
  • Not found: Grey Wren (Thryothorus griseus)
  • Checking: 53677
  • Red List Title: Oporornis formosus
  • English name: Kentucky Warbler
  • Found: Kentucky Warbler
  • common name match: "Kentucky Warbler" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusLeastConcern == LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Trianaea naeka
  • Not found: Platymantis taylori
  • Not found: Wimmeria montana
  • Not found: Boucardicus tridentatus
  • Checking: 49339
  • Red List Title: Neophron percnopterus
  • English name: Egyptian Vulture
  • Found: Egyptian Vulture
  • common name match: "Egyptian Vulture" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added before external links.
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Cyphomandra diploconos
  • Not found: Eugenia crassipetala
  • Not found: Sphaerotheca swani
  • Not found: Rana hosii
  • Not found: Rhamphophryne proboscidea
  • Not found: Fagara mayu
  • Not found: Revealed Frog (Litoria revelata)
  • Not found: Phyllanthus eximius
  • Checking: 48667
  • Red List Title: Caprimulgus europaeus
  • English name: Eurasian Nightjar
  • Found: European Nightjar
  • WARNING: "European Nightjar" not listed by IUCN as a common name.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Category not yet set. Should be: LC
  • status_system is unambiguously iucn3.1. Don't add it.
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Warnings: 1, Errors: 0
  • Flags:Set status
  • TASKS: set IUCN status (LC); +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Dendrobates castaneoticus
  • Checking: 8841
  • Red List Title: Gallicolumba keayi
  • English name: Negros Bleeding-heart
  • Found: Negros Bleeding-heart
  • common name match: "Negros Bleeding-heart" is listed by IUCN also.
  • CHECKPOINT: Page found ok
  • CHECKPOINT: found taxobox
  • binomial taxobox name matches
  • CHECKPOINT: matched sci-name
  • Uses equivalent category: StatusCritical == CR
  • Don't add status_system. Assume default of iucn3.1
  • References to be added to the end.
  • Flags:syntax updated
  • TASKS: update syntax of status; trend=down; +IUCN reference

  • Not found: Lesser Dog-faced Fruit Bat (Cynopterus brachyotis)
  • Not found: Shorea assamica ssp. globifera
  • Not found: Sturanyella epicharis
  • Not found: Norfolcioconch norfolkensis
  • Not found: Cycas sp. nov. 'aculeata'
  • Not found: Long-tailed Wood-partridge (Dendrortyx macroura)
  • Not found: Weinmannia raiateensis
  • Not found: Long-tailed Wood-partridge (Dendrortyx macroura)
  • Not found: Weinmannia raiateensis
  • Not found: Dwarf Caiman (Paleosuchus palpebrosus)
  • Not found: Diospyros impolita
  • Not found: Gordonia hirtella
  • Not found: Gabon Boubou (Laniarius bicolor)
  • Not found: Castanopsis nephelioides
  • Not found: Harmogenanina linophora
  • Not found: Boophis elenae