
Anti-Racism and Racial Justice in Writing Studies

This month, we are working to prioritize the inclusion of topics related to anti-racism and racial justice in writing studies. We aim to work together to address inequities on Wikipedia as we create and contribute to these articles.

Start by signing in or creating an account and clicking the button below to sign in to the event page. This will allow us to track your progress, offer specific tips and tricks, and acknowledge your accomplishments!


Get started


After logging in or creating an account and signing in to our event dashboard, complete these steps to begin:

Step One: Head to our article worklist to find an article you'd like to work on.

Step Two: Create achievable goals for the month by reviewing our writing recommendations section.

Step Three: Use our editing resources section to help create a draft, assess notability, find sources, and/or request feedback.

Writing recommendations


Find an article you are interested in working on from our article worklist below.

Create achievable goals for the month. Here are a few writing recommendations based on weekly time segments:

If you have fifteen minutes each week . . .

  • Add a few citations to a draft article
  • Add a few selected publications or notable awards to a biography of an academic
  • Suggest revisions and point to sources on the talk page

If you have thirty minutes each week . . .

  • Expand a stub article with a new section or a few paragraphs

If you have an hour or more each week . . .

  • Draft an article in need of creation (redlinks)

Article worklist


Below are lists of Wikipedia articles in need of edits and creation. Scholars and key topics linked in 'red' are articles that have yet to be created on Wikipedia.

Vital articles are articles deemed most important to improve to the highest quality standard on Wikipedia (featured article status).

Vital article Field-specific articles Scholars Scholarship
  • Adler-Kassner, L., & Wardle, E. (Eds.). (2019). (Re)Considering What We Know: Learning Thresholds in Writing, Composition, Rhetoric, and Literacy. University Press of Colorado.
  • Bonilla-Silva, Eduardo. “Feeling Race: Theorizing the Racial Economy of Emotions.” American Sociological Review, vol. 84, no. 1, Feb. 2019, pp. 1–25.
  • Byrd, Antonio. "Black Professional Communicators Testifying to Black Technical Joy." Technical Communication Quarterly 31.3 (2022): 298-310.
  • Heath, Shirley Brice. 1983. Ways with Words: Language, Life and Work in Communities and Classrooms. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Inoue, Asao B. (2015). Antiracist Writing Assessment Ecologies: Teaching and Assessing Writing for A Socially Just Future. Fort Collins: Parlor Press/WAC Clearinghouse.
  • Micciche, Laura R. Doing emotion. Portsmouth NH: Boynton/Cook, 2007.
  • Sicari, Anna. “Complaint as ‘Sticky Data’ for the Woman WPA: The Intellectual Work of a WPA’s Emotional and Embodied Labor.” The Journal of the Assembly for Expanded Perspectives on Learning, vol. 25, no. 1, 2020, pp. 99–117.
  • Lovejoy, Kim. 2014. “Code-Meshing through Self-Directed Writing.” In Other People’s English: Code-Meshing, Code-Switching, and African American Literacy, edited by Vershawn Ashanti Young, Rusty Barrett, Y’Shanda Young-Rivera, and Kim Brian Lovejoy, 130–40. New York: Teachers College Press
  • Young, Vershawn Ashanti. 2009. “‘Nah, We Straight’: An Argument against Code Switching.” JAC 29 (1/2): 49–76.

Past spotlights

Past spotlights

Get help


Feeling stuck in a mission or need help getting started? Follow these steps (in order):

April programming


The CCCC Wikipedia Initiative hosts monthly workshops, office hours, and coffeehouses. If you need some help getting started, have specific questions, or would like to find space to work on your article alongside your collaborators, these are great spaces to do so.

CCCCWI Coffeehouse (Streaming on Twitch)


Curious about how different people navigate editing Wikipedia? Drop-in whenever you'd like from 11:00am-12:00am ET on Twitch where the CCCC Wikipedian-in-residence will live edit Wikipedia on a different topic focus.

Date: April 20, 2023

Time: 11:00AM-12:00PM (ET)

Join here

CCCCWI Speaker Series: Anti-Racism and Racial Justice in Writing Studies


This month, Dr. Chistopher Castillo will present on "Burning our Fingers: An Intersectional Grapple with the Steel Cage of Racism." This talk uses the story of a racist encounter and its aftermath to draw attention to the racialized emotions that circulate in professional academic spaces (including writing programs, graduate programs, and departments) and that must be addressed as part of anti-racist efforts. Highlighting both the harm done by what the speaker refers to as “racist fuck ups” and the habits of dialogue and self-reflection that make accountability possible in harm's aftermath, the speaker suggests that consistent attention to the emotional valence of racism and anti-racist work will better equip writing studies to confront its investments in institutional white supremacy.

After the talk, participants will be trained on how to edit Wikipedia. There will be opportunities to improve and create Wikipedia articles related to pivotal scholars and scholarship on anti-racism and racial justice in writing studies.

Date: April 27, 2023

Time: 4:00PM-5:30PM (ET)


CCCCWI Office Hours


If you would like to discuss something Wikipedia-related one-on-one or get help with a Wikipedia article you’re working on, please feel free to sign up for my office hours or email me to suggest another time (

Sign up