User:Itub/Chembox property count

Tables updated 2012-01-13. Old tables, from 2008-10-08, are available for comparison at User:Itub/Chembox property count 1.

The following tables were obtained from parsing 7582 chemboxes from 7587 articles (4 were excluded because the chembox was not found in the first section, and 1 because my parser decided that it had syntax errors; see the list at the end).

Property count


This is a list of how many chemboxes provide a given property.

Property New count Old count
CASNo 7063 3875
verifiedrevid 6966
SMILES 6497 2753
ImageFile 6202 3688
IUPACName 5859 3374
PubChem 5444 1957
ChemSpiderID 5161 173
MolarMass 5123 4168
Formula 4986 4214
CASNo_Ref 4939
ChemSpiderID_Ref 4819
StdInChI 4769
StdInChIKey 4760
OtherNames 4626 2493
StdInChI_Ref 4595
StdInChIKey_Ref 4589
InChI 4320 222
ImageSize 4117 2494
InChIKey 3983 5
Appearance 2874 1804
Density 2717 1881
Name 2443 1775
H 2342 182
C 2331 184
MeltingPt 2327 2239
ChEMBL 2194
Solubility 2185 1409
ChEMBL_Ref 2106
ChEBI_Ref 1919
O 1905 159
ImageName 1870 1189
ChEBI 1841 42
UNII 1687
UNII_Ref 1642
KEGG_Ref 1519
BoilingPt 1473 1540
Verifiedfields 1419
KEGG 1323 35
ImageFile1 1251 614
FlashPt 1162 590
Watchedfields 1154
RPhrases 1136 752
SPhrases 1119 740
N 1076 111
NFPA-H 1012 594
NFPA-F 979 496
ExactMass 972
EINECS 920 321
NFPA-R 916 434
RTECS 895 498
MeltingPtC 891 198
OtherCpds 828 495
ImageFileL1 809 361
ImageFileR1 807 361
ExternalMSDS 799 402
Reference 790 316
EUClass 780 495
MeSHName 780 506
ImageSize1 733 414
MainHazards 690 578
ImageSizeL1 680 301
ImageSizeR1 672 305
BoilingPtC 670 148
SolubleOther 642 293
ImageName1 613 271
ImageFile2 564 233
PubChem_Ref 562
OtherCations 548 229
EUIndex 545 15
OtherAnions 508 228
CrystalStruct 496 230
ImageFile_Ref 486
Function 468 291
OtherFunctn 465 269
ImageNameL1 440 123
ImageNameR1 432 117
DrugBank_Ref 410
DrugBank 402 5
SystematicName 376 18
pKa 371 140
ImageSize2 336 152
UNNumber 329 31
RefractIndex 313 58
InChIKey1 310
S 309 22
Abbreviations 296 97
Solvent 295 296
Beilstein 270 4
ATCCode_prefix 262 10
ATCCode_suffix 262 10
DeltaHf 251 80
CASOther 245 116
SpaceGroup 245 6
Coordination 242 150
Autoignition 231 107
InChI1 231
LD50 225 17
Cl 215 16
Dipole 207 177
PIN 203
ImageAlt 192
LogP 188 28
MolShape 177 135
VaporPressure 174 62
ImageFileL1_Ref 171
NFPA-O 170 74
ImageName2 165 43
Gmelin 161 1
Boiling_notes 150 30
Entropy 138 57
CASNo1 137
GHSPictograms 135
MeltingPtCL 134 5
HPhrases 130
Viscosity 125 123
ChemSpiderID1 123
PubChem1 123
CASNo1_Comment 122
IUPACName_hidden 122
P 122 8
MeltingPtCH 121 4
PubChem1_Comment 118
GHSSignalWord 115
PPhrases 113
F 111 5
IUPHAR_ligand 111
pKb 111 30
ChemSpiderID1_Comment 109
ImageFileR1_Ref 106
PubChem1_Ref 106
HeatCapacity 105 3
Melting_notes 102 24
Odor 102 3
ChemSpiderID1_Ref 97
CASNo_Comment 95
ExploLimits 91 35
PubChem2 91
PubChem2_Ref 88
ImageFileL2 86 35
ImageFileR2 86 35
PubChem2_Comment 86
EC-number 85
BoilingPtCL 79 2
BoilingPtCH 77 2
ImageSizeR2 77 31
CASNo1_Ref 75
ChemSpiderID2 74
DeltaHc 74 17
ATC_Supplemental 70 1
ChemSpiderID2_Comment 70
3DMet 68 1
ChemSpiderID2_Ref 66
ImageFile1_Ref 63
ImageSizeL2 63 28
CASNo2 62
Na 60 2
Si 60 4
Br 59 4
ChemSpiderID_Comment 59
CASNo2_Comment 57
ImageAlt1 52
Solvent1 50 24
Solubility1 48 24
MeltingPtK 46 4
AdminRoutes 45 13
ImageFile2_Ref 44
ImageFile3 44 7
PubChem3 44
PubChem_Comment 44
ATCvet 43
PubChem3_Comment 43
ImageCaption 42
PubChem3_Ref 42
Solvent2 42 23
Solubility2 41 22
BandGap 40 2
BoilingPtK 39 2
ImageNameL2 34 8
LattConst_a 34 2
ImageNameR2 33 9
PubChem4 33
PubChem4_Comment 32
PubChem4_Ref 32
BoilingPtKH 31
BoilingPtKL 31
CASNo2_Ref 31
B 30 3
ExplosiveV 30 21
I 29 6
SolubilityProduct 29 3
ShockSens 27 20
FrictionSens 26 19
ChemSpiderID3 25
ImageSize3 25 4
ChemSpiderID3_Comment 24
ImageCaption1 24
K 24 5
ChemSpiderID3_Ref 23
MeltingPtKH 21
MeltingPtKL 21
HalfLife 20 7
ImageCaption2 20
ImageName3 20 2
ChEMBL2 19
As 18
ImageAltL1 18
ElectronMobility 17 2
ImageAltR1 17
Legal_US 17 5
ThermalConductivity 17 3
Al 16
Mg 16
RSPhrases 16 28
SMILES1_Comment 16
HenryConstant 15 12
LattConst_c 15 1
Li 15
Metabolism 15 4
SpecRotation 15 5
Excretion 14 7
ImageCaptionL1 14
PEL 14 8
SMILES_Comment 14
name 14
Ca 13 1
ImageCaptionR1 13
Pd 13
PregCat_US 13 2
Bioavail 12 6
PubChem5 12
PubChem5_Ref 12
PubChem5_Comment 11
Solubility3 11 5
Solvent3 11 5
ChemSpiderID4 10
ChemSpiderID4_Comment 10
ChemSpiderID4_Ref 10
REFactor 10 10
Sn 10
Functn 9
Hg 9
Se 9
Solubility in water 9 8
Fe 8
ImageFileL2_Ref 8
IsoelectricPt 8
LambdaMax 8 2
Legal_UK 8 2
SMILES2_Comment 8
StdInChI1 8
Verifiedimages 8
imagename 8
reference 8 6
Au 7
CASNo3 7
ImageFile3_Ref 7
ImageFileR2_Ref 7
LattConst_b 7 1
Solubility4 7 3
Solvent4 7 3
CASNo3_Comment 6
Cd 6 2
Co 6 1
Cr 6 2
ImageAlt2 6
ImageCaptionL2 6
ImageCaptionR2 6
InChI_Comment 6
Other names 6 2
SolubilityOther 6 9
StdInChIKey1 6
Zn 6
Ag 5 1
Cu 5
FlashPtC 5 2
Legal_AU 5
Other 5 15
References 5 3
Sb 5
StdInChI_Comment 5
width 5
AtmosphericOHRateConstant 4 3
Be 4
Bi 4
ChemSpider 4 2
ChemSpiderID5 4
ChemSpiderID5_Ref 4
Chemical Name 4
External MSDS 4 1
FEMA 4 4
Flash point 4
HenryLaw 4 4
ImageSzieR1 4 2
LattConst_beta 4 1
MSDS 4 5
Mo 4
Ni 4 1
PregCat_AU 4
Pt 4 1
Pu 4
Reactivity 4 8
Refractive Index 4
Refractive index 4 2
Ru 4
Structure 4 8
U 4 2
W 4
Zr 4
CAS No 3
CASNo3_Ref 3
CASNos 3 3
ChemSpiderID5_Comment 3
CoE 3 3
Cs 3 2
Ge 3
Legal_status 3 2
MagSus 3 2
Melting Pt 3
MeltingPtFH 3
MeltingPtFL 3
Mn 3
Pb 3
PregCat 3 1
Pubchem 3 1
RefractiveIndex 3 1
SolubleWater 3
Sphrases 3
StdInChIKey_Comment 3
Te 3 1
Abbreviation 2
Adiabatic Flame Temperature (Air NTP) 2
Am 2
Ba 2
Bandgap 2 1
CAS 2 2
CASNo4 2
CASNo4_Comment 2
CASNo5 2
CASNo5_Comment 2
CASNo_ref 2
CASNo_valid 2
CASRef 2
Cm 2
Crystal Structure 2
ECNo 2 3
ExactMAss 2
Hazard Class 2
ImageNamL1e 2 2
Imagesize1 2
InChIKey_Comment 2
LattConst_gamma 2
Legal_CA 2
Licence_US 2
MeltingPoint 2
Odour 2
OrbitalHybridisation 2 1
Other Names 2 1
Othernames 2 1
ProteinBound 2 2
Pubchem_Ref 2
Rphrases 2
SMILES3_Comment 2
Section 3 2 1
Solubleother 2
StdInChI1_Comment 2
StdInChIKey1_Comment 2
StdUNII_Ref 2
Tg 2
Vapor Pressure 2 1
Width 2
Young's Modulus 2 1
autoignition 2
pKa1 2 1
pKsp 2 2
3dMet 1
ABI Chem 1
ACXNumber 1 1
AT<link rel 1 1
ATC-Code 1
ATCCode 1 1
Absorption 1
Absorption maxima 1
Ac 1
Annex No 1
Apearance 1
Appearnace 1
Apprearance 1
At 1
Average Molecular Weight 1
Average Pore Size 1
Band Gap 1
Band gap 1
Beilstein Registry Number 1
Boiling Pt 1
BoilingPtF 1 1
BoilingPtFH 1
BoilingPtFL 1
Boiling_note 1
Boilink_notes 1 1
Bulk Conductivity 1
CANo_Ref 1
CAS 207-08-9 ( 1
CAS Name 1
CASN1_Ref 1
CASNo1_comment 1
CASNo1_ref 1
CASNo2_comment 1
CASNo2_ref 1
CASNo4_Ref 1
CASNo5_Ref 1
CASNo_comment 1
CASSupplemental 1
CAS_Other 1
CAS_Ref 1
CASother 1
Canonical InChI 1
CasNO 1
CasOther 1
Category 1
Ce 1
Cf 1
CheSpiderID_Ref 1
ChemEMBL 1
ChemPSiderID1_Comment 1
ChemSpiderID32_Ref 1
Chembase 1
ChemspiderID 1 1
CoefficientThermalExpansion 1 1
Colour 1
CommonName 1 1
Complexity 1
Contact 1 2
Coordination Geometry 1
Cp 1 1
Crit Temp 1
Critical Field 1 1
CriticalPt 1
CriticalRelativeHumidity 1 1
Crystal Parameters 1
Delocalisation energy 1
Density (kg/m³) 1
Dependency_liability 1 1
Dielectric Constant 1
DielectricConstant 1
DispInChI 1 1
EC 1
EC No 1
EC number 1
EINECS number 1
EU classification 1
EU-classification 1
Einecs 1
ElementalAnalysis 1
Empirical Formula 1
EnergyGap 1
EntaphyFormation 1
EvaporationRate 1 1
ExacMass 1
Exact mass 1
Exactmass 1
ExactrMass 1
Explosiveness 1
EyeHazard 1 1
FDA 1 1
FlamePt 1
Flammability 1 4
Flash Point 1
Flash PointC 1
FlashPoint 1
FreezingPt 1
FreezingPtC 1
GB number 1
Ga 1 1
Glass trans Pt 1 1
H-Bond Acceptor 1
H-Bond Donor 1
Hazard Codes 1
He 1
HeatofSolution 1
Heavy Atom Count 1
Hf 1
Ho 1
IMO number 1
IUPAC Name 1
IUPACName2 1
IUPAC_Name 1
IUPAC_name 1
IUPACname 1 1
IamgeAlt 1
IamgeName 1
IamgeNameR1 1
IamgeSizeL1 1
IgnitionTemp 1
Image Name 1
Image Size 1
Image name 1
Image2Name 1
Image2Size 1
ImageAlt3 1
ImageFielR1_Ref 1
ImageFile1 size 1
ImageFile2 size 1
ImageFile2_Name 1
ImageFile2_caption 1
ImageFileL1_Name 1
ImageFileL3 1
ImageFileR1_Name 1
ImageFileR3 1
ImageFile_Ref1 1
ImageFile_RefL1 1
ImageName20 1
ImageNameL3 1
ImageNameR3 1
ImageSIze2 1
ImageSizeL3 1
ImageSizeR3 1
ImageSizel1 1
Imagename 1
In 1
InC<link rel 1 1
InChI1_Comment 1
InChI2 1
InChIKey2 1
InChIKeyOther 1
InChIOther 1
InChIkey 1
InChi 1 1
IngestionHazard 1 1
InhalationHazard 1 1
IonicMass 1
Isometric SMILES 1
K<sub>sp</sub> 1
Kb 1
Kr 1
LC50 1
LD<sub>5O</sub> 1
LattConst_alpha 1
Lattice Constant 1
Legality 1
LowerExplosiveLimit 1
Lu 1
MW 1
MagneticSusceptibility 1 1
MainHazards<link rel 1 1
Mass 1 1
MassRound 1 1
MeSH 1
MeSHname 1
Mean Formula 1
Mean Molar Mass 1
MelitngPtCH 1
Melting point 1 1
MeltingPtCh 1
Melting_Notes 1
Melting_note 1
Methacrylate Equiv Wt 1
MetlingPtCH 1
Molar Mass 1 1
Molar mass 1 1
MolarVolume 1
Molecular Formula 1
NAERG guide number 1
Nb 1
NextBio 1
Optical Rotation 1
OpticalActivity 1 1
Os 1
Other Cations 1
OtherCmpds 1 3
OtherNAmes 1
OtherNamesb 1
Oxidation States 1
PH 1
PIName 1
Pa 1
Phase 1
Physical state 1
Pka 1
PointGroup 1
Polymer Class Term 1
PoreVolume 1
PubChem _Ref 1 1
PubChemOther 1
PubChem_ref 1
Pubchem1_Ref 1
R Phrases 1
R-phrases 1 1
R<link rel 1 1
RPhrsaes 1 1
Rb 1
Re 1
RefracctIndex 1
Refractive index n20/D 1
RelatedCpds 1
Rh 1
Rn 1
S Phrases 1
S-phrases 1 1
SITC-number 1
Saponification value 1
Sc 1
SceneNames 1
Section 4 1 1
Seection7 1 1
Self-diffusion coefficient 1
Sheet Resistance 1
SigmaAldrichID 1
SkinHazard 1 1
SolubileOther 1 1
Solubility Constant 1 1
Solubility H<sub>2</sub>O 1
Solubility at pH 7 1
Solubility5 1
SolubilityProductAs 1 1
Solubility_other 1 1
Soluble 1
SolubleOther1 1
SolubleOther2 1 1
Solubulity 1
Solvent5 1
Space Group 1
Specific Heat 1 1
SpecificGravity 1
SpecificSurfaceArea 1
Speed of sound 1
Sr 1 1
StInChI 1
State/form 1
StdInChI_comment 1
Structural Formula 1
Sublimation 1
SublimationConditions 1 1
SurfaceTension 1
Synonyms 1
SystematicNames 1
SystemicName 1
SystemticName 1
Taste 1
Tb 1 1
Tc 1
Th 1
Ti 1
Tl 1
TriplePoint 1 1
Triple_point 1
UN 1
UN Number 1
UN-number 1
UNNo 1 1
UpperExplosiveLimit 1
Vapor Density 1 1
VaporDensity 1
VaporIndex 1
VaporPress 1
VapourPressure 1 1
Watchefields 1
Water Solubility 1 1
Water solubility 1
Wavelength Absorption 1
Xe 1
abbreviations 1 1
alt 1
appearance 1
caption 1
cmc 1
ection8 1
enthalpy of formation ΔH<sup><s>o</s><sub>f</sub></sup><sub>solid</sub> 1
imagename1 1
imagename2 1
legal_status 1
legalstatus 1
meltingpoint 1
metabolism 1
pH of saturated solution 1
pK 1
pKa2 1
pKa3 1
pKa4 1
pKa5 1
phase transition temperature 1
pkA 1
routesofadministration 1
smiles 1
vapor density 1
vapor pressure 1
ΔH0 1

Properties used by only one chembox


This is a list of all the articles that have a chembox property that is used only once (probably a mistake).

3dMet Tetrahydroharman
ABI Chem Callystatin_A
ACXNumber 1,4,7-Triazacyclononane
AT<link rel Mandelonitrile
ATC-Code Sinistrin
ATCCode Betazole
Absorption Imidazole
Absorption maxima Capsaicin
Ac Actinium(III)_oxide
Annex No 1,2-Dichlorobenzene
Apearance Silicon_tetraazide
Appearnace Oxoborinic_acid
Apprearance Deuterated_THF
At Hydrogen_astatide
Average Molecular Weight Linear_alkyl_benzene
Average Pore Size Poly(2,6-diphenylphenylene_oxide)
Band Gap Tin_selenide
Band gap Indium(III)_oxide
Beilstein Registry Number Aucubin
Boiling Pt Radium_bromide
BoilingPtF Methacryloyl_chloride
BoilingPtFH Cyanophos
BoilingPtFL Cyanophos
Boiling_note Methyl_acrylate
Boilink_notes Tributylphosphine
Bulk Conductivity PEDOT-TMA
CANo_Ref 1-Nitropyrene
CAS 207-08-9 ( Benzo(k)fluoranthene
CAS Name Resmethrin
CASN1_Ref Serine
CASNo1_comment Strychnine
CASNo1_ref Bisabolene
CASNo2_comment Serine
CASNo2_ref Bisabolene
CASNo4_Ref Elemene
CASNo5_Ref Elemene
CASNo_comment Strychnine
CASSupplemental Potassium_ferrioxalate
CAS_Other Beryllium_sulfate
CAS_Ref Nitrous_oxide
CASother Copper(II)_nitrate
CHEBI Trisulfur
CMC Linoleic_acid
Canonical InChI Caftaric_acid
CasNO Quinizarine_Green_SS
CasOther Magnesium_acetate
Category Gadolinium_oxysulfide
Ce Cerium_oxalate
Cf Californium_oxychloride
ChEBI ID Sophoraflavanone_G
ChEMBL3 Strychnine
CheSpiderID_Ref Autoinducer-2
ChemEMBL Callystatin_A
ChemPSiderID1_Comment Oxazepam
ChemSpiderID32_Ref Palau'amine
Chembase Benzene
ChemspiderID Dithiazanine_iodide
CoefficientThermalExpansion Aluminium_nitride
Colour Strychnine
CommonName Butyraldehyde
Complexity Caftaric_acid
Contact PIPES
Coordination Geometry Dichlorotris(triphenylphosphine)ruthenium(II)
Cp Zirconium(IV)_chloride
Crit Temp Boron_trifluoride
Critical Field Yttrium_barium_copper_oxide
CriticalPt Ethylene
CriticalRelativeHumidity Ammonium_sulfate
Crystal Parameters Dichlorotris(triphenylphosphine)ruthenium(II)
DTP/NCI Callystatin_A
Delocalisation energy Tetrazole
Density (kg/m��) Methoxymethylfurfural
Dependency_liability Thebaine
Dielectric Constant Methylpyrrolidone
DielectricConstant Tantalum_pentoxide
DispInChI Tributylphosphine
EC 4,4'-Methylenedianiline
EC No 1,2-Dichlorobenzene
EC number Heptadecane
EINEC Isoguanine
EINECS number Lithium_chloride
EINECS/ELINCS Tris(2-aminoethyl)amine
EINECSno Octadecanal
EU classification Triethylamine
EU-classification Isopropyl_alcohol
Einecs Sodium_aluminium_hydride
ElementalAnalysis Strychnine
Empirical Formula Polyvinyl_acetate
EnergyGap Tantalum_pentoxide
EntaphyFormation Sodium_hypochlorite
EvaporationRate Sodium_hexafluoroaluminate
ExacMass Diethylenetriamine
Exact mass Benzyl_mercaptan
Exactmass Aluminium_diacetate
ExactrMass Pentane
Explosiveness Strychnine
EyeHazard 1,2-Dichlorobenzene
FDA Fumaric_acid
FLUKA&N25 Citraconic_acid
FlamePt Chromium_(III)_2-ethylhexanoate
Flammability Chlorine_nitrate
Flash Point Sultone
Flash PointC Benzylacetone
FlashPoint Calcium_carbide
FreezingPt Phenyl_salicylate
FreezingPtC Cyclohexane
GB number Butyryl_chloride
Ga Tris(dimethylamino)gallium_dimer
Glass trans Pt Styrene_maleic_anhydride
H-Bond Acceptor Octacalcium_phosphate
H-Bond Donor Octacalcium_phosphate
HFPA-O Potassium_superoxide
HSDB Sodium_aluminium_hydride
Hazard Codes Ethylaluminium_sesquichloride
He Helium_atom
HeatofSolution Sodium_carbonate
Heavy Atom Count Caftaric_acid
Hf Hafnium(IV)_silicate
Ho Holmium(III)_oxide
IMO number Butyryl_chloride
IUAPCName Benzaldehyde
IUPAC Name Quinizarine_Green_SS
IUPACNAme Oxazepam
IUPACName2 Octadecyltrichlorosilane
IUPAC_Name Domoic_acid
IUPAC_name Sodium_selenate
IUPACname Rhodocene
IamgeAlt Hypochlorite
IamgeName 3,4-Dichlorobicyclo(3.2.1)oct-2-ene
IamgeNameR1 Dimethylmercury
IamgeSizeL1 Ammonium_bifluoride
IgnitionTemp Triethylamine
Image Name Quinizarine_Green_SS
Image Size Quinizarine_Green_SS
Image name Boron_trioxide
Image2Name Actinium(III)_oxide
Image2Size Actinium(III)_oxide
ImageAlt3 Curcumin
ImageFielR1_Ref Ammonium_bifluoride
ImageFile1 size Sucrose
ImageFile2 size Sucrose
ImageFile2_Name 1,3-Butanediol
ImageFile2_caption [[Tr��ger's_base]]
ImageFileL1_Name 1,3-Butanediol
ImageFileL3 Nitric_acid
ImageFileR1_Name 1,3-Butanediol
ImageFileR3 Nitric_acid
ImageFile_Ref1 Diborane
ImageFile_RefL1 Stannole
ImageName20 Acrylic_acid
ImageNameL3 Nitric_acid
ImageNameR3 Nitric_acid
ImageSIze2 Decene
ImageSizeL3 Nitric_acid
ImageSizeR3 Nitric_acid
ImageSizel1 Ethyldichloroarsine
Imagename Anipamil
In Indium_antimonide
InC<link rel Mandelonitrile
InChI1_Comment Endomorphin
InChI2 Boron_nitride
InChIKey2 Boron_nitride
InChIKeyOther Praseodymium_sulfate
InChIOther Praseodymium_sulfate
InChIkey Quinalphos
InChi Sorbitan_tristearate
IngestionHazard 1,2-Dichlorobenzene
InhalationHazard 1,2-Dichlorobenzene
IonicMass Calcium_chloride
Isometric SMILES Caftaric_acid
K<sub>sp</sub> Silver_chromate
Kb Ethylamine
Kr Krypton_difluoride
LC50 Sulfur_trioxide
LD<sub>5O</sub> Lithium_chloride
LattConst_alpha Technetium(IV)_chloride
Lattice Constant Lithium_fluoride
Legality Polyethylene_glycol
LowerExplosiveLimit Triethylamine
Lu Motexafin_lutetium
MESH Barbigerone
MW Hexachlorocyclopentadiene
MagneticSusceptibility Terbium(III)_oxide
MainHazards<link rel Cobalt(III)_oxide
Mass Capsidiol
MassRound Gamma-Butyrolactone
MeSH Callystatin_A
MeSHname Agmatine
Mean Formula Toxaphene
Mean Molar Mass Toxaphene
MelitngPtCH Acetaldehyde_ammonia_trimer
Melting point Michler's_ketone
MeltingPtCh Sinapaldehyde
Melting_Notes Carbamide_peroxide
Melting_note Methyl_acrylate
Methacrylate Equiv Wt PEDOT-TMA
MetlingPtCH Propargyl_alcohol
Molar Mass Radium_bromide
Molar mass Ruthenium(III)_acetylacetonate
MolarVolume Callystatin_A
Molecular Formula Ethylaluminium_sesquichloride
NAERG guide number Butyryl_chloride
NFPA-P Nitrobenzene
NIAID Callystatin_A
NPFA-F Pyridinium_chlorochromate
Nb Niobium_oxychloride
NextBio Callystatin_A
Optical Rotation Limonene
OpticalActivity D-chiro-Inositol
Os Osmocene
Other Cations Chromium(IV)_oxide
OtherCmpds Carvone
OtherNAmes 5-Hydroxymaltol
OtherNamesb Acetoguanamine
Oxidation States Adenosine_diphosphate
PH Sodium_stearate
PIName Isomaltose
Pa Protactinium(IV)_oxide
Phase Dimethyl-4-phenylenediamine
Physical state N,N-Diisopropylaminoethanol
Pka Phenylsulfinic_acid
PointGroup Beryllium_oxide
Polymer Class Term Poly(p-phenylene_vinylene)
PoreVolume Poly(2,6-diphenylphenylene_oxide)
PubChem _Ref Azanyl Sodium_salicylate
PubChemOther Praseodymium_sulfate
PubChem_ref Undecane
Pubchem1_Ref 7-Isopropyl-1,4a-dimethyl-dodecahydro-1H-phenanthrene
R Phrases 2,6-Dihydroxypyridine
R-phrases Lithium_cobalt_oxide
R<link rel Mandelonitrile
RETECS Manganese_dioxide
RIEDEL&N25 1,3-Indandione
RPhrsaes Potassium_aluminium_fluoride
RTECTS Ethyl_gallate
RTE Catechol
Rb Rubidium_iodide
Re Rhenium(VI)_fluoride
RefracctIndex 2,4-Dithiapentane
Refractive index n20/D N-Vinylpyrrolidone
RelatedCpds Tellurium_tetrafluoride
Rh Rhodocene
Rn Radon_difluoride
S Phrases 2,6-Dihydroxypyridine
S-phrases Lithium_cobalt_oxide
SITC-number Butyryl_chloride
SMILESOther Praseodymium_sulfate
SMILES_Ref Dithiazanine_iodide
Saponification value Cohune_oil
Sc Scandium_monosulfide
SceneNames 2C-E
Section 4 Butylated_hydroxyanisole
Seection7 Sodium_perchlorate
Self-diffusion coefficient Properties_of_water
Sheet Resistance PEDOT-TMA
SigmaAldrichID 2,2,4,4-Tetramethyl-1,3-cyclobutanediol
SkinHazard 1,2-Dichlorobenzene
SolubileOther Thiophenol
Solubility Constant Potassium_bitartrate
Solubility H<sub>2</sub>O Butyryl_chloride
Solubility at pH 7 Acetamiprid
Solubility5 Camphor
SolubilityProductAs Silver_oxide
Solubility_other Pentaerythritol
Soluble Zirconium(IV)_sulfide
SolubleOther1 Copper(II)_chloride
SolubleOther2 Iron(II)_chloride
Solubulity 2-Chlorostyrene
Solvent5 Camphor
Space Group Dichlorotris(triphenylphosphine)ruthenium(II)
Specific Heat Stearic_acid
SpecificGravity Butyryl_chloride
SpecificSurfaceArea Poly(2,6-diphenylphenylene_oxide)
Speed of sound Tellurium_dioxide
Sr Strontium_nitride
StInChI Beryllium_carbide
State/form Strychnine
StdInChI_comment Muramic_acid
Structural Formula Lauric_acid
Sublimation Decamethylferrocene
SublimationConditions Mercury(II)_sulfate
SurfaceTension Phosphorus_trichloride
Synonyms Myriocin
SystematicNames Thorium(IV)_orthosilicate
SystemicName Acetaldehyde
SystemticName Iodine_pentafluoride
TUPACName Urea
Taste Strychnine
Tb Terbium(III)_oxide
Tc Pertechnetic_acid
Th Thorium(IV)_orthosilicate
Ti Titanium(II)_chloride
Tl Cyclopentadienylthallium
TriplePoint Terephthalic_acid
Triple_point Liquid_hydrogen
UN 4,4'-Methylenedianiline
UN Number Lead(II)_azide
UN-number Butyryl_chloride
UNNo Bromine_monochloride
UpperExplosiveLimit Triethylamine
VOD Silver_acetylide
VSEPR Xenon_oxytetrafluoride
Vapor Density Citral
VaporDensity Strychnine
VaporIndex Butyryl_chloride
VaporPress Prenol
VapourPressure Triethanolamine
Watchefields Isomaltose
Water Solubility Hydroxynaphthol_blue
Water solubility Triacetin
Wavelength Absorption Hexamminecobalt(III)_chloride
Xe Xenon_difluoride
abbreviations N-Formylmethionine
alt Serotonin
appearance Ascaridole
caption Iron(II,III)_oxide
cmc Cetrimonium_bromide
ection8 Dicalcium_phosphate
enthalpy of formation ��H<sup><s>o</s><sub>f</sub></sup><sub>solid</sub> Aluminium_sulfate
imagename1 Fipronil
imagename2 Fipronil
legal_status Ecgonine
legalstatus IPI-926
meltingpoint Benz(a)anthracene
metabolism Psilocybin
pH of saturated solution Strychnine
pK Serotonin
pKa2 Triphosphoric_acid
pKa3 Triphosphoric_acid
pKa4 Triphosphoric_acid
pKa5 Triphosphoric_acid
phase transition temperature Sodium_lauroyl_sarcosinate
pkA Ammonium_formate
routesofadministration IPI-926
smiles 6-Ketoprogesterone
vapor density N-Vinylpyrrolidone
vapor pressure N-Vinylpyrrolidone
��H0 Sodium_hypochlorite



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