User:The Vintage Feminist/Temp fem US

United States



Name Nationality (Born-died) Other
Pocahontas   (c. 1595–1617) Feminist


Name Nationality (Born-died) Other
Abigail Adams   (1744–1818) Feminist
Sarah Moore Grimké   (1792–1873) Feminist, suffragette
Lucretia Mott   (1793–1880) Feminist
Sojourner Truth   (1797–1883) Feminist

Early and mid 19th-century


These were born in up to and including 1874.

Name Nationality (Born-died) Other
Jane Addams   (1860–1935) Feminist, suffragette
Susan B. Anthony   (1820–1906) Feminist, suffragette
Alice Constance Austin   (1862–1955) Socialist feminist radical feminist
Rachel Foster Avery   (1858–1919) Feminist, suffragette
Catharine Beecher   (1800–1878) Feminist
Elizabeth Blackwell   (1821–1910) Feminist
Antoinette Brown (Blackwell)   (1825–1921) Feminist
Katharine Bushnell   (1856–1946) Feminist
Frances Jennings Casement   (1840–1928) Feminist, suffragette
Carrie Chapman Catt   (1859–1947) Feminist, suffragette
Mary Agnes Chase   (1869–1963) Socialist feminist, suffragette
Voltairine de Cleyre   (1866–1912) Anarcha-feminist
Frederick Douglass   (c. 1818–1895) Feminist
Margaret Fuller   (1810–1850) Feminist
Matilda Joslyn Gage   (1826–1898) Feminist, suffragette
Charlotte Perkins Gilman   (1860–1935) Ecofeminist
Angelina Emily Grimké   (1805–1879) Feminist, suffragette
Ida Crouch-Hazlett   (1870–1941) Socialist feminist, suffragette
Julia Ward Howe   (1819–1910) Feminist
Mary Livermore   (1820–1905) Feminist
Clarina I. H. Nichols   (1810–1885) Feminist, suffragette
Anna Garlin Spencer   (1851–1931) Feminist
Elizabeth Cady Stanton   (1815–1902) Feminist, suffragette
Lucy Stone   (1818–1893) Feminist, suffragette
Harriet Tubman   (1820–1913) Feminist
Frances Willard   (1839–1898) Socialist feminist, suffragette
Victoria Woodhull   (1838–1927) Feminist, suffragette

Late 19th-century and early 20th-century


These were born in 1875 to 1939.

Name Nationality (Born-died) Other
Bella Abzug   (1920–1998) Second-wave feminist
Alan Alda   (b. 1936) Feminist
Dolores Alexander   (1931–2008) Anti-pornography feminist
Ti-Grace Atkinson   (b. 1938) Second-wave feminist
Helene Aylon   (b. 1931) Ecofeminist
Lois W. Banner   (b. 1939) Feminist
Susan Brownmiller   (b. 1935) Second-wave feminist, anti-pornography feminist, radical feminist
Lucy Burns   (1879–1966) Feminist, suffragette
Liz Carpenter   (1920–2010) Feminist
Shirley St. Hill Chisholm   (1924–2005) Second-wave feminist
Minnie Fisher Cunningham   (1882–1964) Feminist
Mary Daly   (1928–2010) Ecofeminist
Barbara Deming   (1917–1984) Feminist
Betty Dodson   (b. 1929) Third-wave feminist, sex-positive feminist
Carol Downer   (b. 1933) Second-wave feminist
Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz   (b. 1939) Radical feminist
Crystal Eastman   (1881–1928) Socialist feminist
Cynthia Enloe   (b. 1938) Second-wave feminist
Myrlie Evers   (b. 1933) Second-wave feminist
Elizabeth "Betty" Bloomer Ford   (1918–2011) Second-wave feminist
Gerald Ford   (1913–2006) Second-wave feminist
Clara Fraser   (1923–1998) Second-wave feminist, radical feminist
Marilyn French   (1929–2009) Second-wave feminist, radical feminist
Betty Friedan   (1921–2006) Second-wave feminist
Carol Gilligan   (b. 1936) Second-wave feminist
Vivian Gornick   (b. 1935) Radical feminist
Lois Gould   (1931–2002) Feminist
Jane Grant   (1892–1972) Feminist
Elizabeth Gurley Flynn   (1890–1964) Socialist feminist, suffragette
Bertha Harris   (1937–2005) Second-wave feminist
Nicole Hollander   (b. 1939) Feminist
Mary Howell   (1932–1998) Feminist
Sonia Johnson   (b. 1936) Feminist
Jill Johnston   (1929–2010) Feminist
Helen Keller   (1880-1968) Socialist feminist, suffragette
Florynce Kennedy   (1916–2000) Second-wave feminist
Coretta Scott King   (1927–2006)) Second-wave feminist
Audre Lorde   (1934–1992) Third-wave feminist
William Moulton Marston   (1893–1947) Feminist
Carolyn Merchant   (b. 1936) Ecofeminist
Kate Millett   (b. 1934) Second-wave feminist
Anaïs Nin     (1903–1977) Feminist
Yoko Ono     (b. 1933) Feminist
Alicia Ostriker   (b. 1937) Third-wave feminist
Grace Paley   (1922–2007) Feminist
Alice Paul   (1885–1977) Feminist, suffragette
Frédérique Petrides     (1903–1983) Feminist
Sylvia Plath   (1932–1963) Feminist
Letty Cottin Pogrebin   (b. 1939) Feminist
Lorine Livington Pruette   (1896–1977) Feminist
Adrienne Rich   (1929–2012) Feminist
Florence Rush   (1918–2008) Feminist
Joanna Russ   (1937–2011) Second-wave feminist
Margaret Sanger   (1879–1966) Socialist feminist
Barbara Seaman   (1935–2008) Feminist
Alix Kates Shulman   (b. 1932) Radical feminist
Ruth Simpson   (1926–2008) Feminist
Eleanor Smeal   (b. 1939) Second-wave feminist
Valerie Solanas   (1936–1988) Radical feminist
Gloria Steinem   (b. 1934) Second-wave feminist, socialist feminist, radical feminist, anti-pornography feminist
Joan Kennedy Taylor   (1926–2005) Feminist
Rini Templeton   (1935–1986) Socialist feminist
Trude Weiss-Rosmarin     (1908–1989) Feminist
Nellie Wong   (b. 1934) Socialist feminist
Molly Yard   (1912–2005) Second-wave feminist

Mid and late 20th-century and all 21st-century


These were born in 1940 onwards.

Name Nationality (Born-died) Other
Carol J. Adams   (b. 1951) Ecofeminist
Linda Martín Alcoff   b. 20th century Feminist
Jane Alpert   (b. 1947) Radical feminist
Pam Allen   b. 20th century Second-wave feminist, radical feminist, New York Radical Women
Tori Amos   (b. 1963) Third-wave feminist
Gloria E. Anzaldúa   (1942–2004) Second-wave feminist, Feminist
Judi Bari   (1949–1997) Ecofeminist
Kathleen Barry   b. 20th century Anti-prostitution feminist
Jennifer Baumgardner   (b. 1970) Third-wave feminist
Ros Baxandall   b. 20th century Second-wave feminist, radical feminist, New York Radical Women
Alison Bechdel   (b. 1960) Feminist
Lorraine Bethel   b. 20th century Second-wave feminist
Lauran Bethell   b. 20th century Anti-prostitution feminist
Johanna Brenner   (b. 1942) Socialist feminist
Susie Bright   (b. 1958) Third-wave feminist, sex-positive feminism
Rita Mae Brown   (b. 1944) Second-wave feminist, radical feminist, Redstockings
Carrie Brownstein   (b. 1974) Third-wave feminist
Charlotte Bunch   (b. 1944) Second-wave feminist
Judith Butler   (b. 1956) Third-wave feminist
Octavia Butler   (1947–2006) Feminist
Ana Castillo   (b. 1953) Feminist
Phyllis Chesler   (b. 1940) Feminist
Margaret Cho   (b. 1968) Third-wave feminist
D. A. Clarke   b. 20th century Anti-prostitution feminist, anti-pornography feminist
Hillary Clinton   (b. 1947) Feminist
Kurt Cobain   (1967–1994) Feminist
Patricia Hill Collins   (b. 1948) Third-wave feminist, Black feminist
Noreen Connell   (b. 1947) Radical feminist
Bernadette Cozart   (1949–2009) Ecofeminist
Nikki Craft   (b. 1949) Radical feminist, anti-pornography feminist
Kimberly Dark   (b. 1968) Third-wave feminist
Angela Davis   (b. 1944) Second-wave feminist, Black feminist
Martha Davis   (b. 1957) Third-wave feminist
Mark Dery   (b. 1959) Third-wave feminist, cyberfeminist
Ani DiFranco   (b. 1970) Third-wave feminist
Donna Dresch   b. 20th century Third-wave feminist, (riot grrrl)
Stephen Durham   (b. 1947) Socialist feminist
Andrea Dworkin   (1946–2005) Anti-prostitution feminist, anti-pornography feminist
Barbara Ehrenreich   (b. 1941) Socialist feminist
Susan Faludi   (b. 1959) Second-wave feminist
Melissa Farley   (b. 1942) Second-wave feminist, radical feminist, anti-prostitution feminist, anti-pornography feminist
Johanna Fateman   (b. 1974) Third-wave feminist
Mary Flanagan   b. 20th century Third-wave feminist, cyberfeminist
Jo Freeman, (Joreen)   (b. 1945) Second-wave feminist
Marilyn Frye   (b. 1941) Feminist
Tavi Gevinson   (b. 1996) Third-wave feminist
Lois Marie Gibbs   (b. 1951) Ecofeminist
Stan Goff   (b. 1951) Socialist feminist
Susan Griffin   (b. 1943) Ecofeminist, anti-pornography feminist
Emily Haines     (b. 1974) Third-wave feminist
Carol Hanisch   b. 20th century Second-wave feminist, radical feminist, Redstockings, New York Radical Women
Kathleen Hanna   (b. 1968) Third-wave feminist, (riot grrrl)
Donna Haraway   (b. 1944) Third-wave feminist, socialist feminist
Nancy Hartsock   (b. 1943) Second-wave feminist
Rosemary Hennessy   b. 20th century material feminist
Sarah Hoagland   b. 20th century Anti-pornography feminist
'bell hooks' (Gloria Jean Watkins)   (b. 1952) Socialist feminist, Black feminist
Donna M. Hughes   (b. 1954) Third-wave feminist, cyberfeminist, anti-prostitution feminist, anti-pornography feminist
Holly Hunter   (b. 1958) Third-wave feminist
Karla Jay   (b. 1947) Feminist
Robert Jensen   (b. 1958) Anti-pornography feminist
Joan Jett   (b. 1958) Third-wave feminist
Miranda July   (b. 1974) Third-wave feminist
Wendy Kaminer   (b. 1949) Anti-pornography feminist
Marcelle Karp   (b. 1962) Third-wave feminist, sex-positive feminist
Jamie Keiles   (b. 1992) Third-wave feminist
Lierre Keith   (b. 1964) Anti-pornography feminist
Jean Kilbourne   (b. 1943) Third-wave feminist
Grace Ji-Sun Kim     (b. 1969) Third-wave feminist
Barbara Kingsolver   (b. 1955) Third-wave feminist
Bonnie Sherr Klein   (b. 1941) Anti-pornography feminist
Beyoncé Knowles   (b. 1981) Feminist
Anne Koedt   (b. 1941) Second-wave feminist, radical feminist, Redstockings, New York Radical Feminists, New York Radical Women
Peggy Kornegger   b. 20th century Feminist
Winona LaDuke   (b. 1959) Ecofeminist
Laura Lederer   (b. 1951) Anti-pornography feminist
Dorchen Leidholdt   b. 20th century Anti-prostitution feminist, anti-pornography feminist
Barbara Leon   b. 20th century Second-wave feminist, radical feminist, Redstockings
Ariel Levy   b. 20th century Third-wave feminist, anti-pornography feminist
Jacqueline Livingston   (b. 1943) Second-wave feminist
Linda Lovelace (Linda Susan Boreman)   (1949–2002) Anti-pornography feminist
Catharine MacKinnon   (b. 1946) Anti-pornography feminist
Madonna   (b. 1958) Sex-positive feminist
Patricia Mainardi   b. 20th century Second-wave feminist, radical feminist, Redstockings, New York Radical Women
Amanda Marcotte   (b. 1977) Feminist
Susan McClary   (b. 1946) Feminist
Page Mellish   b. 20th century Anti-pornography feminist
Honor Moore   b. 20th century Feminist
Cherríe Moraga   (Chicano) (b. 1952) Feminist
Robin Morgan   (b. 1941) Second-wave feminist, radical feminist, anti-pornography feminist, New York Radical Women
Inga Muscio   (b. c.1966) Third-wave feminist
Kathy Najimy   (b. 1957) Third-wave feminist
Benjamin Nolot   b. 20th century Anti-prostitution feminist
Martha Nussbaum   (b. 1947) Feminist
Terry O'Neill   (b. c. 1953) Feminist
Sandra Oh     (b. 1971) Third-wave feminist
Amanda Palmer   (b. 1976) Third-wave feminist
Nancy Paterson   (1953–2010) Third-wave feminist, cyberfeminist
Irene Peslikis   b. 20th century Second-wave feminist, radical feminist, Redstockings, New York Radical Women
Mary Pipher   (b. 1947) Second-wave feminist
Liz Phair   (b. 1967) Third-wave feminist
Katha Pollitt   (b. 1949) Feminist
Sharon Presley   (b. 1943) Feminist
Maria Raha   (b. 1972) Third-wave feminist
Janice Raymond   (b. 1943) Second-wave feminist, anti-prostitution feminist
Bernice Johnson Reagon   (b. 1942) Second-wave feminist
Helen Reddy     (b. 1941) Second-wave feminist
Abby Rockefeller   (b. 1943) Radical feminist
Gayle Rubin   (b. 1949) Sex-positive feminist, Queer theorist
Kathy Rudy   b. 20th century Ecofeminist
JD Samson   (b. 1978) Third-wave feminist
Michael Sandel   (b. 1953) Feminist
Justin Sane     (b. 1973) Socialist feminist
Kathie Sarachild   (b. 1943) Second-wave feminist, radical feminist, Redstockings, New York Radical Women
Anita Sarkeesian    (b. c. 1984) Feminist
Elaine Showalter   (b. 1941) Feminist
Ann Simonton   (b. 1952) Second-wave feminist, radical feminist, anti-pornography feminist
Barbara Smith   (b. 1946) Feminist
Patricia Soltysik   (1950–1974) Radical feminist
Donita Sparks   (b. 1963) Third-wave feminist, (riot grrrl)
Charlene Spretnak   (b. 1946) Ecofeminist
Annie Sprinkle   (b. 1954) Third-wave feminist, sex-positive feminist
Starhawk   (b. 1951) Ecofeminist
Debbie Stoller   b. 20th century Third-wave feminist, sex-positive feminist
John Stoltenberg   (b. 1945) Second-wave feminist, radical feminist, anti-pornography feminist
Nadine Strossen   (b. 1950) Third-wave feminist
Lili Taylor   (b. 1967) Third-wave feminist
J. Ann Tickner   b. 20th century Feminist
Corin Tucker   (b. 1972) Third-wave feminist
Robin Tunney   (b. 1972) Third-wave feminist
Urvashi Vaid     (b. 1958) Feminist
Tobi Vail   (b. 1969) Third-wave feminist, (riot grrrl)
Jessica Valenti   (b. 1978) Third-wave feminist
Alice Walker   (b. 1944) Radical feminist, Black feminist
Rebecca Walker   (b. 1969) Third-wave feminist
Michele Wallace   (b. 1952) Second-wave feminist
Warcry   b. 20th century Radical feminist
Joss Whedon   (b. 1964) Feminist
Faith Wilding     (b. 1943) Third-wave feminist, cyberfeminist
Ellen Willis   (1941–2006) Second-wave feminist, radical feminist, sex-positive feminist, Redstockings, New York Radical Women
Kaia Wilson   b. 20th century Third-wave feminist
Naomi Wolf   (b. 1962) Third-wave feminist
Allison Wolfe   (b. 1969) Third-wave feminist
Alice Wolfson   b. 20th century Feminist
Elizabeth Wurtzel   (b. 1967) Feminist
Sande Zeig   b. 20th century Feminist
Julie Zeilinger   (b. 1993) Third-wave feminist