Endorsements in the 2016 United Kingdom European Union membership referendum

A number of politicians, public figures, newspapers and magazines, businesses and other organisations endorsed either the United Kingdom remaining in the EU or the United Kingdom leaving the EU during the 2016 United Kingdom European Union membership referendum.





Territories voting in referendum


Other Crown dependencies


Non-UK governments


Registered political parties


Parties organised in more than one of the Home Nations:

Parties in Scotland:

Parties in Northern Ireland:

Parties in Wales:

Parties in Gibraltar:

Other regional parties:

Business leaders


Letter to The Times


In a letter published in The Times, a wide range of business leaders, including 36 FTSE 100 companies, called for a vote to stay in the European Union. The letter stated that British "business needs unrestricted access to the European market of 500 million people to continue to grow, invest, and create jobs. We believe that leaving the EU would deter investment, threaten jobs, and put the economy at risk. Britain will be stronger, safer, and better off remaining a member of the EU".[52][53]



Only politicians who held positions that differed from the party line or whose party was officially neutral are listed here.

Conservative Party


Within the Conservative Party (which was officially neutral), 25 of the 30 Cabinet Ministers including the Prime Minister, specifically:

Others included former Prime Minister John Major,[69] former party leader William Hague,[70] former Deputy Prime Minister Michael Heseltine,[71] David Willetts,[72] former Chancellor of the Exchequer Ken Clarke,[73] and former ministers Edwina Currie[74] and Baroness Warsi (who, it was alleged, supported Leave, despite the Vote Leave side not being aware of her support prior to the allegations).[75]

The majority of the Conservative Party's 330 MPs announced that they would campaign for Britain to remain in the European Union. Including Cabinet Ministers, the list included:[68][76]

The list of Conservative Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) that announced that they would campaign for Britain to remain in the European Union is:[81]

Other Conservatives supporting a Remain vote were:

Scottish Conservative MSPs also included Miles Briggs, Peter Chapman, Jackson Carlaw, John Lamont, Alex Johnstone, Rachael Hamilton, Liz Smith, Donald Cameron, Adam Tomkins, Douglas Ross, Brian Whittle, Finlay Carson and Annie Wells.[89]



International figures


From other European Union member states


Other countries


International organisations




Newspapers and magazines


British newspapers and magazines


Foreign newspapers and magazines


Local government authorities




Trade unions


The Trades Union Congress (TUC), representing 52 British trade unions, endorsed Britain remaining in the EU. All but a few of its member unions were expected to urge voters to stay in the EU.[252]

Other organisations


Noted individuals


Healthcare professionals letter


In a letter to The Times, around 200 healthcare professionals defended the EU as an overall benefit to UK public health, the NHS and health research. Sections from the letter stated "As health professionals and researchers we write to highlight the valuable benefits of continued EU membership to the NHS, medical innovation and UK public health". "We have made enormous progress over decades in international health research, health services innovation and public health. Much has been built around shared policies and capacity across the EU". "EU trade deals will not privatise the NHS as the EU negotiating position now contains clear safeguards. Decisions on NHS privatisation are in UK government hands alone. EU immigration is a net benefit to our NHS in terms of finances, staffing and exchanges". "Finally, leaving the EU would not provide a financial windfall for the NHS". Signatories included:[343][344]

  • Baroness Elaine Murphy FRCPsych, Professor of Psychiatry, London
  • Baroness Sheila Hollins, former President Royal College of Psychiatrists, London
  • Lord Alderdice FRCPsych, Senior Research Fellow, Harris Manchester College, University of Oxford, Oxford
  • Lord Ara Darzi OM, Paul Hamlyn Professor of Surgery, Imperial College
  • Lord Nigel Crisp, former Chief Executive NHS, London
  • Professor Dame Janet Thornton, Senior Scientist, European Bioinformatics Institute European Molecular Biology Laboratory
  • Professor Dame Jill Macleod Clark, Professor of Nursing, University of Southampton
  • Professor Dame Til Wykes, Professor and Vice Dean, King's College London
  • Dame Sue Bailey, Past President, Royal College of Psychiatrists
  • Sir Andy Haines, former Dean, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
  • Sir Cyril Chantler, formerly Chairman of The King's Fund and the UCL Partners academic health science network, London
  • Sir David Nicholson, former Chief Executive NHS
  • Sir Eric Thomas, former Vice-Chancellor, University of Bristol
  • Sir George Alberti, Visiting Professor, King's College, London
  • Sir Harry Burns, Professor of Global Public Health, University of Strathclyde
  • Sir Iain Chalmers, Coordinator, James Lind Initiative, Oxford
  • Sir Ian Gilmore, professor, University of Liverpool
  • Sir Keith Peters, Emeritus Regius Professor of Physic University of Cambridge, President of Academy of Medical Sciences 2002–2006, Cambridge
  • Sir Norman Williams, former President, Royal College of Surgeons
  • Sir Richard Thompson, Immediate past-president, Royal College of Physicians, London
  • Sir Robin Murray, Professor of Psychiatric Research, King's College, London
  • Sir Sam Everington, General Practitioner, London
  • Sir Tom Blundell, President of Science Council & co-founder Astex Therapeutics, Cambridge
  • Dr Andy Flynn, General Practitioner, London
  • Dr Carolina Lopez, Consultant Radiologist, Bedford Hospital NHS Trust
  • Dr Christopher A Birt, Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer in Public Health, University of Liverpool
  • Dr Clare Gerada MBE, former Chair, Royal College of General Practitioners, London
  • Dr David L Cohen, Consultant Physician, Northwood
  • Dr David Nicholl, Clinical Lead for Neurology & Neurophysiology (writing in a personal capacity), Sandwell & West Birmingham NHS Trust, BIRMINGHAM
  • Dr David Wrigley, GP, Carnforth, Lancashire
  • Dr Eric Watts, Consultant Physician (Retd), Brentwood
  • Dr Geeta Nargund, Medical Director, Create Fertility, London
  • Dr George Pollock, Chairman, Education and Training Committee, Birmingham Medical Institute
  • Dr Laura Sellers, Clinical Fellow in Oncology, London
  • Dr Leila Lessof OBE, former director of Public Health, London
  • Dr Linda Papadopoulos, Psychologist, London
  • Dr Lynne Jones OBE, FRCPsych., Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist, Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
  • Dr Maria Elena Farrugia, Consultant Neurologist, Greater Glasgow & Clyde
  • Dr Martin Yuille, Reader, University of Manchester
  • Dr Maxwell S. Damian, Consultant Neurologist, Cambridge
  • Dr Peter Carter, former CEO, Royal College of Nursing
  • Dr Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief, The Lancet, Elsevier
  • Dr Roberta Jacobson OBE, Honorary Senior Lecturer, Institute of Health Equity, London
  • Dr S Vittal Katikireddi, Senior Clinical Research Fellow, University of Glasgow
  • Dr Sarah Anderson, General Practitioner, London
  • Dr Suzy Lishman, President, The Royal College of Pathologists
  • Dr Tom Steele, Junior doctor, Aintree University Hospital
  • Dr Tony Jewell, former Chief Medical Officer Wales, Cardiff
  • Dr Verma Amar Nath, Retired General Medical Practitioner (NHS), Birmingham
  • Prof Alison Woollard, Associate Professor, University of Oxford
  • Professor Alastair H Leyland, Professor of Population Health Statistics, University of Glasgow
  • Professor Allan H Young, director, Centre for Affective Disorders, King's College London
  • Professor Ann Louise Kinmonth CBE, Emeritus professor of General practice, University of Cambridge
  • Professor Anne Marie Rafferty CBE, Professor of Nursing Policy, King's College London
  • Professor David Edwards FMedSci, Professor of Paediatrics and Neonatal Medicine, director, Centre for the Developing Brain, King's College, London
  • Professor David Mabey FMedSci, Professor of Communicable Diseases, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
  • Professor David Wood, Professor of Cardiology, Imperial College London
  • Professor Debbie A Lawlor, Professor of Epidemiology, University of Bristol, Bristol
  • Professor Derek Cook, Professor of Epidemiology, St George's University of London
  • Professor Dorothy Bishop FRS, FBA, FMedSci, Professor of Developmental Neuropsychology, University of Oxford
  • Professor Eileen Joyce, Professor of Neuropsychiatry, University College London
  • Professor Ewan Birney, director, European Molecular Biology Laboratory
  • Professor George Davey Smith, Professor of Clinical Epidemiology, University of Bristol
  • Professor Humphrey Hodgson FMed Sci, Emeritus Professor of Medicine, UCL
  • Professor J Robert Sneyd, Dean and Professor of Anaesthesia, Peninsula Schools of Medicine and Dentistry
  • Professor James Steele CBE, Professor of Restorative Dentistry and Head of School, Newcastle University
  • Professor Jan Scott, Professor of Psychological Medicine, University of Newcastle
  • Professor Jan van der Meulen, Professor of Clinical Epidemiology, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
  • Professor Jane Salvage, Nursing consultant, Lewes
  • Professor John Ashton CBE, President, Faculty of Public Health
  • Professor John Malcolm Harrington, Emeritus Professor of Occupational Medicine, Budleigh Salterton
  • Professor John Middleton, University of Wolverhampton, Wolverhampton
  • Professor John Williams CBE, Professor of Health Services Research, Swansea University Medical School
  • Professor Jonathan Weber, director, imperial College Academic Health Science Centre, Imperial College London
  • Professor Kate Bushby, Professor of Neuromuscular Genetics, Newcastle University
  • Professor KK Cheng, director, Institute of Applied Health Research, University of Birmingham
  • Professor Liam Smeeth, Senior Clinical Research Fellow, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
  • Professor Lindsey Davies CBE, former President, UK Faculty of Public Health, London
  • Professor Mark S Gilthorpe, Professor of Statistical Epidemiology, University of Leeds
  • Professor Martin Bobak, Professor of Epidemiology, University College London
  • Professor Martin White, Programme Leader, Food Behaviours and Public Health, University of Cambridge
  • Professor Mike Pringle, former President, Royal College of General Practitioners, Retired GP
  • Professor Peter Kopelman, Emeritus Professor of Medicine (formerly Principal), St George's, University of London
  • Professor Peter Openshaw, Professor of Experimental Medicine, Imperial College London
  • Professor Peter Whincup, Professor of Epidemiology, St George's, University of London
  • Professor Ray Powles CBE, Head, Haemato-oncology, Cancer Centre London
  • Professor Raymond Agius, Professor of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, The University of Manchester
  • Professor Rita Horvath, Professor of Neurogenetics, Newcastle University
  • Professor Rob Poole, Professor of Social Psychiatry, Bangor University
  • Professor Rod Griffiths CBE, Past President, Faculty of Public Health, London
  • Professor Rod Hay, Professor of Cutaneous Infection, Kings College NHS Trust London
  • Professor Sir John Burn, Professor of Clinical Genetics, Newcastle University
  • Professor Sir Munir Pirmohamed, David Weatherall Chair of Medicine and Consultant Physician, University of Liverpool
  • Professor Stephanie Amiel, Professor of Diabetic Medicine, King's College London
  • Professor Stephen Keevil, Professor of Medical Physics, King's College London
  • Professor Stuart Carney, Dean of Medical Education, King's College London
  • Professor Tamara Hervey, Jean Monnet Professor of European Law, University of Sheffield
  • Professor Tim Helliwell, Vice President for Learning, Royal College of Pathologists, Liverpool
  • Professor Trevor Powles CBE, Head Breast Cancer Cancer Centre, London
  • Professor Trisha Greenhalgh OBE, Professor of Primary Care Health Sciences, University of Oxford
  • Mr Patrick Moore, Primary Care Practice Pharmacist, Belfast
  • Mrs Alexandra Johnson, CEO of JoiningJack, Joining Jack, Wigan
  • Mrs Louise Johnson, Well North Executive Co-ordinator, The University of Manchester

Royal Society letter


Led by Professor Stephen Hawking,[345] more than 150 notable academics, all Fellows of the Royal Society, signed a letter to The Times newspaper setting out their position on the European Union that leaving the bloc would damage science and research. They included:[346]

University leaders letter


Over 100 UK university leaders signed an open letter to The Sunday Times supporting UK membership of the EU. They stated that "Inside the EU, we are better able to collaborate with partners from across Europe to carry out cutting edge research, from medical and healthcare advances, to new materials, products and services. In the EU, the UK is also a more attractive destination for global talent, ensuring that our students are taught by the best minds from across Europe. This has a direct impact on our economy, driving growth, generating jobs and ultimately improving people's lives". Signatories included:[347]

Creative Industries letter


Almost 300 of the world's biggest creative industries names signed a letter to support keeping Britain in the EU, including (but not limited to) the names listed below. A Creative Industries Federation survey also revealed that 96% of its members supported remaining in the EU. The letter stated that "Britain is not just stronger in Europe, it is more imaginative and more creative, and our global creative success would be severely weakened by walking away". Signatories included:[266]

Economists' letter


In a letter to The Times, 279 economists stated that Brexit would "entail significant long-term costs". The signatories wrote, "focusing entirely on the economics, we consider that it would be a major mistake for the UK to leave the European Union." At the time of publication the letter had 199 signatories. A further 80 signed after publication.[349][350][351]

Lawyers' report


Around 300 lawyers signed a report on UK membership of the EU and the alternatives. They stated: "we recognised how much of the debate on the UK's membership of the EU is based on a lack of information, misconceptions, or, worse, misinformation [...] Ultimately, we believe a sensible judgment on EU membership can be made only on the basis of reliable evidence". The signatories "consider that the UK's interests are best served by remaining in the EU".[352]

Historians letter


In a letter to the Guardian, more than 300 prominent historians urged the United Kingdom to remain in the European Union. The letter said, "On 23 June, we face a choice: to cast ourselves adrift, condemning ourselves to irrelevance and Europe to division and weakness; or to reaffirm our commitment to the EU and stiffen the cohesion of our continent in a dangerous world." Notable signatories included:[353][354]

Armed Forces and Security Services


Letters to The Guardian by European writers


On 4 June 2016, The Guardian newspaper published a number of 'letters to Britain' by European (non-British) writers and intellectuals giving their opinion on the referendum and Britain's place in Europe. All of the letters expressed support for remain.[365] The writers were:

Nobel Prize laureates letter


On 10 June 2016, The Daily Telegraph published a letter signed by 13 winners of the Nobel Prize expressing the view that being part of the EU is good for British science and that is good for Britain.[366]

Nobel Prize in Economics laureates letter


On 19 June 2016, The Guardian published a letter signed by 10 winners of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences, expressing the view that the "economic argument" was clearly in favour of continued UK membership within the EU.[367]



Registered political parties


Parties organised in more than one of the Home Nations:

Parties in England:

Parties in Scotland:

Parties in Northern Ireland:

Business leaders




Only politicians who hold positions that differ from the party line or whose party is officially neutral are listed here.

Conservative Party


Within the Conservative Party (which was officially neutral): Five Cabinet members:

At the time the referendum was called, the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions was Iain Duncan Smith, who also supports leave. He subsequently resigned following the 2016 United Kingdom budget.[427] Some suspected his resignation was due to his support for British withdrawal from the EU,[428][429] but Duncan Smith has denied this, stating that such allegations were a "deliberate attempt to discredit" him.[430]

As well as these ministers, the former Mayor of London Boris Johnson;[431][432][433] the Conservative candidate for the 2016 mayoral election, Zac Goldsmith;[434] former leader Michael Howard,[435] former Defence Secretary Liam Fox[436] and the leader of the Welsh Conservative Party Andrew RT Davies[437] campaigned to leave. The party campaign to exit the EU is "Conservatives for Britain" which is headed by two former Chancellors of the Exchequer, Lord Lawson (Nigel Lawson) and Lord Lamont (Norman Lamont).[438]

Many other Conservative MPs announced that they would campaign for Britain to vote to Leave:[76][failed verification]

Labour Party


Within the Labour Party (which supported Remain): Labour Leave was headed by donor John Mills.

Labour MPs supporting a Leave vote:

Labour MSPs:

Former Labour MPs:

Green Party


Within the Green Party (which supported Remain): the Green Leaves organisation campaigned on behalf of Green Party members who advocated a leave vote.[478] Member of the House of Lords and former London Assembly Member Jenny Jones (Baroness Jones) campaigned to leave.[479][480]

Liberal Democrats


Within the Liberal Democrats (which supported Remain): the Liberal Leave campaign was headed by former Hereford MP, Paul Keetch.[481]

Scottish National Party


Within the SNP (which supported Remain): former SNP deputy leader and MP Jim Sillars and former SNP leader and MP Gordon Wilson endorsed a leave vote in the referendum.[482][483][484] Former Scottish government minister Alex Neil declared that he voted leave and that several of his fellow SNP MSPs did likewise.[485][486] There were multiple groups for SNP members advocating a leave vote, such as SNP Vote Leave and SNP GO!.[487]

Ulster Unionist Party


Within the UUP (which supported Remain): Harold McKee MLA[488] and former leader Tom Elliott MP[489]



International figures


From other European Union member states


Other countries




Newspapers and magazines


British newspapers and magazines


Foreign newspapers and magazines


Local government authorities




Trade unions


Other organisations


Noted individuals

Security and Armed Forces:





Trade unionists:

Music artists:

Sports personalities:


Actors and actresses:

Religious figures:


Officially endorse neither side




Other Crown dependencies


Registered political parties




Newspapers and magazines


International figures





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