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The Construction of Reality
Cambridge University Press. (with Mary B. Hesse)
Michael Arbib
PhD in math (1963) advised by Norbert Wiener, MIT; Stanford (5yrs); Chairman, Department of Computer and Information Science,University of Massachusetts Amherst, 1970-1986; University of Southern California, 1986-; World Brain Workshop, Calgary, 1997.
Mary Hesse
University of Cambridge
  • 1966. Models and Analogies in Science, Notre Dame University Press, Notre Dame (Ind.), 1966, pp. 184.
  • 1974. The Structure of Scientific Inference, Macmillan, London and University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles 1974, pp. vii+309.
  • 1980. Revolutions and Reconstructions in the Philosophy of Science, The Harvester Press, Brighton and Indiana University Press, Bloomington (Ind.).
The Cognitive Revolution in Psychology
The Guilford Press
The Anthropic Cosmological Principle
Co-authored with Frank Tipler
Foreword by John Wheeler
Oxford University Press
The Dialogue of Reason
  • (1977) The Probable and the Provable
  • (1970) The Implications of Induction
Knowledge and Context
The Journal of Philosophy, 83(10): 574-583
  • Opening Passage:

What consequences does the fact that we are social animals have for a theory of knowledge? Some philosophers have claimed that social factors can determine whether evidence one does not possess undermines one's knowledge. Though I agree that knowledge has a social component, I will claim that social factors determine whether evidence one does possess undermines one's knowledge. In the end, I will maintain that this phenomenon reveals that attributions of knowledge are context-sensitive. Once we see this, we will obtain a better perspective from which to view skeptical arguments and a means to resist their conclusions. (my boldtype)



Hubert Dreyfus & Stuart Dreyfus

Mind Over Machine



Eric Donald Hirsch, Jr.

Core Knowledge Foundation
See also
  • Cultural Literacy: What Every American Needs To Know (1987).
  • The Dictionary of Cultural Literacy (1988).
Parallel Distributed Processing: Explorations in the Microstructure of Cognition
with David Rumelhart
regard as a bible for cognitive scientists.
  • McClelland is to a large extent responsible for the "connectionist revolution" of the 1980s, which saw a large increase in scientific interest for connectionism. His present work focuses on learning, memory processes and psycholinguistics, still within the framework of connectionist models.
Memoirs of a Thinking Radish
User Centered System Design: New Perspectives on Human-Computer Interaction
with Stephen W. Draper. Lawrence Erlbaum.



David N. Perkins

Knowledge as Design
Erlbaum Associates, Hillsdale, New Jersey, 1986
Harvard critical pedagogue like Howard Gardner



David Rumelhart & James McClelland, eds.

Parallel Distributed Processing: Explorations in the Microstructure of Cognition Volume 1: Foundations
MIT Press, Cambridge, MA
Another Look at Automatic Text-Retrieval Systems
Communications of the ACM, Vol. 29, No. 7 (July 1986) pp. 648-656. ACM
  • David C. Blair, M. E. Maron (1985), "An evaluation of retrieval effectiveness for a full-text document-retrieval system," Communications of the ACM, vol. 28 no. 3, pp. 289-299. (first citation as a likely iconoclast) ACM
    An evaluation of a large, operational full-text document-retrieval system (containing roughly 350,000 pages of text) shows the system to be retrieving less than 20 percent of the documents relevant to a particular search. The findings are discussed in terms of the theory and practice of full-text document retrieval.



Jan M. Zytkow & Herbert A. Simon

A Theory of Historical Discovery: The Construction of Componential Models
Machine Learning, Vol. 1, Iss.1, pp.107-137. ACM
On Knowledge and Context
The Journal of Philosophy, 83(10): 584-585
Relevance: Communication and Cognition
with Deirdre Wilson



Lucy Suchman and Randall H. Trigg (1986).
A Framework for Studying Research Collaboration. Proceedings of the 1986 ACM Conference on Computer-supported Cooperative Work



Don R. Swanson (1986).
Undiscovered public knowledge. Library Quarterly 56(2): 103-118.

Don R. Swanson (1986).
Fish oil, Raynaud's syndrome, and undiscovered public knowledge. Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 30(1): 7-18.

Compare: #Simon

See also

Don R. Swanson and Neil R. Smalheiser (1996).
Undiscovered public knowledge: A ten-year update. In: Data Mining: Integration & Application (KDD-96 Proceedings, AAAI) pp. 295-298.

TEXTNET: A Network-Based Approach to Text Handling
Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS), Volume 4 Issue 1 (January 1986) (with Mark Weiser).
Supporting Collaboration in Notecards
Proceedings of the 1986 ACM conference on Computer-supported cooperative work, December 03-05, 1986, Austin, Texas. (with Lucy Suchman, Frank Halasz). [doi>10.1145/637069.637089]
Huxley Memorial Debate
under the auspices of the Oxford Union a student debate club of Oxford University
  • ``The motion "That the Doctrine of Creation is more valid than the Theory of Evolution" was debated by Edgar Andrews and A. E. Wilder-Smith for the ayes, and Richard Dawkins and John Maynard Smith for the noes. A few members of the Oxford Union were additional speakers. After approximately 3 hours of debate, the motion was defeated.``



Terry Winograd and Fernando Flores (1986).
Understanding Computers and Cognition: A New Foundation for Design. Ablex Publishing Corporation.

  • (1982) Language As A Cognitive Process, Volume 1, Syntax Addison-Wesley.


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