Patrollers with userboxes as at 12 October 2011 linked
edit1300 users
Patrollers with userboxes as at 12 October 2011 plain list
editPatrollers with userboxes as at 12 October 2011 plain list
5 albert square 23skidoo 28bytes 55david 78.26 1234r00t A cont. A1octopus Abbott75 Abhih Absharaslam Abutorsam007 Acabashi Acather96 ACBest Accurizer Aceofbass0203 Adair2324 Adamfinmo Addison1203 Addison2008 Adi4094 Æ Æk AeonicOmega Aflumpire After Midnight Agüeybaná Ahumbleriot AikiHawkeye Air55 Airplaneman Ajmint Akjgo94 Al Wiseman Alanbly Alangar Alangar Manickam Alareiks Alexbrewer Alexrexpvt Alin0Steglinski Alinnisawest AlioTheFool Alirazaq Alksub Alynna Kasmira Amardeepmsingh Amaryllis25 Amiodarone Amynewyork4248 Amyxz Ananas96 Andrew Mill AndrewMerrell Andrewrp Andvd Andybancroft Andypandy.UK Angpradesh Ankipat1 Ankithreya Anna512 Anonlta Another Type of Zombie Ansumang Antalope Anthony Bradbury AntonMagsino Antrikshy Ap621 AppuruPan Arakunem ArcAngel Archaios Architectura Ardo191 ArglebargleIV Arjun01 ArmadilloFromHell Arnola231 Arny Arsenalbubs Arthurlo Aru123 ARUNKUMAR P.R Arx Fortis Asenine Assassin's Creed Astrocog Asukara Ataylor12193 Atkins450 AubreyEllenShomo AustDan91 Avalonthas Avenged Eightfold Avicennasis Avono Avs dps Avs5221 AwamerT Axyjo Azure Glade Babylonian Armor Bachrach44 Baddog144 Badgernet Bailo26 BaldwinC Banality Bartleby Bartlowconstantine Baseball Watcher Bashum104 Bayyoc Bballoakie Bearian BebyB Belteshazzar293 Belugaboy Bensci54 Berek Betasquared BhainsRajput Bharathprime Bhockey10 Big Kahuna Admin BigDwiki Biggleswiki Bill37212 Billscottbob BillyMoses Binoyjsdk Bishop Brennan Bismarck43 Bjhyn Bjørn som tegner Blackcatuk Bladeswin Blanchardb Blastolite BLM Platinum Bluedustmite Bluefist Bmader Bmg916 Bobby122 Bobbyyanama Boogster Boreas74 Bowsy Bradv Brambleclawx Bryan Anderson BSIonline Bstbll BuickCenturyDriver Burnedthru BURNyA BurtAlert Bus Master-Transit Bus Bustasugar Buttons to Push Buttons Cafzal Cahk Calaka Calor Calvin 1998 Cantras Cap. Mitchel Captmonkey Carados Casablanca2000in CaseyChesh Casmith 789 Casper2k3 Caspertheghost Cassavau Cathar11 Cbrown1023 Cdinesh CelesJalee Chaser1942 Cheesecottage Chesty139 Chihauhauling3 Chinese3126 Chinmay26r ChipChamp Chitransh Gaurav ChobotsScreenhog Chocolatecbj Chris Neville-Smith Chrisd87 Chrislk02 Chrisportelli ChrisTheDude Christopher Kraus ChromaEmprise Chrylis Ciphers Cipherswarm Cjc811 Cjilgott Cjwon348 ClanCC Click23 Cliffsteinman Cloudrunner Clubmarx Codahawk Coffee Colonel Warden Cometstyles Commit charge Commodorepants Commonwealth empire Comperr Comperr Conay ConcernedVancouverite Consequentially Contributingfactor Cool Blue Cool110110 CorpITGuy Corruptcopper CPAScott Cptmurdok Crackthewhip775 Craig451 Crazecontrolthefurious Crazycomputers Crazysane Crickle0106 Crimsonmargarine Croberts1 CrossHouses Crosstemplejay Crystal Linux Csloomis Csodennc Cssiitcic Cubs197 Curlingpro47 CurranH Curtis Customizer 2010 Cwmhiraeth Cyberoidx Czolgolz Da.Tomato.Dude Dac04 Dakart DakotaDAllen Daltxn Dan0 00 Danbold DancingMan Daniel Case Daniel DH Rigal Daniel5127 Danielkang7744 DanielRigal Danlev Dannybak DannyCyclone Danwalk Danzach2 DariusJersey Darksun Darren23 Darth Mike Darth Stabro Darthvadar92 Datakid1100 Dave6 Davidelit Davidovic Dawn Bard Day000Walker Dayleyj Daz 90 Db099221 Dcheagle Deadlyops DeadTotoro Deavenger Deflagro DeLarge Demize Dengero Deon Dep. Garcia Derbyedu Derfel73 Derild4921 Derumi Destin Dethlock99 Deutschgirl Dharokowns Diddy29 Didz93 Digital20 Dillard421 Dinnerbone Dipics Discospinster Disneytree Dister304 DitzyNizzy Divide et Impera DJFishlips Djkernen DJRYRY11 Djsonik Djug Dlh-stablelights Dnvrfantj Dominik92 Doodledoo Dougano Dough007 Dougie WII DougieSC Dougofborg Dphantom15 Dr meetsingh Dr Noonien Soong Dragalis Drewhamilton Dropal Dropfreeze DRTllbrg Drunauthorized Drunkenmonkey DS2434 Dspradau DSW-X-Groove Dtrebbien Dugong Pilipino Duncan Dungeon Master 3.5 Dustin 3choes DVokes DyamiTK Dylan620 E. Fokker Ean5533 Eaolson Eastlaw Eastonlee Ebe123 Ecoman24 Edchilvers Edward130603 Edwbaker Eeekster Eggy49er Eivind EivindJ Ekantik Eklapper Eklipce Eliz81 Elminster Aumar Emann15 EmmanuelArceta Enfcer English Lock English836 Englishnerd Enigmaman Ennui2778 Enyawb Epass Erainor Erebus Morgaine ErikHaugen Erpert Erth64net Esteban97 Ethansmith Euicho Europe22 EverydayJoe Evil1987 EvilFlyingMonkey EvocativeIntrigue EWikist Excesses Excirial Excitinginterception7 Fabrictramp Faizanalivarya Faizhaider Falcon8765 Fattyjwoods Fbifriday Feinoha Fejj the ritual Felixboy Fetchcomms Fiftytwo thirty Finngall Firebat08 Firl21 Fjbfour Flashyblocker Floul1 FlyingToaster Fngosa Forenti Fr33kman Fram Fraudy Freakmighty Freshymail Freyn Fuhghettaboutit FunkyCanute Funnyfarmofdoom Futbol4life Gabbs1 Gantlet Gaogier Garkeith Gavin.perch Gawaxay GBenemy Gbrading Gekedo GeneralIroh Geniussansom Geo.plrd Geobeedude Geoffspear Georg Amadé GeorgeMoney GerardK Ghingo GHOSTofJESTER Gilgamesh Rex Gillyweed Giovanosky616 GKan Glimmer721 Gnofs Gongshow Gosox5555 Goswamir14 Goutamkhandelwal Gowtham vmj GreatOrangePumpkin Greg Tyler Grey Wanderer Grim Littlez Grizzly1962 Gromlakh Guerillero Guy M Guy0307 Guycalledryan Habbouser HadBill Halestock HamatoKameko Hamham31 Harlem225 HaroldK HarryHenryGebel Harryj2198 Hasteur Hatch68 Hazard-SJ HAzmaT5793 Heavy Seltzer Hebein Hellswasteland Herb143 HiB2Bornot2B Hmccasla Hole in the wall HominidMachinae Hotgossip Howan Huadpe HubHikari Hungusamongus HunterZone Huperphuff I am a violinist I dream of horses I Grave Rob IAdem Icealien33 Idh0854 Ifnord II MusLiM HyBRiD II Ikemanfow Ikiroid Ilamb94 Ilikefood Ilikejuggling Ilyushka88 Imagine Wizard Immunize ImperatorExercitus Import007 Improbcat InarZan India Gate Iner22 Infernal495 Infinitjest Information Center Inks.LWC Insane99 InsufficientData Intelligentsium Isinbill IslaySolomon Ismashed Issyl0 Itishanand J Readings J. Finkelstein Jack Greenmaven Jackal lady luck JackSchmidt JacobS/userboxes JaimeLesMaths Jalalafzal James Brian Ellis James.tuba James500 JamesDerick Marco Jamesontai Jamietw Janarius Jaredsgo Jarkeld Jauerback Jay Pegg JayC Jayen466 JayWhitney Jcorry10 Jcrook1987 Jdcooper Je at uwo Jed 20012 Jeevesey Jeffwang Jester5x5 Jethwarp JetLover Jfredrickson JhjrGray Jimmy Pitt Jimothytrotter Jipinghe JJJJust Jlhiowa Jlivewell Jll JLV Jmbranum Jmenkus JMGWiki Jncraton Joaquin008 Jock Boy Joethepro Joeyman365 John P Sherman Johnanth JohnHWiki Jolenine Joler1 Jon Ace Jon Cates Josh3580 JPG-GR JPilborough Jpjacobs.00 Jpmanson JRA WestyQld2 JRHorse JSnit Julian854690 Junipers Liege Jusdafax Jutras Jutras90.1 K50 Dude Kadel Kai a simon Kaiserchrss Kanata Kid Kannie KarasuGamma Karl 334 Kateweb KathrynLybarger Katsp8 KaySL Kdaly100 Kedi the tramp Kedlav Kelapstick Keppa Kerotan Kershner KevinCuddeback Keystoneridin Kgregory Khalfani khaldun Killerserv Kim Dent-Brown King Evo VIII of Lancerlot King Lopez King of Hearts King Toadsworth KingAlex KingRatedRIV KittenSmacks Kneale Kohenkatz Korruski Ktr101 Kukamunga13 Kville105125 KYJustin Kyle1278 L888Y5 Lachybus LactoseTI Largoplazo LaughingReaper Laurap414 Laurinavicius Legalize Legoktm LeilaniLad Lelkesa Leoniceno Lex Kitten LFaraone Liaden Graham Liamr9983 Lid Lilaac Lionratz Lithpiperpilot Littledanno LittleOldMe Livitup Locos epraix Locoyooper Loftwyr Lolschoolishorrible Longliveemomusic Lord Pistachio LordAradon LordBoreal51 Lordkinbote LPoyoll Ltwin LUUSAP LUUWDA Macbookair3140 Madman587587 Maelnuneb Magioladitis Malc82 Mammal4 Manchester.united69 Mandarax Manderson198 Mar4d Marasmusine MarB4 Marcus Qwertyus Marine79 Mark Chung Mark Rossi Markdask Martinp23 Masky Masonpatriot Master Chief Petty Officer Master&Expert Math Champion Matt 0123 Matt5091 Mattbroon Matthew Brandon Yeager Matthew Yeager Matthewrbowker Mattl2001 Maxwelljones Mayalld Mazeau MC10 McDoobAU93 Mecha G 1 Mentifisto Mephistophelian Metiscus Mhs5392 Michael Greiner MichaelHenley MichaelQSchmidt Mickthefish Mike6271 Mike28968 Mikegrant Mikeymizrahi Mikhailov Kusserow Milton776 Minesweeper.007 Minimac Minyana Misterdiscreet MithrandirAgain Mithunc MJJFAN82 Mjs1991 Mkdw Mkdw VF Mlc409 Mnemeson Mod mmg Monica Linville Monkeymox Moogwrench MOOOOOPS Morenooso Moses0192 Motorheadfan7707 Mouse Nightshirt Mr. Stradivarius Mr. Vernon Mr.whiskers Mrdave2u Mrmatiko MrNerdHair MrRadioGuy Mrz1818 Mrzaius Mschilz20 Mscitizen Munchman Must...edit...wikipedia Mvjs Mycroft7 Mynameinc MyNameIsJasonBourne Mynameisnotpj Mystikravyn N Shar N4nojohn N419BH Na217253 Nabil rais2008 Nadav1 Nadav224 Narnat Natalie Erin Nathan Laing Nathan2055 NathanoNL Nazrila Nefariousopus Nefirious Nehwyn Neofish NerdyScienceDude New4321 Newmhost Newportm Newsaholic Newspaper98 Nick Wilson Nick37 NickSparrow Nickthearmenian12 NightFalcon90909 Nihola Nileena joseph Ninetyone Nitin.i.azam NitrogenTSRH Noface1 NoisyJinx Nol888 Nolelover Non-dropframe Noraft NostinAdrek NovaSTL Nsaa Nsevs Nwimber Nwpoliticalproject Nyctalopia Oddeven2002 OekelWm OfficerPhil Offiikart Ohpez Ojay123 OlEnglish Oliver202 OliverTwisted OlYeller21 OnePt618 Oniongas Onopearls ONUnicorn Oo7565 Opixantos Optiguy54 Orbitroderick Orthodoxpharoah OverlordQ Oxguy3 P-Chan Pagana ParalysedBeaver Parker2334 Pasta Patron Paste Paulbrock Paulwarchuk Pb30 Pbl1998 Peaceworld111 Pebblemind Penale52 Penguin0267 Peter E. James Pheonex Pianoplonkers Pianotech PIET-Rourkela Pigman Pinkadelica Pip2andahalf Pipedownson Pipedreamergrey Pirate452 PJmdJIm Pleasantfartsa Pleather Plhofmei Plumcouch Pmc Pmlineditor Pmussler PoinDexta1 Point-set topologist PokeYourHeadOff Pomingalarna Ponyo Porchcorpter Porterjoh Portillo PranksterTurtle Preston North End Dan Prince Stephen Printer222 Pstanton Pupster21 Pyrospirit Quiggers1P R4gn4r R4qu3t8411 7190 Racconish RaCha'ar Rachitrali RadioFan RadManCF Rafhan Shaukat Randomfrenchie Ratchet11111 Raunacq Ravenswing Razimantv Rbanzai Rcleong Rcsprinter123 Rctong Realkyhick Reallmmablogger Red Baboon RedRollerskate Refinnejann Rehnn83 Reichsfurst Res2216firestar Reywas92 Rfsjim Richard BB RichardColgate RichardOwen97 Richardrox RichMac RideABicycle RidG RightSideNov RingtailedFox Rintaminator Rio44 Riotrocket8676 RJM Rmzadeh Roaring Siren RobinHex Rockneedsasavior Rockstar915 Roger Danger Field Rogolo Rohit nit Romanskolduns Ronbo76 RoyalFool Roypramit RP459 RRuk/Intro Rsrikanth05 Rtyq2 Ruby2010 Ruinsofman Runningcupcake03 Russart 1999 Russellsaccount Ryan shell RyanCross Ryryrules100 Saberswordsmen1 Sabih omar Sabrebd Sacmajorosh Sacspe16 Saffi2k7 Sailing to Byzantium Sailsbystars Sainge.spin Sainsf Sallicio Salvio giuliano Samar SamB135 Sanjojose Saphalon Sarathoric Sarcasticninja Satori Son SB Johnny Sbluen Sboy365 Sc0ttkclark ScaldingHotSoup Scapler SchfiftyThree Scoochi2 ScottyBerg Scythre Sean Whitton Seba5618 Sebwite Seraphimblade Sexymax15 SGGH Sgiard Shaad lko Shadowjams Shadowlynk ShadowUltra ShakingSpirit Shakujo Shanata Shashwat986 Shawnhath Shicoco Shin368 Shiv 1010 ShootinPutin109 Shruti14 Sillybillypiggy SilverStar Simba3000 Sis and bro SJP Skamecrazy123 Skater Skeletor 0 Skraz Slasher600 Slashme Slayer4x4 Slgrandson Slyder Pilot Sm-germania SmartGuy Smcbuet SMcCandlish Smeagol2 Smithers45 Smokizzy Smsarmad Snap Happy Snottywong Snpp SoCalSuperEagle Socom49 Someguy1221 Somno Sooner Dave Sophie SorryGuy Soxrox45 SP4 Sp33dyphil SPat SpeakFree SpecMode Spick And Span Spitfire SpLoT Sprite7868 Squeezeweasel Squigish Srinivas Sslipper St ttb Starbox Status Stealth500 Steelerdon Stercorariuscyaneusparvulacataphractus Steve Sharpe Stezton Stickee Stifle Stijndon Stillwaterising StonedChipmunk StoptheDatabaseState Storabled Storkk Stormcloud22 Streetsabre Strikerforce Sttoj Sturm55 Stwalkerster Sudoku424 Sumsum2010 2 SunDragon34 Sunflowergal34 Superbeecat SuperEditor Supergamer101 Superslum Superstarwarsfan SurferSam Surfo59 Surplu SWAdair Swarm Swarupbose10 Sweetjollybakerman Sweetmat Swimnteach SwisterTwister Switchercat SWMNPoliSciProject Sykko T3chl0v3r Tadpole9 Taiku Talha Talhamian Tallen90 Tamer of hope Tarastar42 Targetter TaylorSAllen Tckma TeamIntegrity Ted87 Tejanse Teles TempGao Templarion Termiy Terrasidius Terrillja Terrx Tfmurphhk Tgies Thatperson The Bipolar Anon-IP Gnome The Fiddly Leprechaun The Final Chronicler The Haunted Angel The Talking Mac The4325 The4532 Thebestofall007 TheBressman TheCatalyst31 Thedarxide Thedewster TheDude2006 TheFSaviator Thehelpfulone Thejadefalcon TheJosh TheMadBaron Themaxviwe TheMolecularMan TheOtherBob ThePaintedOne Therexbanner Theseeker4 TheTito TheVaultDweller TheWeakWilled/Main Thewikiweedia Thewinchester TheXenocide TheZdrok Thompson.matthew ThreeDee912 Tiddly Tom Tidyrambo Tim Ross Timneu22 Timotheus Canens Tinkleheimer Tirkfl Toa Zach Tomd2712 Tommyjb TonyTheTiger Topperfalkon Topspinslams Toryt0821 Totorotroll Touch Of Light Transity Trident13 Trigam41 Trnj2000 TroubleBreathing Tt 225 Turgan Turnpenny Twejoel Twinkler4 Twinzor Twsx Txtrooper TYelliot Tyrenon Tyrol5 UKWiki UltraEdit Ultraviolet scissor flame Ummairsaeed Undead warrior Unforgiven24 UnfriendlyFire UnkleFester UnusualHero Usb10 Useight Uselesspearl Userafw Usrnme h8er Valentinejoesmith Vaniac Vanjagenije Varco Vegasthornton Venomcuz Verecreations Vgranucci VianneyfromJersey Vicenarian VideoGamer7175 Vipinhari Vishnu2011 Vishnuwiki Visium Vivio Testarossa Vltava 68 Voxpuppet VQuakr VRoscioli Vtsuperboi War wizard90 Warbirdadmiral Warfieldian WarthogDemon Water14 WATP Wcquidditch Webmaster G Whaatt What!?Why?Who? Whereizben Whispering Whitecirius Whiteguru Whomp Whose Your Guy Wickethewok WikiGlobal7 WikiHaquinator Wikipediarules2221 WikiTome Wikiwikihaha Wilbur2012 Wilbysuffolk Wildthing61476 Wilhelmina Will Will Pittenger Williamson1965 Willisis2 Willrocks10 Willscrlt Willy, your mate Wilstrup Winner 42 Wisdom89 Wj32 Wompa99 WookieInHeat Wooyi Wperdue Wrcmills Writelydie Wt is this WTGDMan1986 WVRMad Xaro XIDoL Yackthompson Yakatz Yarub Yavoh YeLLeY511 Yossiea Yousou Yowuza Yugayuga Yutsi Yy-bo Z0OMD ZacBowling Zachary crimsonwolf Zachlipton Zanotam Zell65 Zenlax Zephyr2k Zerbu Zeus Zhernovoi Zidonuke Zink Dawg Zldoty Zohaib ather Ztheday Zunraa ZX81 स स्वरुप |
Patrollers with Twinkle patroller userboxes as of 12 October 2011 linked
editPatrollers with Twinkle patroller userboxes as of 12 October 2011 plain list
editPatrollers with Twinkle patroller userboxes as of 12 October 2011 plain list
JRA WestyQld2 Mr. Vernon Rockneedsasavior Guy0307 Huadpe Timneu22 Zeus Snottywong Ajmint DitzyNizzy Cool110110 TheDude2006 UltraEdit Sallicio Europe22 Inks.LWC Yousou Cssiitcic Littledanno Antalope Didz93 Zell65 Ciphers InsufficientData Shin368 Bashum104 KingRatedRIV Habbouser Corruptcopper Richard BB GHOSTofJESTER Iner22 Pmlineditor I Grave Rob Tyrol5 5 albert square CrossHouses Vicenarian EvilFlyingMonkey Gosox5555 Yutsi Gosox5555 WOSlinker Intelligentsium JRA WestyQld2 Mr. Vernon Guy0307 Huadpe DitzyNizzy Cool110110 TheDude2006 UltraEdit Sallicio Europe22 Cssiitcic Littledanno Antalope Didz93 Ciphers Shin368 Bashum104 KingRatedRIV Habbouser Corruptcopper GHOSTofJESTER Iner22 Pmlineditor I Grave Rob CrossHouses Vicenarian Gosox5555 WOSlinker Intelligentsium Amiodarone Elminster Aumar Crimsonmargarine Amiodarone Elminster Aumar Fbifriday Darth Stabro Jethwarp Deadlyops Thompson.matthew Crimsonmargarine Binoyjsdk Shashwat986 Yutsi FunkyCanute Russart 1999 Timneu22 Tommyjb InarZan Infinitjest Hasteur 78.26 Sillybillypiggy$ WVRMad Usb10 WVRMad Johnanth/Userboxes Narnat InarZan GreatOrangePumpkin Assassin's Creed Jamietw Roypramit Karl 334 Crystal Linux Gavin.perch Arsenalbubs Sexymax15 Kudpung Jeffwang Caspertheghost Djkernen Mike28968 Wilbysuffolk DJRYRY11 Grim Littlez User talk:Darthedit Mike28968 Hamham31 Jackal lady luck |
Users who have patrolled more than 10 pages since 1 January 2011
editUsers who have patrolled more than 10 pages since 1 January 2011 plain list, no bots
2fort5r 2over0 03md 4meter4 4twenty42o 5 albert square 5dsddddd 7mike5000 12george1 25or6to4 28bytes 78. 84user 117Avenue 123Mike456Winston789 1549bcp $1LENCE D00600D A bit iffy A ntv A Stop at Willoughby A. Carty Abductive Abhishek191288 Abontorab99 Aboutmovies Abutorsam007 Abyssal Acabashi Acad Ronin Acather96 Acdixon Ace of Spades Aciram Acroterion Adabow Adam Bishop Adam Cuerden Adam sk AdAstra reloaded Add92 Addihockey10 Addshore Admrboltz Adwiii AerobicFox Afaber012 Afasmit Afernand74 Afil Afkatk Againme Agamemnon2 Agne27 Ahunt Ainzboogie Air55 Airplaneman Airproofing AjaxSmack Ajl772 Ajmint Ajsmith141 Al Ameer son Ala.foum Alan Liefting Alaney2k Alanl Alansohn Albacore Albert7777 Aldux Alekjds Aleksa Lukic Aleksandr Grigoryev Alex Bakharev Alexchen4836 Alexf Alexikoua Alexk785 Alexsautographs Alexxander3000 Alinor Alison Allen3 Allied45 AllyD Alpha Quadrant Altairisfar Alternativity Amakuru Amalthea AMAPO Amchow78 Americanfreedom Americasroof Amire80 Amit6 Amsaim AnakngAraw Andre Kritzinger Andre666 Andreas Philopater Andreasmperu Andrew Dalby Andrew Jameson Andrewa Andrewrabbott AndrewWTaylor Andries Androstachys Andrzejbanas Andy Dingley Andyjsmith AnemoneProjectors Angelo.romano Angr Ankit Maity Anna Frodesiak AnnekeBart Another Believer Anriz Ansumang Antandrus Antarctic-adventurer Anthem of joy Anthony Appleyard Antidiskriminator AntonioMartin Anypodetos Apcbg Apoc2400 Arbitrarily0 Arcadian ArcAngel Arch dude Archaios Arctic Night Areaseven Arfaz ArglebargleIV Argos'Dad Argyle 4 Life Aridd Arjuno3 Armbrust Armchair QB ArnoldReinhold AroundTheGlobe Arsenikk Art LaPella Arthur Rubin ArtVandelay13 ASDFGH Ash647 AshcroftIleum AshLin Asiaticus Assassin's Creed AssociateAffiliate Astrocog AstroHurricane001 Attilios Atulsnischal Aude Auntof6 AustralianRupert Autocracy Avenue Avenue X at Cicero Avicennasis AwamerT Awbeal AxelBoldt AxG Aymatth2 Þadius Azumanga1 B.wilson Babbage BabelStone Babuonwiki Bagheera Bahavd Gita Bahnfrend Bailo26 Balloonguy Balloonman Bamse Banana04131 Banaticus Banej Bar Code Symmetry Barrylb Baseball Bugs Baseball Watcher Basement12 Bashereyre Bashum104 Bastin Bazj Bazonka BD2412 Beach drifter Beagel Bearas Bearcat Bearian Beeblebrox Bejinhan Bejnar Beland Belovedfreak Ben Ben Ben MacDui Bencherlite Bender235 Benea Benjah-bmm27 Benjwong Bensin Bentogoa Benzband Berek Bermicourt Berton Beyond My Ken Bgt968 Bhockey10 Bib Big iron BigDom BigDwiki Bigturtle BilCat Bill william compton Billertl BillFlis Billinghurst Billy Hathorn BillyMoses Bine Mai Binksternet Biruitorul Biscuittin Bjmullan Bkell Bkonrad BKReruns Bkwillwm Black Falcon BlackJack Blanchardb Bleaney Bloodofox BlowingTopHat BlueEarth Bluefist Bluerasberry Bms4880 Bob Burkhardt Bob Castle Bob the Wikipedian Bob247 Bobak Bobherry Bobrayner Bogdangiusca Boghog Bogic Boleyn BomBom Bonadea Bongomatic Bongwarrior Boolyme Borgarde Borkificator Botteville Boud Bovineboy2008 BOZ Bped1985 BPK2 Brad101 Brambleclawx Brammers Brandmeister Brandonrush Breawycker Bretonbanquet Brewcrewer Brian in denver Brian the Editor Brianann MacAmhlaidh Brianhe Brianreading Briguy52748 Brookie BrownHairedGirl Bruce1ee Brudder Andrusha Bruinfan12 Bruno Ishiai Brunoptsem BRUTE Bsuorangecrush BTech United Btnikk Btphelps Buaidh Buckshot06 Bugboy52. Buggie111 BuickCenturyDriver Bulldog73 Bumm13 Burhan Ahmed Burpelson AFB BurtAlert BusterD Buttons to Push Buttons Bwmoll3 Bzuk C1k3 C628 Cacolantern CactusWriter Calabe1992 Calaka CaliforniaAliBaba Calistemon Calliopejen1 Calmer Waters Cambalachero CambridgeBayWeather Camerafiend Cameron Scott Camw Canadaolympic989 Canadian Paul CanadianLinuxUser Canley Carcharoth CaribDigita Carioca Carl Sixsmith Carlossuarez46 Carptrash Carrite CarTick Carwil Caseyjonz Casliber Caspertheghost Catfish Jim and the soapdish CaTi0604 Cattus Causa sui Cavila Cbl62 CBM Cburnett CeeGee Ceoil Ceradon Ceranthor Cerebellum Cerejota Ceyockey Cg2p0B0u8m Cgoodwin Chandan Guha Chandlerjoeyross Chanheigeorge Charles Edward Charles Matthews Charles01 CharlieDelta Chase me ladies, I'm the Cavalry Chaser Checco Chemical Engineer Cherryblossom1982 Chesdovi Choess Chris j wood Chris the speller Chris0693 Chrishmt0423 ChrisRuvolo Christian75 ChrisTofu11961 Chromancer Chubbles Chzz Ciclonkaiser Cindamuse Circeus Cirt Cj1340 Cjc811 CJCurrie CJLippert ClaretAsh Clariosophic Clarityfiend Clavdia chauchat Claviere ClemRutter Cliftonian Closeapple Closedmouth Cloudz679 Clubmarx Cmadler CMBJ Cmcnicoll Cmm3 Cmprince Cnilep Cntras Coasterlover1994 Coemgenus Cohee Colofac Colonel Warden ConcernedVancouverite ConconJondor Connormah Conops Conquistador2k6 Coolguy22468 Coolug Corruptcopper Cosprings Cossde 167 Courcelles Coyets Cplakidas Cptnono Craiglduncan Crazymonkey1123 Crazynas Crisco 1492 Crispmuncher Crosstemplejay Crunch Crusio Crusoe8181 Cryptic C62 Crystal Linux Cs-wolves Cssiitcic CT Cooper Ctjf83 Cuchullain Cuddy Wifter Cunard CutOffTies Cwmhiraeth Cybercobra Cybervoron Cyclonebiskit Cymru.lass Cynwolfe Daaviiid Dabomb87 Dac04 Daderot Daemonic Kangaroo Dahn Daicaregos DAJF Dalahäst Dale Arnett Damian Yerrick Damirgraffiti Damon.cluck Dan8700 Danaman5 Danger Daniel Case Danielklotz DanielRigal Danny 93 Danski14 DanTD Darkness Shines Darkwind DARTH SIDIOUS 2 Darwinek David Eppstein David Gerard David Straub David829 DavidCane Davshul Dawkeye Dawn Bard DB1985 Dbachmann Dcheagle Dcmacnut Dcoetzee DDima De728631 Deacon of Pndapetzim DeadlyAssassin Deadlyops Deanlaw Deb Deejayk DeFacto DeFaultRyan Delirium Demiurge1000 Demize Demize.public Dencod16 Denelson83 Dengero Dennis Brown Dentren DerBorg Derek R Bullamore Derfel73 Derild4921 Deryck Chan Destin Deutschgirl DeVerm Devourer09 Dewelar Deyyaz Dger DGG Diannaa Dicklyon Diego Grez Digirami Dimadick Dino Dinoguy2 Dipankan001 DIREKTOR Disavian Discospinster DISEman Dismas Dispenser DiverDave Divide et Impera Divingpetrel DJ Magician Man DJBullfish Djc wi Djembayz Djflem Djkernen Djln Djmaschek Djsasso Dl2000 DMacks Dmadeo DMighton Dmol Dn9ahx DoctorWho42 Docu DocYako DoDo Bird Brain Doktorbuk Dolovis Dolphin51 Dominus Donald Albury Donama DonCalo Doncram DonEd Donmike10 Doomgaze Dormskirk Doug butler Doug Coldwell Dough4872 Download Dpaajones Dr meetsingh Dr. Blofeld DragonflySixtyseven Dragons flight DragonZero Dramatic Dravecky Drdisque Dreadstar Dream out loud DrKiernan DrMicro Drmies DRosenbach Druryfire Drutt Dsp13 Dthomsen8 Dudeman5685 Dudesleeper Duffbeerforme DuncanHill DVdm Dwanyewest DWC LR Dweller DynamoDegsy Dysmorodrepanis Dystopos E Wing E-Kartoffel E-romance E. Ripley E2eamon Eagles247 Ealdgyth Earl Andrew Easchiff Eastlaw Eastmain Ebe123 Ebikeguy Ebyabe EchetusXe Eco84 Ed! 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Malcolmxl5 Malick78 Malik Shabazz Malkinann Malleus Fatuorum Mandarax Mandsford Manneken Pis Maple Leaf Mappase Mar4d Marasmusine MarB4 Marcbela Marcus Qwertyus Marcusmax Marek69 Marekchelsea Marine - MarizzaRojas Mark Sublette Markdask Markh991 Markussep Marrante Marshallsumter Martijn Hoekstra Marylandstater Masem Masonpatriot Materialscientist Mathewignash Matt5091 Mattbr Mattbuck Mattgirling Matthew hk MatthewGoodfan101 MatthewVanitas Matthias5 Mattinbgn Mattlore Mattythewhite MauchoEagle Maunus Maury Markowitz Max24 Maxim Maxim75 Mayumashu Mbakkel2 Mbch331 MBisanz Mblumber Mbrstooge MC10 McGill1974 MChew Mdnavman MDobrescu Mean as custard Meelar Mega60 Meganmccarty Melaen Melburnian Melchoir Memphisto Menchi Meno25 Meodipt Mephistophelian Merbabu Mercurywoodrose Mercy11 Merovingian Mervyn Metiscus Metricopolus Metropolitan90 Mgiganteus1 Mgreason Mhiji Mhking Mhockey Mhym Michael Bednarek Michael Hardy MichaelBillington Michaelmas1957 Michfan2123 Michig Michitaro MickMacNee Midnightblueowl Midrashah Midway Mijotoba Mikael Häggström Mike Christie Mike Peel Mike Searson MikeAllen MikeBeckett Mikek56 Mikenorton MikeWazowski MilborneOne Miller17CU94 Milo03 Milonica Milosppf Milowent Mindmatrix Minimac Miracle Pen Mission Fleg MisterBee1966 Mistico Mitchazenia Miyagawa MJ94 MJBurrage MJHankel Mjroots Mkativerata Mlaffs Mlpearc Mmcannis Mo ainm Mobile Snail Mohrflies Mohsen1248 MONGO Montanabw Montell 74 Monty845 Moocha Moogwrench Moondyne Moongateclimber Moonraker Moonriddengirl Morbidthoughts Morning star MoRsE Moswento Motacilla Motmit MotorsportPete93 Mouse Nightshirt Mr Hall of England Mr. Stradivarius Mr. Vernon Mr.Apples2010 Mr.Z-man Mrfeek Mrmatiko Mrmewe MrsHudson Mrwojo Msrasnw Mtking MTLskyline Mtsmallwood Muboshgu Muchness Mudwater Muhammadhani Muhandes Mukerjee Murgh MusiCitizen Musimax Mutt MuZemike Mxn My Core Competency is Competency My76Strat MyNameWasTaken Mystia Lorelei Mzajac N5iln N419BH 272 Nabla Nafsadh Nameless User Namiba Nancy Nanobear Narthring Nascar1996 Nasnema NatGertler Nath1991 Nathan2055 Natsubee Nbarth Necrothesp NED33 Neddyseagoon Nedim ArdoÄŸa Neelix Neko-chan Neo139 Neonblak Nepenthes Nephron Neptune 123 Neutrality New Age Retro Hippie Newm30 Ng.j Ngchikit Ngs61 NHRHS2010 Niagara NiciVampireHeart Nick Wilson Nick-D NickCT Nicknack009 NielsenGW Nigel Ish Night of the Big Wind Nightscream Nightstallion Nihonjoe Nikki311 Nikkimaria Nima Farid Nima1024 Nimbus227 Ninetyone Nitsansh NJR ZA Nlu No such user Noboyo Noclador Node ue Noel baran Noetica Noformation Nolelover Nomader Non-dropframe Nono64 Noommos Noq Nora lives Norden1990 NorthernThunder NortyNort Not your siblings' deletionist Notafly NotAnonymous0 Notaussie Notjamesbond Notorious4life Nouse4aname NovaSkola Novice7 Novickas Npeters22 Nsaa NSH001 NThomas Ntsimp NuclearWarfare Number Nunh-huh Nurmsook Nv8200p NYC2TLV NYMets2000 Nyttend Nz101 O'Dea Obi2canibe Objectivesea Obsidian Soul Oceanh OCNative Oddbodz Odie5533 Offenbach Officially Mr X Offiikart Ohconfucius OldakQuill OlEnglish Olivier Oltianruci OlYeller21 Omegastar OnePt618 Oo7565 OohBunnies! 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Scanlan Scapler Schmausschmaus Schmiebel SchrutedIt08 SchuminWeb Schwede66 Scientizzle Scillystuff Scooteristi Scope creep Scorpion0422 ScottSteiner ScottyBerg Scoty6776 Scrivener-uki SDC Sealman Seaphoto Seascapeza Seb az86556 Sebbe Sebwite Secondarywaltz Secret Seduisant Seegoon Selket Sellyme Ser Amantio di Nicolao Serasuna Serendipodous Sesel Several Times Severo Sf5xeplus Sfsorrow2 SGGH Sgroupace Shaad lko Shadowjams Shadowlynk Shadygrove2007 Shaidar cuebiyar Shaliya waya Shamrox Shannon1 Shashwat986 Shawn in Montreal Sheeana Sheensmith ShelfSkewed Shell Kinney Shem1805 Sherlock4000 Shiftchange Shii Shimgray Shire Reeve Shirt58 Shovon76 Shuipzv3 Shyamal Shyamsunder Siddhartha Ghai Sideways713 SidP SiefkinDR SilentBobxy2 SilkTork Sillyfolkboy Silver seren Simon Burchell Simon nelson SimonP SimonTrew Simply south Simuliid Singularity42 Sir Pawridge Sir Sputnik Sitush Sj Sjc196 Skäpperöd Skamecrazy123 Skarmee Skcpublic Skeezix1000 Skier Dude Skinsmoke Skizzik Skomorokh Skookum1 Sky Harbor Skyman9999 Skysmith SL93 Slambo Slashme Slgrandson SlimVirgin Slon02 Slowking4 Smallbones Smalljim Smallman12q Smartse SMcCandlish Smetanahue Smith03 Smith609 Smokefoot Smokeybjb Snappy Snek01 673 SNIyer12 Snottywong Snowmanradio Snpp Soap SoCalSuperEagle Soccer-holic Sodabottle Sologoal Soman Some Wiki Editor Sonez1113 Sonia Sonjaaa Sopher99 Sophus Bie Soul Crusher SoWhy SP-KP Sp33dyphil SpacemanSpiff Spacepotato Spacini Spanneraol Spartaz SpeakFree Spencer Spinningspark Spitfire SportsMaster Spshu Spyder Monkey SQGibbon Squidonius Sreifa Srnec Ssilvers Sswonk St8fan STA3816 Stalwart111 StAnselm Starblind Starbois Starkiller88 Starstriker7 StaticGull Steamroller Assault Stemonitis Stepheng3 Stevage Steve Quinn Steven Walling Steven Zhang SteveO Stevey7788 Stevouk Stevvvv4444 Stickee Stifle Stone Stormbay Stoshmaster Strikehold Strikerforce Struway2 Stuartyeates Student7 Sturmvogel SudoGhost Suffusion of Yellow SummerWithMorons Sumsum2010 SunCountryGuy01 SunCreator Superbeecat SuperEditor SuperHamster Superzohar Suriel1981 Sushiflinger Sushiya Svejk74 Swampyank Swarm Sweet kate Sweetmat Swimnteach SwisterTwister SWMNPoliSciProject Swpb T L Miles T. Anthony Tabletop Taelus Tagishsimon Tainter Taiwantaffy Takabeg Takamaxa TakuyaMurata Tampabay721 Tarheel95 Tarret Tassedethe Tatterfly Tbennert Tbhotch Tckma TDogg310 Tea with toast Teatreez Tedder Teemu08 Tegel Teles Templarion Tenebrae Tenmei TenPoundHammer Tentontunic TerriersFan Terrillja Tesscass Tewapack Tgeairn Thaf ThatPeskyCommoner The Anome The Blade of the Northern Lights The Bushranger The Earwig The ed17 The Elves Of Dunsimore The High Fin Sperm Whale The Interior The JPS The Last Angry Man The Man in Question The Rambling Man The Red The Transhumanist The-Pope The359 Thebestofall007 TheBigJagielka TheCatalyst31 Thecheesykid TheCoffee TheCuriousGnome Thefourdotelipsis TheFSaviator Thehoboclown Theilert Thekillerpenguin Theking17825 Thelmadatter Thelostmohigan TheMadBaron Themeparkgc Themfromspace TheMovieBuff Themself Theornamentalist ThePaintedOne ThePCKid Therexbanner Thermokarst Theroadislong TheTito TheWeakWilled Thewellman Thief12 This, that and the other Thmazing Thompson.matthew Thryduulf Thue Thumperward Tiamut Tibetan Prayer Tibullus Tide rolls Tideflat Tigershrike Tikiwont Tillman Tim Ivorson Tim riley Tim! 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Wiki-uk WikiCopter Wikid77 WikiDan61 Wikidea Wikidemon Wikiglobaleditor Wikipelli Wilbur2012 Wilbysuffolk WildCherry06 Wildthing61476 Wilhelmina Will Will Beback William Leadford Williamb Winner Wintonian Wireless Keyboard Wizard191 Wizardman Wjemather Wknight94 Wmcewenjr Wmpearl WolfmanSF Woohookitty Worm That Turned Wouterstomp Wrightaway Wrightchr Wurstwicht WWGB Wwoods Xanthoxyl Xeno Xeworlebi XLerate Xufanc Xyl Y Yaksar Yankees10 Yk Yk Yk Ykvach Ymblanter Yngvadottir Ynhockey Yoenit Yoninah Yorkshiresky Your Lord and Master YUL89YYZ Yulia Romero Yutsi Yzx Z33k Zacharie Grossen Zachlipton Zadus Zafonic Zagalejo Zakhalesh Zanimum Zanoni Zell65 Zenithfel Zerbu Zginder Zhernovoi Zigzig20s ZjarriRrethues ZooPro Zozo2kx Zscout370 Zunraa Zyxw ZZ86 Zzyzx11 |
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MrScorch6200 | 130 | | Jaaron95 | 128 | | MrX | 127 | | [[user:Jorm]] | 126 | | RobertsBiology | 125 | | Tr00rle | 124 | | Khocon | 121 | | Smokey2022 | 121 | | Vrac | 120 | | Willy Weazley | 118 | | Rasel lio | 115 | | Ayub407 | 115 | | Zhantongz | 110 | | Rambunctious Racoon | 110 | | Joshua | 110 | | Terrortank | 110 | | Whalestate | 107 | | PawanAhuja | 107 | | Ian Lancaster | 106 | | BranStark | 106 | | Jersey92 | 106 | | Owais Khursheed | 105 | | BU Rob13 | 105 | | GoldenRing | 105 | | Austin131 | 105 | | Pmussler | 104 | | Veritas77777 | 104 | | Sarahj2107 | 103 | | Rent A Troop | 103 | | Dodger67 | 103 | | Noah Salzman | 103 | | Jonas Vinther | 101 | | VanishedUser sdu9aya9fs786 | 100 | | Woohookitty | 99 | | Libby norman | 98 | | Caliburn | 98 | | Denimadept | 97 | | Euphoria42 | 96 | | Elnecio247 | 94 | | ԱշոտՏՆՂ | 92 | | LavaBaron | 92 | | Graeme Bartlett | 92 | | Smileverse | 91 | | Pahazzard | 91 | | Qasaur | 90 | | Mycomp86 | 89 | | Baligema | 89 | | The Fab Five | 89 | | 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| 220 of Borg | 41 | | I JethroBT | 41 | | Eustachiusz | 41 | | Zakhx150 | 41 | | Oshwah | 40 | | EdGl | 40 | | NorthBySouthBaranof | 40 | | Another Believer | 40 | | Strike Eagle | 39 | | GLG GLG | 39 | | DiscantX | 38 | | Lucky102 | 38 | | Lightbreather | 38 | | Zarghun11 | 38 | | Djcheburashka | 38 | | Ceyockey | 37 | | Commamooedor | 37 | | Crow | 37 | | Francinum | 37 | | Xpctr8 | 37 | | Hellbrix25 | 37 | | Mz7 | 37 | | Pinfinder1 | 36 | | Peppy Paneer | 36 | | Goblins77 | 36 | | Kevin12xd | 35 | | The Herald | 35 | | DN-boards1 | 35 | | Ymblanter | 35 | | Becksguy | 35 | | Cahk | 35 | | Chsh | 35 | | Kansiime | 35 | | Aytea | 34 | | IdreamofJeanie | 34 | | Fish storm | 34 | | Lelindaelizabeth | 34 | | Asukite | 34 | | STJMLCC | 34 | | SBaker43 | 34 | | Tek022 | 34 | | Walkabout14 | 34 | | Josve05a | 34 | | Hashima20 | 33 | | Vadgt | 33 | | Crh23 | 33 | | Arr4 | 33 | | Northamerica1000 | 33 | | Unit388 | 33 | | Versace1608 | 33 | | Parrot773 | 33 | | StewdioMACK | 32 | | Gmaildamn | 32 | | L235 | 32 | | Imaginatorium | 32 | | Burklemore1 | 32 | | Virophage | 32 | | Enj481216 | 32 | | Non-dropframe | 32 | | DarthWriter | 32 | | Mobsdarkby | 31 | | Demize | 31 | | Wieno | 31 | | Kiwi128 | 31 | | Bensci54 | 31 | | Capitalismojo | 31 | | 333-blue | 31 | | Rahuloof | 30 | | QatarStarsLeague | 30 | | Kaitymh | 30 | | Cyberdog958 | 30 | | Salimfadhley | 30 | | Lajosgents | 30 | | Alpedio | 30 | | Lynctekrua | 30 | | Gaelan | 30 | | Deskolinsore | 30 | | Callmemirela | 29 | | Iñaki Salazar | 29 | | Jamesmcmahon0 | 29 | | Da Drewster | 29 | | MopSeeker | 29 | | Athulbnair | 29 | | MuZemike | 29 | | Diannaa | 28 | | Delibzr | 28 | | PanchoS | 28 | | Athikhun.suw | 28 | | Alpha Monarch | 28 | | Talain | 28 | | TNTdonut | 27 | | KevCor360 | 27 | | Patricia.helen2014 | 27 | | Arcticgriffin | 27 | | AKS.9955 | 27 | | GeoffreyT2000 | 27 | | | 27 | | Gioleganni | 26 | | Vdhillon | 26 | | Psemmler | 26 | | C.Fred | 26 | | Shoy | 26 | | MelanieN | 26 | | Ankitreloaded | 26 | | SPIKE SPIKE BAD | 26 | | AmaryllisGardener | 26 | | SD0001 | 25 | | BethNaught | 25 | | HgandVenus | 25 | | Indiuser | 25 | | BoxofPresents | 25 | | Largoplazo | 25 | | Andreas Philopater | 24 | | Ababcdc1 | 24 | | ȸ | 24 | | JLOPO | 24 | | Liance | 24 | | 6033CloudyRainbowTrail | 24 | | Boddefan2009 | 24 | | James1011R | 24 | | Pokechu22 | 23 | | Lemonmelonsuperstar | 23 | | Annas86 | 23 | | Geneliahamster | 23 | | 78.26 | 23 | | Pharaoh of the Wizards | 23 | | Slashme | 23 | | MJ94 | 22 | | VandVictory | 22 | | Happy Wisdom | 22 | | Dylanfromthenorth | 22 | | Tangledupinbleu chs | 22 | | Jhill270 | 22 | | LightiningShadow | 21 | | GreatMarkO | 21 | | Bmicomp | 21 | | Trout71 | 21 | | Yellow Dingo | 21 | | Weedwacker | 21 | | Marcosoldfox | 21 | | Chess | 21 | | Kikichugirl | 21 | +----------------------------+------------+ 458 rows in set (39.57 sec) |
Stats required to complete current research
editSortable Wikitable:
- All users who have patrolled new pages using Page Curation over the past 12 moths (or 24 months if possible)
- Date of first edit of those users
- Edit count of those users
- Last edit of those users
- Total Number of patrols made by each user
- Date of first patrol made by these users
- Date of last patrol made by these users
March 2015 - March 2016
editThis means in effect that:
- 1165 patrollers in sample period
- 8.4% [1] (that's nearly 10%!)(98) indeff blocked. Several of these were directly related to Orangemoody (which of course is ongoing).
- 39.3% (458) joined Wikipedia during the sample period
- 39.3% (132) had less than 100 edits
- 28.4% (331) had less than 500 edits
- 9.87% (115) had 501 to 1000 edits
- 36.2% (422) had more than 5,000 edits
- 48% (558) made only 1 - 10 patrolls
- 12% (139) made only 1 patrol. 70.5% of these are accounts over 2 years old, many of them very old (including several admins), suggesting that these are established users just looking in to test the system.
- Not many admins among the 'regular' patrollers:
- Kudpung 674
- DGG 460
- Graeme Bartlett 92
- Ymblanter 47
- Randykitty 3
- -DGG and Kudpung of course are the two users mostly concerned with investigating the performance of the NPP system
edit- Correlation between edit count and number of patrols: r = 0.055 (p = 0.057, ≈ 0.05). This means that the distribution of number of patrols is mostly regardless of edit count; if it were not, there is a 5.7% probability of receiving more extreme results. Mean edit count: 11266 ± 3752 (95%). Mean patrols: 182 ± 71 (95%).
New Page Reviewer performance
editNew Page Reviewer performance from 1 Nov 2016 to 22 Feb 2017
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Stats by courtesy of User:Cryptic Users who either have at least one curation since 2016-11-01, or who currently have the New Page Reviewer right (and not just from being an admin), are listed. Last edit is shown only for users who currently have the right. Sources: quarry:query/8689, quarry:query/9134, quarry:query/16640, quarry:query/16652.
{{collapsebottom} See alsoedit |