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  • This is what's behind the "cut and choose" method of sharing treats. Typically, when two children are sharing a cookie or cupcake or something like that, one child divides the treat into two portions, but the other child gets to pick which portion he/she wants, making it wise for the first child to cut it as evenly as possible.
  • The kinds of people (especially Americans) who think living in a post-apocalyptic world would be "cool" tend to use this fallacy. They assume that in a world with no law, order, or government, they could do whatever they want and would thrive. But they fail to realize that the whole "do whatever you want" thing wouldn't just apply to themselves, it would apply to everyone else. Many think that "raiding a store" would be sufficient enough to let them live comfortably, ignoring that pretty much everyone else would be trying to raid the stores too -- and without farms or other agricultural infrastructure, sooner or later the stores will just run out. If you want to survive at all, you're pretty much forced to go back to subsistence farming and premodern standards of living. This also presumes that they will survive to be part of the post-apocalypse in the first place. Every doomsday-prepper presumes they won't get killed during a nuclear war, a ZombieApocalypse, a meteor shower, an AlienInvasion alien or demonic invasion... etc. Those who yearn for the Rapture also assume that they will be one of those taken to Heaven (especially if their confession mentions having limited seats). Many disaster movies don't clearly portray what you can comfortably [[InferredHolocaust presume are >90% human casualties]].
  • In a similar vein, fandom arguments over which fictional world fans would rather live in tend to revolve around PowerFantasy power fantasies of becoming a famous hero beloved by all and kicking major ass. In Japan, these wish-fulfillment fantasies are basically responsible for the entire {{isekai}} and {{harem genre}}s. Few participants tend to consider that, given probabilities are decidedly against any particular person being TheHero, they're far more likely to wind up as one of the normal people of TheVerse, for whom these same fictional worlds tend to be extremely difficult to survive. Two major exceptions to the rule are Franchise/StarTrek, because the standard of living in the Federation for average Joes is actually pretty good (and the Federation is one of the SpaceFillingEmpire biggest power blocs, which helps the odds of ending up there), and TabletopGame/{{Warhammer 40000}}, because it being the Crapsackiest of {{Crapsack World}}s is basically the whole point of the setting: 40k fans like to joke that Franchise/StarWars fans want to live in Star Wars, Franchise/StarTrek fans want to live in Star Trek, but 40k fans do not want to live in 40k.
  • Eugenics proponents generally assume that the populations which have favorable genes are theirs and the populations which need to die off are not their own (nor anyone they know). Similarly, those who prophesy a Malthusian catastrophe unless the human population level drops (through war, pandemic, or the like) tend to assume that "those other people" will be the ones to kick off and leave room for everyone else.
  • For a variant, conspiracy theorists tend to think like this, but in the present tense. They assume that whatever chemical has been fed into the water supply, or whatever radio waves are dumbing down the populace, that they are somehow immune and therefore able to perceive the truth, and are not one of the "sheeple" that they so deride.
  • When people ask one another, for fun, "If you could live in any historical time period, what would it be," the question contains the assumption that the answer does not include being a humble peasant, who would usually live the extremely mundane life of some Joe Schmoe (even if it was not without its joys).
  • Indian and Chinese parents who decide in favor of the abortion of female fetuses, and try for a boy, believing that they will, in twenty years or so, be the ones who get to be paid money for their son's hand in marriage, and obtain a daughter-in-law who will work for them. What they often fail to consider is that everyone else has the same idea, leading to a GenderRarityValue scarcity of women, that might lead to their son not being able to marry at all -- the National Population and Family Planning Commission of China estimated that by 2020 there will be 30 million more men than women in the country. The governments can see where this is going and try to counteract it, but the individual people not so much. In China's case the one-child policy that had been in effect for 35 years exacerbated the problem as parents wanted the only child they were allowed to have to be a boy.
  • People who like to use the phrase "YouCantMakeAnOmelette without breaking a few eggs" rarely volunteer themselves to be the "eggs" to be "broken", or even consider the possibility.
  • Creator/AynRand would reassure her followers who feared they were the "parasites" she railed against by telling them that because they had AppealToFlattery superior taste in ItsAllAboutMe reading material, they were among the "perfect producers" who would inherit the world.
  • This theory is behind the quote [paraphrased from] Creator/JohnSteinbeck, "Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat, but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires". That is, though they are currently poor, they think they'll be among the tiny number of poor people to become extremely rich somehow, and so are against things intended to help the poor that could be bad for the rich.
  • Many anonymous Category:Pages with templates in the wrong namespaces defend their offensive behavior online (not to be confused with voicing unpopular but valid opinions) by claiming they're entitled to free speech. They're quick to OhCrap react in horror when other people find out who they really are and exercise their right to free speech to expose them to the public.
  • This is one of the reasons for religious individuals who oppose establishing a state religion in their country. Once the precedent is set that the government can favor a specific religion, it could end up not being yours.
  • One of the reasons to advocate for tolerance in general is that one day your religion (or lack thereof), viewpoint, race, or way of life might be either the majority or at least look like it's on the up and up. Then demographics change a little and a few people do some unpleasant things in the name of your side. Suddenly public opinion is against you, and if you weren't advocating tolerance of others, chances are nobody will show any mercy toward you.
    • Or you become part of the group you hate. For example, there are plenty of people who have been prejudiced against the disabled, only to later become one of them. It's even worse if becoming a member of a hated group is inevitable, such as becoming a senior citizen.
    • Or often-mocked professions. Sure, you can insult, say, AcceptableProfessionalTargets lawyers or the police, even saying that the world would be better off without them altogether. Until you're in a situation where you need them.
    • Most people who propose cuts to programs dedicated to helping the homeless or unemployed never consider the possibility that they might end up homeless or jobless, only seeing said cuts as a convenient way to finance tax cuts...that might not even benefit them as much as they'd like to think.
  • General audiences love the idea of a BrutalHonesty brutally honest JerkassHasAPoint Jerkass with a point taking down people's arguments and worldview with biting wit and ruthless long as the people they are taking down don't represent them. As soon as said Jerkass brings up AwfulTruth uncomfortable truths about them rather than their enemies or another party, they begin demanding civility and understanding, regardless of whether or not they did so for other targets of said Jerkass. A version of this can be seen in the audiences of stand-up comedians who have racially-charged schticks. Members of the audience will laugh and applaud offensive jokes, and then suddenly stop laughing when the jokes are aimed at their race/gender/whatever. This can vary from culture to culture, however. African-American comedians, for example, have been telling self-deprecating jokes about their own for decades. This would've counted as a subversion, until Series/ChappellesShow hit it big, and Chappelle found out that many racists were taking his jokes at face value and using them to justify their beliefs. See ModernMinstrelsy for more examples.
  • Most people who advocate using violence to solve problems (especially the lethal kind) think they're the ones in a position of strength. They often aren't. In general, a SocialDarwinist who believes in MightMakesRight will quickly change his mind if a) AlwaysABiggerFish Someone stronger than him is challenging him, b) The 'strongest side' is one that he can't be a part of or c) The side that 'wins' is one he disagrees with or uses tactics that the Darwinist doesn't associate with "strength", such as subterfuge or treachery (or even is MovingTheGoalposts just perceived as using subterfuge or treachery). From the opposite perspective people who call those that used violence against their oppressors "terrorists" are almost never willing to be the oppressed side.
  • This is a common point made by both sides in the debate over how society in general, or specific institutions, should handle accusations of various crimes, especially hard-to-prove things like sexual assault. Proponents of swift punishment for accused wrongdoers often overlook that they too might be accused, while those who favor a more gradual and deliberate process often fail to picture themselves as a victim waiting for slow justice.
  • As noted by UsefulNotes/AbrahamLincoln, slavery apologists who argue that slavery really isn't that bad or is HappinessInSlavery actually a good thing will almost never be willing to switch places with a slave. Many such slavery advocates in the Americas (where slavery had been explicitly race-based) would try to justify this by (rather conveniently) arguing that slavery was only meant for black people, ignoring the fact that many cultures had existed (and some still did at the time) where it was considered perfectly acceptable to enslave white people. Indeed, the concept of "white slavery" was generally considered the most horrifying prospect in the world to the same white men who themselves owned black slaves.
  • People who are in favor of the addition of extra hoops to jump through to be able to vote, or are against anything that would make voting easier, to make sure as little voting fraud as possible happens tend to assume two things: that all fraudulent votes (or at least a large majority of them) are supporting the candidates they don't want to see elected and that anti-fraud measures won't (at least not significantly) hurt turnout for voters who support the candidates they do want to see elected.
  • Happens all the time in politics, as the party in power tends to assume they will stay in power and neglects to consider what an opposing party could do with the precedents they're setting. A perfect example would be the "nuclear option" (abolition of the filibuster) in the U.S. Senate. Democrats were having trouble getting justices appointed, so they invoked this "nuclear option" in 2013 on all appointments except Supreme Court justices. In the next election, the political pendulum swung back to the right, and the Republicans doubled down in 2017 by also extending it to Supreme Court appointments, to get several conservative justices appointed. Then power swung back to the Democrats in 2021...
  • Some traditionalist Catholics on the extreme right end of the spectrum argue that the Second Vatican Council was wrong in propounding freedom of religion as a human right, and thus not surprisingly advocate for the return of a TheTheocracy Confessional State. That a widespread resurgence of confessional states (with concomitant restrictions on religious freedom for minority religions) this would likely backfire for Catholics in many, many countries (including the United States, the UK, Germany, Scandinavia, Russia, pretty much anywhere in Asia) seems not to bother them too much. That practicing Catholics are a minority in most Western countries might actually make it easier for them to hold to such an idea: It's so extremely unlikely to happen in their own backyard, thus they only have to deal with the confessional state as an ideal, not as a potential reality they themselves might have to operate in. Were a truly Catholic confessional state actually in existence (and one that enforced the anti-heresy and anti-blasphemy laws that they regard as obligatory), it might backfire for them in ways that are very personal. It's one thing to say that, in theory, heretics should burn; it's another thing to hand over Pastor Bob, the Methodist minister whom you have a beer with every Friday at the local bar, over to a tribunal for the capital crime of heresy.
  • [During a widespread 1620s witch hunt] in the UsefulNotes/HolyRomanEmpire, the Duke of Brunswick, [Friedrich Ulrich], became TortureIsIneffective skeptical of the use of torture to elicit confessions to witchcraft, and tested his hypothesis by inviting two Jesuits overseeing the Inquisition who defended the practice to him to witness a woman being racked. He told the prisoner he suspected the two men of being warlocks, and the woman promptly accused the Jesuits of witchcraft. The Duke then sarcastically suggested the baffled Jesuits in turn be tortured for confessions. One of these men, [Friedrich Spee], published a book titled Cautio Criminalis in 1631 that helped end the witch scares and influenced the abolition of torture in Europe and the Americas, including the passage of the Eighth Amendment to the US Constitution.
  • Rand Paul, senator of Kentucky, has a long history of opposing aid or disaster relief to disaster-hit regions. He proceeded to ask President Joe Biden for relief in a tweet when Kentucky got hit by tornadoes.

Fake Secret/Rumor/Unofficial (already Hornbuckle, Nimbus Terrafaux, Belokk) 1.Red Robin 2.Pedro 3.Emerald 4.Aqua 5.Zebron

Chapter 1: Who Writes This Crap?

Tis another beautiful day in a city a few miles away from Dante's hometown of... wherever the hell in America he lives that the creators were too lazy to bring up, not that any wise Divine Being as myself, Snarkeous Le-Moni Narratus, the God of Wise Quips, should expect any better from you hairless apes. Anyway, we most stay focused on the "story" at hand. Dante and Trish are just entering a book store.

"Why are you making me wear this tie with this suit?" Dante whispered to Trish. "And why couldn't I bring my duster?"

"It makes us look more like authentic investigators dressed this way," Trish answered as they made their way to the front counter.

"Authenticity? Yeah, like any FBI Agent would really be having that much of their cleavage exposed?"

"That's why it's called Seduction."

"Oh, God, No. I don't need to be reminded of our first game and that Odysseus Complex crap."

"You mean Oedipus Complex?"

"Yes, can I help you?" the Cashier ask them.

"I'm Agent Danielle Burgio," Trish said as she pulled out a counterfeit FBI badge "Oh, and this my partner Langdon. We have some questions to ask about a disappearance that happened two days ago. When was the last time you saw-"

"Oh, I see what trying to do." The cashier said trying to hold back some chuckles.

"What do you mean?" Dante asked as he was preparing to reach for Ebony in what may be a potential confrontation.

"LARPing as those Detectives that save the world from Demons in those Light Novels by Hideki Kamiya."

"Excuse me?" Trish Inquired.

"Yeah right, like you've never heard of The Devil May Cry novels."

"Wait, you mean the one named after the Devil May Cry detective agency," Dante asked.

"Oh, you know about that Albino lunatic who claims that he's half demon and some silly shit."

"Yeah, I've heard of him," Dante said hiding his anger.

"Well we've got plenty of Devil May Cry novels-Like the latest one."

Dante and Trish were taken aback upon seeing the novel of which its cover included two figures with a surprisingly close resemblance to Dante and Nero posing below its title "Devil May Cry: Deadly Inheritance Azure".

"That incident on Fortuna was two weeks ago!" Dante exclaimed.

"Yes, so?" The Cashier bewilderedly asked.

"Do you have any more of these books?"

"That isn't what we-" Trish challenged Dante.

"That can wait." Dante whispered.

It is then that they take the collection of books back to the shop to see this surprising chronicle of their lives.

"Somebody please tell me this is Lady trying to pull some elaborate prank on us," Dante asked as he looked at the collection of books before him which includes "Devil May Cry-Before the Rise of Teminigru," "Dante's Awakening", "Vergil's Bloody Quest", "The Dark Emperor Strikes Back", "Tales of Alighieri City", "Deadly Inheritance Azure", "The Dark Slayer Returns", and "Devil May Cry Future: Uroboros City Stories."

"Unless she's developed psychic and clairvoyant powers without telling any of us, I highly doubt it," Morrison said.

"Well whatever person gets there kicks out of stealing the feats from my life for own work is going to get their ass kicked".

"Oh, come on you cry baby," Morrison retorted as he was reading through a random set of pages of a book. "What's the worst that could happen letting- Wait is that where you got those kinky names of the attacks with Lucifer from?" he stopped as he couldn't look away from certain lurid passages.

"Did you ever go to your school dance with a tran-?"

"Someone wrote that in there!?" Morrison interrupted before he cleared his throat. "Yes, Point taken".

"I'm afraid I've got more bad news" Trish announced.

To be Continued In Chapter two: Slash Fiction.

Before I continue, I'd wish to acknowledge some of the ideas that LegionZero had thought of in another Blog post that I had written. Here are some things I'd like to see in a potential DMC2 remake. As I noted in an earlier blog post, these are just my ideas. To quote Hideaki Kamiya

  • 1. Storyline: It would start off showing Dante traversing the Demon world trying to find a way out to return to the Human world and then comes across a medallion that allows him to send messages to himself back in time (Yeah I know it's copying an idea used in MK9, but it was a clever way of justifying a reboot/remake with an in-universe explanation.) The story reoccurs with some subtle changes brought about by an unseen presence acting in the background.
  • 2. Humor: I'd say that I'd like it for Dante (who I'd like to be voiced in DMC2 remake by Nolan North, who also voices Nathan Drake and also has a habit of making snarky remarks regarding some of the absurd situations he finds himself in) to have some Medium awareness in knowing that he exists in a video game (but not to any Deadpool level of outright breaking the forth wall) and poking fun at the absurdity of some of things in his world in comparison to the real world. EX1:
    • Arius: [gives a long winded speech explaining in the hammiest way possible].
    • Dante: Wow [pointing in the top right area of screen]! The cliché meter is really pegged now.


    • Dante: Alright scumbags [About to pull out Rebellion as a horde of demons surround him and Lady], let's dance!!! [quickly pulls out a small notebook out of his inner coat pocket and checks off a checklist of stock badass one-liners].
    • Lady: [annoyed] Really?
    • Dante: Hey, I might forget to check it off by the time this is over.

In addition, I would also have Dante making snarky potshots at "God" (which in-universe refers to DMC equivalent to God, but out of universe clever refers to the creators of the Video game) for plot holes and mocking the "lesser divinities" (referring to the player) when ever he/she performs poorly. EX:

    • Dante: Well that's the end of this ordeal. [Portal to Demon world suddenly opens even though the ritual didn't have the Medaglia coin needed to open it. Dante nonchalantly turns around].
    • Lucia: But the ritual is incomplete. How can the portal to the Demon world be open?
    • Dante: (in a deadpan annoyed manner) Yeah, what kind of a god writes this crap?
  • 3. Gameplay aspects: The combat mechanics basically be copied from DMC4. However one new in regard to gameplay I'd really like to see would being able to go around Uroboros City and the old town of Dumory Island along the lines of Haven City in Jak II (that game really deserves more love if you ask me) on a sentient Motorcycle (powered by Anima Mercury. Remember that from DMC4?) that is summoned by the player character snapping their fingers (it was either that or having Dante or other player characters hijacking vehicles).
  • 4. Characters: In addition to the characters that were involved in DMC2's plot (Dante, Lucia, Matier, and, Arius), I would also want Trish and Lady to act in supporting roles (with Dante's messages from his future self telling him to get them involved) and also have some boss characters removed via being killed offscreen (especially the reviled Tateobesu). As for Nero, I'd think it would be better for him to sit that one out.

And considering that Dante's destroyed some Hellgates (such as those in Fortuna), wanting to get back to the Demon world could be one such goal (in addition to gaining power) that could make his continued presence in DMC's storyline relevant. Also considering that interdimensional travel has been shown to not be anything simple and easy (Or then at least from the Human to Demon realm. The reverse Demon to Human, based upon observing the anime, doesn't seem to be as difficult though that's assuming that some of them aren't already there in the Human world via descent from ones that have managed to remain in the Human world following Sparda's sealing off the Demon world and subsequently stay under the radar), I highly doubt that Dante would just let him harm untold number of Human lives so that he can go there.

On the other hand, if Vergil is allowed to be resurrected in the Demon world, thus precluding any trouble from him being resurrected in the Human world in the first place, perhaps a future DMC game could focus solely on the Demon world allowing an exploration of that realm and its dynamics. In this case it could be a sort of spin-off that focuses on Vergil seeking to conquer the Demon realm. Perhaps one of the regional rulers (not to be confused with the Emperor Mundus himself) will plead for Dante to prevent Vergil from taking his/her territory. Maybe it could also explore their origins (e.g. Who created them? God or setting equivalent? By Fallen Angels as sort of biological weapons in a rebellion against Heaven? Are they Fallen Angels themselves? Why do some have mostly humanoid forms (such as Sparda, Mundus, Sid, Baul and Modeus) and some come in wildly different bestial forms? Do Humanoid and Beast-type demons resent each other (a la Digimon Frontier)?

In response LegionZero, I would wish to clarify that I was not intending to condemn religion as a whole. I only intended that to be directed at fundamentalist interpretations of religion (Ex: ISIS for Islam, KKK and Westboro for Christianity to name a few). To paraphrase one individual who made this statement (On Youtube), for which is likely lost now due the video it was made in response to being taken down, religion is like a medicine, poison, and junk food all at the same time.

For the sake of staying on focused on DMC related matters, why would resurrecting Vergil be a bad thing? I can understand to some extent about the concern of it "Cheapening" his death, but I believe it can still open up plenty of possibilities for storylines in the DMC universe. Perhaps it can be done in a manner similar to Supernatural in which sure the main characters get to be resurrected, but it is only to suffer through more and more torturous, depressing crap wishing they could, to paraphrase the lyrics from Kansas' Carry on Wayward Son, just rest in peace when they're done. Maybe DMC could start adding some Supernatural, Neon Genesis Evangelion, and Metal Gear style Post-Modernist Meta Fiction elements too.

In addition, I would also have to disagree with your implications that Vergil is pure evil. Sure he's an Anti-Villain with a dark gray shade of morality but not completely blotted out darkness (keep in mind the reason he wanted to gain as much power in the first place was because he never wanted to be powerless, like he was when Eva was killed, ever again). Though some could go so far that it is not black and white at all, but more like what some may call "blue and orange morality", or an alien since of ethics that only seems evil by a Human standpoint. Whereas Dante operates under Human morality (egalitarian treatment of other others), Vergil chooses to work under the ethics of Demon morality (survival of the fittest, "Might controls everything. And without strength you cannot protect anything; let alone yourself.")

As my first Blog post, I'd like to share what I'd like to see in future games of the Devil May Cry series. They aren't in any order of preference of what I'd think would be better or not. Also, keep in mind this my personal list and if you disagree with some I have nothing against you and wish for you to respect mine and others' opinions.

  • 1. Devil May Cry 4 story explanations in DMC4:SE: This is obviously going to be the first on my, and many other fans', wish list. Particularly pertaining to how Nero is descended from Sparda and what his connection to Vergil is. Yes, I am aware that there is Deadly Fortune which has some explanations, but I'd personally prefer that they would retcon out some details such as the assumption by Fortuna's residents that Nero's mother was a Human prostitute (which in the context of the game I find to be unnecessary dark and grittiness that would better fit in something along the lines of Alan Moore's Watchmen). Instead I would have him as being the son of a female Demoness and Vergil (if one wishes to keep that implication about the latter form the DF novel) in which the former is murdered shortly after Nero's birth by Human Supremacists who believe that all Demons must be killed in which Vergil kills them in retaliation and leaves Nero to be cared for by some else until he can succeed in opening the portal to the Demon world.

Also I'd hope they would include Vergil returning to life in-canon via some sort of epilogue campaign distinct form the main Nero and Dante Missions (somewhat along the lines of the Vergil's Downfall DLC for Dmc).

  • 2. New additions for DMC4:SE: Such as new costumes for Dante (DMCs 1-3), Nero, and Vergil, an exclusive set of new missions and a boss for Dante to fight (Say such as "Clone Nero" and/or "Clone Credo" who created at some prior to the game by Agnus on Sanctus' orders so that they could be replaced in the event that Nero and Credo turn against him) as well as new unique weapons for Vergil in addition to his Yamato (such as another sword of some kind, another close range weapon of some sort, a bow and arrow and Shuriken (latter two for long range and having pros and cons in comparison to his summoned swords).
  • 3. Inter-continuity connections between the Classic continuity and DmC along the lines of Marvel's 616 and Ultimate universes and the Digimon animes: Some people are probably not going to like this, but I'd believe it make an interesting game featuring the Dantes of the Classic and DmC continuities encountering each other (perhaps in a sort of partial recycling of Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne's plot but with Dmc!Dante/Donte/DINO and his associates in the place of Demi-Fiend and his associates).
  • 4. Redoing Devil May Cry 2 (while including some of the plot of the Devil May Cry 2 novel) via "Days of Future Past" time travel plot: The sluggish controls and lower difficulty suck in DMC2 and I'm not defending those aspects, but I personally thought some of the aesthetics and atmosphere of that game was good (and bizarrely reminds me of Kouta Hirano Hellsing in a way) and would like to see it revisited in some way via a plot that has some time travel aspects.
  • 5. New Villains: More specifically some sort of new enemy that has some part in Vergil's resurrection (again IF it should happen in DMC4:SE) as part of some grander plan that will be revealed in future installments.
  • 6. New beings other than Humans, Demons, Angels and hybrids thereof: Some people may night like the idea of incorporating other races into the DMC canon, but I personally would like to see this happen so that the diversity of potential allies and enemies can be increased. A particular race of being I'd like to see in the DMC-verse is what some would call "the Fair Folk" (I'd recommend reading [here] for details) with a uniquely different relation to Humans than those of Demons and have unique reality warping wild magic that is above and beyond even the most powerful demons.
  • 7. Character endings via finishing the Bloody Palace. Using Mortal Kombat as an example, in addition to it having a story mode, there is also an arcade mode in which specific ending for characters can be unlocked. In the case of the DMC series, It could in addition to a main campaign also have unlockable Character specific endings by successfully completing the Bloody Palace mode with which can include potential ideas for future game story lines.
  • 8. Focus on Humanity's interactions with other sapient races: Granted, while this has already happened in DMC4 to some extent with the Order of the Sword, but I'd really hope the DMC series would introduce a new bigoted Human supremacist faction (along the lines of the William Stryker's Purifiers from the X-men comics and the Quarrymen as portrayed in the SLG produced Gargoyles comics) who seek to commit a genocidal campaign against all Demons, part-demons, and their Human friends and family. We've seen the nature of demon's examined throughout the series in a Roussean light, why not invert it so that we get to see what Human beings are like and show that, to paraphrase Lady's monologue at the end of DMC3, Humans can be as evil any devil?
  • 9. Including characters who debuted in other media (DMC3 manga, the Animated series, and DMC2 novel): While they are canon (until they get overrided by other games such as the case of DMC3 retconing out the DMC1 novel from canon) but I'd like for some of them to get to make appearances in the actual games in some way. I'd particularly like to see Morrison and Beryl, and maybe even Patty Lowell, be in later games.

ten things I'd like to see in future DMC games 1. DMC 4 story (Vergil returning to life in-canon, new costumes for Dante, Nero, and Vergil, etc.) 2. New Weapons and styles for Vergil (Bow+ Arrow, shuriken, another sword, other close range weapon) 3. Inter-continuity connections between classic and DmC along the lines of Marvel-616 and Ultimate and Digimon animes 4. New boss character for Dante in DMC 4 (clone-Credo) 5. New villain(s) (who has a role in bringing Vergil back to life) 6. New beings other than Humans, Demons, and Angels, (the Fair Folk, Pagan Gods, Lovecratian creatures) 7. retelling DMC2's story via Days of Future Past style time travel. 8. Incorporating characters from other media (DMC3 manga, DMC2 novel, anime) 9. Bloody Palace character specific endings 10. Human mooks to fight.

"Kids who don’t have fathers, parents without education who aren’t able to give their kids the opportunities they deserve, that’s the decline in America that people need to talk about,” Stephanie Petelos told the News. “Those are the social issues in this country that are hurting us. Not two people who love each other and are trying to build a life together. That’s not going to ruin America.”

Sly 5

  • Future wanted visits:
    • Returns: Russia, Egypt
    • New: Ethiopia, Turkey, Greece, South American (Brazil/Argentina/Colombia), Monaco, Thailand, Germany, Finland
    • Fantastical: Atlantis/underwater
Kentucky's 4th congressional district election, 2012
← 2010 November 7, 2012 (2012-11-07) 2014 →
Nominee Thomas Massie
Party Republican Democratic
Percentage % %

Representative before election

Geoff Davis

Elected Representative

Thomas Massie

The 2012 United States House of Representatives elections in Kentucky's 4th congressional district was held on November 7, 2012 to select the successor to Geoff (R) who resigned .


Election results

Republican primary results[1]
Party Candidate Votes %
Republican John Sullivan 19,018 45.53
Republican Cathy Keating 12,737 30.49
Republican Scott Pruitt 9,513 22.77
Republican George Banasky 296 .71
Republican Evelyn Rogers 210 .5
Total votes 41,774 100.00
Democratic primary results[2]
Party Candidate Votes %
Democratic Doug Dodd 12,516 88.77
Democratic James Lamkin 1,584 11.23
Total votes 14,100 100.00
Oklahoma's 1st congressional district special election, 2002[3]
Party Candidate Votes %
Republican John Sullivan 61,694 53.79
Democratic Doug Dodd 50.850 44.34
Libertarian Neil Mavis 1,758 1.53
Independent David Fares 388 .34
Total votes 114,690 100.00
Republican hold






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  • No personal examples ("my neighbor Bob is a complete monster"). Attacks against other users is disallowed.
  • Must include sources to support your argument from journalististic sources, academia, etc.
  • Rogue editing (not going through board of editors and review) is disallowed. Also must include your username in posts. (e.g. Bob2000)
  • Failure to adhere to the aforementioned rules will result in expulsion.


  • Capcom (36)
    • Original characters (2): Ingrid, Captain Commando
    • Street Fighter (9): Ryu, Ken Masters, Chun-Li, Alex, Juri Han, Akuma, Rashid, Menat, G
    • Final Fight (1): Mike Haggar
    • Mega-Man (2): Mega-Man, Zero
    • Resident Evil (4): Chris Redfield, Jill Valentine, Nemesis,Albert Wesker
    • Devil May Cry (3): Dante, Nero, Vergil
    • Darkstalkers (4): Morrigan Aensland, Hsien-Ko, Felicia, Demitri Maximoff
    • Ghost n' Goblins (2): Arthur, Firebrand
    • Okami (Amaterasu)
    • Sengoku Basara (2): Sanada Yukimura, Date Masamune
    • Strider Hiryu
    • Viewtiful Joe
    • Ace Attorney: Phoenix Wright
    • Monster Hunter
    • SonSon (from MVC2)
    • Power Stone: Edward Falcon
  • WB (38)
    • Looney Tunes (4): Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Porky Pig, Gossamer
    • DC Comics (6): Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Lex Luthor, Joker, Rorschach (Watchmen)
    • Cartoon Network (7): Blossom, Bubbles, Buttercup, Samurai Jack, Ben Tennyson, Finn & Jake (as single unit), Freakazoid,
    • Hanna-Barbera Original creations (7): Shaggy Rogers, Scooby-Doo, Fred Flintstone, T-Bone, Razor (SWAT Kats) Space Ghost (Composite of 60s cartoon and SGCTC), Birdman (Composite of 60s cartoon and HBAAL)
    • Mortal Kombat (3): Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Raiden,
    • Other (11): Juliet Starling (Lollipop Chainsaw), Alma Wade (F.E.A.R.), "The Kid" (Bastion (video game)), Neo (The Matrix), Maxwell (Scribblenauts), Harry Callahan (Dirty Harry), Perseus (Clash of the Titans), Freddy Krueger (Nightmare on Elm Street), Dom Cobb (Inception), Max Rockatansky, Tom (Toonami)


  • Capcom (51)
    • Original characters: Ingrid, Captain Commando
    • Street Fighter + Final Fight (19): Ryu, Ken Masters, Sagat, Chun-Li, Guile, Cammy White, Dan Hibiki, Sakura Kasugano, Alex, Elena, Dudley, Ibuki, Remy, Crimson Viper, Juri Han, Cody Travers, Guy, Rolento Schugerg, Akuma
    • Mega-Man (5): Mega-Man, Roll, Protoman, Zero, Bass
    • Resident Evil (7): Chris Redfield, Jill Valentine, Leon Kennedy, Rebecca Chambers, Nemesis, Jack Krauser, Albert Wesker
    • Devil May Cry (4): Dante, Nero, Trish, Vergil
    • Darkstalkers (6): Morrigan Aensland, Hsien-Ko, Felicia, Jon Talbain, Demitri Maximoff, B.B. Hood
    • Ghost n' Goblins (2): Arthur, Firebrand
    • Okami (Amaterasu)
    • Sengoku Basara (2): Sanada Yukimura, Date Masamune
    • Strider Hiryu
    • Viewtiful Joe
    • Ace Attorney: Phoenix Wright
  • SNK (51)
    • Original characters: Yuki, Ai
    • Fatal Fury + Art of Fighting (14): Terry Bogard, Andy Bogard, Joe Higashi, Kim Kaphwan, Mai Shiranui, Blue Mary, Rock Howard, Ryo Sakazaki, Robert Garcia, Yuri Sakazaki, King, Takuma Sakazaki, Billy Kane, Geese Howard
    • King of Fighters (15): Kyo Kusanagi, Benimaru Nikaido, Iori Yagami, Chizuru Kagura, K', Kula Diamond, Leona Heidern, Ash Crimson, Alba Meira, Luise Meyrink, Nameless, Angel, Krizalid, Kyo Clones, Rugal Bernstein
    • Athena/Psycho Soldiers (3): Princess Athena, Athena Asamiya, Sie Kensou
    • Ikari Warriors (2): Ralf Jones, Clark Still
    • Metal Slug (3): Marco Rossi, Fiolina Germi, Mars People
    • Samurai Shodown (8): Haohmaru, Nakoruru, Hanzo Hattori, Genjuro Kibagami, Galford D. Weiler, Charlotte Christine de Colde, Shiki, Yoshitora Tokugawa
    • The Last Blade (3): Kaede, Moriya Minakata, Hibiki Takane
    • Buriki one: Gai Tendo

PSASBR wishlist


Ape Escape

  • Spector


  • Kessler

Jak and Daxter

  • Kiera
  • Sig
  • Ashelin
  • Errol


  • Tomas "Sev" Sevchenko
  • Jan Templar


  • Zarok

PaRappa the Rapper

  • Chop Chop Master Onion

Ratchet and Clank

  • Quark
  • Dr. Nefarious
  • Talwyn Apogee
  • The Plumber


  • Chimera soldier

Sly Cooper

  • Murray
  • Bentley
  • Carmelita

Syphon Filter

  • Gabe Logan
  • Lian Xing
  • Mara Aramov

Twisted Metal

  • Calyspo

White Knight Chronicles

  • Wisel the white Knight w/Leonard
  • Adolmaea, the Sun King w/Grazel

Wild Arms

  • Rudy Roughnight

Third-party characters

  • Crash Bandicoot and Spyro* (Activision)
  • Ray man (Ubisoft)
  • Cloud Strife, Tifa Lockhart, Sephiroth, (FFVII) and/or Lightning (FFXIII) (by Square Enix)
  • Sora, Riku (Kingdom Hearts)
  • Shadow the Hedgehog, Selvaria Bles, or Kazuma Kiryu (Sonic the Hedgehog, Valkyria Chronicles, and Yakuza series by Sega)
  • Solid Snake, Ocelot (Metal Gear series by Konami)
  • Jin Kazama or Kazuya Mishima (Tekken by Namco), Klonoa, Richard Miller (Time Crisis), Tsukasa (.Hack) or KOS-MOS (Xenosaga) (all by Namco)
  • Eiji Shinjo, Kayin Amoh, Sofia (Battle Arena Toshinden by Tamsoft)
  • Ico and The Wanderer and final Colossus (Shadow of the Colossus) (by Team Ico)
  • Dart (Legend of Dragoon)
  • Abe (Oddworld)
  • Aya Brea (Parasite Eve by Square Enix)
  • Laharl, Etna (Disgaea by N.I.S.)
  • Dante, Vergil (Devil May Cry by Capcom)
  • Nine Ball (Armored Core by From Software)

KOF Teams Table

Teams KOF '94 KOF '95 KOF '96 KOF '97 KOF '98 KOF '99 KOF 2000 KOF 2001 KOF 2002 KOF 2002 UM KOF 2003 XI XIII XIV
Agent Team Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Present Present Non-Participating Present Non-Participating No
American Sports Team Present Non-Participating Non-Participating Non-Participating Present Non-Participating Non-Participating Non-Participating Non-Participating Non-Participating Non-Participating Non-Participating Non-Participating No
Another World Team No No No No No No No No No No No No No Present
Anti-Kyokugenryu/Anti-AOF Team Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Present Non-Participating No
Team Blanctorche Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Present Present No
China Team No No No No No No No No No No No No No Present
Team Crimson Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Present Present Non-Existant No
Fatal Fury Team Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present
Garou Team Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Present Non-Participating No
High School Girls/Pretty Girl Team No No No No No No No No No Present Present No No No
Team Ikari Warriors Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present No
Team Jhun Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Present Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant No
Team K' Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present
Team Kim Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Non-Participating Present Present
Team Kusanagi/Japan Team Present Present Present Present Present Non-Participating Present* Present Present Present Non-Participating Non-Participating Present Present
Kyo Clone Team Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Present Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant No
Kyo+Iori Alliance/Sacred Treasures Team Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Present** Present Non-Participating No
Team Kyokugenryu/AOF Team Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present
Mexico Team No No No No No No No No No No No No No Present
N.E.S.T.S. Team Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Present* Present Present Present Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant No
Team Nikaido/Japan Team Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Present Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Present Non-Participating Non-Participating No
Official Invitation Team XIV No No No No No No No No No No No No No Present
Orochi Team Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Present Present Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Present Present Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant No
Oyaji/Masters Team Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Present Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Present Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant No
Pyscho Soldiers Team Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Non-Participating Present Present Present
South America Team No No No No No No No No No No No No No Present
South Town Team No No No No No No No No No No No No No Present
Special '97/Outlaw Team Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Present Present Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Present Present Present Non-Existant Non-Existant No
Terrible Trio Team Non-Existant Non-Existant Present Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant No
Villain Team No No No No No No No No No No No No No Present
Women's Team Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Non-Participating Present Present
Team Yagami Non-Existant Present Present Non-Existant Present Non-Existant Present* Present Present Present Non-Existant Non-Existant Present Present
Team Zero Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Present* Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant Non-Existant No

MK11 hopeful returning characters

  • MK1: Liu Kang, Johnny Cage, Kano, Raiden, Scorpion, Sonya Blade, Goro, Reptile
  • MKII: Jax Briggs, Kuai Liang, Kitana, Kung Lao, Kintaro, Jade, Noob Saibot, Smoke
  • MK3: Cyrax, Kabal, Nightwolf, Sindel, Sheeva, Kurtis Stryker, Ermac, Rain, Khameleon
  • MKMSZ: Fujin, Sareena
  • MK4: Jarek, Kai, Reiko, Tanya
  • MKSF: Tremor
  • MKDA: Blaze (unlockable), Frost, Kenshi Takashi, Li Mei, Nitara
  • MK-Deception: Kira, Kobra, Shujinko, Ashrah, Hotaru, Havik, Onaga (Final Boss?)
  • MK-Armageddon: Daegon (unlockable)
  • MK9: Skarlet (as Big Bad and/or Final Boss?)
  • MKX: Cassie Cage, Jacqui Briggs, Takeda, Jin, D'Vorah, Erron Black, Ferra/Torr, Kotal Kahn

Character revamping ideas

  • Chameleon: A very boring character who lacks any sort of personality or goals aside from being the victor of a tournament, my recommendation for making him a better character would be by way of retcon making him one of the Red Dragon Clan's Dragon-Human hybrid experiments (and a loyal servant of Daegon) and make him into MK's equivalent of the Dragonball villain Cell and Young Justice's portrayal of Black Beetle.
  • Jarek:
  • Meat: The way I'd seek to improve him would be to make him as being a serial killer who murders others so he can take his victims' skin. And on Anonymous user's idea for making Meat a main villain, I have to agree with Dynamo68 in saying that it is a bad idea.
  • Fujin*:
  • Drahmin:
  • Frost*: While I note that see isn't completely despised and does have a loyal character fan base (myself included), but it is also something that most be acknowledged that she also has plenty of detractors. The way I'd choose to revamp her would be her being something along the lines of Devil May Cry's Vergil in that her reason for wanting to have power, rather than for more clichéd villainous reasons, is from having to endure a rough life of being powerless before various enemies in her past. I'd also like for her relationship with Cassie to be developed in later games as both rivals and reluctant allies. I'd also hope that a latter game would include some more details about the Cyromancer race or at the very least include whatever part of Outworld they originate from to be a stage.
  • Mavado*: While like Frost, he isn't totally hated and yes I know that he was shown to be killed by Cassie and Jacqui in the comics, but I'd like to discuss him anyway. If he were to appear in a sequel, I'd have him being saved by being used as a test subject for the Red Dragon's hybrid experiments though still human looking and with some stitches about his body. I'd also suggest that while he could still have hookswords for a variation, that they should be implemented in such a way so as operate differently from Kabal's play style. Another variation would add a fire based attacks ("El Pyro Loko" maybe as a name for it).
  • Mokap: Yes I'm really going to discuss a way to improve Mokap's standing. In his Armageddon ending, he managed to avert the destruction of the realms and was made into a constellation. The way I'd want to recreate him would be as a Human being who gets turned into a cosmic star themed being (making him a mostly transparent black being with some stars about his figure), something akin to Watchmen's Mr. Manhattan.
  • Dairou: I'd have him as being still in the Seidan Guard (at the start of story anyway), but also someone who is something of a Byronic hero who doesn't always follow his superiors orders ("WELL F*** YOUR ORDERS! I wasn't going to leave a fellow soldier behind to be killed by those B******s!").
  • Hotaru: I've discussed how I'd like to revamp him in another forum, so I'll just summarize it quickly. I'd make him a sympathetic character whose reason for wanting order and justice by any and all means stems from losing his parents via a violent act of murder. I'd also chose to have him as having a wife and child who he would be protective of.
  • Daegon: I'd choose to recreate him as being a visionary villain (along the lines of the Young Justice cartoon's portrayal of Vandal Savage) in contrast to the boring bland antagonist he was in Armageddon who lacked any other goals or insights for why he became the person he is.

Dream Future Guest characters


Fu-istic archetype

  • Anime/Manga: Bradley (FMA), "The Dictator" (DBZ movie 12),
  • Comics: Darkseid (DC comics),
  • Film: Adam Susan/Adam Sutler (V for Vendetta film),
  • Literature: Big Brother (1984), Saruman (LOTR; Averted, but coincidental),
  • Videogame: Perceval Tachyon (Ratchet and Clank)
  • Western Animation: Phaeton (Exo-squad), "Ersatz Hitler" (CPATP), Megabyte (reboot)

This is a list of notable Republicans who have announced their opposition to the election of Donald Trump, the 2016 Republican Party nominee, as the President of the United States. It also includes former Republicans who oppose Trump's campaign and who left the Republican Party during the 2016 presidential election. It does not include Republicans who opposed Trump during the primaries but have not announced opposition to Trump as the nominee.

AC: RealLife

  • In the weeks leading up to the Rwandan Genocide of 1994 of Tutsis by Hutus, talk radio was fanning the growing hate by referring to Tutsis as "inyenzi", or "cockroaches" in the local language. This was also shown in the movie Film/HotelRwanda which was based on events surrounding the massacre.
  • Jews and Gypsies were often referred to as "vermin" in various Nazi German propaganda. People of Slavic origin were considered "fit only for extermination or enslavement" by Nazi racial standards.
  • In Japanese culture, questioning someone's humanity or their right to be treated as a person seems like a recurring theme.
    • Taken UpToEleven in UsefulNotes/WorldWar2, where Imperial Japanese propaganda would depict POWs, Chinese, Koreans, and other non-Japanese people and cultures as subhuman.
  • The military often preaches to their troops that their enemies are less than human, to lessen the emotional impact of slaughtering them. Often times there's also the unintentional invocations of this, where soldiers don't shoot at their enemies because they're not human, but only because they're told to shoot at their designated targets. This has varying degrees of success.
  • In the modern world one of the reasons for Universal Human Rights legislation is to counter this mentality. People who get riled up when certain less than popular groups such as terrorists or sex offenders are protected under these laws are failing to understand the purpose of them - it's to prevent the "slippery slope" effect that if you say this group of people aren't worthy of human rights then PrecedentExcuse there's nothing to stop you saying that that group aren't either and neither are that group over there and... etc. etc. so the laws apply universally.
  • Many slave owners - past and present - often dehumanize their slaves to remove the guilt of abusing them.


The Tarch (Тарч in Cyrillic)was a particular type of plaque (shield) in use in the armed forces of medieval and Renaissance Russia (the name, in German is Russische Targe - it. "Russian License Plate"). Instead of theumbone,this shield featured an outward-facing vambrace equipped with a plug-in for a putty blade. He was therefore both a weapon of defence and a weapon of offense.

History The introduction of firearms in the 15th centurydisused the shield as a useful instrument of passive defense. By contrast, since the 14thcentury, europe's increasingly refined schools of traditional fencing had revived an active use of small shields (e.g. brocchiero)combined with swords whose offensive vocation began to be the tip shots and no longer cutting and whose defensive apparatus, the "guard", sought to guarantee more and more protection in the hand not protected by the armor of civil users(sword on the side).

The resulting tactical response to all these needs was the development of particular " hybrid "weapons,shield part and sword part:

the "Russian License Plate"; and the Italian Lantern Shield. In the lands gravitating around the Grand Duchy of Musscovia,affected, such as the districts of the Middle East,by the survival of "light" forms of armor(knitted crush, mixed knitted usbergo and metallic foil, etc.) while in Western Europe they now depopulated the heavy armor of the Burgundian cavalry first (15th century) and then (16thcentury),the use of "armed" shields, when less in defense operations (reduced, wall curtains, bridges, etc.), had wide use.

Construction A very special weapon, the tarch consisted of:

a shield of the targa type entirely made ofsteel, covered, internally, with fabric and padding; a vambrace,parting from the central body of the plaque, at the point where the umbone should havebeen. From the vambrace, complete with a light knob to protect the back of his hand and fingers, he developed a stocco or dagger blade secured to a graft. Like the plaque, the vambrace was also padded and covered with cloth. The suspension system of the tarch consisted of a real harness of rope or trimming that wrapped the shoulders and belly of the user. The hand, tucked into the vambrace, was usually protected by an iron mesh glove. A slit, close to the edge of the upper license plate compared to the vambrace, allowed the user to keep the tarch pointed in front of him, the blade stretched like a pike,maintaining eye contact with the opponent.

A weapon of defence and offense, the "Russian Plaque" finds as its only equivalent, in the panoplies of other cultures, the Lantern Shield of the Italian Renaissance. The Pata ofIndia is another weapon quite similar to the tarch,it consists of a sword grafted into a knob arm glove covering a large part of the swordsman's forearm, but it is, in this case, a weapon of offense capable of guaranteeing greater protection to the user, not a hybrid between an attack weapon and a real defensive instrument.

The defense of Smolensk from the Polish siege (see Siege of Smolensk (1609–1611)- Boris Chorikov.

Warrior armed with tarch and topor with the Moscow Kremlin in the background (ca. 17th century) - ill. by Aleksandr Viskovatov.

Notes ^ Nicolle, David (1983), Armies of the Ottoman Turks 1300-1774,Oxford, Osprey Publishing, ISBN 0-85045-511-1,p. () : the Spahi, the elite heavy cavalry of the Ottoman Turks,used ironmesh armor, reinforced by small metal plate components, still in the 17th century. Bibliography Sources Viskovatov, Alexander Vasilevich (1841), Историческое описание одежды и вооружения российских войск, с рисунками, составленное по высочайшему повелениς: Ч. 1. Studies Miller, Y. (1982), Russian Arms and Armour, Leningrad, Aurora Art Publishers. Shpakovsky, V. (2002), Medieval Russian Army 1250-1500,Oxford, Osprey Publishing, ISBN 1-84176-234-2.

External Links Historisches Gemälde eines Ritters mit der russischen Targe bei Mike Monaco (JPG),on URL accessed May 4, 2019 (archived fromthe original url on June 20, 2019).


The Russian Targe is an early modern shield as well as a defensive and offensive weapon from Russia.

description The Russian Targe is a round shield with a centrally mounted armored sleeve instead of a shield hump. The wearer can stick his arm through the sleeve, which completely re-armors the forearm. The hand is protected only on the top by a movable plate. Usually, the wearer additionally protects his hand with a chain glove. On the top of the arm there is a holder for holding a dagger or short sword blade. This blade was used for sudden shocks during combat, with the shield used for simultaneous blocking. Near the edge is cut out a small window, which serves the observation of the opponent. A fitting around the edge of the shield gives it more stability. In addition, it is reinforced by a cross-shaped fitting on the outer shield.

As a rule, the Russian targe is made of steel. The inside is knocked out with fabric to soften enemy blows. Several cords and a handhold serve as a shield for holding in normal use. [1]

Similar shields are the Italian Fencing Shield and the Lantern Shield.

web links

Commons: Russian Targe – Collection of Images, Videos and Audio Files

References Imperial Russian Archaeological Society: Drevnosti Rossijskogo Gosudarstva. (Antiquities of the Russian state) Collaboration A.A. Belintseva, E.S. Davidova, S.Y Savrazhin. Verlag Weisse Stadt (Belyi Gorod), Moskau, Veröffentlicht 1843 bis 1853, (Nachdruck: Izdat. Belyj Gorod, Moscow 2007, ISBN 978-5-7793-1250-9)


Tarch,also a stick (Polish. tarcz,from old-fashioned targa - shield; the shield of the 16thand17th centuries,equipped with a handcuff and a blade. He is known for a single copy stored in the Armory. Previously, such a shield was considered common in the territory of the Russian kingdom,but modern scientists question this.

Description Shield from the Armory is interesting wrist - an iron sleeve, put on the left hand. A narrow sword-type blade was attached to the front end of the sleeve. The shield is large enough, so the top has a hole or window of complex shape to improve the view. It has a very large weight - about8kg, so it is equipped with straps for fastening to the torso to remove the load from the warrior's hand.

The closest analogies of tarchu are the so-called trench rondashes,which had limited distribution in Western Europe in the 16th and 17th centuries; however, in them the handcuff lay in the plane of the shield, and was not perpendicular to it. [2]

Origin and prevalence The assembly of the Armory is first mentioned in the 1687inventory. A. F. Weltman in "The Antiquities of the Russian State" claims that the shield belonged to the German lat weapons. It is noted that in the articles 1591 mentions the sending by King Sigismund horses, to the shodls of which were attached tarchi. However, according to S. P. Orlenko, in this case, the blades were named as a censary.

According to Viskovatov,the tarch was used only in the defense of fortresses, as it was extremely inconvenient for the fieldcombat. Von Winkleralso held this view, noting its extremerarity.

According to Orlenko, the tarch from the Armory is a single (experimental) sample of weapons, possibly produced by someone from the Western European masters who worked in the Armory in 1656-1660. Nevertheless, Russian artists of the 19th century liked to depict this shield, illustrating episodes of the military history of the Russian kingdom.

Notes 60. Tark // Historical description of the clothing and armament of Russian troops, with drawings compiled by the highest command: in 30 t., in 60 kn. / Under the ed. A.V. Viskovatov. T. 1. S.P. Orlenko. TARCH FROM THE WORLD. HISTORY AND LEGENDS : War and Weapons New Research and Materials Works of the Fourth International Scientific and Practical Conference : collection. — 2013. T. 3. S. 378-390. — ISBN 975-5-7937-0905-3.

A.F.Weltman. M.: Alexander Semyon's printing house, 1853. T. 3. S. XV-XVI, 67-68.

description of the clothing and armament of Russian troops, with drawings, compiled by the highest command / Under the ed. A.V. Viskovatov. - T. I. - S. 58. - St. Petersburg: Military printing house at the General Staff Building, 1841-1862. P. von Winkler. Chapter 16. Russian Weapons / Weapon. Guide to the history, description and image of the weapon from the ancient times to the early 19th century.. - St. Petersburg: Type. Ephron, 1894. - 399 s. B.A. "Scenic Karamzin, or Russian History in Pictures," 1836 99. Ratnik in zersal and husk, with an axe and a tarch, against the background of the Moscow Kremlin of the 17th century // Historical description of the clothes and armaments of Russian troops, with drawings, compiled by the highest command: in 30 tons, in 60 kn. / Under ed. A. V. Viskovatov. T. 1. Links Логотип Викисклада There are media files on the topic of Tarch with a handcuff on the Commons Tarch / Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Ephron: in 86 t. (82 t. and 4 additional). St. Petersburg,1890-1907.